Most products and services simply sit on a web site with no real way of being bought. Even when people see a product or service they are interested in, but are not ready to buy, most web sites don't provide a way for them to learn more about it and be reminded that they are interested in the possibility of buying.

As you develop your products and services and as your prospects and customers demonstrate interest in specific products and services you have mentioned in your newsletters, we design a tactical drip marketing campaign to entice buyers into the buying process. Note that a drip is an email with information on your product or service that points directly to a product or service sales page on your web site.
Once the Drip Marketing campaign is in place, it is automated and we generate statistics that help fine-tune the sales process for your products and services over time. Web site visitors simply sign up for the incentive offered and the system begins to sell for you. The statistics gathered in this process allow us to fine-tune the drips to increase shorten the time between sign-up and purchase.
When you combine a well-built a series of drip marketing messages with a professional email marketing system, you get the following:
Opt-in web form for your websites (CAN Spam compliant) |
A highly crafted set of emails that point to a product or service page on your web site |
Conversion pages on your web site for sign up, buy now, and/or a phone call |
A reporting system that provides you with details on the effectiveness of your campaign |
When you focus on the benefits of the product or service in your advertising and execute a follow up drip marketing campaign, your sales will increase.