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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag fitness

There are 100 articles associated with the tag fitness!

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1. Bookmarks: 25 What’s Beauty Without Social Graces? What, you may ask, does social graces have to do with beauty? Let me explain. A person can spend thousands of dollars on diets and fitness clubs, makeup, clothes, and even cosmetic surgery; they can get all dressed up with their hair and nails done perfectly, their clothes coordinated in a color that brings out their beauty, their makeup professionally applied, and look like a million dollars.
2. Bookmarks: 1 A Preschool Children's Fitness Business Helps Kids Get in Shape Help preschoolers learn how to exercise the fun way by starting your own preschool children's fitness business...
3. Bookmarks: 0 3 Little Known Tips To Buying Fitness Equipment Did you know that buying fitness equipment for your home isn’t really that difficult? It’s true that the world of fitness equipment can seem like a maze at times and that there are literally hundreds of different types of fitness equipment pieces that might work well for your home arrangement. However, with a little guidance, the process really isn’t that hard and you will be amazed at the bargains that you can find if you just dig a little deeper than the average consumer ...
4. Bookmarks: 0 Vermont Skiing Why skiing? Because it is not only enjoyable, but is a great way of fitness: skiing is a great form of exercise requiring a level of skill, balance, and flexibility. Skiing is also great way to strengthen and tone several muscle groups. What can be such a big fun like skiing? The mountains, the views, the blue sky and breathing clean mountain air…unless you are in an indoor sky slope in Dubai. But if you would like to have real adventure, go outside.Vermont is New Eng...
5. Bookmarks: 3 Fitness Franchise If you are looking for a franchise opportunity that will offer you a good earning potential, you may want to consider purchasing a fitness franchise. The current health obsessed climate makes a fitness franchise a good way to create a money-making business while helping people look and feel their best. There are a number of fitness franchise opportunities out there, and finding the right one can be a satisfying venture for your entrepreneurial spirit.
6. Bookmarks: 3 Gentlemen, guys actually do Yoga. American men are now flocking to the yoga mats where once, it seemed, only women dared to tread. From pro-athletes to entertainers to business men, several successful men have made Yoga their choice for exercise. Let’s see why.
7. Bookmarks: 0 Start a Lasting Strength Training routine Read the first part of a three part series that will help you design and develop your own lasting strength training routine.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Some Helpful Tips On Abs In the fitness world today, there is not a body part with more attention paid to it than the abdominal muscles. With our obsession with abs, many aspiring entrepreneurs set out to market their device, diet, video or program which will give you “washboard abs,” a “six-pack,” “ripped abs,” or any other adjective to describe a well defined mid section. The problem is that the public, desperate for a quick fix, buys into these products, which at the end of the day,...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Senior Companion Franchising Opportunities Go into a business that you can feel good about with your own adult care franchise. The senior and adult companion care industry is getting largers with better fitness and eating habits and the increased understanding of geriatrics, and now has never been a better time to look into the elderly care industry
10. Bookmarks: 0 What A Black Belt Means To Me - A Way Of Life Being a black belt is more than just another rank in the martial arts. It’s a milestone that every martial artist strives for but only a small percentage actually achieve. Obtaining a black belt or equivalent ranking in any art takes a lot of dedication and perseverance. The journey appears never ending as a kyu rank (under belt), but once you reach that stage its an amazing achievement. When I was 13 years old I passed my Sho Dan test. I can remember sleeping with my belt pr...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Whats New In Bodybuiding Hints and tips to build rock hard muscle in the shortest time.
12. Bookmarks: 0 The Top Ten Bowling Techniques To Improve Your Score Bowling is one of the best ways to improve fitness and coordination while having fun with your family and friends. It’s a lot more than simply throwing a heavy ball down a long corridor…it’s one of the most complicated and competitive sports around. By learning to master the top-ten techniques of bowling, you’ll gain confidence, have more fun, and beat the competition!The top 10 bowling techniques:1. Have perfect PostureIn bowling, posture counts! Keep your head up,...
