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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag FRAUD

There are 65 articles associated with the tag FRAUD!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Tips to escape from Internet Scam Internet has become the shopping mart for many people. With this the scamming and fraudulent practices have also made their way. A user who is not an internet expert can easily be looted but these general tips can save an ordinary user effectively.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Scam Alert 2009: Spread the Word (August 2009) An envelope arrived yesterday from a worried investor (not a client of mine) in Appleton, Wisconsin. He had been contacted with an investment partner opportunity touting a guaranteed investment program that would absolutely double and triple his money every sixty days with no worries, work, or risk involved.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Wrongful Repossession The documents banks filed to take your property can be worth more to you than the home & commercial real estate they took.
4. Bookmarks: 0 GaDaddy Continues It's Daily Practice Of FRAUD and EXTORTION GoDaddy started following this practice of FRAUD and EXTORTION in early 2012 and after 56 complaints to GoDaddy and several to the FTC, GoDaddy continues this practice. If you are a GoDaddy customer, you have probably seen this.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Is GoDaddy Committing Fraud or Extortion? GoDaddy just started sending threatening emails to every one of their customers in Feb. 2012, which is either fraud or extortion... you decide.
6. Bookmarks: 1 Investment Scam Buster Workshop --- Who Ya Gonna Call? Investment Scam Buster Workshop. Who Ya Gonna Call?
7. Bookmarks: 0 Anarchy as an Organizing Principle The recent spate of accounting fraud scandals signals the end of an era. Disillusionment and disenchantment with American capitalism may yet lead to a tectonic ideological shift from laissez faire and self regulation to state intervention and regulation. This would be the reversal of a trend dating back to Thatcher in Britain and Reagan in the USA. It would also cast some fundamental - and way more ancient - tenets of free-marketry in grave doubt.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Refinance & Mortgage Tips: Down Payment From Savings Once you’ve figured out how much of a down payment you can make on your home mortgage, it’s time to determine how to document the source of your funds for the down payment and closing costs. Now you might be saying, “Why do they care where I get the money?” Lenders need to verify the source of funds to both assess the underlying risk in you as a borrower as well as to prevent loan fraud. This makes it imperative for you, the applicant, to maintain complete and detailed r...
9. Bookmarks: 2 How to Find Free Government Grant Money Finding free government grant money can be time and labor intensive. Identifying the specific agencies and their purposes and specific subject areas can involve a lot of research work. Ads that claim the process is easy usually involve some sort of fraud and are untruthful. Government grant money will need to be answered for very specifically in today's world.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Virtual Credit Cards: Pranksters And Cheaters Take A Walk While the advent of information technology in conjunction with credit cards has made the life very convenient as any thing can be obtained at the click of a mouse, it has also increased the susceptibility towards frauds as well. The fraudsters after taking the cards and the PIN numbers do online transactions and lead to a situation of despair for many of us. There was an apprehension that with the intensity of online frauds increasing the luxury of conducting all the business...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Giving To Children’s Charities Giving to children’s charities can be among the most rewarding things you can do with your money. Selecting the right charity, however, can seem complicated with the wide variety of charities out there. While most charities are reputable and trustworthy, there are some instances of fraud or other issues that can make giving to charities something worth taking a closer look at. Overall, thankfully, the act of giving to children’s charities can be tremendously rewarding and com...
12. Bookmarks: 0 What's the Best Online Gambling Site for Me? Well this question sounds a bit like ‘Who is the best person for me to marry?’ And why not, there is a lot at stake if you end up with the wrong person and in this case a fraudulent gambling site! Like in marriage, there is no ‘one size fits all’ in online gaming as well.
13. Bookmarks: 0 The Role Of Secrecy In Romance Scams The menace of romance scams again re-echoed recently at the media –hyped trial of the wife of a clergyman who allegedly murdered her husband.She apparently had cashed some fraudulent checks sent to her by a fraud syndicate working from Nigeria and Canada.She seemed to have sent some money to the fraudsters, and was said to have tried to cover up the fraud with the bank officials.It was during an argument with her husband, a minister in the Methodist church, over t...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Accounting When starting a business, you have to determine the method you are going to use for accounting and paying taxes. The two choices are the cash method and the accrual method.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Fraudulent Tax Shelters – KMPG Goes Down Hard In the largest criminal tax case ever filed, KMPG has copped a plea to using fraudulent tax shelters to bilk the government out of 2.5 billion dollars. KMPG has agreed to pay a fine of $456 million dollars, but nine of its executives still are under indictment.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Credit Card Security Advice Some tips that may help visitors to your site protect themselves against credit card fraud and identity theft.
