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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag feelings

There are 100 articles associated with the tag feelings!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Coaching Men How To Communicate Suavely With Women A most efficient way a man can perk up his communication skills with a woman is by listening to her feelings. This might be tricky since he is coming from a different standpoint.The earliest thing a man should do is to keep in mind how rapidly disagreeable feelings can surface in a dialogue that he feels is going well. These feelings appear from not listening with an appreciation of the woman’s point of view. In order to have a first-rate gender communication take place, ...
2. Bookmarks: 3 General View Of Travel Travel, the very mention of it arouses great feelings in our minds even if it is for business as travel provides with unbound opportunities to mix fun with work. Leave that for a moment as it may; it may not surprise you to know travel is a big industry the world over. The travel industry comprises of multiple and interdependent complex network of hotels, resorts, transport sector which in turn includes airways, car rentals etc making you feel very proud of being the prime mo...
3. Bookmarks: 0 Desires in Healing the Hidden Self The perceptive and the aware or cognizant self are referred as the whole self. The self is our personality that acts as a representative of our actions, emotions and feelings. It is our nature that makes up our character and becomes our identity once developed. Many people commonly react differently in atypical circumstances. The outcomes of our decisions are based on the way we react to these situations.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Blushing, What Is Really Going On? Characterized by redness in the face, blushing can be caused by feelings of shame, anxiety or nervousness. The term “blushing” should not be confused with “flushing”, where the redness is extended in the person’s body. Physiologically, it is caused by the widening of the capillaries located under the facial skin. When theses capillaries widen, more blood rushes through resulting to the face getting redder.When blushing, the body releases adrenalin that causes the ca...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Checklist for Buying a Home Buying a home can be one of the best feelings in the world. Nothing beats that feeling of security and satisfaction when you open the door to a new home and are happy with your purchase. The question is, how can you best ensure that feeling is going to happen? There are a lot of pitfalls in the real estate world and naturally you want to be able to avoid them and end up with a great home.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Losing Your Memory to Stress This article talks about how people normally experience stress and anxiety in their everyday activities. Feelings of stress can cause a number of ill effects such as poor decision-making, irritability, and even memory loss. Prolonged exposure to these stressful situations can cause more permanent and psychological problems to occur.
7. Bookmarks: 0 Insecurity Destroyed Thousands. Are You A Victim? Fact: Thousands wallow in depression because of insecurity.When you ignore the positive feelings tied with accomplishment, it's easy to slide back into negative self-talk and sabotage your success. In this insecured state, you may find it tough to focus on or permit yourself to enjoy feelings of accomplishment as feelings of self-judgment then emerge. Talking to yourself in a dark way reinforces habitual, unhealthy behavior. A sentiment such as, “Why forge ahead if I neve...
8. Bookmarks: 6 Gift-Giving: Your Expertise And Wisdom As a child I was taught the age-old wisdom, If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Once I entered public schools, being the overly-sensitive child which I was, I had to quickly learn the defensive protection of Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Truth be told, however, many of my less-sensitive schoolmates' words did hurt--I just learned to act as if they didn't. Thus, I began to wear a mask and keep my feelings inside...
9. Bookmarks: 0 What Can We Learn From Long-Term Exercisers? The number one reason a long-term exerciser continues with an active lifestyle is to achieve fitness. Here are the motivating factors to keep exercising for long-term goals: 1) feelings of well being, 2) increased energy . . .
10. Bookmarks: 0 Ten Tips To Improve Your Self-Esteem The best way to improve your life and earn the respect of others is to improve your self-esteem. This is not a very difficult task. All that it needs is good guidance. Here are ten tips that can happen when you improve your self--esteem. 1. You should surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive, and shun friends who are cynical and negative. This will generate a huge swell of positive feelings in you. You will respect yourself more, and your self-esteem ...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Adult Add And Cloudy Communications If you're someone with adult ADD or ADHD, how often do you have circular conversations? You know the kind. You go 'round and 'round with someone, and you're both saying the exact same thing, but you can't make yourself understood? Isn't that frustrating? Is it possible for someone AD/HD to have less stress in their communications?The frustration you're feeling comes from a sense of imbalance because you're misunderstood. Feelings of Nobody Understands Me promote your se...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Things to Know about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The author stresses that our ability to distract from routine problems relieves us from stress, prepares for responsible appointment, tunes us for certain feelings such as calmness, self- confidence, vitality, burst of energy and high spirits.
