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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Earned

There are 100 articles associated with the tag Earned!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 How to improve your dissertation writing for the biggest paper of your life! Writing a dissertation represents the cornerstone of all that you have learned throughout your academic journey. It will be the complete display of your knowledge of research writing, analysis and research methodologies for your professors or supervisors. But there are many students who are not good at writing in the first place, so writing a dissertation might seem like a task which is far and away!
2. Bookmarks: 0 The Landscape of the Soul Through the years, we accumulate a series of experiences. Our tendency is to evaluate and simply reflect on what we have been through and what we have learned. This inward site into what we can no longer see with our eyes allows us to see through them through our soul.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Ten Tips For A Happy Life These are some more life coaching tips I learned over the years.
4. Bookmarks: 0 HTC announced to present new phone – HTC One series at Mobile World Congress 2012 HTC has learned from the rapid fall which was experienced at the end of last year and soon decided to launch new handset HTC One series to cover its market.
5. Bookmarks: 8 Now Is The Time For Learning Have you always wanted to grow a vegetable garden but just haven't gotten around to it? Or perhaps you have always hoped to knit a blanket but you still have not learned how to knit. It is not to late to do the things you have always wanted to do. Regardless of your age or current skills, now can be the time to begin learning new things.Learning is an amazing ability that all humans have. No matter how little or how much we know now, there is always more to learn.
6. Bookmarks: 13 How to Cold Call with Integrity - The way we've always wanted to do cold calling! In the old traditional training, we learned the latest techniques for making a sale. We talk to prospects rather than with people. Where does honesty and integrity fit into this scenario? We can change that by changing our goal.
7. Bookmarks: 2 Effective Study Habits Effective study habits are essential for achieving and maintaining a high GPA. More importantly, effective study habits help you to store information in long-term memory, allowing you to use the learned information in a novel setting. Applying the following rules for studying will aid you in earning excellent marks in school.Do: 1. Keep the area around your desk neat and tidy. If possible, the area should also be quiet. If you are having trouble finding a quiet place to s...
8. Bookmarks: 2 The Advantages Of Getting A Graphic Design Degree Graphic design could be a great career opportunity for you. It's a growing, rapidly changing field that takes both talent and technical expertise, and those who are good at it are in great demand. If you are considering college or thinking about making a career change, you might consider getting a degree in graphic design.Why get a degree? It is true that there are a lot of talented graphic designers who pretty much learned everything they know on the job or by the s...
9. Bookmarks: 0 All About French- Speaking Countries Roughly around 200 million people around the world speak French. This number includes people who speak French as a native language, as a second language and students of all ages who do not live in a francophone (French-speaking) country but have learned French.
10. Bookmarks: 0 How To Find Safe Offshore Banking You'll Be Happy With. You might want an offshore Swiss account in order to:- Expand your business; - Minimise your taxation; - Simplify business administration; - Asset protection; - Estate planning; - Financial anonymity; - Tax-free investing. Those who engage in international or online business and who generate a large tax exposure can legally ease their burden through an offshore account. Bear in mind that the Swiss government charges a 35% withholding tax on interest earned...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Five Reasons Why You Must Give Eurotalk A Chance Learning a foreign language is easy for young children, yet as they gradually get older, the ability to quickly and easily pick up phrases, words, and the feel for the language diminishes. As adults, the ease with which a foreign language can be learned is reduced even further, and thus many classes teaching new languages are geared specifically for those who are now longer able to quickly grasp the foreign concepts.EuroTalk ( one of the pioneers in the ...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Mortgage refinancing 101 Managing your finances is as important as earning them. Rather at times it is more significant to administer your resources than actually find ways to earn. Since imprudent investments might result into drainage of hard earned monetary resources.
13. Bookmarks: 0 Remortgage to save your hard-earned Money Remortgage involves switching over from an existing lender to a new lender who offers you with the better deal. Remortgaging can help you save that extra amount of money you are paying to the existing lender in terms of higher rate of interest. You can use it for debt consolidation or home improvement or to reduce your monthly payments.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Our Own Homes Are The Mother Of All Tax Shelters When it comes to tax shelters, there’s no better or safer place than our own homes. There are a vast number of companies out there spending a lot of money on advertising trying to convince us that we should be sending our hard earned dollars to some island in the sun, where (for a nice fat fee of course) they will keep our money safe and out of the hands of the IRS. Most of these programs, for lack of a better word, are illegal or at the very best not as tax efficient as the ...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Historic Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia is a vibrant city with a rich and colourful past.Atlanta's history began in 1837 when the city was built as the final destination on the Western and Atlantic railroad line. The city was originally called Marthasville in honour of the Governor's daughter. Railroad connections earned the nickname Terminus, and the city's name was eventually changed to Atlanta, the feminine form of Atlantic, another railroad reference.Since its humble beginning, Atlant...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding The Three Different Types of Income Part of learning to become financially free is to begin to understand that there are three different types of income. They are: capital gains, passive income, and earned income. They are the three types of ways to make money, and are very easy to understand.
