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Hats Off To Technology: Five Reasons Why
The next time you send an e-mail to your family, plan a vacation online, or send a photo of your newborn to your parents, you may want to tip your hat to technology.
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Australian Business for Sale
Thinking of where you could buy a lucrative Australian business? This is a quick guide to online companies that will offer you the most number of options. These selected sites offer searching for properties and businesses by industry, location, date and price. For some, there are additional features such as access to the sites network who can provide investment advice, access to related services (accounting, etc.), and e-mail alerts for new business offerings within Australia.
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The proof of the pudding... is in the e-mail
An entrepreneur is someone that is prepared to invest £5 to make £20, knowing that worst-case he/she will get the £5 back...
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Your 6-Step Plan For Press Release Placement
There's a clear way around press release failure and it's called the pitch. A lot like it sounds a pitch is a fast throw at busy editors about a possible story. If they want to find out more, then you send the press release.That leads me to a huge pet peeve: Sending out press releases via e-mail to a list of editors. From my experience it's never - ever - worked. I no longer try it and suggest you don't either. It's a waste of your time and all of the editors. Instead:...
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Companies Stifle Intrapreneurs At Their Own Risk
I've noticed an interesting trend lately. Usually the e-mail I receive in response to this column comes from rookie entrepreneurs or established business owners seeking my input on startup matters, financing, employee relations, general management and leadership issues, policy matters, etc. Lately, however, many of the messages are coming from employees of medium-size and large companies who are growing frustrated at working in an environment that they deem (to quote one ...
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Work At Home Business Tips
There are so many people who dream about working from home and being their own boss these days. Just step out of bed and drink their morning coffee while pondering through their e-mails. There would be no commuting, no one to distract you, and your focus would be total.It's not quite as simple and straight forward as that. Being solely in charge of yourself and your time is not as easy as you might think. The over confidence and surprise of unexpected issues can cause eno...
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7 Pitfalls of Using Email to Sell
Fear of rejection. Getting blocked by gatekeepers and voicemail. I'll just e-mail instead. We all know how much everyone hates e-mail spam, but even so, many salespeople are still sending introductory e-mails to decisionmakers.
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Advantages Of Being Truthful To Your Online Date
Think you found someone who might be your next serious partner online? The long nights you spend chatting and sending each other private e-mails everyday can really get ones heart skip a notch higher. When you finally set a date to meet each other, are you sure you are confident enough? Or will you fret because you told your online date that you are six two instead of five three in height? Then you suddenly realized you should have been less of a liar on your previous conver...
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Did you know that it's ok to have and make money?
As some of you will know, I write a weekly e-mail which I call my Weekly update and business tips.However, I recently realised that some of you may not have read my best weekly bulletins (being modest as always), so over the next few weeks Ill be publishing the very best online home-based business messages and tips to the web.
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Top Secret Business Marketing Strategies. Explained
Marketing, Marketing, and Marketing.How well do your market your products and services? How Much do you make a sell out of your marketing efforts? What is your answer? To me, if I do not market products well, I always check my guidelines listed below. I hope those marketing tips work well for your marketing.Encourage your customers or visitors to e-mail you questions about your product or web site. Just include your sig file with your reply. For example, here is a si...
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Publicists: It's Time to Embrace the Technology of Online Press Kits
Media professionals prefer online media rooms and the Internet for researching stories. Many publicists are still using hard copy press kits and e-mail attachments. Online press kits are how technology is making a publicist's job easier and more effective.
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Get Free Publicity: Tips From The Experts
How can you get your story picked up by the media? The best answers to that question come from the producers, editors and journalists who decide which stories get coverage. Here are some of the best tips I have gotten from these experts.Be familiar with the show/publication. Your pitch should be about how your story will work for them. Don't do a general pitch (A story about dog training.) but suggest the segment the story would be right for, or what makes it right for ...
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33 Reasons To Do A News Release
News releases are not the best way to get major media coverage, but they can be used to increase the frequency with which your company name appears in the press.Press releases will get you coverage in set features like business notes, and new personnel columns. They also provide a good way to let allies, employees and customers know what you are doing. For these purposes, post releases on the company website, send out by e-mail, or distribute by one of the services like PR Newswire or PR Web.