13. Bookmarks: 0 Stretching your way to Health Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise that helps develop flexibility,concentration,and clarity of mind.It is now one of the most popular fitness routines especially among women.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Fun for the kid’s, Fitness for the family Trampolines are the ideal way of getting fit and having fun. Discover how to choose the trampoline that best suits your needs and your budget.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Big Strong Chest Muscles Command Respect And Confidence So you want to build big and powerful chest muscles? Huge big pectoral muscles (pecs) or chest muscles that command respect and adoration? You can be the proud owner of a big and powerful chest. Many people actually think that there are 2 separate chest muscles, well there aren't. The chest muscle or pecs that you see on each side of your chest is a fan shaped one continuous muscle although they may be called by different names such as pectoralis major, minor and clavicle...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Thirty Minutes of Exercise a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Exercising regularly will help you live longer and be healthier. Learn how that happens by reading this article.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Exercise For An Entire You! For thousands of years, physical activity has been associated with health. Today, science has confirmed the link, with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to die early, or to experience major illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer.Obesity and poor physical fitness constitute a health problem affecting an increasing number of children. Childhood obesity and poor physical fitness are associated with insulin resist...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Yoga for Kids: What Yoga Poses are best for My Child? The benefits of yoga for kids are so immense that it may be an understatement to say your child might be missing out. From Physical and emotional fitness to increase in self-confidence, kids engaged in yoga are well on the path to being well rounded adults. Learn how your child can learn form yoga designed just for kids today.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Winning Tactics for Running a Marathon Contemplating running a marathon? If you're not prepared when it comes to race day you can expect many hours of suffering and struggle. Let me set you off on the right track!
20. Bookmarks: 0 What Can You Learn From Watching Kickboxing Dvds? Kickboxing refers to the martial art of using kicks, punches and throws; this art can be practiced as a sport or for fitness purposes. Kickboxing entails a set of rules and guides following which you can participate in a kickboxing competition. There are different forms of kickboxing including American kickboxing, Japanese kickboxing, French kickboxing, Indian kickboxing and others; each of this form utilizes particular strikes and moves. The most prominent among all are Amer...
21. Bookmarks: 0 The Number One Reason You Should Stick With Your Karate Training There are many reasons that people first get started in the martial arts. Usually the reasons are for self-defense, health and fitness, discipline, confidence, self-control and spiritual growth among others. Most of us have heard about these benefits of the martial arts, yet despite knowing the potential rewards of karate, it is not always clear why we should stay on the path for the long term.I would like to let you know what I believe is the number one reason for you to...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Karate – What Is It Really All About? This question seems innocent and easy to answer. But the truth is that it is not an easy question to answer at all, because it must be answered on so many different levels. “What is karate really all about?”Is it about learning some punches, kicks and blocks? Is it about memorizing endless forms? Is it about self-defense? Is it about health and fitness? How about making friends and socializing? And what about all of those buzzwords such as self-discipline, self-confidence...
23. Bookmarks: 0 Jab Cross Hook Cross Combination Won't Be Found In Any Fastfood Restaurant Menu. In order to be successful in kickboxing, it is essential to learn and master the basic kickboxing combos early in your training. These combos are taught as part of your fitness training right from the word go. In proper kickboxing classes, the proper techniques are taught in detail so you know precisely how to perfect these new skills. Since 1960, these kickboxing combos have been borrowed from the original martial art from which they came and adapted to the more modern form ...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Improve Your Soccer Stamina A fitter player and, more importantly, a fitter team can play at a faster pace for a longer period of time. Fitness and player stamina is what sets apart professional and part-time teams, especially when they play in “all or nothing” matches such as the FA Cup where there is no middle ground for a draw.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Benefits of Boxing Training for Fitness You may improve your health and have a physically fit body by getting into boxing training fitness programs. This is the best way for you to have a stronger body and gain confidence. Boxing workouts can help you to be at your best fighting form as well.
26. Bookmarks: 0 How important is MIND in sports? Athletes may possess 100% physical fitness but if he/she is not mentally fit, the physical fitness is as good as not having it at all. So what is Mental Fitness? Find answers in this article.
27. Bookmarks: 0 What Can We Learn From Long-Term Exercisers? The number one reason a long-term exerciser continues with an active lifestyle is to achieve fitness. Here are the motivating factors to keep exercising for long-term goals: 1) feelings of well being, 2) increased energy . . .
28. Bookmarks: 4 Starting A Fitness Program For Seniors As people age their beliefs about themselves change, and one of those beliefs is about their ability to lead an active lifestyle. Many older people believe that they can no longer exercise like they used to when they were young. In many cases this may be true. However, studies show that it is never too late to start exercising. Nobody is too old to begin exercising. But it is important to start slow and work your way up. Once you have established an exercise routine you’ll li...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Learn How the Mind and Body Works with the Five Psychological Phases of Fitness Whether you are a military special operations soldier, an athlete, or just a regular person seeking to lose weight, all groups experience similar personal obstacles.
30. Bookmarks: 0 7 Tips for Fitness Women Would you like to be a fitness woman? Or are you a fitness woman but would like to be effective? Here are 7 great tips on how to become an effective fitness woman:
31. Bookmarks: 0 3 Powerful Motivation Tips For Ripped Abs Make your new fitness habits much more productive with the best 3 motivational tips that will keep you going to the gym and dieting with a smile on your face every time.
32. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Breath Treatment How many embarrassing situations have you experienced in your life because of having bad breathe?When one have bad breath, there are a lot of things in life that he/she are unable to enjoy, like close contact with a loved one and even the taste of their food. Many of us know that Bad Breath is a common condition that affects one in four people but the good news is that there is a cure and bad breath can be treated effectively.There are many causes of bad breath including oral bacteria, food...
33. Bookmarks: 20 The Basics Of Cosmetic Surgery It is not uncommon for a person to have something they would like to change about their body. Some people have abnormally large noses. Some women would like to see their bust size larger or reduced. Many people would like to decrease the fatty deposits in their tummies, hips and thighs! This is where cosmetic surgery can come in. When you have cosmetic surgery done, you are having a healthy, normal part of your body reshaped and changed for aesthetic reasons. These parts of t...
34. Bookmarks: 0 If You Had These 3 Habits, Your Weight Loss Would Be Effortless There are simple laws that govern the human body and once these 3 simple actions become a habit, weight loss becomes effortless and automatic.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Get Into Fitness Getting fit is the key to wellbeing. fitness is not just being slender but its being more healthier and gives you enough confidence to face a hectic day ahead.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Effective Cardio Workouts In Only 20 Minutes The perfect workout routine is one that combines strength training and some form of cardio. The problem is, most people hate doing cardio and will make up any excuse not to do it. A popular excuse is not having enough time. This article, however, will show you how you can spend only 20 minutes on a cardio workout and still reap the benefits. So first of all, why is it necessary that you add cardio to your workouts? Most people understand the benefits of strength training ...
37. Bookmarks: 0 25 Ways Get 10 Mins Of Fitness Exercise-PT#1 Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. The idea is to keep moving, says fitness expert Ann Grandjean, EdD. Get a cordless phone or put a long cord on your regular phone, and walk w...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Top Ten Tips: Gaining Confidence Oozing with confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone; however it is something that everyone can acquire. I have listed some tips below for all those of you that want to get a little more confidence when it is needed. Follow one, two or all of them and watch your confidence start to grow. 1. Think fitness and health… Healthy body, healthy mind! Keeping yourself fit and healthy will keep you feeling happy and confident. Eating the right things at the rig...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Making Martial Arts As A Good Well Rounded Workout Regiment. As I was reading about Martial Arts and all that it involves, I became very enthralled. I dared to find out what all the excitement was about. The phenomenon of martial arts to be used as a workout regiment for many athletes or even perspective physical fitness fans is growing rapidly. In a nutshell, this is all that I discovered.What I found to be most interesting is the fact that martial arts is researched and is used for various reasons based on each individual’s goals...
40. Bookmarks: 0 How Fatherhood Contributes To Fitness And Healthy Living When speaking about fitness and healthy living, most men usually think of the stereotyped image of a guy eating a balanced diet, going to the gym regularly, and engaging into sports activities. All right, if you want to be different, you'll probably choose yoga, ballroom dancing, carpentry, or even pottery as your means to exercise, relieve stress, and fight boredom. But you'll probably do a lot of sneaking when you want to do some unique stuff. Yet the truth is that male hea...
41. Bookmarks: 9 How To Prevent Lazy Eyes Children enrolled in fitness-oriented gym classes showed greater loss of body fat, increase in cardiovascular fitness, and improvement in fasting insulin levels.Lazy eyeThis is an eye condition that is seen in children where there is lack of development in one eye. This condition needs to be detected early so as to prevent crossed eyes. Eye exercise therapy is used to improve the lazy eye condition. A patch is worn over the good eye for a few weeks or months and the l...
42. Bookmarks: 1 Health And Fitness|how To Get Great Body Shape-stay Fit And Healthy Most people know that having health and fitness is important. Many try to stay fit and healthy to get a great body shape. The question is do people know the benefits of being fit and healthy or how to get that great body shape they yearned so much for?Unfortunately not, otherwise there will not be such high dropout rates in gyms all over the world and people getting fatter and fatter.• Benefits of good health and fitness :-1) Day to day chores are so much easier –...
43. Bookmarks: 4 Fitness and Health Guide for Busy Moms As a busy mom, fitness and health are very important. But how will you fit exercise into your busy schedule? These tips can help...
44. Bookmarks: 2 Benefits of Chair Yoga – Part 1 In comparison to many forms of exercise, the benefits of Chair Yoga far outweigh the risks. The therapeutic exercises work the body, from head to toes, to the best of any client’s ability.
