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Crisis Investing: Are YOU Ready?
Why are investors afraid (shocked, confused, overwhelmed, angry) about stock market corrections? Here are links to five assessments of the correction phase of the market cycle that may just clear their heads about these periodic gifts from the Investment Gods. How so YOU spell correction?
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Asset Allocation Based Performance Analysis - One
It matters not what lines, numbers, indices, or gurus you worship, you just can't know where the stock market is going or when it will change direction. Too much investor time and analytical effort is wasted trying to predict course corrections… even more is squandered comparing portfolio Market Values with a handful of unrelated indices and averages.
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About Charles Farlow - Serving Metro Atlanta Georgia including Sandy Springs, Roswell, Buckhead, Alpharetta, and more
New Clients: $45 Hair Color or $85 Full Highlights. Existing Clients: $30 Certificate for Referrals. Call Charles at 404-660-3067. Authentic Beauty Salon, 4674 Roswell Rd, Ste H, Atlanta, GA 30342 (2 miles from Buckhead or 2 miles from 285 INSIDE the Perimeter) | About Charles Farlow Hair & Health Expert
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Specializing in Great Color & Fabulous Hair Cuts in Atlanta, GA
New Clients: $45 Hair Color or $85 Full Highlights. Existing Clients: $30 Certificate for Referrals. Call Charles at 404-660-3067. Authentic Beauty Salon, 4674 Roswell Rd Atlanta, GA 30342 (2 miles from Buckhead or 2 miles from 285 INSIDE the Perimeter)
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Investment Fruitcake
Portfolio design, in its simplest form, is a fruitcake of apples, oranges, and dough. The recipe (asset allocation) is about as straightforward as it can be, the ingredients (equity and income securities) can be well known and of unquestioned quality, and their reactions to time, and cyclical mood are well documented.
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The Greatest Investment Story Never Told
An excellent strategy even in today's investing environment. The current buzz on the street is that investing is dead. How far from the truth can they be. Wall Street likes nothing more than to create fear. This book tells you how to put your emotions aside and look for good value on corrections in the market --- it also makes a strong case for profit taking, diversification, and base income generation.
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Market Rally Resumes; Trump Election Excites the Stock Market
The fewer IGVSI equities at bargain prices, the stronger the market and the more Smart Cash that should be accumulating in the equity bucket of your portfolio. As the list of bargain IGVSs grows (indicating market weakness), portfolio Smart Cash should be finding its way back into undervalued securities.
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Stock Market: Thirteen Months Down, And Now... Brexit
Neither a stock market downturn (not even Brexit) nor higher interest rates will have a significant negative impact on my retirement income; they could, in fact, allow me to grow that income even faster!
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Stock Market Correction: Month Nine And Counting
Repetition is good for the brain's CPU, so forgive me for reinforcing what I've said in the face of every correction since 1979... if you don't love corrections, you really don't understand the financial markets. Don't be insulted, it seems as though very few financial professionals want you to see it this way and, in fact, Institutional Wall Street loves it when individual investors panic in the face of uncertainty.
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Wall Street Wisdom vs. Market Cycle Investment Management
Corrections are as much a part of the normal Market Cycle as rallies, and they can be brought about by either bad news or good news. Investors always over-analyze when prices become weak and over-indulge when prices are high, thus perpetuating the buy high, sell low Wall Street lunacy.
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IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues
The valuestockindex.com web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
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The Financial Crisis, and Other Life Changing Investment Lessons
On November 30th 2012, the S & P 500 Average (recognized benchmark for assessing the performance of investment managers of all shapes and sizes) was at its highest level in five years --- BUT that translates into a 4% loss over the five years. Others did better. Are you ready for the next correction?