13. Bookmarks: 2 How Hypnosis Can Help You Hypnosis has long been recognised as an effective means of treatment for a number of psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can help you to create more confidence for yourself and improve feelings of self worth. You can also learn to overcome problems like the fear of public speaking; phobias like being terrified of traveling on the tube; and become more at ease with yourself by building your confidence and self-esteem. Typical examples of area where hypnotherapy can help...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Overcoming All Types Of Jealousy Time has flown by so fast and many things have changed. Lives of people have become so fast-paced that somehow things like love and happiness have taken a backseat to career, business or money. Communications are centered not on how to foster relationships but on how to make the money tree grow.Because of this, quite a lot of things have been taken for granted and people are slowly shying away from emotions that are the core of living. As a result, many feelings are harbo...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Abusive Relationships: Leave and Re-live! Everyone, once in their lives, have experienced getting into a relationship when someone matters deeply to you, and those feelings of trust and respect are returned, it enables us to face the world with confidence.However, when there is violence, the relationship can become really destructive which can make it both physically and emotionally dangerous.
16. Bookmarks: 3 3 Reasons Mom Should Have A Hobby Moms these days are so very busy, but we're more stressed than ever before and in need of lifestyle choices that help us be happier. Pursuing a hobby may be just the ticket.Here are a few reasons why a hobby is a great idea, even for a busy Mom.Having a hobby relieves stress and tensionSpending time with a hobby replaces negative thoughts and replaces them with positive thoughts and feelings. Having a hobby or creative outlet can lift your spirits and help with de...
17. Bookmarks: 1 Whatever Happened To... There are certain props in entertainment that you never forget. They become so much of your life and your heart that the mere memory of them calls up visions, feelings and scenes to play over and over in your head. Those are the movie props that transcend just the need to collect and be put in someone's vault at the MGM studios, but are important enough that everyone should know where they are. These items aren't just part of a picture; they are part of our common heritage, o...
18. Bookmarks: 0 A Short Guide To Aromatherapy When you smell something nice, such as an appealing perfume, or a tasty dish being cooked in the kitchen, or fresh cut roses set in a vase full of cold water, does not the smell give you a good feeling inside? These good feelings created by pleasing aromas are the basis for the art of aromatherapy.
19. Bookmarks: 1 Aromatherapy - More Than Just Hot Air Many people have found aromatherapy very helpful in terms of their general feelings of psychological and physical wellness. Aromatherapy uses volatile plant oils in a natural form in massage, candles and other delivery methods.Aromatherapy uses Essential Oils. The vapors from these oils benefit many people when they are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, giving physical benefit. The aroma of the inhaled oils stimulates certain receptors in the brain, givin...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Sell Feelings Not Facts Are you losing sleep wondering what your business USP(unique sales point)should be? This article reveals how an ESP can be much more powerful.
21. Bookmarks: 0 The Power Of Meditation Purpose for meditation:What is the goal of meditation? The goal of meditation is not to end or remove the stimulation. It is more a training of the mind to direct focus and concentration to one element. This single element may be a single sound, a single word or thought, a single image or even the person's own breathing. Calmness and peace are brought into the mind's focus, and thereby replace feelings of worry, stress and depression. Negative thoughts can be replaced wit...
22. Bookmarks: 0 The Healing Presence Of God's Love God's love as a healing presence in the world is growing stronger daily. Many people are not yet able to perceive this growing presence of light, because there also exists at this time a thick cloud of negative energy that is surrounding the Earth. This acts to obscure both the perception and the consciousness of people, and to create feelings of isolation and despair.These feelings are not the spiritual reality of this time; they are produced by the presence of much nega...
23. Bookmarks: 0 How To Find Inner Peace Amazingly, you have just come across the information that you need to find your own inner peace. Just look at the page in front of you. It’s you who is staring out at this page and it’s you that is the Source of your own inner peace. You just haven’t learned how to see yourself yet and you need a little guidance. Once you are able to focus in on who you really are, you will reach inner peace. You will know it because nothing will disturb you anymore and any feelings of dis-ea...
