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Investment Grade Value Stocks At Highest Levels Ever!
IGVSI Eclipses 2007 All Time High --- above 2007 levels since mid-February 2011 --- now up 6.9%; ahead of DOW and S & P by roughly 19%. Market Cycle Investment Management Model Portfolios build upon 18% gain in 2010. S & P 500 and mighty DOW lag the IGVSI, need average of 14% more just to equal 2007 levels.
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How To Make An Effective Short Video Clip To Market Your Business Online
Besides the article marketing, video marketing is another online marketing technique that can drive tons of traffic at low cost. Hence, you should not ignore this effective marketing technique, instead you should learn how to take advantage of this video opportunity for the sake of your own marketing objectives and goals to drive internet traffic to your website.
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Learning Ping Pong On A Budget Through Table Tennis Video Clips
Nearly all sports have their instructional videos. Basketball videos can teach you how to shoot a ball into a hoop while evading oncoming opponents; soccer videos can instruct you how to kick a ball into a goal while skirting fearlessly and easily past coming defense, ala Diego Maradona; and table tennis videos can show you how to send a little hollow ball hurtling and spinning through the air, so that it can get into your opponents play but without your opponent hitting it....
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Galactic Mystery - Matter - On the Dark Side
Scientific inquiry can be described as a sequence of observations leading to a hypothesis which must be tested by experimentation. The results either validate or invalidate the hypothesis which was under test. Unfortunately, the interpretation of the data sometimes does not elucidate some new truth but rather eclipses our thoughts into a new era of ignorance.
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Basketball betting: now the Clippers are the flavor of the week!
As mentioned here yesterday the Phoenix Suns have once again teased the public long enough to the point that they are a very difficult team to bet at this stage of the season.
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Are Los Angeles Clippers Tickets Becoming The Hot Item In Tinsel Town?
Los Angeles Clippers tickets were, at best, an afterthought for decades in the city. The Clippers had one of the worst records in the NBA over a period of several years, and the team never went anywhere in the postseason on the rare occasions that they actually got there. The team was a mess, and perhaps no franchise in American professional sports had less hope in the big picture than the Clippers.My, how times have changed. The Clippers had a wildly-successful 2005-06 s...
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Eclipsing the Mind: The Most Common Mental Health Disorders Today
The percentage of the population that is developing mental illness is alarmingly high. According to recent statistics, the most common mental health problems are depression, Alzheimer's, bi-polar disorder, and schizophrenia.
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Implication Of The Lunar Eclipse - March 3, 2007
We will have the first lunar eclipse of 2007 on March 3 at approximately 1120 GMT. This eclipse will not be visible in most of the United States. On the East Coast of the United States the penumbra will be visible.In this eclipse the sun will be in Aquarius and the moon in Leo. The sun (ego / Atman) is in place of self-doubt, leading to humility (Aquarius). The moon (Heart / emotions), is in place of self-confidence and projection (Leo). Yet both of these energies are eclipse...
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The Good And Bad Impacts Of Online Gaming
The world of online games has received a fillip ever since the Internet revolution began and made its mark in the lives of regular people. We can still recall a time when we were limited by slow computers with crawling dialup speed. Back in those days, one could never even have thought of the way in which the online gaming industry would soon be developing. Today, online games are very advanced.In the world of today, gaming has advanced to an amazing degree. Things like s...
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Dude, You Gotta Try This, You Wont Be Disappointed!
Is there anything more powerful than a referral from a friend? Money cant buy the credibility that a friend, or even an acquaintance, commands. The recommendation above was actually emailed from a happy Sport Clips customer to his friend along with a coupon for $3 off. This is just one of many referrals sent by the customers of Joan & Chuck Matheny.
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Where To Find Great Broadband Quality Sports Clips & Sports News Online For Free
A fantastic place to find cool broadband quality sports video and audio clips to view online for free is the BBC sports website which you can find at http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport They also have lots of great sports content for you to enjoy including the latest sports news, the latest sports results, photo galleries, scores & fixtures information and lots more besides. The BBC sports website also has dedicated sections on their website for football, cricket, tennis, golf, rugby...
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How To Set Up A Golf Fitness Program To Improve Your Golf Game
Professional golfers on the PGA Tour understand the connection between golf swing mechanics and the body. The most notable players in the world have regimented golf fitness programs they adhere religiously too. The benefits of such programs have been well documented in the media. Press clippings from Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh, and Phil Mickelson all refer to golf fitness exercises being a component of their regular practice schedule.The amateur can learn a lot from the pro...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 60 )
Very well, my lord, Donald replied. But weve grown accustomed to addressing you this way. Itll take some getting used to.We enjoyed a hearty meal. Charlie was as good at cooking as he was at piping. With dinner over, we relaxed to those lovely tunes, which to me are such a delight. Finally, I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:30 P.M. That was when I realized I had my remote control clipped to my belt and that I was dressed quite differently from t...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 54 )
No, John. I quite understand. A shadow of sadness crossed her face. Perhaps it was my imagination. However, the pull of that little village was so strong and I felt the need to be alone.I cant explain it, Marla. I just must be alone with my thoughts.There are times we all need aloneness. Here, clip this remote control to your belt. The buttons on the main panel are duplicated on the remote. Remember, green for go,red to stop or to change progr...