17. Bookmarks: 0 All About Costa Calidas Murcia The capital of the Costa Calida is Murcia, Spain. It is here that the old is blended with the contemporary. A typical Spanish city, Murcia has many points of interest for locals and tourists alike. It is a college town with over 30,000 students attending its university at any given time. Thus, Murcia has earned the nickname “University City.”Among the places to visit in Murcia are museums, cathedrals and churches, and the university itself. Getting there is easy too. Once...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Factoring: Unlock The Money You've Already Earned If you run your own business there’s no reason to wait thirty days or more to get paid - you can now have the money paid within 24 hours.When you run a small business which depends on your customers making timely payments, you may find certain times of the year to be hard going. Even with your business being a really solid going concern, at times you may not be able to find the necessary cash for running your operations.This can lead to some vicious cycles: your suppl...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Self Employed Loans for People Who Have Learned To Rule the World Self employed loans were difficult to find in the past but with more and people choosing to work for themselves, they have gained popularity in the UK. Both homeowners as well as tenants can enjoy the privilege of borrowing self employed loans. Read the article to learn more about self employed loans..
20. Bookmarks: 20 Be Single Minded As long as the advertising industry has been in existence there has been debate about whether advertising is art or commerce. Quite frankly, this kind of divisive argument is a waste of time and has only helped to diminish what little respect the industry has earned through the years. Besides, the answer is simple. Advertising is the art of commerce.
21. Bookmarks: 1 The Art, Science, and Grace of Attracting Prosperity Attracting prosperity is part art, part science, and part grace. A prosperous business must not only accommodate but support life in all its complexity. A thriving business requires and provides resilience and continuity. How do you go about building a thriving career or prosperous business? Here are some of the things I've learned and that I credit with supporting my own process of attracting prosperity.
22. Bookmarks: 3 Working Capital & Cash Flow Solutions: Should I Borrow From A Bank? Recently, my newspaper reported that a local bank “...earned a four star excellence rating for the sixty-fourth consecutive quarter.” That’s sixteen years of four star excellence! The article went on to say that the “rating is based on a complex formula that includes …capital safety levels, quality of loan portfolio, and the ability to meet obligations…” The press release was designed to showcase the value of this bank and demonstrate its prominent positio...
23. Bookmarks: 5 Unsecured Small Business Start Up Loan For 2008 Ventures The sense of pride and joy of running your own small business cannot be over exaggerated. Many of today’s largest and most successful companies started out in someone’s kitchen or workshop and became a raging success and household name. But it can be a struggle to start a small business alone, especially financially. Prospective business owners may already have learned this when they began to seek a unsecured small business start up loan.
24. Bookmarks: 2 7 Lessons I Learned From an Accidental Millionaire Do you think people become millionaires by accident? This one did. And her lessons are helping thousands of others do the same. If you want to make more moeny and live a life you love take a look at the 7 lessons I have learned and am profiting from.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Why Training Fails Training programs have earned a bad reputation. Here's why and what to do about it.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Taking The Time You Need To Achieve Financial Success You have just finished a financial training course. You’ve learned to distinguish business finances from your personal expenses. From the training, you have acquired the skills to record, organize and monitor your daily spending. For all intents and purposes, you are now as ready as you’ll ever be to control and manage your finances quite successfully. Never forget though, that learning about it is different from practicing it. Everything you have learned will not matter one ...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Budget Is Not A Dirty Word Ever gotten that gut wrenching fear in the pit of your belly or that feeling of anger and despair when you thought of making a budget? Then chances are you’ve never looked up the word in a good dictionary and learned all about what this word means, and how you can use that to your financial advantage.Here’s the good news: living on a budget does not mean you have to cut back on the quality of the things you buy or deny yourself anything fun. What it does mean, is that you...
