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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag abuse

There are 58 articles associated with the tag abuse!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Managed Asset Allocation - A Portfolio Mission Statement The Asset Allocation formula is often abused in an effort to superimpose a valid investment planning tool on speculation strategies that have no real merits of their own. For example, annual portfolio repositioning, market timing adjustments, and shifting between Mutual Funds. To be effective, Asset Allocation must be implemented as an on-going process that is to be tended to with every investment decision.
2. Bookmarks: 73 Affiliate Marketing - One of the Most Abused Technologies on the Web! There are literally 10's of thousands of affiliate programs out there, but how do you find ones that really pay? With over four months of review, auditing, sign ups and purchase through affiliate programs, we came up with 4 things to look for in Affiliate programs.
3. Bookmarks: 0 FIXING HEALTH CARE: Indiscriminate Drug Use This article will explain why taking medications indiscriminately can be dangerous. Hopefully, people will give some thought to their own drug use. Remember, drugs do not cure any illness, they are there to help people in the short term deal with situations that come up in life.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Hesitate To Get Addiction Treatment In our day and age, it seems like you do not have to look far or long to find people that are struggling with addictions of all kinds. Sometimes you have to look no further than to yourself to find a tough addiction. When we hear the word, addiction, we immediately think of alcohol or substance abuse don't we? But let me assure you, there is a far wider range of things to be addicted to, and getting addiction treatment can be great no matter what a person is addicted to.A...
5. Bookmarks: 0 FIXING HEALTH CARE: Beware Legal Drugs Americans, in increasing numbers are taking too many medications and choosing to believe them to be safe is wishful thinking. All drugs are dangerous and this article uses the “recall of Darvon” a pain reliever to emphasize the point.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Sharia Boards in Canada Sharia (Islamic) Law has been a hot topic of debate for Canadians. Many Canadians are opposed to the implementation of Sharia because of misperceptions about flogging, decapitations and potential abuse towards women. However few have discussed the where if any in Canada a lending institute must certify their mortgages as Islamic.
7. Bookmarks: 0 A Short list of Points before Starting a Home Based Small Business Home based Small Business - An Alternative CareerHome business industry is booming fast at the rate of 17% annual growth. But, it is not free from scams as majority of home based small businesses run via internet. It is prone to be abused. Recently, safety and security of the online home businesses are strengthened by various affiliate programs and laws.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Civilian Crime Fighters Australian Volunteers Against Crime (AVAC) Crime WatchMuch of our neighborhood and city-based crime is a direct result of drug abuse. Many of the home break-ins and car break-ins are a result of addicts looking for quick money or cashable items to pay for their next hit. Many citizens are victims of this behavior and would love to find a way to fight back to stop this predation on our citizens.In Canberra, capital city of Australia, some citizens simply had enough of ...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Money In A Whole New Avatar Money has inspired many songs and innumerable statements. “Money makes the world go round.” “Money talks.” “It’s all about the money.” Money does play a very integral role in our day-to-day lives. Think about our three basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter, and you know that there is a fourth basic necessity which precedes these three. And that, my friend, is money. We may abuse it. We may associate it with criminal activities. We may call it th...
10. Bookmarks: 0 Tips In Getting Your Horse To Trust You It is far more enjoyable to ride a horse that trusts you rather than one who does not. But getting a horse to trust you is a difficult task, especially if the horse has a history of past abuse.It is indeed possible to befriend a horse who is shy and reticent but does not have a history of past abuse. Make sure that you approach the horse from the left. And always remember to show him what you have in your hands – even if it is a hoof pick, meant to be used on him.The ...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Pepper Sprays - Get Self Protection In January, President George W. Bush signed the reauthorization of the “Violence Against Women Act” without public debate. More than two out of five women have experienced sexual abuse in their lifetimes as per the study by American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Law enforcement is very much aware of this situation and they are doing their part diligently to curb it, but there is only so much they can do. In addition to relying on the law enforcement, you can take initiative...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Learning How To Deal With A Bully Most people at some stage of their lives will become the victim of bullying. People may think that this only occurs at school, however a lot of bullying also occurs in the workplace and even by your local neighbours. This article describes how I have learnt to deal with these nasty people, by playing what I call the nutter card.