24. Bookmarks: 0 How Intuition And Inner Wisdom Can Strengthen You During Difficult Times All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves as an inner truth meter and helps us to make important decisions at critical turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance or gut feelings.Each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those whose work involves great physical or mental end...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Find An Offline Passion To Help Your Online Business Prosper Have you ever had the feeling that you are just in the middle of nowhere with your online business?That you are on your own out in the cyber desert?Totally separated from the outside world?Should I use the term alienated from the outside world?Did these weird feelings put their negative marks on the your daily performance of your online marketing efforts?If the answer to these questions are YES, than I have good news for you:YOU'RE NOT ALONE!I don’...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable I’m continually learning something new and whilst I love it (particularly if it involves reading and research) actually getting down to the ‘doing’ bit has produced some interesting and uncomfortable feelings on the odd occasion.
27. Bookmarks: 5 What's Anxiety And How Do I Recognize The Symptoms? Most of us, if not all of us have felt nervous at one time or another in our lives. Public speaking is something that makes most of us nervous. All those eyes staring straight at us. That's a lot of attention thrust our way. We feel the butterflies take flight, and they usually don't land until we're done with our speech. Aren't we glad we're done! Nerves and other feelings like feeling scared are natural and very necessary. Ever wonder how you'd react or what would happen to...
28. Bookmarks: 0 Overcoming Nerves - In Public Speaking And Entertaining - Part 1 Many people often assume that those of us who stand up to perform or take part in any form of public speaking are not troubled by nerves and that their own attempts would only be doomed to failure because of their feelings of nervousness and fear.These thoughts only exacerbate the feelings. When they do attempt to speak, their mouth goes dry, the hands begin to sweat, the stomach churns and a feeling of nausea takes over. Very often they begin to tremble and the brain see...
29. Bookmarks: 0 How To Overcome Nervousness When You Speak In Public Even if the speech you have is already prepared and you know everything about it, public speaking can be difficult. Many people are very nervous when they speak in public. Here are some tips for you to overcome your nervous feelings when you speak in front of many people.Preparing your presentation1. Center on yourself. Try practicing standing properly – with your feet under the hips directly. This position is the best and most stable for speaking in public. Rehearse ...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Controlling Behavior – How Do You Attempt to Control? Controlling behavior: Behavior intended to control your own feelings, control how people feel about you and treat you, or control the outcome of things.All of us have grown up learning many different ways to control – we had to as part of our survival.
31. Bookmarks: 0 Secrets of a Positive Attitude Are you constantly bombarded by thoughts of negativity? Plagued by feelings of insecurity? Do you see everything in a negative manner? The reason for this lies deep within your heart.
32. Bookmarks: 0 The Fear Of Criticism So many times in life we would like to try something new. Like a new sport, different style haircut, changing clothing or loosing weight. But are afraid to try because of the criticism we might receive from others because of our change. Over time we have been brainwashed into believing other people's opinions and think they hold more weight then our own feelings. We don not want to be judged. If you want to break old habits you must not be controlled by outside people. You mu...
33. Bookmarks: 0 How Is Your Self-Esteem? The development of a positive self-concept, or healthy self-esteem, plays a major role in life success and happiness.Self-esteem is quite simply how we feel about ourselves and our behavior clearly reflects those feelings. The way we talk about ourselves is very important in everything we do. What we think determines how we feel and how we feel determines how we behave.A strong positive self-concept allows individuals to open themselves to new opportunities and challe...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Depression Chat Rooms: Will They Be Effective For You? If you are a technology-savvy person, you will benefit greatly from depression chat rooms that serve as a haven for people who are seeking for a group to understand their feelings and emotions, and join them as they walk through a difficult phase in their lives.The people who started these chat rooms intend to help others who are suffering from anxiety, depression and other types of mood disorders. They provide information materials, stories and news that can widen a pers...
35. Bookmarks: 3 Dealing With An Angry Person Everyone is periodically faced with an angry person, and can be challenging to deal with. I’d like to share a few ideas in how to react to another’s anger, whether it’s a spouse, friend, or even a stranger. Some of these will also apply if you are angry yourself, which of course is something to avoid in the first place.Listen - Let the person vent a little, and get their words and feelings out. If you interrupt them too quickly to defend yourself, it’s going to just make ...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Dealing With Addiction In The Family Dealing with addicted family members is always a big challenge. There are some important issues to explore when someone you love is harming themselves. ARE YOU CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROBLEM?People use various addictions to avoid their painful feelings, especially their feelings of anxiety, stress, aloneness, emptiness and loneliness. Is there some way that you are contributing to their pain? While you are not responsible for how someone deals with pain, you are responsi...