28. Bookmarks: 0 The Importance Of Being A Leader In Sports During my NFL career, I learned that leadership is a trait that all athletes have deep inside of them. Unfortunately, I found that most players do not know how to apply their leadership skills. It is the inability to apply leadership that sets the regular NFL players apart from the true greats such as LaDainian Tomlinson, Marvin Harrison, Peyton Manning, and Brett Favre. These fine players are all strong leaders. It is their powerful leadership skills that inspire their teamm...
29. Bookmarks: 0 The Magic Number For Your Keyboard Success Are You Looking for a Magical Solution?Are you struggling with trying to figure out how to play well?Are you feeling overwhelmed by so much to practice, so little time?Are you looking for a way to know what to practice so that you will improve quickly?An adult student named Liz told me that she finds that she can’t decide what to practice because there are too many choices.Sue often complains that although she’s learned many songs, she can no longer play them....
30. Bookmarks: 0 The High Cost of Doing Nothing Delaying important decisions or simply not making a decision at all, are actions that often impact us with the highest opportunity costs. The lack of a decision, is actually a decision made, although one seldom made in our best interests. Decision making is actually a skill set that can be learned and refined. Do not allow yourself to fall victim to the high cost of doing nothing.
31. Bookmarks: 0 How To Compare Bank Accounts And Savings Accounts When you are putting your hard earned cash into a bank account, you need to know that you are going to get the best deal you can. For that reason you need to very carefully compare bank accounts and compare savings accounts on offer. Basically, there are two kinds of bank accounts for managing money on an everyday basis: a basic account and a current account. There is also a savings account for managing money on a long-term basis.If you are worried that you may not be abl...
32. Bookmarks: 0 A Fresh Mindset On Retirement Income If you are like most people in the ‘over 50’ or Baby Boomer crowd, you are rightfully concerned about having saved enough to provide enough income in your retirement years. That income will be needed to allow you and your spouse to relax and enjoy your well earned retirement years. Like me, you have probably dreamed of the time when you would have more control over your lifestyle and not have to put up with jobs or people you do not care for just to make ends meet.No, we ...
33. Bookmarks: 0 You Won't Be Seeing These Tiger Claws In Any Nature Show. Originally called Hark Fu Moon or Black Tiger System, Tiger Claw Kung Fu or Fu Jaw Pai was renamed by First Generation Grand Master, Wong Bil Hong in honour of his master, believed to be a Shaolin monk. At the time, there was Manchurian persecution of the Shaolin order so the name of his master was never revealed. Wong Bil Hong was not eager to share the knowledge he had learned and during his lifetime only ever took on two students. One of which was his nephew Wong Moon Toy...
34. Bookmarks: 7 How To Budget Money Budgeting money is something of a neglected necessity in the modern world, with so many people lured into spending regardless of their financial situation. It has become almost the norm to spend each month more than is earned, often without even knowing it. This has led to severe debt problems for millions of people in the US and UK in particular, and an encouragement and acceptance of ignorance in personal money management. Despite all the bad debt write offs, the banks ...
35. Bookmarks: 6 Gift-Giving: Your Expertise And Wisdom As a child I was taught the age-old wisdom, If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Once I entered public schools, being the overly-sensitive child which I was, I had to quickly learn the defensive protection of Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Truth be told, however, many of my less-sensitive schoolmates' words did hurt--I just learned to act as if they didn't. Thus, I began to wear a mask and keep my feelings inside...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Home Schooling or Not? Public school educators often worry that the children of such people will not learn necessary social skills. But home-schooling parents said their children learned how to deal with other people just fine, particularly with the many adults they encountered when they visited the library or went to church or did chores around the neighborhood.
37. Bookmarks: 0 5 Easy Steps To Accomplishing Any Goal In “Think and Grow Rich”. Napoleon Hill wrote “nothing is impossible to the person who backs DESIRE with enduring FAITH.”. Let’s simplify that by saying “nothing is impossible to the person who establishes a definite goal and truly believes that they can attain that goal.”Once you’ve established your goal, there are two key elements necessary to accomplishing that goal, a definite date and a definite plan. I’ve learned that it’s easier to ac...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Yes, You Too Can Take A Vacation Surveys are interesting. I took note of this one done recently by American Express because it backed up some data I learned at the (National Association of Female Executives) NAFE National Conference in May. According to the survey, 40% of the smallest business owners - those with less than $200,000 in annual revenues - are planning no vacation whatsoever this summer. But even business owners with higher revenues aren't doing much better - only 75% of them expect to get away ...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Skiing in the French Alps Ok folks so we have all been on some vacation to somewhere hot, but going on holiday in search of snow is something that only a certain type of person does. That person is probably into skiing. A skiing vacation does not have to be something that a professional and seasoned skier does, and in fact I learned to ski when I was on the mountains of France.
