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How Much Do You Know About China? - Take a Test

Submitted by Grace Etsuko Lee | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

This week I would like to write about international relationships, mainly China. It’s hard enough to have a relationship even when you share the same language and customs. Learning other cultures and understanding their customs is vital in international business relationships. What it really comes down to is the Universal Code of Conduct – character and integrity.

Those qualities are a universal language and it’s understood globally. You don’t even have to speak the same language. Proper etiquette, character and integrity speak volumes in your actions. You can’t teach integrity but learning our own Western social graces helps bring that quality to the surface and learning other cultures’ social graces makes you more understanding and less judgmental. It is also important to remember that doing business with the government or doing business with individuals are two very different situations. I found that when I did business with individuals and their companies in Japan and China the best results were achieved based on nurturing relationships.

I would like for you to take a test and see how much you know about China, the country that has emerged from it’s sleep and is challenging us in our own international economic game. Knowing how the Chinese think and understanding their customs is essential to the start of a good relationship.

There might be more than one answer that is correct. The answers are listed at the end of the questions along with some comments on the answers. Let me know how you did.

Questions and answers on China:

1. Chinese greet by:
a. Bowing from the waist
b. Nod or bow slightly
c. By pressing both palms together in front of their chest
d. None of the above

2. When you are a guest to a meeting:
a. Be on time or a little early
b. Be at least 10 minutes later than the set meeting time because they are usually late.
c. Never be there before the host
d. None of the above

3. If you are a guest at a dinner:
a. Always eat everything on your plate
b. Never begin to eat or drink before your host does
c. Always leave something on your plate when you are finished with your meal
d. None of the above

4. What is rude to do in China:
a. Crossing your legs
b. Sticking your chopsticks straight up in your rice bowl
c. Offering your cigarettes to ladies
d. All of the above

5. If you are greeted with applause at a factory you are visiting:
a. Bow many times to everyone
b. Wave with both arms to everyone
c. Applaud back
d. None of the above

6. When doing business with the Chinese:
a. A younger person always shows deference to the elder person
b. Always take extra cash as gifts
c. The oldest person in your group should always leave or enter the room first
d. When entering a business meeting, the highest-ranking member of your group should lead the way.
e. Expect to visit China many times to establish a relationship
f. All of the above

7. Chinese has the oldest recorded history:
a. 10,000 years
b. 6,000 years
c. 4,000 years
d. None of the above

8. The official language in China is:
a. Mandarin
b. Cantonese
c. Kejia
d. Shanghai-nese

9. Which city is the capital of China for over 800 years:
a. Hong Kong
b. Beijing
c. Peking
d. Shanghai

10. Chinese negotiation style:
a. They are able to make a decision right away
b. They might try to renegotiate everything on the last day of your visit
c. Let the Chinese leave first at the end of the meeting
d. They might try to renegotiate even after they signed the contract
e. None of the above

11. Chinese wives:
a. Do not take their husband’s surnames
b. They use their maiden name as their middle name and use their husband’s surname
c. Do take their husband’s surnames
d. None of the above

12. Chinese:
a. Talk with their hands
b. Do not like to be touched by people they don’t know.
c. Use open hand rather than point with one finger
d. All of the above

13. If you go to China for business you will probably be invited to a banquet:
a. Always reciprocate by giving a better banquet
b. Fruits indicate the end of the meals
c. Always reciprocate by giving a banquet that matches what they did for you
d. Eat lightly from the beginning because there could be more than 15 courses served

14. Gift etiquette:
a. When giving a gift always use both hands.
b. When receiving a gift always open it in the presence of the giver.
c. The best gifts to bring are liquor
d. The best gifts to bring are food
e. Don’t use red and pink to wrap gifts for males
f. Give gifts after the business has been concluded.

There are 24 correct answers.
If you get all 24 correct you are an expert on China.
If you get at least 12 right you probably won’t get into too much trouble in China.
If you get less than 6 right you need help with your social graces when it comes to China. Don’t go until you do a whole lot more studying or you will make all kinds of social graces mistakes and be less effective.

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Answers - How Much Do You Know About China? Take a Test - There are 24 correct answers. If you get all 24 correct you are an expert on China. If you get at ...