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Crisis Investing: Are YOU Ready?
Why are investors afraid (shocked, confused, overwhelmed, angry) about stock market corrections? Here are links to five assessments of the correction phase of the market cycle that may just clear their heads about these periodic gifts from the Investment Gods. How so YOU spell correction?
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What Your Mother Never Told You About Income Investing: Twenty Questions (16 thru 20)
But, and this is about the biggest news in the history of the financial markets, news that was totally ignored by the financial media: the income generated by taxable income CEFs (other than REITs and mortgage heavy investment funds) actually increased during the financial crisis. The same result was experienced in the Tax Free arena, but with no exceptions at all.
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Investors Review Their Favorite Investment Book
In the midst of financial crisis, market upheaval, and world-class uncertainty, at least one financial book provides an easily implemented strategy for safer investing. The Brainwashing of the American Investor is more than just the book that Wall Street does not want you to read.
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The Financial Crisis, and Other Life Changing Investment Lessons
On November 30th 2012, the S & P 500 Average (recognized benchmark for assessing the performance of investment managers of all shapes and sizes) was at its highest level in five years --- BUT that translates into a 4% loss over the five years. Others did better. Are you ready for the next correction?
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Crisis Investing - The Three-Pronged MCIM Strategy
Unfortunately, investors in general are a lot like teenagers. They know everything immediately; expect instant gratification; take unnecessary risks; fall in love too easily; ignore all voices of experience; prefer the easy approach; and feel that the lessons of the past just can't possibly apply to what's going on now. Duh, dude!
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The Tax Free Income Closed End Fund Marketplace
How could you not be interested in Tax Free Yields of roughly 7%? On programs that have been in operation for nearly 20 years? and which are generally paying more now than they did prior to the financial crisis?
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SPECIAL REPORT: As of Close of Business May 8th, no less than 57 multi-year experienced, Taxable Income, Closed End Funds (CEFs) were paying 7% or more in 401k and IRA eligible income to their shareholders.
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Special Report: As of Close of Business May 8th, no less than 53 multi-year experienced, Tax Free Income, Closed End Funds (CEFs) were paying 6% or more in federally tax free income to their shareholders. Why hasn't your financial advisor told you about this?
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The Flip Side of Rising Interest Rates... Much Higher Yields
Note that Wall Street (and the DOL) have (purposely?) kept the investing public uninformed about the totally reasonable yields currently (and historically, before, during, and since the financial crisis) available using Closed End Income Funds... CEF income investors have the ability to add to positions when prices fall (thus reducing cost basis and increasing yield),
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I Want Tax Free Income
If one wants tax free income, why not buy tax free muni bonds in the form of Closed End Funds.... more than 6% tax free, in monthly increments, plus the opportunity to take profits (taxable, yes) and compound the income until it is needed. Or spend it right away, for that matter.
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Successful Investing: Rules Of Engagement
Crash! The 2007 thru 2008 financial crisis halved 401(k), IRA, and Mutual Fund values in a matter of months. For many, retirement dates had to be pushed back; for others, new jobs had to be found. The tragic flaw? No income allocation in the investment program. Market value builds egos; income pays the bills.
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Old Fashioned Equity Investing - Building A Better Mousetrap
Since the level it achieved just prior to the bursting dot-com bubble in 2000, the S & P 500 Average (on October 15th 2010) had lost 17% of its market value. In the same time frame, portfolios managed start-to-finish using the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology have gained roughly 113%, in spite of the impact of the recent financial crisis.
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Dried Food - Your Solution to any Food Crisis
Dried food will be a solution for the next food crisis. Having enough food on hand for your family as well as extra would be advantageous to be able to barter for other needs. Dried food will be needed for your survival.
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The Rutgers 1000 Is Baaaack!
I have lived in New Jersey practically all of my life.The Garden State has been in fiscal crisis practically all of my academic life and my working life. I realized this almost thirty years ago, as a student taxpayer; the tuition at Rutgers tripled between from my freshman year to my senior year.All that time the campus looked the same, the complaints about the campus were the same. The complaints about traffic, large lecture classes, deferred maintenance, and so on, ...
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Benefits of A Home Owner Loan: All Under The Same Roof!!!