40. Bookmarks: 3 Exam Nerves And Hypnosis One of the biggest problems for today’s students is exam nerves. When it comes time to test what they have learned in their classes, exams simply present huge problems. It does not matter how well prepared the student is. After twenty hours of studying, the student could still be nervous about the exam. Exam nerves are a normal thing, though. They begin at an early age, as parents put pressure on students to perform well in school. From that performance pressure was born a wh...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Public Speaking Style The power of a good speech is almost unparallel to anything else, a good speech can make huge changes in societies, bring conflicts to an end and start revolutions. Maybe you are not interested in this kind of speech making, but a good speaker will have the ability to move any obstacle he wants on his way to making his point clearly understood. The speech making ability is not only something that is a gift, it is something that can be learned and acquired. Many look up to fam...
42. Bookmarks: 0 How your personality effects the way you deal with stress Did you know that your personality affects the way you cope with stressors in your life? Some people cope fine with levels of stress that others would find crippling. Our reactions to stress are partly inborn and partly learned throughout our lifetime. Everyone reacts to stress, it just depends on the level of stress you can handle before symptoms arise. Some people are really quite 'bomb proof' and seem to cope fine with a multitude of stressful situations, but even they will eventual...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Teen Online Dating Tips Teen dating whether online or off is very popular these days not limiting to adults only, but younger generation and teenagers are also involved into it. Teen dating is considered as important part in the life. Teen dating is a time of social experimentation for teenagers. It can be a wonderful and fun time where self confidence is built up, and dating techniques are learned. Teens also learn how to be both assertive and compromising, how to be giving to another and how to ex...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Finding Reputable Scuba Diving Classes Scuba diving, like any other skilled activity, must be learned before it can be mastered. So, for those who have a desire to take to the ocean in scuba gear, choosing from among scuba diving classes is an inevitable part of the process. Finding reputable scuba diving classes will ensure that you receive the skills you need to begin your journey in scuba.The beauty of scuba diving classes is that they can be found anywhere – from small towns to big cities – and do not requ...
45. Bookmarks: 0 English As A Second Language The English language is the most commonly spoken language on Earth, either by native speakers or by people who have learned it in addition to their first language. More and more people everyday have the desire to learn English as a second language. The type of people who wish to learn it run the gamut from children in other countries who are required to learn English as part of their school curriculum, business professionals that wish to be able to communicate with their Engl...
46. Bookmarks: 38 A Good Rested Mind And A Lot Of Confidence Is All You Need For Your Certification Exams. Most people who would like to get an IT certification hate certification exams. There is so much to do and so much to memorize in a short period of time that it looks like an impossible task. They start looking for the solutions and pay their hard earned money for the list of Questions and answers. There are a numerous number of tuition providers and some of them give strange guarantees.
47. Bookmarks: 12 Self-Improvement - Marketing Yourself As A Brand We are all familiar with name brand products in the stores. Companies have learned they can sell more of their product if they can make you associate the name closely with a particular service or advantage.Branding yourself is a relatively new concept in the world of employment, but basically it uses the same strategy, only this time the product is you. Branding yourself is a way of making it clear to potential employers or clients what, in particular, you might be able t...
48. Bookmarks: 0 Excel FR Jeans: Protection In Hazardous Conditions There are many tasks where something extra is called for. Some professions need something attractive, and some professions need some flame resistant apparel to keep them safe. Excel Flame Resistant FR jeans just happen to be both attractive and flame resistant, and the world has definitely learned to appreciate those safety pants. Bulwark is the material used to produce this high quality, protection clothing, and the reputation offered by Bulwark is second to none when it com...
49. Bookmarks: 1 Health And Fitness|how To Get Great Body Shape-stay Fit And Healthy Most people know that having health and fitness is important. Many try to stay fit and healthy to get a great body shape. The question is do people know the benefits of being fit and healthy or how to get that great body shape they yearned so much for?Unfortunately not, otherwise there will not be such high dropout rates in gyms all over the world and people getting fatter and fatter.• Benefits of good health and fitness :-1) Day to day chores are so much easier –...
