Before obtaining your web site you'll need to have and register a domain name for your site. Now a domain name is nothing more than the web address that potential clients and customers will use to locate your site. This is also called the URL of the website. This is what you and your customers will type into their internet browsers top window in order to go to a specific website.
Your web sites theme should be built around you domain name. So taking care to chose the right domain name is very important. You'll want your domain name to say something that describes the content or theme of your site. This can't be stressed enough.
The availability of your domain may take some trial and error. Since there are so many sites coming online every day, it stands to reason that your first choice, in all probability, will not be available. It may take many variations of your domain name of choice before you find one that is available.
However, there are services available in the internet that offers domain name search. These websites will search for similar domain names and tell you if the domain name you chose is unique or if it is unavailable before you register it.
When creating a website, thinking of a domain name for your website is the first thing you have to do. The next step would be finding out if your domain name is taken or if it is available. It can be very frustrating to find out that your chosen domain name is already being used and is unavailable. This is why it is recommended that you should think of several potential domain names for your website and try them out one by one.
To check for your domain name availability, there are websites that offer domain name search. These services usually come from websites that offer domain name registration. Your domain name can also be the same as other domain names, provided that the extension is different. An example of a domain name extension is the .com. Today, there are different kinds of domain name extension. Here are some examples:
Any and All of these extensions may be used for your upcoming website. If at all possible, try and stick with the .com extension.It is the most widely used and if you or a potential visitor forgets the extention. Your machine, will by default, resolve to the .com extension.
As I said before, the process of chosing your domain name may take a bit of time since there are thousands of new domains coming online every day. All needing and looking for a domain name. You'll be amazed at just how many variations of your particular domain will come back as unavailable. Don't give up. You'll eventually get the one you want.
Once you chose an available domain name for your website, the next step would be registering it. This can be done right from the source of search. If not there are numerous domain registration websites that offer this service. Domain name registration websites usually charges a fee for their domain name registration services. These websites differ in prices for domain name registration services; it is up to you to choose what domain name registration website you want to use. My choice would be or Both have specials that offer your first years registration fee for cheap. Only to revert back to the regular $8.99 per year for the 2nd and 3rd years.
After registering your domain name, you will now be ready to create your website. Always remember that before creating a website, you will first need a domain name in order for you to put the contents of your website on the internet.
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