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Increase Your Golf Swing Clubhead Speed With A Golf Fitness Program!
Imagine hitting your driver farther in your 40s than when you were in your 20s!I imagine a few of you are saying, No way!Read this article to be convinced otherwise. I received an e-mail from one of our BioForce Golf subscribers about the amazing change in his clubhead speed.He wrote in about how excited he was that his clubhead speed had improved to a speed higher than when he was in his early twenties! He stated that currently his clubhead speed is between 1...
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How To Prevent Your Golf Swing From Breaking Down With Golf Fitness Exercises
It happens to all of us. We loose our golf swing, make some type of unknown modification in how we swing the club, and everything falls apart. What can we do to prevent our golf swing from leaving us?Remember this saying as you continue to read this article; Proper Preparation Precedes Success and Confidence. Think about this phrase for a moment and then keep reading.I write about this subject because of an e-mail I received from a fellow golfer. The e-mail read:...
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The Persuasive Power Of Supporting Evidence
I got a call from an acquaintance a while back. He said, 'Do you remember the conversation we had about Africa? Well, I checked my e-mail and found, unbelievably, that I won an international lottery which originated in Africa. I'm just convinced that everything happens for a reason, aren't you?'Before I responded, I thought about this a moment. 'You know, maybe you're right. Everything does happen for a reason. It's a very fortuitous thing that you called me today to tell...
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To Timeshare Or Not.
I am sure that you have been approached in the last year by someone trying to get you to purchase a timeshare ownership. This may have been a simple sales call promising a free weekend stay if you agreed to attend a 90 min. presentation during the three day weekend. It may have been more forward as you received an e-mail or phone-call attempting to sell you a week at some resort. So what should you do, listen to the marketing or listen to that little person inside you telling...
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3 Elements to a Deal-Sealing Classified ad
Have you ever wondered why your perfectly fine classified ad fails to attract the attention you desire? There should be dozensno, hundredsof perspective buyers swamping your e-mail inbox with offers. After all, you are offering a mint baseball card, a vintage coat, pristine used car, those wholesale-priced sporting goods, and whatever other attractive items are in your inventory. Instead, you only have a slow trickle of questions, a handful of sales. What gives?
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What are Digital Certificates?
Digital Certificates can be used for a variety of electronic transactions including e-mail, virtual mall, groupware and electronic funds transfers. A digital certificate has a pair of coupled cryptographic keys. These are symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic.
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Top 5 Tips For Effective Email Marketing
Over the past few years, research has continued to prove the benefits of e-mail marketing for business: low costs, high conversion rates and detailed tracking are all notable features. But e-mail marketing is becoming much more than just a tool for spammers and e-businesses. Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy on the differences between spam and permission-based emails, and more and more of them are accepting permission-based e-mail marketing as a positive replacement f...
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Email-The Indispensable And Powerful Tool Of Successful Internet Marketers.
Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail or email is a method of composing, sending and receiving messages over the Electronic Communication System.The enormous development of the Internet has enabled emails conveying useful information, to be transmitted simultaneously to several recipients worldwide in a matter of seconds. The Power, Reach and Sophistication of Emails are such that it has become the most inexpensive and effective way to promote your Internet Marketing Busine...
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The Significance and Benefits of Email Marketing
There is no dismissing the fact that e-mail, also known as electronic mail, is an indispensable medium of marketing on the internet.
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Marketing via E-mail for Search Engines
The mere mention of marketing via e-mail conjures up images of unsolicited e-mails offering penile enlargement pills, Viagra, various stocks offerings, and breast augmentation. Derogatorily referred to as "spam", these emails have made it all but impossible to discuss the legitimate use of email as a marketing tool. Yet e-mail can be a powerful tool when sent to people who have either opted-in (indicated an interest in receiving e-mail from a specific sender) or have a direct interest in th...