50. Bookmarks: 3 The Secret To Healthier Plants? Let’s Ask My Grandfather. Farmers and gardeners of a few decades ago knew a thing or two about healthier plants and soils. This is what I learned from one of them.
51. Bookmarks: 0 A Brief Look At George Washington, The Politician George Washington was the very first President of the United States of America. He was born on February 22, 1732 in a small County called Westmoreland, located in Virginia. Washington, whose father passed away when he was only 11, was home schooled and learned how to become an expert woodsman and mapmaker by himself.In 1759 Washington married Martha Curtis, a wealthy widow. Although Washington and Curtis never had children of their own, Curtis had two children, Martha and...
52. Bookmarks: 1 10 ways women restaurants skyrocket profits using unconventional restaurant marketing and advertising Many women restaurant owners and managers have learned how to drive a starving crowd to their restaurants on a shoe string budget using unconventional restaurant marketing techniques.Women seem to be the more aggressive gender when it comes to restaurant marketing. Here are some of the many unconventional marketing techniques women are now using:
53. Bookmarks: 0 Staying On Top Of The Top Penny Stocks Before you put money into any investment, you like to know that the investment has a reasonable chance of appreciating in value. And the same applies to penny stocks; there are thousands and thousands of penny stocks, but before you buy any of them you would certainly benefit from knowing how to separate the top penny stocks in a sector from the rest. The skills to do that can be learned with a great deal of homework and some trading experience. If you really could spo...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Healthy Selfishness: Put Yourself On Your To Do List Are You Last on the List?When was the last time taking care of yourself or doing something just for fun made it to the top of your to do list? If your answer is a long time ago or can't remember or even never, you're not alone.From the time we were children, many of us were taught don't be selfish and think of others. We may have learned these lessons a little too well. Most of us spend all the hours of our day taking care of others, completing the to-do lis...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Grandma’s Herbal Remedies For Infants And Children Once upon a time, we used to turn to our parents or grandparents when something was wrong with our little ones. More often than not, now we turn to our doctors. Unfortunately, our doctors were never taught what our grandmothers learned from their mothers, methods that have been tried and true for centuries. Here is a not-so-complete list of some of my favorites passed down from my Grandma. ADD – Grandma didn’t call it this back then, but that’s probably what it was. Aside...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Where did Individual Responsibility Go? Way too many Americans have forgotten the importance of taking responsibility for one's own needs. The result is that we have elected politicians who are taking advantage of people's greed when goodies are promised. Come on America, we must reverse this trend and be responsible for our own lives. Health Care around the world is threatened because of this, and we must reverse the trend. I only write the truth about health care as I learned it during forty plus years in the industry, and I w
57. Bookmarks: 10 What You Can Learn from Tiger's Swing Many things can be learned from the worlds greatest player, Tiger Woods. Here are a few things that may be benficial to your game.
58. Bookmarks: 0 What You Can Learn From The Merry Mex! I love to listen to Lee Trevino talk about the golf swing. If there ever was a self-made man, Lee is certainly it! The Merry-Mex learned golf the hard way, sneaking onto golf courses and caddying when he was young. He practiced long and hard when he was a young man in Mexico diligently honing his craft.Lee certainly has a great understanding of the golf swing. Lee's swing is a bit unorthodox as he reroutes the club on the downswing...not a conventional golf swing to say t...
59. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret To Club Head Speed: The Holy Grail In Golf - Part 3 In this 3 Part Special Golf Report you will learn:- What creates club head speed?- How to dramatically increase your club head?Let us now look at the way a golf club is designed. You remember in high school when we all learned about levers? Levers have a way of multiplying force thus giving you a mechanical advantage when you want to move a large object for example. Most golfers think there are only 2 levers in the golf swing - the arms and the club. The reason for ...
60. Bookmarks: 0 Playing The Golf Swing Punch Shot The golf swing punch shot has always impressed me out on the golf course when it has been executed properly. It has been one of the most interesting golf shots that I learned to play and have watched others perform. It requires the art of timing and touch to master the art of a soft landing punch shot or a bump and run. This type of shot saves golfers a number of strokes from time to time, and is quite effective in a tough situation.The punch shot is pretty much the only ...
61. Bookmarks: 0 My First Time Playing Golf My first golfing experience was a disaster. Looking back it's a funny list of misunderstandings - but I learned some important lessons.