45. Bookmarks: 1 Your Physical Fitness – Keeping Your Body Healthy It is important to be fit, everyone knows that. Your physical fitness has a big impact upon how you feel about yourself, and how much effort your body has to expend in order to keep working. Lack of physical fitness has supposedly reached an epidemic proportion in America, though the truth is that Americans are obsessed with physical fitness, and TV doctors and celebrities alike make a fortune through selling fitness videos and books to the public. Unless you’re planning to b...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Weight Loss can help you Cure many Diseases and Conditions Excessive weight is a house of diseases. Research shows that regular physical activity helps with weight loss and can therefore reduce your risk for several diseases and conditions and improve your overall quality of life. Regular physical activity can help protect you from the following health problems.
47. Bookmarks: 2 Try Your Hand At Organic Gardening In today's world, we are constantly confronted with the many reasons why we need to eat healthier and exercise more in order to live longer and better lives. That being said, I see not enough information getting out about how we can actually put those principles into affect. I read that I need to exercise more, but would someone please give me a solid plan that actually works to improve my level of fitness? I am tired of not reading any good advice for making health progress,...
48. Bookmarks: 2 Strategies To Conquer Your Fitness Anxiety Paying for a gym pass you don’t use? Running shoes gathering dust? Do you have a fear of fitness? Don’t worry- you are not alone!Fear is one of the biggest reasons people give up on exercise, according to a growing number of sports-psychology and fitness authorities. Here are some simple strategies straight from the professionals aimed at helping you get over your fear and get on with your workout.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Moderate Exercises to Fitness! Have you ever felt tired and stressed out from work and by the time you get home you see your three children running towards you asking you to play basketball with them? You refused and promised them that you will after you take you rest.
50. Bookmarks: 0 The cro-magnum’s weight loss diet Roughly 10,000 years ago the last Ice Age finished. Within a couple thousands years of the ice sheet retreating, farming started up again and new foods evolved to be the mainstay they are in today's weight loss diet.
51. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Free Weight Loss programs The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are getting into the band wagon. Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and heatlthy. As such, many fitness programs are out in the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are too expensive to afford that one may even lose weight just by trying to work out the money needed to pursue these fitness programs.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Looking For Golf Swing Teaching Aids? Some Good Ideas To Help You Improve Your Swing There are tons of golf swing teaching aids out there, which can help you get your swing into shape. Before you go on a spending spree, think about what aspect of your swing needs improvement. Understanding your personal golfing strengths and weaknesses is an important first step to getting the teaching aids you need.Do an Internet search and you'll see how much stuff there is out there. Here are a few ideas of the sorts of teaching aids you can buy, and what they can do f...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Work Out Properly On Rowing Machines When you are working out on rowing machines or any other type of exercise equipment its possible to hurt yourself. As you travel the road to fitness you will find that you experience many aches and pains. The best way to avoid this is to work out properly.Before you begin workout you must begin the warm-up and cool-down exercises that go with it. To warm up do some simple stretches or yoga. This will stretch out the muscles and limit your risks of sprain. In a cool-down r...
54. Bookmarks: 1 Weight Loss, Fitness Motivation & Your Subconscious Pictures The second component of Burris MIND/FITNESS is your subconscious pictures. I will explain how to replace your negative subconscious images into positive images through the practice of controlled visualization. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, visualizing is the fourth most frequently used form of alternative healing. You are now about to learn how to change your existing subconscious pictures that keep you anchored to your poor eating behavior.Several stu...
55. Bookmarks: 0 The History Of The Spa The very thought of a spa is enough to give a tingling vibrance to our tired body. In the fast-paced life with heavy loads of work we hardly get the time to take care of our body. No wonder, the advertising agencies cash on the word spa to sell all kinds of products. In the midst of all these connotations we may lose the real meaning of a spa. Literally, the word spa refers to a health resort located near a water body like a spring or at the seaside. The word comes from a...
56. Bookmarks: 0 The Essential Guide To Aromatheray Most of us lead stressful lives and could all do with a bit of pampering from time to time. Find out more about Aromatherapy.
57. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Of All Worlds - Top Spas For March If your idea of a trip to the spa is a pedicure and a facial … you aren’t going to the right spa. From bamboo lemongrass body scrubs to peppermint sea twists, spa treatments are more innovative than ever. Of course you can get straightforward treatments like Swedish massage but then you’ve got holistic treatments like Bio Energetic Transduction Aided Resonance (sound therapy) and Thalassotherapy (water therapy).In addition to searching for a wide range of standard, as wel...
58. Bookmarks: 2 The Art Of Massage - Guide Stress is an every day fact for most of us. Having a relaxing massage helps us reduce some of this stress. Find out more about this in my most recent article.