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How to create and run an ezine for profit - Part 1
Before delving into the money matters of ezines, I would like to first discuss what ezines are. This is for the benefit of those people who do not have a full understanding of what ezines are.
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Email Marketing: Affordable Internet Marketing Technique
Email marketing is labeled as a killer method when it comes to effective low-cost Internet marketing endeavors. This is because it is the most widely-used and has the best reputation in bringing targeted traffic to websites. It is used to stay in touch with your customers or prospective customers, send out invitations, or make special offers. It's as easy as writing an e-mail that may be in a form of a newsletter or a plain announcement, and sending that to as many target...
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Email Marketing
Technology with its advent has taken a toll even in the field of marketing at last. E-mail also known as electronic mail, is now turning out as an indispensable medium of marketing on internet.
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Looking for a good email automatic responder or autoresponder? Here are some good tips to use when looking for the perfect e-mail followup system.
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E-Mail Marketing Turns Small Biz Into Big Biz
Small businesses--from florists to realtors--are quickly catching on that e-mail marketing can be an effective way to quickly reach thousands of customers inexpensively.
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E-mail Marketing
Out of all the most crafty marketers you know, the one that just about everyone hates is the spammer, the good news is that Spam is almost dead. It has been greatly taken over by the use of e-mail marketing. It is said that Spam is on the decline, contrary to popular belief. The rate that it is falling is approximately 13% per year. Why? Because the marketer now sees that e-mail is the marketing choice for the pros. By the year 2010 they say that Spam will in fact be a thing ...
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Can You Really Use Articles To Build Your List?
Getting customers to your site should always be ranked as high as the importance of the quality and the excellence of the product and the services you provide. They should go hand in hand in providing your customers the satisfaction they get in exchange for the money they have paid for them. Customer service should as well be as fantastic so that the customers are provided with the same satisfaction. One of the ways you can combine marketing and customer service is throug...
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Building A Client Network Through E-Mail
E-mail marketing is an easy, effective, and affordable way for today's businesses to reach their customers and grow their own businesses.
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A simple smiley face
or not?
The smiley face and other emotional icons, known as emoticons, have given people a concise way in e-mail and other electronic messages of expressing sentiments that otherwise would be difficult to detect. Language experts defined them as symbols composed of punctuation marks, designed to express some form of emotion in the form of a human face (in computing, of course). MSN Emoticons are a serious contribution to the electronic lexicon. Everybody is familiar with MSN Smileys, on the Internet.
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Anti-Spammers Need To Develop Better Manners
I sent my e-zine out last week and I received a copy of it back. It had been forwarded to me by a subscriber. In the subject line was a two word sentence; since most publications and websites frown upon vulgarity, obscenity, and profanity, I have spared you the exact wording. Be assured, however, that Miss Manners would definitely not approve.It is understandable the frustration that people feel when they are inundated with unsolicited commercial e-mail. I myself get more...
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8 Advantages Of Using An Email Marketing Software
If you decided to use email marketing to promote your business, then let me congratulate you on this very wise decision.You might have read over the internet the buzz created by this type of marketing, and Im sure you have already learned that The money is in your list this is 100% true.Even though email marketing is a very powerful way to transform leads into hungry buyers many people are discouraged to use this technique because of the time they need to invest ...
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5 Easy Ways To Make Money On eBay
As the editor of the UK Auctionline Newsletter I receive a great number of e-mails from subscribers. Frequently the question they ask is, Please tell me an easy way to make money on eBay. I suppose the answer to this question really revolves around how you define the term easy. It is my belief that there is no easier way to make money on the Internet than by selling items through eBay. What could be simpler, a straight forward 5 step process.1. Get something to sell...
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6 Tips on Proper E-mail Etiquette
Always maintain proper e-mail etiquette
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Developing an E-Mail Newsletter
The creation of a newsletter is a serious decision because initiating one without the infrastructure and commitment to sustain it can wind up doing more harm than good.
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Corporate Internet Branding
The Internet, whether through public Web sites, search engines, Internet radio broadcasts, and e-mail are very targeted. It is shown to reach the right target at the right time with the right message.