62. Bookmarks: 0 Making Your Program Golf Specific Golf-Specific means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone's performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of the golf swing itself, a golfer needs adequate spinal rotation, hip rotation, shoulder rotation, core engagement, some deg...
63. Bookmarks: 0 It's Not About The Bicep Curl When It Comes To Golf Fitness Training How many of you have read, It's Not About The Bike by Lance Armstrong? What we learned about Lance's life is that his mission is all about survival, digging deep from within, honoring your goals and commitments, and following your dreams in spite of the often difficult road to the top.
64. Bookmarks: 10 Is Golf Practice All You Need for Lower Scores? Golf is a very demanding sport, both physically and mentally. Most recreational golfers would love to have a more powerful swing and lower their handicaps. Good instruction from a teaching pro and practice of what you’ve learned can help lower your scores. There is however, more to achieving consistent improvement. It’s great to go to the driving range and practice. Unfortunately, sometimes you’re further embedding the wrong movement patterns into your swing.
65. Bookmarks: 0 How To Be A Winner It is said that games of tennis, golf and so on are won or lost on an eleven inch playing field – i.e. the distance between the player’s ears!Now I am no sports person, although I always enjoy watching Wimbledon, but I have learned over the years that life and sport are similar in that everything depends upon our thought processes. If you think you can, you can, whereas if you think you can’t it’s virtually a certainty that you’re right!So to succeed in any endeavor w...
66. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Swing Fundamentals A Short Overview There are really six basic golf swing fundamentals that need to be learned, and managed whether you're a beginner or a pro.The GripSimply put the grip is just how you hold the club in your hands. There are three regular grips that golfers choose from, selecting the one that feels most comfortable to you is important, and then sticking with it so you don't have changing variables as you learn.Single Overlap Grip: (assuming a right handed golfer) The pinky finger on...
67. Bookmarks: 0 7 Tips To Improve Your Golf If you have bad golfing habits today, you probably learned them when you first took up golf. But the good news is that anyone can break bad habits and learn good ones. Here are a couple of tips to help you on your way to playing better golf.
68. Bookmarks: 0 How To Find Inner Peace Amazingly, you have just come across the information that you need to find your own inner peace. Just look at the page in front of you. It’s you who is staring out at this page and it’s you that is the Source of your own inner peace. You just haven’t learned how to see yourself yet and you need a little guidance. Once you are able to focus in on who you really are, you will reach inner peace. You will know it because nothing will disturb you anymore and any feelings of dis-ea...
69. Bookmarks: 0 How Can I Learn To Meditate? It's a bit like riding a bike, once you've learned how to meditate then it's a process you'll have access to the whole of your life.But where can you learn to meditate?There are meditation tutorials on the internet, so they are often a good place to start. So long as they're not complicated with lots of jargon. Most are good and take the time out to explain any terms they are using so that beginners can understand them.When you are starting out, it's important to ...
70. Bookmarks: 0 Success Lessons From Baseball - Enthusiasm and Excitement Can Make The Difference The same qualities that lead to success in baseball can lead to success in business or any other activity. The example of Frank Bettger, the baseball player is an inspiring one. His books deserve to be read and reread again and again. This article describes the success lessons which he learned in baseball and then transferred to the world of business.
71. Bookmarks: 6 7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons - biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Public Speaking Tips: How To Captivate Your Audience! Public speaking is all about performance, whether this is on an auditorium stage, in a small room or a huge arena. Holding the attention of your audience throughout your presentation or speech is an area well documented in any public speaking course. Once you’ve learned how to prepare your notes, conquered your fear of public speaking and brushed up your presentation skills, tips on great ways to captivate your audience is the all-important next step!Public speaking tips...
73. Bookmarks: 1 The Dance Of Change Though many are afraid of change, our world today has made it decidedly clear that, like it or not, change is and continues to be a constant. Not only that, it is an increasingly consistent constant. Like it or not, there’s no avoiding this invitation to dance. Yet if we have learned to flow with this dance, if we have found a way to see ourselves as a partner in the process of change, we have a chance. If we have been attuned enough to have caught a whiff of the winds...
74. Bookmarks: 0 The Awesome Power Of Words On some playground as I child, I learned to sing the song “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” I guess that was to appease the bullies on the playground as we stuck out our tongues at them, but in reality it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Words do hurt and they can do great harm. Wars have been fought because of words.There are many people who are struggling in life today not because of physical injuries on a playground but from words ...