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The Pay Per Click World
Among the many weapons in the arsenal of an SEO master is pay per click advertising. The area of pay-per-click is one that eclipsed banner ads. This is an area that does bare a little bit of scrutiny as to its effectiveness compared with your other options. Like many SEO techniques you need to know what will work best for you. Lets delve further into this topic. Pay-per-click is going to be a tool best suited for e-commerce sites. One of the initial factors you must deci...
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How To Build A Funny Videos Website
A website filled with funny videos will always be successful for the simple fact that people are always searching for something funny to relax and have a good laugh.
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Boost E-Bay Profits With Web Audio
Can you boost profits significantly by adding audio to your E-Bay auctions? According to a recent article on a net business site the answer is a definite yes. In fact, one e-book author suggested that adding audio to your auctions could potentially increase bids by as much as 22% over auctions without audio. A recent trend showing up on a lot of websites is the addition of an audio clip. The clip is a personal message by the author or the website owner encouraging you to ...
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Blogs Bring In More Traffic
The Blog!Theyre popping up everywhere. Your favorite website has one. Your favorite television show has one. Even your teenager has one. Blogs. What are they? Why are they everywhere you look?Most simply put, blogs are like journalsonly, instead of being made of the paper and cardboard kept secret by an even thinner piece of cardboard and a lock your baby brother frequently opened with a paperclip, these journals are online. Why does it seem like everyone has one? W...
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Humor Turns E-Mail Viral
Cartoons, jokes and funny video clips are among the things that can be added to an e-mail to insure that it will go viral. People will want to pass along something that makes them laugh...
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What Niche Marketing Really Is
It is just one of those hard, cruel facts of life that the big boys have all the money they need to advertise and sell their products and us little guys are on advertising budgets that are so small they probably don't add up to what the big boys spend on paper clips in a month.
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Modern Day Coupon Clipping
If you sit at home, read the newspaper, and cut out coupons, you are missing new and exciting ways to save money. Todays best savings are found not in the newspaper, but online. In fact, modern day coupon clipping is an art form that requires careful comparison-shopping and computer savvy.To identify the best deals, customers should request placement on the postal and email lists of a favorite store. Joanns, a craft store, offers significant customer savings via coupons...
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How To Find New Coupons
Years ago, finding coupons involved the time-consuming job of searching through newspaper advertisement sections for deals and discounts. Youd search for the coupons you needed and clip them out with a pair of scissors. Coupon clipping was tedious work back then and remembering to take clipped coupons along on shopping excursions was difficult for many people. Still, paper coupons provided good savings and many people used them.Today, more and more individuals are turnin...
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How Online Retailers Can Profit From Google Video?
Google video is now a fast growing repository of video clips of all shapes and sizes, and has opened up some new strategies for Ecommerce website owners to profit from. Here we will explore how you can use this service to generate customers.Google video (www.video.google.com) and You Tube (www.youtube.com) are the two main video clip websites. Here, you can search and watch video clips on thousands of different subjects from trailers, through to tutorials through to peo...
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Ecoupon Shoppers
Coupons have always been a large part of everyday life for various individuals. Over 71 million Americans use coupons, and there is no set age or income level among these clippers. Coupons not only help to save money, but they also help market researchers decide what items are bought more frequently, they assist in determining the needs of a demographic area, and they promote and advertise business. So what happens when the coupons are being rejected in stores?From the ...
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Coupon Codes: Saving Without The Clipping
If you do a lot of shopping online, there are a lot of savings to be had using coupon or discount codes. These are codes that you enter during the checkout process that may give you a percentage off your total purchase, discount a particular item, or reduce or eliminate your shipping costs. If you are registered with certain stores, they may send you periodic notices about discount codes, but there are websites that are devoted just to coupon codes. A search of one of these s...
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Coupons: Discounts For People Like You
Anyone can pick up a Sunday paper and clip coupons from the grocery store and manufacturers circulars, or go to their mailbox and fetch the latest coupon mailer, but you may be eligible for even more savings depending on who you are, or the company you keep.Most people are familiar with the senior discounts at many diner and casual dining chains, but there are many other discounts available for seniors as well, and some places define seniors as young as 50. Anyone over 5...
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Coupons And The Internet
Clipping, saving, and using coupons have been a practice of smart shoppers for many years. The habit of using coupons when buying groceries, appliances, clothing, and even luxury items is a proven way for the average consumer to save a significant amount of money each year. With the advent of the Internet, a new way of obtaining and using coupons has become available, and slowly but surely shoppers have begun to discover the advantages of using online coupons.Clipping cou...
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Benefits Of Coupons
Coupon clipping is one of the most commonly used forms of saving money. From clipping coupons out of the local newspaper to getting coupons from your favorite retailer as a reward for being a customer, the benefits of coupons can apply to anybody. And while clipping and saving coupons for your next shopping excursion can be time consuming, the benefit of saving money is a positive aspect for any consumer. Many stores offer coupons on their most popular items as a way to d...
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10 Easy Steps For Getting Video On Your Business Website
I'm often asked, "I have no video training but I want to put video on my website to help promote my products and services what can I do?" Well the answer is simple. If you can shoot a home movie you can put a video clip on your website. Now the first thing is to not be scared of the camera. A good sales person needs to be able to speak clearly and present their product in a manner that everyone can understand and enjoy. So with that in mind turn on your camera, cell phone, or...