37. Bookmarks: 0 Are You Invisible? Ellen was brought up to be invisible. She was taught to be very tuned into others’ feelings and needs, but to never have any of her own. Her family made it clear to her that her job was to give to them but to never expect anything in return. As a result, Ellen learned to be totally tuned out to her own feelings and needs. It was as if she, as a person, didn’t really exist, other than to be there for others.
38. Bookmarks: 4 Emotional Dependency or Emotional Responsibility Emotional dependency means getting one’s good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from within. Who or what do you believe is responsible for your emotional wellbeing?
39. Bookmarks: 0 Making Yourself, And Others, Feel Good With Your Tongue! How to Make Yourself, and Others, Feel Good With your Tongue!We are blessed with a marvelous and mighty device that can, in moments, stir the best feelings, or the worst, in ourselves and in those around us. That device is, of course, our tongue. I am referring specifically to our tongue's capacity to produce sounds and words. In virtually any situation, any crowd of people, or any solitary moment, you are able to make massive changes in how you and anyone within earshot ...
40. Bookmarks: 0 TruAwareness Quiz Discover the divine meaning behind the painful feelings and events in your life with a healing practice called TruAwareness, and uncover the powerful wisdom embedded in your life experiences and find deeper healing and more peace than you’ve ever known.Answer the following questions with a True or False response and write your answers down:1. When I'm reminded of moments from my past relationships, I can feel regret, sadness, anger or resentment.2. I experience st...
41. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 49 ) It was the day after Christmas. The morning was bitter cold,but the golden rays of the sun bathed the trees in a frosty, sparkling beauty.Somehow,deep within me, I felt this was to be the day for my visit to System 22. Yet nothing had happened to confirm my feelings.Christmas day had been spent at home with the family. It was exciting to help my children set up their toys. I reflected on the days of my childhood and how, with great excitement, I would wait for Christmas d...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Are You Love Addicted? Imagine that you have a little child - a son or daughter, but that you are only 15 years old. How are you going to feel about this child? There is a good possibility that you will feel that this child is a burden, limiting your freedom. You will likely feel that the child is too demanding, needing too much from you. You may want to go out and have fun and not be tied down to this child. Is this how you feel about your own inner child - your own feelings and needs? Does i...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Success Success has come to mean many things to people in today's changing society, but certain aspects of it remain fundamentally the same. Success whether it be financial, emotional, physical, emotional, or spiritual, involves achievement and a sense of accomplishment and the positive happy feelings associated with creating. Success that is based upon emotional and spiritual wellness, has a center and focus that allows a person to feel in control of their own choices and attitudes ...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Gratitude Is The Key To Abundance Truly I tell you, gratitude is the key to abundance. For if you are grateful, surely you will experience an increase in all the good things you feel you are deserving in Life.Gratitude does not come from a “this is too good to be true” feeling. Nor does it come from feelings of lack and desperation, such that you are dependent upon external factors as if the world owes you anything. Gratitude comes from a realisation, a proper understanding of things, that goes as deep an...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Addiction to Spirituality Lian had been meditating for many years before consulting with me for his depression. He had been part of a spiritual community that encouraged their members to turn to God through prayer and meditation whenever they were feeling any difficult or painful feelings such as anger, hurt, anxiety, or depression. He had been taught that Spirit would transmute his feelings for him and bring him the peace he sought.
46. Bookmarks: 0 Journaling For Personal Growth One of the best ways to gain clarity about your life is by journaling your thoughts and feelings. Especially if you're feeling conflicted or confused about certain situations, writing your thoughts out can be incredibly enlightening!You don't have to be a writer to journal effectively. In fact, your writing skills don't have to be good at all. Just the act of putting your thoughts into logical order and translating them to written form can help you to understand what yo...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Fear of Intimacy Emotional intimacy is one of the most wonderful experiences we ever have. Nothing else really comes close to the experience of sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with another, of being deeply seen and known, of sharing love, passion, laughter, joy, and/or creativity. The experience of intimacy fills our souls and takes away our loneliness.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Self Management to Stop Stress How we interact with others and ourselves, controls our stress. A simple problem or disagreement with another person grows in our mind. What once was a minor problem, is now a major one due to poor communication and self. It isn't meant to be like this. There are ways to control your stress and your feelings. You can completely managel your stress regardless of other people. Learn these ways to manage your stress.