13. Bookmarks: 0 Blaming Our Parents Is Easy It’s easy to blame our parents for how we are:How can I be successful and happy when my father always told me I wouldn’t amount to much?My mother was never a role model for a happy, healthy woman.No one ever showed me love when I was a child, so how can you expect me to have good relationships now?I was sexually abused by my father so everything’s wrong with my life now.No one ever expressed emotions in our family; they still don’t, so don’t expec...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Light Your Fire Have you ever listened to someone else speaking about themselves and had one of those 'If they can do that, so can I' thoughts?I often hear people say, 'I wish I could do so-and-so.' And for me this kind of statement is like the red rag and the bull.With all the 'stuff' that challenged me in the past (divorce, abuse, finances, self-esteem and lack of confidence) I know better than most that you can have nothing and create a worthwhile, dreamy and very holistic lifesty...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Dangers Of Prescription Drug Addiction In recent years, we have seen a growing trend, a dangerous trend that has unfortunately, cost people's lives. While years ago drug addiction was related to street drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, or heroin, we now see the dangers of prescription drug addiction. In fact, trips to hospital emergency rooms for prescription drug abuse from 2000 to 2002 rose a staggering 56%. Because of the huge problem, a number of new programs have been established to help educate doctors...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Survival Survival challenges us through many different issues such as: child abuse, sexual abuse, birth, death, job loss, health problems, low self-esteem, relationship ups and downs, parenting, deceptions, breakdowns, poverty, natural disasters, education, addictions and even our own desires to be strong.
17. Bookmarks: 1 Her Cries for help are Real!! Throughout my dealings with women from all over the world, I have met so many that are in a prison of pain and frustration. Through my website, they search desperately for a way out of this prison. They want so desperately to be heard.
18. Bookmarks: 0 Enough Is Enough: Divorce and Emotional Abuse This article is about emotional abuse in a married relationship. Emotional abuse is a form of domestic violence that has subtle but strong effects on a person. It may not leave a physical mark, but it affects a person mentally and emotionally. Emotionally abusive relationship tend to cycle in four phases. With proper help, one can still turn an abusive relationship back into a happy relationship.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Eroding Happiness Through Emotional Abuse This article talks about how people experience bad relationships with their family, friends, or partners. This article defines emotional abuse into several basis of abuse.How this kind of abuse works, and how people brainwash for power and control. Several effects of emotional abuse is discussed, as well as possible solutions for the abused.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Dealing With Emotional Pain (Hurt - Bitterness - Injustice - Abused – Pain)We feel emotional pain when we do not get what we want, need, or expect. We might feel hurt, rejection, bitterness, abuse, injustice or simply emotional pain.In such cases, we have not received the behavior or outcomes we expected or believed we deserved.We feel this kind of feel pain in cases when * people * do not behave to us in the ways that we had expected as well as in situations where * life * does not give us ...
21. Bookmarks: 16 Billionaire to Build Homes For Battered Women There was no press release, no entourage, no announcement at all when legendary businessman David H. Murdock, owner of Dole Food Co., walked into the housing authority offices in his home county of Ventura, Calif., to offer to build affordable housing for victims of domestic abuse on county-owned land.
22. Bookmarks: 0 Basic Foot Care Tips For Year Round Exposure A lot of attention is placed on getting your feet ready to wear open toe shoes in the summer; but your feet should be ready to go at the drop of a dime. They are the key to your mobility but yet, they are neglected and abused. The following are just a few basic foot care tips that will help keep your feet presentable for year round exposure.
