When it comes to article marketing, were all searching for that perfect headline. It has to be something catchy. You want it to be unique. You want it to leave people wanting to read your article. After all, what good does your article do if people dont pass it on with that almighty link attached at the bottom?
Im constantly trying to come up with new and exciting takes on my areas of expertise, as well as, new headlines to get my articles passed along. Im always observing. I watch the headlines on the news, in the paper, and on the homepages of MSN and Yahoo. Then, I examine the ones that really catch my interest.
Personally, I also feel the need to watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and such informative programs as Best Week Ever on VH1. I watch these solely for creative business ideas, really!
Well, maybe not solely for business! I have to admit I do have a bit of pop culture addiction. But, in my defense, you can learn a lot from pop culture.
Snakes on a Plane.
Have you ever heard something that draws you in more? Its absolutely brilliant. Theyve done next to no marketing for this film. All we really have is Snakes on a Plane and Sam Jackson. Yet, here we have this huge cult hit even before its been released. Seriously, if you havent heard of this movie, trust me, you will soon!
I first saw a brief bit about this movie on Best Week Ever a few weeks ago, and now, its everywhere I turn on the internet.
So, what does this really have anything to do with article marketing or am I simply trying to get something with Snakes on a Plane attached to my links? Simply, the answer is both!
You have to realize that finding pop culture analogies to business principles you write about can boost your links enormously! People want to re-print and link to stories that catch their attention because those are the same stories that will get more traffic to their sites in return.
Now, Im not advocating writing articles that have absolutely no content value or that are not helpful in some way to readers. Again, trust me, I run an article directory, and I cant tell you how sick of the same keyword-saturated articles on acne, affiliate programs and whatever other keywords or money-making schemes are hot today.
The key is that youve got to actually take the time to find the analogies. Find how you can relate TomKats baby to your site
well, maybe thats not an easy example, but you get my drift! You can churn out articles by the hundred that will get published across the net, but you wont get the respect of the article directories, the higher page-ranked sites and most importantly potential clients/link-clickers if you arent putting out quality material.
Whether its Snakes on a Plane or TomKitten, whatever you want to use, be creative and take the time to write quality articles. In the long run, if you have to choose between having 1,000 blah articles out there with your name and links attached or 100 awesome, catchy articles out there that people are passing on and referring to others, youll want to have the 100 best on the net.
So, heres your assignment, turn off CNN for a moment and put away your Wall Street Journal. You might just find that a few moments of Comedy Central or People magazine might be increasing your bottom line! If you still don't believe me, look what you've spent the last few moments doing. You've just read this entire article. Thanks "Snakes on a Plane!"
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