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Market Lines and Numbers - - - Very Interesting
The S & P average has no quality safeguards, no profit-taking discipline, no income requirements or reinvestment protocol, and no asset allocation plan. It is a totally unmanaged entity except for equity content manipulation by S & P Corporation. It is widely accepted as the benchmark against which most equity portfolio managers are measured, and it typically outperforms most of them. But it really only outperforms those professional portfolio managers who are responsible for public participatio
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Value Stock Investing - The November Syndrome On Drugs (November 2008)
Always keep in mind that (a) Wall Street has no respect for your intelligence and (b) the media talking heads are entertainers, not investors. Institutions must paint a picture of brilliance in their annual glossies. This year, a panic-stricken Main Street is helping them with their annual sell low hypocrisy.
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A Preemptive, Timeless, Portfolio Protection Strategy
Both Market Cycle Investment Management and The Working Capital Model were nearly ten years old when the robust 1987 rally became the dreaded Black Monday, (computer loop?) correction on October 19th. Sudden and sharp, that 50% or so correction proved the applicability of a methodology that had fared well in earlier minor downturns.
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Predicting Stock Market Movements
Wall Street institutions already spend billions predicting future price movements of the stock market, individual issues & indices, commodities, and hemlines. Really? Is that right also? Economists have been analyzing and charting world economies for decades, showing clearly the repetitive cyclical changes and their upward bias.
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A Stock Market Correction Is A Beautiful Thing
A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. Theoretically, even technically I'm told, corrections adjust equity prices to their actual value or support levels. In reality, it's much easier than that. Here's a list of ten things to think about doing, or to avoid doing, during corrections of any magnitude. There has never been a correction/rally that has not succumbed to the next rally/correction ---
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Hair Care Services
Hair Cuts for Men and Women, Hair Care, Hair Color, Hair Highlights, Natural Straightening, Henna Treatments, Perms, Treatment Services, Gift Certificates, Retexturizing, Hair for Weddings, Up-do's and Special Occasion Sets.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks At Ten Year Lows (circa October 2008)
A cocktail of credit market laxatives is working its way into a constipated world economy. Relief is on the way. Today's prices may well be looked at as the lowest of the next ten years! Here's a list of things to think about or to do while Investment Grade Value Stock prices are at ten-year lows:
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Manage Shock Market Corrections - Taking The Sting Away
The Brainwashing of The American Investor: The Book That Wall Street Does Not Want YOU To Read provides the investing education you didn't get in college, or anywhere else. It helps you figure out what to do right now (feeling like a kid in a candy store)!
A must re-read book with thirty four 5 and 4 star Amazon.com reviews.
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Learning To Dig The BIG Buy Low
Market corrections can be good for the wallet; they part of the normal shock market menu, and can be brought about by either bad news or good news. If you don’t love corrections (and deal with them like visiting relatives) you really don’t understand the financial markets. Don’t be insulted, it seems as though very few investors see it this way.
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Dealing With Stock Market Corrections: Ten Do's and Don'ts
A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. Theoretically, even technically I'm told, corrections adjust equity prices to their actual value or support levels. So if you over think the environment or over cook the research, you'll miss the party. Unlike many things in life, Stock Market realities need to be dealt with quickly, decisively, and with zero hindsight.
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Market Expectation Survey (thirty seconds, max)
The Stock Market is still rising, but some professionals are whispering correction. Has it started? Will the arrows ever turn south? Are you prepared? Please tell me how you are feeling about it right now.
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New 401k Approach Focuses on Income Production and Correction Preparation
401(k) Savings Plans are great opportunities to build wealth, but they are not guaranteed pension programs and there are pitfalls. What if you are forced to retire at the bottom of a market cycle, or at a time of historically low interest rates? Qualified or not as an investor, you have to make your own 401(k) investment decisions.
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Lemmings At Financial Cliff: Ten Do's and Don'ts
A rally is a beautiful thing, particularly when the correction preceding it was embraced enthusiastically. This is the time to harvest your profits, pipe dreams of incredible wealth and ego aside --- jump on those profits before they erode before your disbelieving eyes. If you over think the environment or over cook the research, you'll absolutely lose the profits. Unlike many things in life, stock market realities need to be dealt with quickly, decisively, and with zero hindsight.