17. Bookmarks: 0 How To Set & Achieve Goals While Enjoying The Journey & Learning Something That Can Serve You - Long-Term As you can see from the title, I've set myself a big writing challenge today!Have you ever set a goal and felt disappointed because you didn't achieve it? Or set a goal and felt out of alignment with it immediately - or felt bad even if you did achieve it? Or have you ever set a goal and felt like a fraud or laughed at yourself when you said it and said, no way?My hand is up. I've done all of those at different times in my life - maybe more than once! Arrrgh!In th...
18. Bookmarks: 0 How To Spot Forex Fraud As the popularity of Forex increases so do the number of scam artists attempting to cash in on the Forex gravy train. Since Forex involves trading money internationally, often over the Internet, a whole new breed of scams have come about. Ironically many of these scam artists are finding their marks through newspaper, television or other print media advertisements.While these scams are generally easily spotted by experienced traders, new speculators may have problems know...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Avoiding Forex-Related Frauds and Scams Marquez, author of The Part-Time Currency Trader, wants you to take precautions when shopping around for forex brokers.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Stock Investment Research Guidelines To Eliminate Stress If you’re investing with that gnawing pit in the bottom of your stomach its probable you’re taking risks that could affect your quality of life. Here are some basic guidelines to help your next stock investment...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Gold is Golden You need to protect yourself NOW from the biggest one year loss of wealth in the history of the world. Does this statement get your attention? Many western economies have participated in this gigantic fraud of escalating house evaluations as evidence of economic growth, relying on greed and bogus money supply to stoke the fires of the greater fool theory and thus give the illusion of prosperity. As a result house sticker prices kept going up and up in most cities, while in reality the true ...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Who Else Wants To Make Money Online Without Work? Why are you in Internet? Most likely, you want to earn money with easy way. It is almost reality with HYIPs, if you know how they work, of course. I know it and have more than $4000-5000 a month without work. How I do it?
23. Bookmarks: 6 Who are the Scamsters and who are the victims Current scams that are in vogue in UK include companies that are: • Persuading the investors to invest in fraudulent schemes;• advertising "buy to let" properties in poor condition and make claims about unrealistic rental returns; • offering the chance to make a profit from buying up debts; • Targeting the low salaried people about to retire.Who are the scamsters?
24. Bookmarks: 0 Avoiding 'Make Money Fast' Schemes We live in a world where the internet is one of the most important tools for communication and business. The convenience the internet offers is vast. About a decade ago, online businesses boomed and since then many people who wanted to make some extra buck turned to the internet. Some are legitimate businesses who sell products and skills and some are fraud sites that steal and harass people.An example of these fraud schemes is the Make Money Fast or MMS schemes. This...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Scandals & Scams: What's Next! (October, 2006) Plain vanilla fraud and theft are less worrisome to me than situations where the general acceptance of misinformation or "business as usual" practices allows inherently bad product ideas and blatant mismanagement to become accepted by regulatory authorities, financial professionals, and myopically gullible consumers. Here are some candidates for future "Blockbuster Scandal Awards" (B S Awards, if you will):
26. Bookmarks: 3 Safe Trading On Ebay: Avoiding Fraud For Buyers & Sellers Turn on CNN or Fox News, read a column on the Internet or play your favorite all news radio station an you’ll become acutely aware of the “so-called” fraud online – specifically related to eBay.Definition of Fraud: “In a broad strokes definition, fraud is a deliberate misrepresentation which causes another person to suffer damages, usually monetary losses.”Like many, I have had negative experiences one eBay. However, I’ve also had negative experiences with...
27. Bookmarks: 6 Does Pay-Per-Click have a future? Big companies are bailing out of Pay-per-click, citing the cost of good keywords, click fraud, and low loyalty from clickers. Does PPC have a future?