49. Bookmarks: 0 What Are The Negative Effects Of Stress! Stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headache...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Stress Management: Medical Risks Of Stress What is Stress?Stress may be defined as the three-way relationship between demands on people, our feelings about those demands and our ability to cope with them. Stress is most likely to occur in situations where:1. Demands are high.2. The amount of control we have is low.3. There is limited support or help available for us.Who is Affected Most by Stress?Virtually all people experience stressful events or situations that overwhelm our natural coping mechan...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Stress Management Via Anger Control If anger rises, stress also rises.If anger falls, stress also falls!They are like identical twins, difficult to distinguish, harder to separate. If you deflate anger, it is as good as deflating stress.Though there are many similarities between anger and stress, there is one major difference. Stress is accumulated in your mind, over a period of time. Anger is a spontaneous overflow of powerful ill feelings. Instant outburst! It arrives like a flash flood, and goes al...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Stress Less! STRESS. Yes, the S word'. Stress is the 'wear and tear' our bodies experience as we adjust to our constantly changing environment. Stress has both physical and emotional effects on us and can it can create positive or negative feelings.As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new consciousness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, and depression, which in turn c...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Relieve Stress At Work 5 Quick And Easy Tips Stress at work is inevitable. You can't stop it from coming, but you can change the way you handle it. Instead of having a meltdown right in the middle of the office, why not try one of these 5 quick and end easy stress reducers?Take A Break.It's easy to let your feelings take over when everyone around you seems like an idiot! But, remember, your fellow workers are just trying to get through the day the best they can too.Instead of losing your cool, try taking a q...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Emotions As Information When you were a small child, your painful emotions may have felt too overwhelming to feel. If you experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, your little body was not big enough to manage the painful feelings. If you were neglected, unseen, misunderstood, invaded, smothered, shamed or ridiculed, it may have felt too painful to manage. If you were a highly sensitive child with parents who did not understand high sensitivity, you may have felt too much emotion to handle. ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Eight Stress Banishers Eight Ways To Diminish Stress At The Job1. Articulate feelings and passion. Putting stress into words through interaction with colleagues can thwart the seclusion often felt during the later period of burnout. The trade of ideas acts as a shock absorber because sharing and communicating has a exceptional way of relieving anxiety and putting things in perspective.2. Plan down time. Each one needs breaks away from work. As a substitute of using lunch or coffee breaks to...
56. Bookmarks: 0 7 Different Stress Management Techniques Stress, burnout and physical exhaustion have become a way of life for many people. You need to feel that you can get a handle on what stresses you, and diffuse this stress in different ways so as to maintain both your physical and emotional health.The ways we and others cause stress can come from habits or our own thoughts and feelings about how things are going. Or perhaps your own actions can be adjusted to cause less stress.If you want to be calm and relaxed, with ...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Broke? Fix It Yourself: BE Wealthy If you’re reading this right now you probably have been broke, are broke, or know someone who is struggling with being broke. The pain and suffering of being in this state is truly awful. Being broke causes thoughts of despair, feelings of failure, desperation, struggle, lack and need. Being broke prevents us from reaching our potential, from living our lives freely. Being broke prevents us from being wealthy.
58. Bookmarks: 0 The Key to Getting What You Want Integrity is the most critical attribute for realizing dreams. It creates trust and accountability. Leaving things unresolved and incomplete means one is out of integrity. As one completes what one can, feelings of pride, accomplishment, and peace of mind, motivate one to take on even the tough things.
59. Bookmarks: 0 Who's The Boss? 10 Ways To Start Taking Control (Time Management, Goal Setting, Record Tracking) At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, ...
60. Bookmarks: 0 Who's the Boss? 10 ways to start taking control (time management, goal setting, record tracking) At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward. Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases hap
61. Bookmarks: 0 Stress – The Silent Killer … Part 2 The 10 point plan for Stress Reduction Ok … So we’ve recognized the signs and it’s official, we’re stressed!Stress affects the whole person - body, mind, feelings, and behavior, and just as symptoms can take many forms, so there are many simple actions that you can take to relieve these symptoms.Learn to RelaxImagine… having relief on tap - something you could experience whenever you need it, something that would remove all the stress from your body and return...