23. Bookmarks: 0 Alternatives Women Breasts Before Resorting Surgery Breast Enlargement Alternatives Women Breasts Before Resorting Surgery Breast Enlargement - Quickly and Easily!
24. Bookmarks: 3 8 Steps For Coping With And Healing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Attention deficit disorder is a serious disorder and it is not going away. It causes depression, inattentiveness, relationship and behavorial problems, deviant behavior (crime), can lead to drug abuse, alcoholism and even suicide. To better understand this disorder and correct it there are 8 steps we must follow:1. Education. ADD can manifest itself in several different ways all depending upon the areas of the brain affected. Basically, ADD is caused by abnormalities in t...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Cannabis Culture During the 70s, smoking pot or cannabis was very popular. Since cannabis is a natural herb, people believed that it could not pose any ill effects on their health. People who smoke cannabis exhibit different physiological and behavioral effects. Most feel drowsy but generally happy, making this herb a favorite among teens. But of course, anything that is consumed in huge amounts is not good for you. Since there are evidences of cannabis abuse, many countries have considered t...
26. Bookmarks: 0 7 Essential Steps To Overcoming Adversity I might never have found happiness and success. Why? For starters, I am the child of rape, born to an unwed teenage mother on welfare. Instead, I overcame life’s obstacles of poverty, abuse and neglect. Now I’m a successful entrepreneur, author and media personality who has achieved financial freedom and independence. There are even plans to make a movie about my rags-to-riches life! Clients and audiences everyday have dubbed me The Girl Next Door Who Made It Big! (Blessings...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Connecting the Past and the Present: Healing Abandonment and Abuse through Awareness For people who have been abandoned, either literally by actual physical absence, or emotionally—a parent can be in the home and not there for us—the abandoned child syndrome may remain years later, showing up through insecurities and fears, clinging behaviors or its opposite—walls to intimacy.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Abandoned Again—How We Repeat Our Childhood in the Present You can change these old patterns. It takes time, awareness, determination, and work on your part, but it can be done.How to help stop repeating abandonment and abuse in your life now.
29. Bookmarks: 3 "Survivor To Thriver": Healing The Impact Of Childhood Abuse Healing the impact of childhood abuse is a difficult yet hopeful process. If you were physically or sexually abused as a child, you may often feel fragmented, confused, vulnerable, and somewhat chaotic inside. You may have difficulty with trust and intimacy in your relationships, and your emotions may seem unpredictable and volatile to you. You may also have a generalized feeling that you are somehow bad or unworthy, and therefore, not like yourself very much. You may also ...
30. Bookmarks: 3 Quiz - Are You Compassionate To Yourself? We talk of physical abuse. We also talk of emotional abuse. Let us now talk about self-abuse. What is self-abuse? Normally when we talk of any abuse, an outside agent is involved.
31. Bookmarks: 0 Alcoholism: Why Can't I Stop Drinking? The underlying basis of all addictions - and alcohol is no exception - is the avoidance of pain. While there is evidence that some people have genetic and biological predispositions toward alcoholism, not all people with these predispositions abuse alcohol or become alcohol dependent. Many people who join AA learn to deal with their painful emotions without the use of alcohol, regardless of their genetic predisposition.What if you are a person who wants to stop drinking, ...
32. Bookmarks: 8 Healing From Childhood Abuse In the 37 years that I have been counseling individuals, I have worked with many people who have suffered from severe physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse in childhood. Many who have sought my help were suffering from fear and anxiety, depression, various addictions, relationship problems and sexual problems. Many of these people had no memory of their childhood and had no idea why there were so unhappy. Many had spent years in therapy yet had never remembered their abuse...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Emotions As Information When you were a small child, your painful emotions may have felt too overwhelming to feel. If you experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, your little body was not big enough to manage the painful feelings. If you were neglected, unseen, misunderstood, invaded, smothered, shamed or ridiculed, it may have felt too painful to manage. If you were a highly sensitive child with parents who did not understand high sensitivity, you may have felt too much emotion to handle. ...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Methods Of Self-Esteem Improvement Many of us suffer from low self esteem and lack self confidence, you'll be happy to know that there are many methods for self esteem improvement.The first question you should ask yourself when attempting to improve your self esteem is whether there are issues that need to be addressed with a professional counselor. This is particularly true if your low self esteem is driving you to abuse alcohol or other drugs and is interfering in your life in a major way. If so, you may...
