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How Can I Start An Internet Business With No Technical Skills?

Submitted by Writer's Cramp Syndications | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

It’s easy for him, hr knows about websites. It’s ok for her, she understands HTML.

I know how you feel, I felt the same way and yes I have a technical and programming development so I learnt what I needed to but what if you can’t or don’t want too?

That was a question that I had been thinking about for some time. You see, many years ago I used to help people to help themselves, it was probably the most satisfying work I have ever done.

With that in mind I have been wondering if I could help some other people or point them in the right direction at least.

Knowing what I do about running an online business, I sat down and wrote down some criteria that the right solution should meet. Any online business for a coding “virgin”, if you will excuse the term, must:-

1. Provide a complete website.
2. Be able to offer services to absolute beginners and experts alike.
3. Be affordable.
4. Have clear instructions and/or training and preferably be fully automated .
5. Offer solutions that people outside of marketing would desire.

That seems like a tall order, but I believed I could find a solution, if I didn’t then I would create one.

What really surprised me when I looked was that the solutions were there right in front of me and what surprised me more was that I had seen these solutions and ignored them because I had seen them so often before!

How dumb is that? If you keep seeing the same product being offered month after month, year after year, then it probably works. Why? Because nobody is going to spend good money advertising a lemon are they? Of course not.

Here’s one of the solutions I found and what it has to offer, remember the list above?

1. Provides an extensive website for any Internet virgin.
2. If you have no idea about HTML code and no experience then this is the cheapest, most complete, professional solution you will find.
3. The cost is ongoing, that is to say that you pay monthly, but you do with all websites. The cost is about the same as I spend on running 3 cheap websites, but I have the experience.
4. This is the most amazing thing, you have a full support team, online video’s and real people to talk to on the phone and fully automated content and customer tracking.
5. You can have a site offering products and services provided by the people who perform all the website maintenance for you, or, you can have your own products and services and market them through the site.

Looks like a winner! It is, believe me, it is.

I have seen the website for this site so many times that after reading it years ago, (and dismissing it because I though I knew better), I only read it again this year.

Having read it again and again, I looked at the price and got my payment card out right away. I haven’t looked back since.

So, I guess you would like to know what I found. Well, I was so impressed that I added this particular package to a new site area I had created on my first website.

Aimed at helping people get started in business, I recommend that you visit the products page at http://homebiz.e-readit.co.uk/products.html and have a close look at “An Internet Business right out of the box”

I’m sure that you will be thrilled when you look at what is available. I know how excited I am about this amazing opportunity.


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