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Total articles from Author johnjhenry: 80
Auth ID: 19356
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--- Showing 1 through 10 of 80 Articles ---
(bookmarks) Title Author Description
a For the first time in two years the smart phone sales increases johnjhenry As comparing to the results of the last two years the sales of the handsets have increased a lot as everyday a new handset is launched which tempted them to get it at any cost....
a The mobile industry is still waiting for the arrival of super hi-tech handset johnjhenry The customers of UK are desperately waiting for the arrival of hi-tech handsets are sitting patiently with their older handsets....
a The CEO of Apple and Google had a secret discussion over patent lawsuit johnjhenry Apple and Google CEO are discussing with each other very secretly for sorting the matter without any loss but decision is out from both the companies....
a Apple Refused to Allow Google maps johnjhenry Apple has ditched Google Maps regarding the voice guide during the driving directions turn by turn....
a The Apple iPhone 5 is not Perfect in video Review but Actually is very Gorgeous johnjhenry The iphone 5 is gorgeous handset and display outstanding features excluding its Map app....
a Regarding Patent case Apple wants $700m more from Samsung johnjhenry In the patent case going between Apple and Samsung Apple is demanding more money that is $700m....
a Apple iPhone 5 is Different from it is Predecessor or not? johnjhenry Apple iphone 5 is far better than the iphone 4S as the people are trying to make out the difference between both the gadgets....
a Carriers is the Initial Choice of Apple for Promoting it Apple Handsets johnjhenry Apple only wants to promote its handsets through carrier only moreover LTE networks functions efficiently in all the countries....
a Apple Planned of Ditching iPhone 3GS johnjhenry Apple is planning of taking necessary steps for ditching 3GS as the company has been tipped for constructing iphone 4 the new fangled blower....
a For avoiding ban Samsung Stated Galaxy was not Excellent as The Apple Handsets johnjhenry Samsung is trying to protect its popular handsets by stating that the Apple iOS is far better than its Android....