A home owner loan is a Secured Loan. The amount loaned to you is secured on collateral, which in this case would mean your home. Although many of us find it silly putting our home at risk, it is definitely a better option than considering selling it in case of a financial crisis. Repayment here would mean serious business, because if payments are not regular there are chances of our creditors taking possession of our homes, for good. However, the benefit of this loan is that it offers a lower in
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Get Capital With Resemble Precautions
Secured Loans is that which is totally different from unsecured Loans. If you have any property then you can get these secured Loans in financial crisis. As every one knows that every dark cloud has a silver lining, but it is difficult to believe in it when you are undergoing hard financial times. At that time secured Loans UK is the only solution for you. If you want to get more information then you need to follow this article.
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The Effect The Current Subprime Loan Crisis Has On Global Markets.
Dear Fellow-Investor.Why is it, that this subprime loan crisis has such a rippling effect on many sectors of the economy?Why are even companies outside the USA also affected by the U.S. mortgage crisis?In the last 7 days I received lots of emails from my subscribers asking me questions like these, and I'd like to take the opportunity to explain what this housing, mortgage,subprime loan, credit crisis - whatever you want to call it - and the present situation i...
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RV Resorts Remain Solid Investment Despite Economic Downturn
With news headlines sounding alarms like, 'Joblessness on the Rise,' 'Mortgage Crisis Unfolds,' 'Record-Breaking Oil Prices,' and 'Recession Looms,' one could easily assume that the U.S. economy is in for a dramatic downward spiral says Leon D. Meekcoms, President of Parkbridge Capital Group, Inc. (www.parkbridgecapital.com), a privately held real estate investment, acquisition, and brokerage firm.
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Wanted: 20,000 workers Recruitment crisis on boomer exodus
Canberra employers scouring the country and overseas for employees are competing with the remainder of the western world which is suffering a skills drought.
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Eliminate Your Anxieties Through Unsecured Personal Loans
If you are incapacitated by some financial crisis and are not able to fulfill your personal desires, opting for unsecured personal loans can prove to be fruitful. They do not bind the borrower to place a security against the loan. Read the article and find out what unsecured personal loans have in store for you.
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Boost up Your Business with Business Loan
If your business is suffering from financial crisis or you are finding problem in starting a new venture, no problem. Business loan will serve you the best deal as it is the fastest way to procure funds for your business. For further clarification read this article.
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An Overview of Asset Finance and its Various Types
Asset finance is one of the easiest ways to buy assets that can make a lot of difference to the productivity of a business. For a business to run and grow successfully, asset finance extends a helping hand in a time of crisis. To get a clear picture of asset finance, keep on reading
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Investment Market Numbers: S & P 500 +8%; IGVSI +13%; MCIMs +20%
Yet since mid-1970, portfolios investing exclusively in IGVSs (MCIM portfolios) have probably outperformed all other equity investment models --- So why haven't you heard about this? Because Wall Street would have almost nothing to sell if everyone adopted this model.
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The Success brought by a Medical / Nurse Staffing Agency Business
Beginning a Medical / Nurse Staffing Agency Business apparently would be one of the biggest progressions in order to help lessen the nursing shortage crisis occurring here in the US. In the bad side, a lot of entrepreneurs interested being involved in this type of business fails only because they are insufficient in the proper guidance needed to succeed in this highly challenging field. Our recruiting manual comprises just about every perspective in the recruitment process.
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Business loans - Finance your dreams
If it is the financial crisis thats interrupting your way to start a new business, leave all your worries aside. Business loans are right here to help you achieve your goals. Read the article and find out how a business loan can help you in accomplishing your dreams.
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Boost Your Capital With Business Loans UK
If you are distressed by a financial crisis, opt for business loans UK and regain your finances. Business loans UK are specially designed to cater to the financial needs of the entrepreneurs. Read the article and discover how business loans UK can help you flourish your business.
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Home Equity Can Save You from Financial Crisis
Home equity is built over time. As equity builds, you create a pool of money to access in trying times. Growing equity is a great way to pursue wealth building and it can provide a financial cushion when life gets hard.
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Employee Recognition Awards Create Progress
In difficult situations, when companies are in crisis and can only be saved by major effort, group morale often rises to far higher levels than before. Individual objections and objectives are bypassed in the collective drive to do what must be done. This is where recognition awards take its importance. High group morale can enrich individual motivation and performance remarkably! I. Planned Awards: 1. Recognition AwardsOn its basic concept, recognition awards are...
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Buy To Let Mortgages. Boom Time Returns.
After last years crisis of confidence the buy-to-let market is again booming. Earlier worries that interest rates were on the up and property values would crash are firmly behind us. So, fuelled by rising rental yields confidence, landlords have been snapping up new properties and remortgaging for cheaper deals. In the final three months of last year, rental incomes increased by an average of 3.3%. At the same time the rental yield, income as a percentage of the property'...