35. Bookmarks: 1 Act on Some of the Facts Making any decision without having all of the information and facts beforehand can be very tough. I spoke with a young man recently and he told me that some of his professors had changed the rules on him in the administration of his classes. The syllabuses of a couple of his classes had been altered, which switched exam dates. He was also notified of these changes after the semester’s grace period. The grace period in which he could get his tuition money back after dropping a course ha...
36. Bookmarks: 3 How The Law Of Attraction Can Help With Your Depression If you are one of the millions of people the world over who are suffering from depression you may be able to take the first steps yourself to get better.More and more people are suffering from depression for many years despite wanting to get well. Many different medications are on the market to help persons with an ongoing depression. The person who is suffering from this is in many cases a victim of physical or mental abuse. It is therefore very difficult for the person ...
37. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation Refinance Advice: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy versus Ch. 7 BK Under the old bankruptcy laws, most debtors chose between a liquidation proceeding under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code and a wage-earner repayment plan under Chapter 13. Under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA), new bankruptcy law, a two-part means (income) test now determines if your are eligible for Chapter 7 or must file under Chapter 13 for relief. Filing for bankruptcy should always be a last resort, since it damages your credit for many years.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Highlights of IRS List of 2005 Tax Scams Each year, the IRS lists various scams taxpayers get caught up in. The top 2005 scams include several that manipulate laws governing charitable groups, abuse credit counseling services or rely on refuted arguments to claim tax exemptions. The agency is warning taxpayers about the growth of identity theft schemes with some particularly bold thieves even pretending to be IRS agents.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Why are Reverse Mergers Often the Victims of Short Sellers? There is a great deal of abuse going on in the OTC Bulletin Board Market and a lot of money is being made as result of it. Regulators are trying to deal with the problem but are unable to put a halt to it, unless they take drastic steps which will be detrimental to the small and micro-cap market.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Really Know Why You Are Submitting Your Articles To Online Article Directories? Article submission is perhaps one of the best ways to leverage your products and services on the Internet....that is, if done correctly, but like Link Exchange, I think it's being abused.That said, I don't think Article Marketing is about to die. It's alive and strong!I have noticed that a lot of authors are submitting articles for the wrong reasons. Authors are submitting 'half baked' articles fueled by a 'PageRank' and 'BackLink' craze, something I find very fruitle...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Google: Friend or Foe? Don’t get me wrong, almost all of us love Google to death. It has single-handedly changed the direction of this entire industry to something that is accessible for everyone. However, while Google is the darling poster child of Wall Street and the general public, there lurks a danger of abuse. We will cover this in a bit, but first let’s look at a few years ago when the World Wide Web was still a novel concept.
42. Bookmarks: 5 Walking on egg shells ! Walking on egg shells! Has anyone ever told you, that's how they feel around you? If they have, it's a huge red flag and one that should not be ignored. It needs to be dealt with immediately.
43. Bookmarks: 8 To Trust or not to Trust ! Trust is something we learn as very small babies. We trust the first person that we bond with and it grows from there. Have you ever noticed how cool kids are? They trust every little thing we say. They rarely question us when we tell them something.
44. Bookmarks: 5 Managing The Pain Of Abusive Relationships How many times have you said, “I didn’t have a choice?” This is a phrase that is uttered by many to justify their behavior or complain about their life circumstances. Surely, we can continue to believe there are no choices, but it is my belief that kind of thinking is what greatly contributes to our frustration and limits the strength and amount of personal power we experience.Whenever you are in a situation where you believe there is “no choice”, remember that ther...