75. Bookmarks: 0 How To Live Stress-Free By Saying “NO” We all know the adage, “A mother’s work is never done.” In fact, this could become a modern-day mother’s theme song since we all have overbooked schedules and everybody wants something done yesterday.We teach our children from a young age that it is impolite to say the word, “No,” which was a lesson we learned in childhood, too. Now as adults, it is increasingly difficult to say, “No,” to anyone for fear of being rude or being seen as unreliable.Mothe...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Erase Endless Tape Loops It's amazing to me that no matter how much I think I've done in life that there is always more to experience (and learn). And, I have also learned that life stagnates because I allow it to.Even though we have brilliant resources inside each of us, we also may have habitual tendencies of the mind that play like endless tape loops, tendencies that cause us suffering of one kind or another. It can be a snap to get caught up in this play field, and begin a downward spiral i...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Are You Invisible? Ellen was brought up to be invisible. She was taught to be very tuned into others’ feelings and needs, but to never have any of her own. Her family made it clear to her that her job was to give to them but to never expect anything in return. As a result, Ellen learned to be totally tuned out to her own feelings and needs. It was as if she, as a person, didn’t really exist, other than to be there for others.
78. Bookmarks: 0 Anyone Up For A Challenge? Since the beginning of my blog, I have tried to let my readers into my private life a little at a time, without giving too much away (I really don’t want psychos showing up at my door). For instance, through the blog, you have learned, among other things, that I am a recovering drug addict, that I was homeless less than 10 years ago, that my wife is expecting, and that I live near an extremely small town in Utah (population is less than 400).All of that aside, the one que...
79. Bookmarks: 0 Addiction to Self-Judgment “I’m such a jerk. How could I have said that?”“I’m a looser. I’ll never get anywhere.”“I’m so stupid. I should have learned this by now.”“I don’t fit in. I don’t belong with these people.”“I’ll never be good enough. I’ll never do it right enough.”“I’m permanently emotionally damaged. I’ll never be okay.”“No one could love me. I’m not lovable.”
80. Bookmarks: 3 THE SECRET TO SUCCESS Columnist Nan Russell shares career insights learned over 20 years in the corporate world, including as a Vice President at QVC
81. Bookmarks: 5 Impossible is Just a Word Life could be so much better, if only we learned to aim higher.
82. Bookmarks: 2 How to Give a Great Speech As a former owner of a National Speakers Bureau, I have learned from several thousand professional speakers How to Give a Great Speech. Here are some techniques that I share with my coaching clients who want to become paid professional speakers or business professionals who want todeliver masterful presentations.
83. Bookmarks: 3 Don't Forget To Smile I like to think that I have learned a lot of things from living my life. It seems my years have been filled with a whole lot of good things with a few really hard things in between. I have had the privilege of knowing a lot of really great people and I've enjoyed countless memories with each of them. I have been happily married for quite a few years and I've been blessed with several children. I feel pretty good today, but not every day seems to go this well. Some days life i...
84. Bookmarks: 2 Anxiety: A Lack Of Reality Brent started to work with me after his wife, Carla, suddenly decided to leave the marriage. They had been married five years and Brent thought everything was fine. Then Brent became ill and Carla withdrew. And then she was gone.Brent was devastated. He loved Carla and wanted her back. However, he soon learned that she had not been honest with him, even from the beginning of their relationship. He learned that she had been more interested in his money than in him. She was...
85. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 23 ) Even I have a god with whom I was vaguely acquainted.I had learned in Sunday school that He lived in a place called heaven. He seemed so far removed from everyone and everything that only popes and priests, pastors and preachers, kings, emperors and presidents had access to Him. One would lift beseeching hands and cry in pain to this god ,but most times, no answer.I thought I’d throw a curve at Gideon.“Hey,Gideon, you know so much. Tell me about God. Who and what is He? W...
86. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 15 ) There are two ways of spreading light--to be the candle or the mirror that reflects.-- Edith WhartonThe secret of life is balance, and the absence of balance is life's destruction.-- Hazrat Inayat KhanI learned this, that if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. You will put some things behind, you will pass an invisible boundary, ...