28. Bookmarks: 0 When Payment Matters When everything's settled after the seller has posted a product in eBay, there's only one thing that needs to be accomplished: payment mode. When selling something, the most important thing a seller must consider is how he or she shall be paid. This is a very risky decision since a lot of fraudulent activities in eBay involve payment. PAYPAL This is the most common way of paying a seller on eBay. PayPal is an online business that facilitates the transaction of...
29. Bookmarks: 0 When It Pays To Be A Smart Buyer When buying things from E-bay, it's the responsibility of the shopper to protect his or her identity and well being. That's why it's a must for every online shopper to keep in mind some rules on how to buy safely from E-bay so as to avoid frauds, scams, and cheaters.Here are 15 tips on how to buy safely from E-Bay:1. The buyer should analyze the item list extensively. It's a must that the buyer understands every word written on the item list. Buyers should contemplate...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Visitors Leave After Seeing My Home Page – Aye, Carumba! One of the keys to a profitable web site is analyzing your hits to visitor ratio. What does it mean if you have a low hit to visitor ratio? This article provides the answer
31. Bookmarks: 0 The Warning signs of Online Fraud and How to avoid it The number may seem grim for Web-based commerce. In 2004 in the Unites States alone, computer users logged in more than 207,000 Internet fraud reports to the U.S. Internet Crime Complaint Center. If you look hard at this number, you may be astounded, and a good bit frightened, by the implication. You may ask, “Is it really safe to buy and sell at an online site?”
32. Bookmarks: 0 The Hazards Of Shopping On Ebay Buying online at auction websites such as ebay is becoming ever more popular and there are some great bargains out there to take advantage of. There are however risks involved and in this article I am going to write about a bad experience a friend of mine went through, an experience which would cost him a lot of money.
33. Bookmarks: 0 The Day I Was Nearly Defrauded On Ebay I have been reading lately about many cases of people, who are the victims of conmen on the internet auction website Ebay. I myself had a negative experience a number of years ago when a man tried to steal £170 from me. I was one of the lucky ones as I managed to get the money back.
34. Bookmarks: 0 Spotting Fakes And Frauds On Ebay Fake items abound on eBay, and it takes much effort not to be duped by scammers who peddle these wares. There have been many painful stories relating how a seemingly legitimate item turned out to be either fake or defective. It is possible, however, to avoid these scams if one is careful and vigilant. Buyers should be wary of any purchase over eBay, and should take steps to ensure the authenticity of the item and to make sure the item is in reasonable condition. Be Vi...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Reasons To Be Careful When Buying Goods On Ebay I decided to write this article to warn everyone using ebay what can go wrong for the buyer when the goods do not turn up. Recently i won an auction on ebay which was luckily for me at at a low price which is a relief after what happened next.
36. Bookmarks: 13 QxBid - Free of Charge Global Online Auctions Whether you are a seller or a buyer at online auctions, it's important to understand how auctions work and how to buy or sell products securely. While online auctions offer many benefits as well as an opportunity to buy and sell internationally, the business can be risky. In fact, online auctions rank near the top among consumer fraud complaints. Use the tips below to maximize your Internet auction benefits.
37. Bookmarks: 4 Pay Per Click Search Engines Before promoting one's site through a pay per click (ppc) search engine, it is very important to take into account a few important points. Paying attention to the following points will not only increase one's conversion rate, but it will also minimize the advertiser's chances of losing one's funds as a result of fraudulent clicking.Title and descriptionWhen choosing the title and description for one's advertisement, one should take special care to include factual, att...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Optimize Returns From Your Online Free Trial Campaigns. Use PhoneConfirm. PhoneConfirm helps to fight on-line fraud by providing reliable identity verification services.
39. Bookmarks: 0 How To Tips On Buying On Ebay Buying things on eBay can be a great alternative for out-door shopping. Shopping on eBay gives the buyers a convenient way of looking for the right stuffs or things that they need. However, it is a must for every eBay shopper to take note of these important reminders before buying on eBay so as to avoid scams and fraudulent activities.Here are some tips for the buyers:1. It is important to know the item first.The eBay management strongly suggests that a buyer shou...
40. Bookmarks: 0 How To Avoid Being A Victim Of Ebay Buyer’s Fraud. From everything you’ve heard about the risk of fraud on eBay, you might think it’s only buyers getting scammed – but you couldn’t be more wrong. Here are a few common scams that sellers fall for every day.