62. Bookmarks: 3 Your Song Is Your Success It's true - you have a song that you sing...all day long. That song, is your vibration, your resonance - and it is created right out of the feelings and beliefs that you are focused upon.Your song… is directly related to your success. Think about this -- if your song is your success, then would you choose to sing a song that you loved and radiated out into the world that you are worthy, abundant, successful, beautiful, confident....Or - would you sing a song that yo...
63. Bookmarks: 0 When Your Ideal Feeling Seems Far Away I know how I WANT to feel-much different than I do now. How can I vibrate my ideal feeling when my current feelings are low?
64. Bookmarks: 0 Universal Law Series - Law Of Attraction Our thoughts, emotions and feelings act as a powerful magnet, attracting circimstances into our lives. Whether these circimstances are positive or negative, is completely dependent on how we think!This is the sixth of seven articles in our continuing series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the sixth Law – the Law of Attraction.Law of AttractionSimply stated, the Law of Attraction says that we attract into our lives, that upon wh...
65. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding The Key Elements Of The Law Of Attraction Fiction or realityWhen it comes to the law of attraction people cannot just simply limit to only one explanation given to it. If some people consider it as their karma, there are people that connect it directly to the best rule ever. When we talk about the laws of attraction, we refer to the energy of our feelings. We say energy as it’s working like a magnetic pole: one is emanating energy and someone else receives it. It works like a continuous flow: whatever we transfer...
66. Bookmarks: 0 The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Understand 'Don't, Not or No' The Law of Attraction doesn't hear the words 'don't, not or no' - it only responds to your feelings (your vibes) about that subject.
67. Bookmarks: 0 Need Prosperity? Get Peaceful! It's pretty obvious that prosperity can promote peacefulness in our lives. When we have enough money, we automatically feel happy, calm, secure and comfortable. Financial lack, on the other hand, brings along unsettling feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, and chaos.However, did you know that you can also use a peaceful mind-set to attract greater prosperity into your life? It's a simple matter of changing the way you view your financial situation!Here's how to do it:...
68. Bookmarks: 1 Invite A Flood Of Prosperity With Visualization Visualization is one great way to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives, but we often go about it in such a serious way. We meditate, we create our vision boards, we painstakingly create a picture in our minds of what we want our outer circumstances to reflect. This is a good practice overall, but one important component we often forget (or don't know how to generate) is infusing our vision with powerful emotions. Feelings like joy, love, excitement, and gratitude can e...
69. Bookmarks: 0 Empowerment Through Choice What is the one thing that will always make you feel empowered?It is the ability to make a choice. The problem is that we often forget that there is a choice in absolutely everything. Even if external circumstances prevent us from doing what we prefer, we have a choice in how we are going to approach the situation. We have control over our attitude, thoughts and feelings.Being StuckI often hear people talk about being stuck at their jobs. When asked why they d...
70. Bookmarks: 2 What is Blogging?? If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything.
71. Bookmarks: 0 The Importance Of Blog Design And Make It Your Own... Blogs have increased popularity over this past months. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news and reviews.Because of this, blogs are also being used as internet marketing media. Before, internet marketing is done by placing banners and links on popular websites, such as news and information sites. Links were also included...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Blogs’ Way With Words Adds To Success Almost Immediately! There are many ways to make your blog a successful one. Blog writers put a lot of work in their writing and for the most part, want readers to visit. But, there are thousands of blogs available for readers online. If you want to make your blog successful then you must consider what your reader wants.A blog is an easy and instant way to share your thoughts and feelings with readers. It is easy to build readership to your blog when you are ready to share your writing with o...
73. Bookmarks: 2 Blogging for Profit in 30 Minutes Most people use blogs as journals, to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. What most people don’t know, though, is that blogs can be used to generate income through marketing!
74. Bookmarks: 0 Some Words To Remember We’ve all heard this before and every time I feel that I’m being manipulated to believe that this mantra is true. But even with so many times you use it, words can do a lot of things to your emotions and feelings especially when used at the right time and moment.