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Internet Marketing on a Budget
Internet marketing can now be executed easily and successfully on a limited budget.
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Humor Turns E-Mail Viral
Cartoons, jokes and funny video clips are among the things that can be added to an e-mail to insure that it will go viral. People will want to pass along something that makes them laugh...
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How to Make Money Using Nothing But Your List
An opt-in list allows for a company to market their products and site via an e-mail. With an opt-in list, a site and a subscriber consent to sending and receiving a newsletter from your company. Through this, you can keep your subscribers abreast of what is currently available in your site as well as whatever you have to offer. It would be good to first build a successful list with a huge number of subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the more money you can get. Here are seven ways t...
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How To Get More Traffic To Your Website Using Traffic Exchanges
Many people who join traffic exchanges are website owners looking for free traffic. There are also many affiliate marketers who join traffic exchanges because they want to drive traffic to their affiliate links as well as internet marketers who want to increase the number of their opt-in e-mail subscribers. There are hundreds of traffic exchanges on the Internet...The traffic exchanges who have the most members usually provide the best results.A traffic exchange is a serv...
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Grab Your Readers by The Eyeball With Your Subject
One of the numerous ways you can tempt or persuade your subscriber is by providing a well thought out and well written subject. The subject of an email is what is often referred to when a person or a recipient of an email decides whether he or she wants to open or read an e-mail. The subject could easily be regarded as one of the most important aspect of your promotional e-mail...
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Automating the online home business
For those online business owners getting through the day can be hard. You spend all kinds of time at the computer answering e-mails, fulfilling orders, and updating your customer lists. This is very important and essential for you business but it wont make it grow. This wont make more people buy or bring in new traffic. How can you manage to get all the necessary grunt work done and still improve your product or service, increase traffic, or campaign a new idea? You need to be a...
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Affiliate Marketing: Know The Can-Spam Act
The amount of false information available about e-mail marketing on the net is staggering. If you are advertising your affiliate program through e-mail campaigns, make sure you know what your responsibilities are.The lawless days of spam e-mail are over, at least for U.S.A. based advertisers. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act) sets forth specific requirements for advertising via e-mail. The law has been tested...
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Online Payday Lending And The CAN-SPAM Act
The Internet-based sector of the payday loan industry began in the 1990s, when the CAN-SPAM Act didnt yet exist.. Thats because the Act didnt exist back then. But as the popularity of the payday lending industry has grown, along with the popularity of all sorts of online businesses, it was time for the false claims and the intrusive nature of e-mail marketing to come under control once and for all. When the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 became reality, the online payday lendi...
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How To Make Money Online - Options You Should Know
If youre like me, every time you turn around, you find an e-mail in your inbox telling you how you can make thousands of dollars online with little to no effort. Unfortunately, there are far too many scams out there telling folks this fairytale of how to make money online with no effort.The good news is that there are legitimate ways to make money online. All of them will require effort and work on your part, though. In fact, this is one of the main ways you can recogniz...
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How To Fully Automate Your Website So You Dont Waste Time Working
So you dont have a way of managing all of the customer responses coming through your inbox? I can relate, please let me share a personal story. When I first started my online business, I didnt know what an autoresponder was, and I was intimidated by setting one up on my site. I simply had an HTML form set up that would send e-mail address of people that wanted my newsletter straight to my inbox. I can only imagine the amount of money that I was leaving on the table. I h...
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How Spam Is Burning A Hole In Your Pocket
You can fight back against spammers and help to make sure that you are not the next victim of one of their scams. All it takes is the right tools, the right attitude and a desire to help rid your e-mail of junk once and for all.
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Fly Around the World Reviewing Casinos
E-Mail a funny story that happened to you in a casino and the Author of the most popular submission will be offered a job reviewing casinos around the globe.
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Can You Build An Opt-In Niche List With Adwords?
Something has really gotten under my skin, and I can't sit back and let it go any longer! You see, people used to build e-mail lists in many niche markets through pay per click search engines such as Google Adwords. Now, Adwords has gotten a bit tougher to use, and thus, building an e-mail list in any niche market has become tougher as well......But it's still one of the best ways to build an e-mail list in any niche!I repeat, pay per click (PPC) search engines su...