87. Bookmarks: 0 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 58) “You better believe it,” continued Matthias. “Now we are permitted to dress whatever way we see fit — mostly to fit the assignment. Once I got my wings caught in a clump of trees. You should have heard me swear. You think I can’t swear, huh? Well, I’ve been to all kinds of places and met all sorts of people. I’ve learned their languages well. You should hear me swear in Bantu. You’ve got to be good with languages, you know — part of the requireme...
88. Bookmarks: 0 Your Self-worth Is Not Your Net-worth Lisa, a friend of mine who has known me for the last 16 years, came to visit over the recent Christmas Holiday and asked me a powerful question I really had to stop and think about. As we were up late one night talking, she asked me, “What is biggest lesson you have learned in this whole process of bringing forth your vision?” I sat there and thought about it for a moment because there have been so many powerful lessons and insights I have gained, but the one that stands out ...
89. Bookmarks: 0 What Are You Doing To Acheive Your Dreams? What are you looking for in your life? More peace, prosperity, someone to share your life with? What are you hungry for?I don’t know about you, but one of the things I’ve learned on this journey of becoming more of who I am – is that every person deep down inside – really just wants to be happy, to be with their families, have their friends around them – have successful meaningful relationships – be healthy and live the life they are meant to live.I don’t ...
90. Bookmarks: 0 Spring Cleaning - hard work but such a great pay off! Spring-cleaning: for some a chore for others a joy. I learned about this ritual at an early age. Now, the thought of spring-cleaning evokes precious memories.
91. Bookmarks: 1 Mentally Passing A Driving Test Nowadays, driving is considered as a very important skill. You could use this skill in cases of emergencies or even for something as simple as getting a change of scenery. Some people learned to drive by enrolling in driving schools while others were taught by their parents or friends. In any case, you would soon require a driver’s license to be considered as road-worthy. This can be accomplished by passing a driving test.It is not surprising that you would become apprehe...
92. Bookmarks: 0 The Causes Of Stress This article looks into the causes of stress and gives free tips to help you control and reduce your worries.I have, as I am sure many people do, stressed for most of my life for many different reasons.Even though I still worry about many things, I have now learned how to handle many of these situations and will write about how I go about doing this, in this article.
93. Bookmarks: 0 Stress Management Is A Learned Technique! Here I will begin with something that happened many many years ago. It was when I attended my college in 1994 in Princeton.When I saw him for the first time in the Class Room, I was a bit surprised. How could this sort of a human being who is typical of his Eastern reigns, be our “Stress Management” Professor? His stiff face seemed incapable of generating any smile! Lines appeared on his forehead, even before he was making efforts to start his career in our College with h...
94. Bookmarks: 0 Career Enhancement Tools For Stress Management Career Enhancement ToolsNo matter what your career, you will periodically face stressful situations from time to time. Handling stress in the workplace is challenging. Those that manage it well will be top candidates for career advancement.Stress management requires skills and techniques. These are learned over time in a work environment or through career enhancement courses. The first effective step in stress management is to “carve” away at it a little at a time...
95. Bookmarks: 0 Winning Coaches Know the Secret of Goal Setting The secret ingredient to improve a team’s or an individual’s chances of winning is outlined by a seasoned rugby coach who learned first hand the importance of goal setting
96. Bookmarks: 0 We All Need More Patience – NOW! Patience is often the most confusing of virtues. For one thing, many people don’t realize that patience is learned! It doesn’t come naturally for most of us. Here are three areas in which patience really does pay.
97. Bookmarks: 2 Life - a Quest! The article is about thinking of applying what you have learned. We learn a lot in our life but we fail to apply it. This article will give you an aspiration on why applying is equally important
98. Bookmarks: 6 7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons - biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s...
99. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Use Your Time Wisely? When I was younger, I never considered the importance of time.I just laze around, watching TV, lie in bed, and play video games.As I grew older, I thought about the things that I have achieved. To my surprise, I haven't accomplished a lot.I resolved to myself that I will do things that will contribute to the benefit of mankind and to myself!I studied very hard and learned a lot of lessons from my experience. I lacked self-confidence before, so I want to help o...
100. Bookmarks: 0 Have A Love Affair With Your Mailbox Several years ago, I developed an irrational fear of my mailbox. At the time I was struggling through severe financial difficulties, and it seemed like each day's mail delivery brought new horrors in the form of mounting bills, late notices, shut-off notices, and general bad news.Eventually I learned how to turn that trend around and begin attracting greater prosperity into my life, but I was surprised to discover one day that I still clenched up in fear and anxiety eve...

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