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Making A Volatile Stock Market Your VBF (very best friend)
Call it foresight, or hindsight if you want to be argumentative, but a long-term view of the investment process eliminates the guesswork and points pretty clearly toward a trading mentality that keys on the very natural volatility of the hundreds of investment grade value stocks out there for your portfolio building attention. Market Cycle Investment Management makes market volatility your Very Best Friend
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Flowers In Purgatory: Gardens in Unlikely Places
It's not surprising that Tony Perez enjoys his time in the garden. “It’s wonderful … to watch it grow from nothing to something ... ,” said Perez. “It allows you to get your mind thinking about what’s next in life.” It is surprising where the garden is located -- in the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Utah, where Perez is an inmate...
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Attention Wall Street Shoppers: Always, Yes Always, Sell Too Soon
The market has never and will never be a one way ticket to ride (smile Beatles fans). None of the important aspects of the voyage (highs, lows, volatility, or duration) are predictable, by anyone, no matter how overpaid or well credentialed. Sooner or later, some gutsy financial gurus will declare the stock market overbought and fraught with danger.
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Life Cycle Portfolios Deliver Pension-Like Benefits: Free Webinar
Mutual Fund managers can't beat the averages because the managers must do what unit holders tell them to do. They can't buy low and sell high, and they must buy high and sell low --- not what you would call a winning (or index beating) combination. What do you think will happen to ETF prices when there is a correction? Are they any different, even without a manager?
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Stock Market Rally vs. Fiscal Cliff --- Got It Covered?
There is no need for rocket science in investing --- no correlations, standard deviations, coefficients, Alphas, or Betas are required. There is no reason for anyone to have had zero growth in market values over the past dozen years. Wall Street wants you to accept mass produced mediocrity
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High Dividend ETFs - An Equity-Income Investment Fantasy
Market Cycle Investment Portfolios are investment portfolios; ETFs in general are derivative gambling devices; High Dividend ETFs are quality-and-income equity derivative gambling devices that could be useful around the bottom of the next correction --- the next prolonged correction, that is. There is absolutely not one molecule of similarity between any MCIM portfolio and any Index ETF, period.
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Predicting Stock Market Movements
The risk of loss cannot be eliminated. A simple change in a security's market value is not a loss of principal just as certainly as a change in the market value of your home is not evidence of termite damage. Markets are complicated; emotions about one's assets are even more so. Wall Street spins reality in whatever manner it can to make most investors unhappy, thus increasing new product sales.
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Stock Market Perspective 2011 --- Some Things to Think About
Always, every time and without exception, the general media has predicted the end of the financial world, financial experts have pointed out the remarkable differences from the last correction, and investors everywhere have been encouraged to take their losses and sit on cash or gold until the smoke clears. Every time, the short sighted fear mongers have been wrong. Not just most of the time mind you --- absolutely all of the time.
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This Stock Market Correction Is Dead (September 2009)
Actually, hindsight and the Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI) Bargain Level Monitor tell us that it died early in March 2009. More realistically, however, corrections don't really die quite so abruptly. They are supplanted by rallies--- and vice versa.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks At Highest Levels Ever!
IGVSI Eclipses 2007 All Time High --- above 2007 levels since mid-February 2011 --- now up 6.9%; ahead of DOW and S & P by roughly 19%. Market Cycle Investment Management Model Portfolios build upon 18% gain in 2010. S & P 500 and mighty DOW lag the IGVSI, need average of 14% more just to equal 2007 levels.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks At Ten Year Lows
A cocktail of credit market laxatives is working its way into a constipated world economy. Relief is on the way. Today's prices may well be looked at as the lowest of the next ten years! Here's a list of things to think about or to do while Investment Grade value Stock prices are at ten-year lows
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Peak to Peak Analysis: June 30, 2007 through September 18, 2009
The WCM figures summarize spreadsheet analysis of nearly 239 portfolios for the period from June 30 2007 (the last WCM Peak market value) thru September 18, 2009 (a high point achieved after a prolonged correction in the markets).
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Calculating Your Investment IQ
Stocks, bonds, index funds; averages, recessions, market rallies and corrections; mutual funds, technical analysis, financial statements; commissions, taxes, and discount brokers.