45. Bookmarks: 8 Just love me! Just LOVE me, like a fat kid loves cake!
46. Bookmarks: 1 Mental Abuse - The 7 Most Important Things To Know Sticks and stones won't break your bones, but words can do considerable, long-term damage. If you have lost your confidence and you doubt your judgement, you may well have suffered mental abuse. Fortunately, it's never too late to heal.
47. Bookmarks: 3 Take the Walking on Eggshells Quiz Walking on eggshells does serious and last harm to your sense of self. But there is hope.
48. Bookmarks: 9 Jealousy : A lonely place to be! You really have to experience this emotion to understand its strong hold on a persons mind. Not only their mind, but their entire being.
49. Bookmarks: 5 BROKEN TRUST! If you have been there so to speak, then you know what it means to suffer from a trust betrayal, or BROKEN TRUST. For lack of a better word. It just plain SUX!
50. Bookmarks: 6 Being Dumped, just plain sucks! The last woman I was involved with was quite full of herself. So then why did she dump me?" And my answer to him was this...
51. Bookmarks: 2 What Groucho Knew - The Key to Good Relationships According to Groucho Marx If you've ever wondered why your relationships all seem to follow the same pattern, Groucho Marx may just have the answer you're looking for. What the messages of new new friends and partners are really saying.
52. Bookmarks: 8 Tips On How To Handle Abusive Relationships A Relationship is a very valuable aspect in our life. It must be unique and something to be enjoyed by everyone. We all dream of having a very healthy relationship especially with our friends, family members and loved ones. It is a relationship wherein we enjoy each others company. We do things together like watching a basketball game or sometimes with the company of some friends. We are honest about our feelings with each other. There is mutual respect and sincerity betw...
53. Bookmarks: 0 The Malignant Optimism of the Abused I often come across sad examples of the powers of self-delusion that the narcissist provokes in his victims. It is what I call "malignant optimism". People refuse to believe that some questions are unsolvable, some diseases incurable, some disasters inevitable.
54. Bookmarks: 0 Relationship- Men Also Get Abused By Women Emotional and physical abuse is believed to be only for women. Men are the abusers and women the victims. Do not women abuse men? Yes they do get abused and mercilessly.
55. Bookmarks: 17 Men say, 'No More Violence Against Women' The statistics are startling. According to a Commonwealth Fund survey, nearly one-third of American women report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.
56. Bookmarks: 13 Infidelity - Caught In The Act Trust is an essential element to any relationship. This lies at the heart of a strong relationship. But, once that trust has been abused, it will be very hard to rebuild that into the relationship.
57. Bookmarks: 19 Do You Have An Abusive Boyfriend? Statistics show that 1 out of 3 teenagers has experienced violence in a dating relationship. Most cases involve one partner trying to maintain power and control over the other through some kind of abuse.Most victims of Dating violence are young women who are also at higher risk for serious injury. Women ages 16 to 24 experience the highest per capita rates of intimate violence -- nearly 1 out of 50 women.(Bureau of Justice Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence, May 20...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Page County Landfill Scandal The Page County, Virginia landfill scandal is a powerful example of how government touches our lives – with bribes, nepotism, Mafioso connections, abuse of the poor and the uninformed citizen, and just plain jackbooted ugliness. This demonstrates how ordinary citizens and taxpayers are abused by a notion that governments – even local governments – are sovereign, all-powerful and can join with criminals to rape the public, without the slightest fear of punishment.

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Lana Cicen - Project Coordinator at The Hope Financial Services, Inc - I had Teo help with my non-tech project I was working, which was a triage system for a construction company - all paper. Teo made it work more efficiently and explained how the new system could be upgraded into a computer program, which included inventory management online. I love this guy! Always one step ahead. I just hired him again make this our phase 2 project. If you are looking for a process guy, Teo is it! - March 17, 2012, Lana was Teo's client


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