75. Bookmarks: 0 Neuro Linguistic Programming Patterns In many cases of where neuro linguistic programming is taught, most focus on teaching the techniques. For instance, you might learn the technique of curing phobias, building confidence and enhancing good feelings.
76. Bookmarks: 1 Online Affiliate Program I hope you will let me take a few minutes to tell you about some of the inherent benefits of an online affiliate program:FIRST public relations are not as time consuming and exhausting and critical when you are involved in a online affiliate program. Basically if your page is good and you maintain it to sell the product well, that's it! No worrying about hurting feelings or stepping on toes. No exhaustion from dealing with frustrated and/or frustrating people. What more c...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Hot Tip: Poker Affiliate Marketing And Blogs: Give Your Business A Boost If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything.Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a “server’s log file.” It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Eulogy Speeches: Use A Story To Help You Get Started So you "have" to do a eulogy speech... or maybe you "want" to get a chance to express in public all the deep feelings you have for your loved one who has passed away.Yes, I know it's a tough time to write a eulogy speech or anything else for that matter. Yes, I know you're probably distraught and having a hard time focusing. That's OK. I'm going to give you an easy tip to get going. Where do you start?One of the best elements to include in a eulogy is a story about yo...
79. Bookmarks: 0 Writing For Greeting Cards Greeting cards are a wonderful way to express your feelings. They offer a way for us to say what we mean even if we cannot find the words ourselves, which is where greeting card writers come in. They do not receive a byline and never see their work published in national magazines, but they do produce some of the most widely read projects. Writing for greeting cards is especially nice because the word count is low and the pay can be as much, or more, than some publications....
80. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Book Reports If you are a student, writing a book report is something you will probably have to do at some time whether you want to or not.It has never been a favorite activity for most but it is always valuable. It is valuable because it allows you to think about the book you have read, in terms of the setting, characters, plot and finally examine your feelings and thoughts about what you have read. You learn how to give an analysis and develop your own point of view. Is it any wonder th...
81. Bookmarks: 0 Who's Telling The Story? The point of view in any story is important because it provides a guide to manage the execution of your story. Most works of fiction use one point of view although a second perspective can be brought into the story for a short period of time.Third Person Perspective is the most common method of conveying a work of fiction. This method allows the narrator to have at least limited omniscience. The narrator has limited access to the knowledge and feelings of the characters i...
82. Bookmarks: 0 What Inspires You? Wow this is a truly hard questions; to start with what gives me the inspiration. I have to say it's the characters themselves that inspire me. It depends on who they are what's happening in their life, one heroine may have had tender feelings for the hero for a long time and impending doom could set it in motion or maybe she will never see him again. It all depends on what's happening to the hero and heroine. Since it is the characters that determine why and how the scene tak...
83. Bookmarks: 0 What Everybody Should Know... About The History & Development Of Communication Many people just leave their communication skills to happenstance and live in a world of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, loss of relationships and business disasters. Quite often they look for outside reasons for challenges or failures. Yet, history and our cortex show that we were meant to connect and communicate and understand one another.
84. Bookmarks: 0 Ending Relationships Gracefully In my counseling practice, I often hear the question, “How do I end a relationship without hurting someone’s feelings?” Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a friendship, ending it gracefully is generally a challenge.The problem arises because so many people see it as a reflection of their worth when someone doesn’t want to be with them. “If I was good enough, this person would want to be with me, so there must be something wrong with me.”
85. Bookmarks: 0 Communication Is Vital For A Healthy Relationship When people are told that they need to communicate more they often think that that is an open invitation to talk but there is a complete difference between talking and communicating.Communicating is an art, and art of combining the ability to express your opinions and feelings in such a way as to ensure that the person or people you are talking to understand what you are trying to say with the ability to listen and understand another person’s point of view. The number ...
86. Bookmarks: 0 Why Lovers Hurt Their Beloved Most? A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings.
87. Bookmarks: 0 What is romance? I would say that romance is a feeling of deep attachment and affection that goes beyond all known human bonds. Romance can not be easily defined but only experienced. One who has never felt romantic will never understand about romantic feelings. Lucky are those who fall in romantic love.