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Living Wills Decide Who Will Make Decisions When You Can't
Many people are wondering what they need in the way of legal documents to make certain that, in the event of incapacity, their wishes are known and followed regarding potential end-of-life decisions. Advance directives are a set of documents that are used to lay out a clear chain of command to give decisions makers guidance as to the individual's wishes as they relate to the type of care desired in a crisis . It is a way to direct the decision maker about what an individual wants and does n...
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How To Protect Yourself In An Economic Crisis
Does the current economic crisis have you worried? Are you wondering how to achieve financial freedom so you can protect yourself and your family from the coming financial crash? Here is what you need to know.The first thing you need to understand is what the word economics means in terms of thinking about your family, and how you can use what it means to your financial advantage.Forget what the media says about economics when they talk about the roller coaster ride o...
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To Teach Business English?
Mid-career crisis? Have you got what it takes to teach English for business?Teachers often ask me what direction they can take after a few years of teaching general English. To continue as an ordinary classroom teacher seems like stagnation, so choices have to be made about how to develop both professionally and personally. Specializing in English for business can be a fruitful move if the teacher is able to transfer existing skills to the business context.Let me deal...
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Instant loans prompt response to unforeseen financial fiasco
Instant loans are meant for short term financial crisis. Death, illness or any other unforeseen expense can put an unnecessary stress on your budget. At this moment, you would need cash and the paycheck is too far to take care of sudden expenses. Instant loans provide you with the money in time less and get easily approved even without credit check. The benefits of instant loans include
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Medical Insurance. NHS Consultants Go Private!
The funding crisis in the National Health Service is so dire that at least 4,000 frontline jobs might be axed say the Royal College of Nursing. There's no doubt that there will be an impact on patients, says their spokesperson. This is not the sort of thing that is going to be resolved by cutting back on chocolate biscuits in the boardroom. The staff that we are looking at losing are not office based, they're people who are providing frontline services. Little surpri...
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Why One Woman Identifies With the Midlife Crisis Man
How one woman's midlife crisis resulted in a career change speaking to men about issues they face at mid-life.
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Builders Suffer due to Mortgage Crisis
During last month the existing home sales fell down again and it is reported that a large number of homebuilders are facing the worst ever quarterly earning. These homebuilders believe that the main reason behind this mess in the stressed housing sector is the continuous sub prime mortgage crisis.
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How To Overcome A Confidence Crisis
A confidence crisis is more than a minor dip - it's more serious. A confidence crisis is triggered by setbacks like losing an important business order, break-up of a valued relationship or losing a job.When this happens, even a small thing can send you over the edge, creating an unwanted crisis. To protect yourself from such a situation, you need to take control of yourself, and your life.You must learn to ignore external stimuli. Don't be affected by what people say ...
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Fixing Health Care: Government Health Care Works?
Government run health care is not the panacea milions of people think it will be. This article talks about a real life example of the ineptness, graft, and corruption that will be government run health care if we allow it to happen. Soon we will be able to vote and we must vote correctly, not emotionally if we are going to stave off a world wide health care crisis. Nowhere in the history of the world has any government run health care plan worked.
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Detroit Has Become Greener Amidst Foreclosure Crisis
Detroit foreclosure homes has taken its toll and you are probably thinking that the county is by now devoid of the buzz of activity, and carries a more dark and ghostly appearance.
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Is Recycling A Waste Of Time, Money And Energy?
Most of us feel guilty if we do not take the trouble to wash and sort all those reusable plastics, papers and tins. We do this to avoid throwing them in the bin which then ends up in the landfill sites around the country. But how useful is recycling and can it really solve the waste crisis?UK households generate a staggering thirty million tonnes of rubbish a year, of which sixty per cent comes from packaging. There has been a lot of publicity recently about waste that ...
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Food Companies Fail To Tackle Diet Crisis
The bigger you are the better you are - well not in this case. The world's 25 biggest food companies are failing to take the global crisis in diet seriously and often only change their practices when faced with adverse publicity that could damage their sales, a new study claims.
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Crisis Management: The Most Basic Of Needs
Crisis management is something that every individual needs to consider. Whether you are preparing yourself for a crisis situation or if you are responsible for a school full of children, it is necessary to be prepared. There are excellent resources to help you do this and it also helps to take a good look at your individual situation. There are many types of crisis management situations and we will discuss that here. Business Related Crisis Management: Public relati...
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Crisis Management
The Internet may have opened worlds for businesses and consumers, but it has also created a public relations nightmare for businesses. Forums, opinion Web sites, blogs, and anything that is publishable can smear a company's name in moments.