41. Bookmarks: 3 Google Sued Over 'Click Fraud' in Adwords On June 24, 2005, a lawsuit was filed against Google for alleged click fraud on the Adwords pay-per-click program. The Plaintiff, Click Defense, claims Google failed to enact appropriate measures to guard against fraudulent clicks resulting in unwarranted marketing fees. Click Defense claims it has lost over $5 million to click fraud.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Google Adwords – A “Has Been”? Many advertisers are suffering from huge advertising costs, potential click fraud and little to no return on investment. But on the other hand, there are a small percentage of people who use Adwords profitably, so much so that this is their sole source of income.
43. Bookmarks: 1 Good Clicks, Bad Clicks: Recognizing The Signs Of Click Fraud Search engine marketing is a billion dollar industry—but click fraud poses a threat to search engine advertising companies and online marketers alike. Pay-Per-Click ad campaigns are a fairly simple concept; advertisers bid on popular search keywords and pay the search engine ad companies every time someone clicks on their ad. This is a mutually beneficial relationship for the advertiser and the search engine company. The problem comes when the advertisers’ numbers—and their b...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Gone Phishing and your the fish! While there are sites where you can forward these poison pills, your only real protection, is you. You retain the power of the delete button, use it wisely.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Fraud Protection And E-commerce Fraud Protection on the Short termThe bad guys that have this debit card data are not going to attack online merchants for goods that they will have to convert to cash. They have been walking straight to the ATMs for the green dollar.The impact on merchants in the CNP world will be minimal; certainly no more than a few numbers of credit cards but probably less. I do not think the CP merchants will feel it much either. Consumers, on the other hand, are going to take a ...
46. Bookmarks: 7 Fighting Click Fraud In google Adwords Click fraud is major threat to anyone advertising on Google Adwords, or any pay per click search engine. This article explains what click fraud is, hot to spot it in your campaigns, and what to do about it if you become a victim.
47. Bookmarks: 0 Ebay Fraud And Risks I was on the hunt to buy a particular make of mobile phone and thought I had found a real bargain. I saw an advert for a buy it now phone at a price which I thought was quite low. The advert stated that the mobile phone was an unwanted christmas present.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Easy Tips To Avoid Google Click Fraud Simple steps you can take to avoid click fraud in your Google Adsense account...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Dumb With Scam Everything in E-bay seemed perfect: nice shopping portal, almost complete buyer's list, and a convenient place to do shopping online. In fact, it's too good to be true.If this is the case, then it's time for the buyer's warning signal to go red alert because if things on E-bay seemed to good to be true, it probably is and may not even be worth the buyer's time and money.There are lots of frauds and scams’ going on in the Internet today and E-bay is not excused. So, it...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Click Fraud and the Downfall of Google Internet marketers facing higher advertising fees on search networks are becoming increasingly concerned about a form of online fraud that was thought to have been contained years ago.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Beware, There Are A Lot Of Crooks On Ebay I hope you have not had a negative experience on ebay. I was very much enjoying the site until one day, some freak tried to steal nearly £200 from selling me an item which did not exist. This article explains what happened and also the advice the police gave to me.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Avoid Internet Auction Fraud With These Tips In the early days of internet auctions you were much more likely to be conned than you are today. Figures from the National Fraud Information Center for the year 2000 stated that 78% of Internet fraud at that time took place on online auction sites. Since then the big sites have taken major steps to make their auctions safer places for their users. Although it is safer to buy online from auctions today, you still need to be careful when transacting in internet auctions. H...
53. Bookmarks: 14 Auction Tips For Sellers And Bidders At first glance, selling and buying items online would appear to be as easy as sending an email or downloading a song after a few clicks of the mouse. But with the rate at which several online auction and shopping websites pop up and disappear, and the growing number of bidding frauds done online, one can say that online auctions are getting to be risky undertakings.The popularity of auction and shopping sites trivialized the issue of security against fraudulent transacti...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Click Fraud, Google Agrees To $90 Million Settlement In Class Action Lawsuit Important Legal Notice Regarding Your Google AdWords AccountThis court-ordered notice may affect your legal rights. Please read it carefully. If you purchased online advertising from Google between January 1, 2002 and the present, you are a class member in a class-action lawsuit in the Circuit Court of Miller County, Arkansas. This notice is to inform you of the Court's certification of a class; the nature of the claims alleged; your right to participate in, or exclude yourself from, the cl...