88. Bookmarks: 8 Tips On How To Handle Abusive Relationships A Relationship is a very valuable aspect in our life. It must be unique and something to be enjoyed by everyone. We all dream of having a very healthy relationship especially with our friends, family members and loved ones. It is a relationship wherein we enjoy each others company. We do things together like watching a basketball game or sometimes with the company of some friends. We are honest about our feelings with each other. There is mutual respect and sincerity betw...
89. Bookmarks: 0 Things to Consider Before Beginning a New Romantic Relationship Beginning a new romantic relationship can add excitement to your life but we must remember not to get caught up in these wonderful feelings and forget that a successful relationship takes some work.
90. Bookmarks: 0 The Meaning of a Single Rose Many feelings can be expressed by flowers, and this non-verbal language is very popular nowadays. Each one of us has sent at least one message to someone with the help of a flower. Sometimes whole conversations between two lovers are spoken through flowers.
91. Bookmarks: 3 Snap Out Of Your Anger and Create Joy In Your Relationships! We are driven to find joy, happiness and fulfillment within our relationships. Dr. Adrianne Ahern’s SNAP Out of It NOW! Method offers a step-by-step guide to transforming stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, and other negative feelings into something completely positive. Snap Out of It Now! Create joy and happiness in your relationships!
92. Bookmarks: 0 Send an Energetic Love Letter People intuitively pick up your heart’s truth and honest feelings. Count on it. Learn to send a message to anyone you feel attractive to with the confidence that your good intentions and warm feelings will definitely be received! Have you ever wanted to energetically send someone a message that you were attracted to them? Sending an Energetic Love Letter is special because it will be sent from you with no one in the middle to interfere.
93. Bookmarks: 9 Romantic Feelings Romance, the eternal subject for most of the poets. Romance, the life giving force. Romance, that changes perceptions and romance makes a dull night a night of poetic thoughts. Romance turns an ordinary flower into a lover's gift to be preserved forever. Romance produces letters that are saved for generations. Romance makes everything look happy and cheerful. Read on...
94. Bookmarks: 5 Relationships And Poor Communication To communicate means to tell about our feelings, and our thoughts. When we communicate, our words may not say precisely what is in our mind, but when somebody takes...
95. Bookmarks: 11 Rebuilding Trust The loss of trust is a very painful experience. It often involves a lot of hurt, confusion, anger, and sadness.Dealing with these emotions is critical when trying to rebuild trust. When upset, we want our partners to understand our point of view - to understand our feelings and emotions.Understanding how we feel is important because it helps us deal with our negative feelings and move beyond them. If a partner does not take the time to make us feel understood - we...
96. Bookmarks: 8 Is it Cheating? Internet Flirtations, Affairs and Love Connections Cheating used to be very black and white. However these days a lot of men would like to think the internet has created a million shades of grey. It’s fairly easy to define a behavior that creates feelings of emotional or sexual betrayal.
97. Bookmarks: 8 Improve Your Relationship - 10 Ways to Fall in Love Again with your Partner How do we rekindle those amazing feelings of love that we felt at the beginning of our relationship? Discover ten powerful and practical ways that you can bring back those feelings and improve your relationship.
98. Bookmarks: 16 How to Stop Attracting Negative People to Your Life The Law of Attraction can be used to ensure that you are always in vibrational harmony with the people you are attracting into your life. If you plot your vibration on a scale that measures from 1-100, with 100 being the highest calibration, you are currently attracting other people into your life that match your score on this scale. In other words, if your vibration measures 75 on this scale and a person in your life measures closely to that, you are a close vibrational match.
99. Bookmarks: 4 Engagement Rings: Finding The Perfect Ring Need help finding a perfect engagement ring? These style-savvy tips will help you find the perfect engagement ring and perhaps give you the inspiration you seek in finding a diamond engagement ring that fully expresses your feelings.No other jewellery item says ‘love’ more powerfully than a diamond engagement ring. Rare, precious, and indestructible, these qualities earned the diamond its status as a symbol of enduring love, romance, and commitment. It was said that Cupid...
100. Bookmarks: 9 Companionship Or A Love Affair? A marriage is like any relationship and has its good and bad times, its agreements and disagreements. No one can expect everything to be wonderful at every minute of the day when two people from different backgrounds and with different feelings and expectations live together. Some marriages have serious problems that must be resolved through concentrated effort or even therapy, but most marriages just become boring over time.When considering problems in a marriage, it is ...

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