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Need A Lift? Try A Success Program
If you are like most people at some time in their life you have or you will enter a rut in life. Sometimes this rut is referred to as the mid-life crisis, some times it is called the prodigal period, but whatever it is called the same basic ingredients exist. They are questioning the meaning and direction of your life and evaluating whether or not you should make changes (often major) and how you should go about doing them. Often it is brought on by a feeling of discontentmen...
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When Change Happens (Dealing with Loss and Grief)
The time after loss and change is volatile and confusing. However, crisis means opportunity. When we understand the dynamics of change and the process of grief is properly handled, it's possible for an individual to grow a great deal during this time of life. We can turn a time of loss and grief into one of strength and hope.
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The Self Image of a Baby Boomer
Self image takes on a different role in Mid Life. Its not a cocky attitude which spurs on winning and over powering another person. It is about having the self confidence to be comfortable in your own skin. Creating a life and a style more suited for who you have become. Its liking the ability to walk in your own shoes and not trying to copy or wish you were someone else. The self image of any aging baby boomer is unique.
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The Often Overlooked Resource For Healing - The Internet
Having a health crisis can be a frightening experience. Whether you battle with cancer, depression, diabetes, pain, or another long-term condition at home or in a hospital facility, a feeling of isolation often accompanies these conditions. The result is decreased energy and, often, a lack of hope. Friends and family members who enjoy good health may not understand the particular emotional stresses you experience. The doctor pays keen attention to your medical care, but shari...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 4 )
Two weeks had passed since I last saw Gideon.Things at the office seemed a little worse and business was not getting any better. Our newly-invented device was not selling as wed expected.We were fast approaching another financial crisis. In the past few years, it began to seem as though my life had been a journey from crisis to crisis with only brief pauses in between.Then, unexpectedly, I had to make a trip to the Midwest.A potential account we had been courting for the...
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Energy Crisis
The current worldly energy crisis and how it mirrors our personal energy.
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Test Your Ability To Handle Crisis
Who has not faced a crisis in his/her life? All of us do? The difference is in our response. Our response defines and decides our ultimate success in a crisis.
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Prerequisite Qualities For Optimum Goal Setting
The minute you set a goal, you are creating a 'mini crisis' in your mind. You're telling your mind about a journey you are considering. In simple terms you are stating where you want to be in relation to where you are. And in between these two is a chasm, a gap.
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Leadership Crisis - How A Crisis In Leadership Can Ruin Your Business
Todays businesses are experiencing a worrying lack leadership, not only to lead current businesses forward into growth and expansion but to mentor, support and encourage leadership with in the business for the future. Managers will continue to just manage if they do not have positive role models to learn from and aspire to be.
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Act on Some of the Facts
Making any decision without having all of the information and facts beforehand can be very tough. I spoke with a young man recently and he told me that some of his professors had changed the rules on him in the administration of his classes. The syllabuses of a couple of his classes had been altered, which switched exam dates. He was also notified of these changes after the semesters grace period. The grace period in which he could get his tuition money back after dropping a course ha...
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Abe Lincoln: An Extraordinary Leader
Perhaps noted as one of the greatest United States presidents of all time, Abraham Lincolns early life may not have reflected his potential greatness. He failed in business. He lost election to the state legislature, Speaker of the House, nomination for Congress, appointment of land officer, U.S. Senate twice and nomination for Vice President. After those eight major failures, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. How many of us would have kept going like Lincoln did?
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What To Do When Mortgage Trouble Hits
What can the average person do when he finds himself in financial trouble and the mortgage is due? With the current housing market crisis, a lot of homeowners are facing that question. As one might imagine, losing a home is not only financially destructive but also emotionally difficult. No one wants to lose their home, but what can you do if you are unable to make your mortgage payment?There is some good news on this front. First of all, homeowners should understand that...
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What Service-specific Quality Standards Should Debt Consolidation Credit Counseling Agency Adhere To?
Financial well-being is very important for all of us. Therefore, if you are facing a financial crisis and need to go to debt consolidation credit counseling agency to get yourself back on track then you must ensure that you opt for a professional and accredited agency. What does a debt consolidation credit counseling agency do for you? These agencies first analyze your financial situation. Then they work along with you and your creditors to develop a debt repayment plan that ...
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The Advantages Of Debt Consolidation
If youre going through a financial crisis and do not know how to clear your debts, then debt consolidation is your safest bet. Debt consolidation can free you from the anxiety of dealing with unpaid bills, debt collectors and even bankruptcy. It can radically transform your credit rating, enabling you to lead a stress-free life. It involves consolidating all your debts and paying them through one single monthly payment. Even the interest charged is calculated on the single c...