55. Bookmarks: 0 10 Safety Tips For Buying On eBay eBay has become a household name for shoppers. A lot the buyers on eBay are not regular internet shoppers but they still shop on eBay. Such is the power of eBay giving simplicity of shopping and top bargains. From time to time, there is some fraud on eBay about fake fashion items, event tickets that do not exist, some expensive electronic items that do not exist. eBay does its best to intervene and resolve such disputes. As a shopper, you can follow these 10 safety tips t...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Reciprocal Link Frauds - How To Detect And Avoid Are you sure your website’s back links are true? Take a look at these reciprocal linking frauds that other websites use to outwit you. Don’t be a victim, be aware of these tricks to ensure your reciprocal linking activity yield positive results.
57. Bookmarks: 0 Fake Pagerank Checker Acquiring domains or website or even purchasing links is a risky process, fraught with all kinds of frauds. During the process of due diligence, we propose that you consider a Fake PR Checker as a tool to avoid getting conned by URL Jackers.
58. Bookmarks: 1 Affiliate Fraud - Avoiding Fraud In Lead Programs Lead fraud is possibly the largest obstacle to successful lead gathering via Affiliate marketing on the internet. Finding pre-qualified leads online can be either very successful or very frustrating depending on how you set up your program to deal with fraud.Gathering leads through an Affiliate program can be a very successful venture if you find the right Affiliates. Names and contact details of people who have an active interest in your product increases conversion rate...
59. Bookmarks: 0 Click Fraud Is your PPC campaign getting sabotaged by fraudsters? Are you depleting 10%, 20%--even 40% of your budget on wasted clicks? How to catch these scammers with their hands in the cookie jar!
60. Bookmarks: 0 If It Looks Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is Online fraud is on the rise--up 67 percent in 2004.
61. Bookmarks: 0 Identity Fraud Precautions Consequences of Identity FraudIn most parts of the world, identity fraud is the fastest growing offence. Yet, in the USA, a longitudinal 2005 study by Javelin Strategy & Research showed that the crime had decreased since a 2003 study from the Federal Trade Commission was released in 2003. The most current US Javelin data also showed that 9.3 million persons, being 4.25% of all adults, are victims of identity fraud on a yearly basis. In the United Kingdom in 2005 the consu...
62. Bookmarks: 0 How Community Can Make A Difference In Fighting Click Fraud Click fraud is a multi-faceted problem, it costs ALL advertisers, it costs Google, and ultimately, it costs legitimate publishers in lost ad revenues. Anyone who has worked in law enforcement and loss prevention in the brick and mortar world can tell you that community involvement in policing efforts is one of the single most effective crime deterrents in existence. As a community of concerned web publishers and advertisers, we can take our cue from the most effective crime p...
63. Bookmarks: 0 Fake Credit Card Numbers Mean Safer Online Shopping Isn't That Illegal?Yes, using credit cards fraudulently is illegal. This article is absolutely not suggesting that you make up and use a credit card number. You should also never use credit cards belonging to other people. Below is a summary of new services the credit card companies have created to make online credit card use more secure. How Does It Work?It is more appropriate to use the terms "temporary credit card numbers" or "single-use credit card numbe...
64. Bookmarks: 0 Adsense – Still A Cash Cow? With the advent of Google losing a court case (and a shed load of money) and the continued problem of click fraud the question is now on the tip of everyone’s tongue – “Is Google Adsense still the cash cow that it was?”.In this article I’ll take a look at ways in which the average webmaster may still develop a successful Adsense business and how to use the up and coming Google witch hunt to your advantage.There are currently two main problems that are facing Google, b...
65. Bookmarks: 0 From Manuscript To Novel A Short Guide What do you do now that you have finished that great manuscript? Many believe you can simply start sending it out to agents or publishers sometimes even both. However this is simply not true, just because you have created this riveting tale, you cannot send it out and expect it to be published right then. No, there are many aspects to being published and even more frauds out there, where the only goal is to con you out of your money. Filling their pockets and leaving your...

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