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5 Advantages Of Long Term Trading
Both short term and long term trading can be effective trading strategies, however, long term trading has several significant advantages. These include the effect of compounding, the opportunity to earn from dividends, reduction of the impact of price fluctuations, the ability to make corrections in a more timely manner, less time spent monitoring stocks.1. CompoundingTime can be investors best friend because it gives compounding time to work its magic. Compounding i...
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Thinking of Getting Laser Eye Surgery?
The popularity of laser correction surgery is growing for some very good reasons! For those of us who wear corrective eyewear, the benefits of ditching your glasses simply cant be exaggerated. For a few thousand dollars, most people can have the procedure performed and walk away with perfect vision. Heres our first hand experience of what its like, without the heavy medical jargon youll find elsewhere.
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Lasik Procedure Laser Vision Correction Problems
Lasik Procedure Laser Vision Correction Problems - Quickly and Easily!
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Growing Number Of Parents Urging Contacts-Wearing Kids To Have LASIK Vision Correction
It's normal for parents to be concerned about their children's health and well-being. But Tammy Crane, mother of 21-year-old Garrett, took a more active route--something she could do for her son that would have both of them worrying less.
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The Investment Education You Slept Through In College --- and it's free!
Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars (KGIS) presents a monthly investment workshop program that will help you out-perform the markets ---rally after rally, correction after correction
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Stocks And Shares - How To Trade Profitably In A Bear Market
Many traders find they can make money trading in bullish markets, but when there is a major correction underway or when the market has turned bearish, they literally freeze and are unable to trade successfully or find profits in their trading. Discover how you can trade profitably in a bear market and not be slaughtered.
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Dealing With Market Corrections: Ten Dos and Don'ts
A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. As long your cash flow continues unabated, the change in market value is merely a perceptual issue.
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Déjà Vu, All Over Again (and again
Market Corrections can be good for the wallet! Corrections are part of the normal shock market menu, and can be brought about by either bad news or good news. If you dont love corrections (and deal with them like visiting relatives) you really dont understand the financial markets. Dont be insulted, it seems as though very few financial professionals want you to see it this way.
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Investing in realty is a safer option than buying a share
As BSF Sensex danced furiously, many questions were raised as to what are the safe and less volatile options for investments. Questions were also asked whether the real estate market, which has witnessed potential jump in past couple of years, would undergo some kind of correction
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Dealing With Stock Market Corrections: Ten Do's and Don'ts
Corrections (of all types) will vary in depth and duration, and both characteristics are clearly visible only in institutional grade rear view mirrors. The short and deep ones are the most lovable.
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Good News For Income Investors
Looking for good news in today's markets is like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Needless to say, practically all investment grade equities and nearly all closed end funds that specialize in providing regular recurring monthly income have been reduced in market value by this prolonged correction.
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Calculating Your Investment IQ
The keys to successful investing are Asset Allocation using only two investment buckets: Equity and Income, and the development of realistic expectations about their market value performance.
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Stock Market Investing - The November Syndrome (November, 2007)
November is particularly exciting because it hosts the convergence of four Katrina-level forces, all of which are part of Wall Street's conventional wisdom while none of them lead to intelligent investment decision making. And this year we have a special treat in the form of a Category Three market correction in the Value Stock sector.
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Stock Market Corrections Are Beautiful - And Necessary (April 2009)
The reality of corrections is one of the few certainties of the financial markets, a reality that separates the men from the boys, if you will. If you fixate on your portfolio Market Value during a correction, you will just give yourself a headache, or worse.
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Youre Not Done Yet: Eight Strengtheners For Your Sales Copy
Writing sales copy for a new or to-be-relaunched product takes a lot of energy and concentration. When you finish that first draft, take a rest. Then go back to what youve written with this sales copy checklist, which outlines the eight most frequent corrections and improvements I make on copy given to me by clients or students.1. Pronouns. Do you have a preponderance of "we" or "I" and very little "you"? Wherever possible, change pronouns to "you," which comes across as...