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Secured Debt Consolidation: Best Way Out Of A Debt Crisis
The process of debt consolidation involves combining two or more existing loans in a single loan and paying off for it. The debt consolidation process might or might not require staking collateral. Collateral can be anything from a piece of property to any asset of considerable worth. The higher the value of collateral, the lower the rate of interest you can expect on your debt consolidation loan. Unsecured loans are those that do not require collateral whereas secured loans ...
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Make Credit Card Debt Consolidation A Priority
Most people today are in debt up to their ears. The busyness of life, the demands of staying up on the latest trends and gadgets with your neighbors, and the complete lack of understanding of budgeting have all contributed to the debt crisis in our country. Fortunately, it is never to late to begin to work towards debt free living. Sound impossible to be debt free? It doesn't have to. One of the biggest and most significant steps that you can take toward living a debt free li...
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Consolidate Debt With Home Equity as Security
Don't let your high interest debts drag you into financial crisis. If you own a home, you may utilize the benefit of a home equity loan and consolidate all you debts into one smaller and more manageable payment under this home equity loan.
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Currency markets - Spanish property 20 July 2006
Summary of Overnight News: The FTSE-100 will open sharply higher this morning following last night's strong gains in New York, as dovish comments by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke and sliding oil prices allowed investors to put the crisis in the Middle East to one side and put a bit of blue on our screens to match the skies outside.
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Retirement Income Investing and Your Portfolio (October 2008)
Brokerage firm monthly statements are designed to promote either fear or greed, depending on the current market environment. Nowhere on your statement can you find numbers that report your net investment, your total working capital, or your true asset allocation. Current and projected income numbers are given little attention.
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Who Created The Financial Crisis And Why (March 2009)
The arrogance of the financial institutions, the mad scientists they employ to manipulate the rules and rule makers, and the Emperor's New Clothes (trust me they're safe) marketing tactics they employ really do need to be regulated--- by the government, sure; by corporate boards of directors, absolutely. In a Working Capital Model world, there would be no financial crisis.
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The Below The Radar Hedge Fund Crisis (April 2009)
And the real crime is this: investors as naive as the wet-diapered E-Trade spokesbaby can push a button and buy operational hedge funds more bizarre and sophisticated than any ever imagined buy the rich and famous. If an ETF harbors a hedge fund, but doesn't call it a hedge fund, is it really not a hedge fund?
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How To Respond To An eBay Buyers Complaint.
At some point in your eBay selling life, one of your customers is going to send you a complaint. As long as you respond to it properly, however, its easy to keep a complaint from turning into a crisis.
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Get Free Traffic To Your Website Through Smart Blogging
Once you really start scaling out your new internet marketing empire, one of the first major obstacles you are going to have to cross is what I refer to as the "Content Crisis". Everyone that I know, without fail who has built a successful series of small niche sites has at one time or another had to stretch a bit to add new, informative and entertaining bit of information to their website or blog. We all just hit a wall - it's really that simple.
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How to Earn Money in Retirement and Beat the Pension Crisis
The call to earn money in retirement is fast becoming a necessity and this is so because when you retire from the workplace you continue forevermore to face the prospect of escalating living expenses
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Las Vacaciones son la Mejor Solución Para Relajarte
Si estas estancado en medio de una crisis con tu pareja, en el trabajo, en la familia o cualquiera sea tu conflicto tomar unas vacaciones siempre ayudara para relajarse y mirar los problemas de lejos para así solucionarlos.
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Las Vacaciones son la Mejor Solución Para Relajarte
Si estas estancado en medio de una crisis con tu pareja, en el trabajo, en la familia o cualquiera sea tu conflicto tomar unas vacaciones siempre ayudara para relajarse y mirar los problemas de lejos para así solucionarlos.
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Relationship Tips: 16 Practical Dramatic Ways to Know if He/She is REALLY Changing
When there is crisis in a relationship, one person often promises, "I'm going to change." Here are some practical signs that your spouse or significant other is truly changing for the better.
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Relationship Crisis: 6 Reasons to Get Physically Fit
Discover the vital importance of physical fitness while in the midst of a relationship crisis.
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Where Do Illnesses Come From?
A big contributor to the health care crisis we face is the concern of people who worry about coming down with a devastating illness, and the feared high costs associated with major medical problems. The logical way to look at this is to understand that any illness is either "self induced" or "an act of God".