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Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter?
In my e-mail one day, I received the following message: "Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you."The attachment was from my mailing list program. It was informing my dear subscriber that since her mail kept bouncing, "I`m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long."1. The ProblemWhy was my newsletter bouncing? My mailing list program reports re...
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How to Write Better Business Letters
Writing business letters may be one of the best skills a business person can possess, especially during these times when few people possess it. The following tips will help you to construct better business letters. You can also adapt these principles to write better business e-mails, in terms of both format, style and tone.
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Put A Personal Touch With Cross Fountain Pens
With the emergence of the computer age, online forms, chat rooms, instant messaging and e-mails have taken the place of the old-fashioned paper and pen. Now, instead of organizers, Blackberries, portable computers and mobile phones are being used by many executives and students in keeping track of their daily lives. With the convenience of tapping into keyboards and the ease of reading printed out information, finding a handwritten report or receipt has become a rare occurren...
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Eleven Steps To Print Publication
Creating a printed book is a bit more complicated than creating a PDF eBook. More steps are involved, just by right of producing a tangible finished product that needs to be handled in the physical world (versus an electronic document that can be distributed by e-mail or online). The basic print publishing process for a print-on-demand publishing cycle for a book that will be sold online through the print-on-demand vendor's website (and/or other online booksellers like Amazon...
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Carving Out A Home Writing Retreat
The phone rings. The laundry pleads to be stuffed, cycled, dried and folded. Chaos reigns in the kitchen, e-mails queue for attention. Our lives are at once mundane and undeniably seductive at the same time. When we sit down to write at home, suddenly everything that marks our existence as tedious becomes compelling. Writing at home can seem tantamount to training for the Olympics past age nineteen.Yet carving out time to write at home is possible. You can even design a h...
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Blogging: A Writers Journal
A novel way for a writer to keep prospects and fans in the loop on their progress as a writer is through the use of a web log or Blog.This notion of self-publishing, which is what Blogger and blogging are really about, is the next big wave of human communication. The last big wave was Web activity. Before that one it was e-mail. Eric SchmidtThis online tool has allowed many writers to share thoughts, humor, politics, and more with any and all who would visit. Si...
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Article Writing 101
One of the best ways to launch your home business to the next level is through article writing. This concept has proven to be one of the most effective viral marketing techniques for developing your work from home business. You submit your composition to the internet through E-zines, article directories, article sites, E-mail groups, distribution lists and article announcement lists. These sites are visited by thousands of people on a daily basis. The potential for your inter...
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4 Hassle-Free Ways To Write How-To Articles
You want to get your e-mail newsletter started, but you don't want to be burdened with writing articles every time you turn around. Fact is, writing how-to articles isn't that much of a hassle once you have a system for it.Creating short, how-to articles allows you to:- connect with your audience- position yourself as an expert, and- increase salesBottom line: Give clients information they need and you'll be the first person they'll think of when they run ...
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Fly Around the World Reviewing Casinos
E-Mail a funny story that happened to you in a casino and the Author of the most popular submission will be offered a job reviewing casinos around the globe.
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Maximize Your Sales with the 2 Step Auto Responder
Maximize your marketing and sales with some auto responder Improvements. Try some of these marketing promotional pieces, the tryed and tested 2 step mailing process. Guaranteed to boost you profits.
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How to Reach Thousands of Your Ideal Clients and Customers and Skyrocket Your E-mail List
One of the questions Im asked the most by my clients is, How can I most quickly build my e-mail list?My answer is, find someone whos already reaching your target market in droves, and use THEM to build your list! How? With these three easy steps:
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3 Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine Articles
Come on, admit it: Whether you're a professional writer or not we all draw a blank when we want to write an ezine article.I've found an answer to that dilemma that will get you writing in no time so that you can publish your ezine article and begin to receive that new wave of subscribers you've been hoping for. Here's how to get the lead out if you draw a blank:1. Write your action steps first.Forget about the catchy headline and attractive lead paragraph for now. T...