
Sanco Services' Investment Management Fee Schedule |
Submitted by Steve Selengut
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Sanco Services' Fee Schedule (below) includes Investment Management Fees Only. Clients may have some options with respect to how commissions are handled --- either by transaction or (if eligible) through a flat annual fee. Fees are normally deducted directly from the investment account.
The Portfolio Size figure includes all of the accounts in a Management Relationship --- YES, you and your relatives.
The Management Fee Schedule is based on Sanco's standard operating procedures and brokerage relationship. Special arrangements that increase the paperwork and/or reduce operating efficiencies are not in the best interest of clients and will only be considered under exceptional circumstances --- and at a much higher fee.
Sanco client accounts will be managed through a full service brokerage firm which has become expert in the management style, concepts, and investment strategies employed by Sanco Services. Sanco has no interest whatever in the commission charges earned by brokers, however we do co-market our services in various ways.
NOTE: Investors (and investment professionals) who are interested in experiencing Steve Selengut's unique Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) strategy without the personal relationship may do so through MCIM "Mirror Portfolios". Interested parties should contact LMK Wealth Management (866-983-3403) for availability, costs, transaction restrictions, and other information.
Please email me for a copy of Sanco's latest ADV II.
Investment Management Fees
Average Size |
Annual Charge |

under $300,000 |

1.20% (min=$1,000) |
300,001 - 600,000 |
.95% |
600,000 and up |
.80% |
Fixed Income |
.65% (min=$1,000) |

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