59. Bookmarks: 0 The 24 Hour Fitness Path The Twenty Four Hour fitness center is like your one stop shop to everything about fitness and your well-being. Imagine it as the Walmart of the fitness industry. Twenty Four Hour fitness centers are located in a number of areas in the state. All of them have equipments which cater to weight training as well as cardio vascular equipments.
60. Bookmarks: 0 No Time For Exercise? Try This! “Fitness” is an elusive term covering a vast array of attributes: flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength, power, balance, coordination, body-fat percentage and more. While its generally accepted that multiple 30-60 minute sessions per week are optimal for producing results, the truth is that it’s possible to do a great amount in far less time.
61. Bookmarks: 0 Muscle Cramps: Unmasking the Fitness Dilemma The article talks about the occurrence of muscle cramps among individuals who want stay fit and improve their health. Rather than taking medication and drugs to treat muscle cramps, individuals are advised to make adjustments in their training routine and diets to lessen the development of muscle cramps.
62. Bookmarks: 1 Muscle Cramps: Making Painkillers the Last Resort The article talks about the health risks of having cramps, a condition that may hamper the fitness goals of many individuals. Though there are many painkilling medicines that are out in the market, it is important to understand muscle cramps to know possible remedies and make medication the last resort to treat pain.
63. Bookmarks: 0 Mobile Massage Schmerzen im Rückenbereich, besonders in den Schultern und in der Lendengegend, gehören heute schon fast bei jedem Menschen zum Alltag, denn langes Sitzen und schwere Arbeiten setzen dem Rücken zu und sorgen dafür, dass er kaum noch die Entlastung bekommt, die er so dringend bräuchte.
64. Bookmarks: 0 Losing Weight While Keeping Your Skin Firm Losing weight and keeping your skin firm in the process is possible if you do everything right. Don't get too eager about losing weight too fast and follow the right program and you will be celebrating your success.
65. Bookmarks: 0 Look Younger Now What we scientists have ultimately come to recognize is that the Fountain of Youth lies naturally within each of us.
66. Bookmarks: 0 Health in the 21st Century People of the 21st century are obsessed with looking good and (for the most part) being healthy. Gym membership, south beach diet, Atkins diet, diet pills, spa treatments, personal trainers, cosmetic surgery … the list goes on and on.
67. Bookmarks: 0 Fitness for Life Deriving from women body building, which was losing its popularity, fitness has recently become an official sport. As a performance sport, fitness requires specific native qualities, like any other competitional sport. The most important qualities are:
68. Bookmarks: 0 Finding the Perfect Spa Finding the perfect spa requires much research. There is not just one type of spa. In fact, spas are about as diverse as their customers. In order to find a spa that will fulfill your expectations, decide ahead of time what your goal is.
69. Bookmarks: 6 Finding a Chicago Gym In the summer, Chicago is one of the greatest cities in the world for fitness. During the warmer months you can run along the lakeshore, bike along miles of forest preserve paths and join softball leagues. Unfortunately those months are few and when the windy city gets cold, those who want to stay fit need to look for a Chicago gym. It is a big city, but if you follow a few easy tips, finding the perfect spot for you should be easy. When looking for a gym it is important to do a little planning
70. Bookmarks: 6 Exercising The Liver: An Excellent Guide To Health & Fitness It is a tough job for the liver to keep the cleaning function of the body always in smooth operation especially with the present-day unhealthy eating and drinking habits of people. And, like any other machines, it encounters malfunctioning that needs immediate troubleshooting. But unlike other machines that need only oiling to run again, the liver has to be looked upon very carefully or the entire system will suffer if it does not function very well.In youth, you might no...
71. Bookmarks: 0 Exercise And Proper Diet: Indispensable Ingredients Of Fitness And Healthy Living For the past several years, there is hullabaloo on the need to be slim and sexy. Grocery shelves are filled with several food supplements and other products that promise certain health and wellness benefits. Home TV shopping channels also offer everything from slimming tea to herbal soap to 'instant abs' exercise gadgets. Gyms across the country are fast gaining members who are willing to sweat it out just to burn excess calories from mindless munching and eating. There is al...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Bella Vita Retreat - Fitness Retreat Offers More If you’re looking for a vacation packed full of fitness go to Bella Vita Retreat in Palm Beach, FL. Located about 4 miles from the downtown area of Palm Beach, this resort is situated directly on the beach in the quiet area of town.
73. Bookmarks: 0 Back Pain Remedies Back pain Remedies are required as back pain is quite a common phenomenon and generally occurs due to wrong posture or sudden movements. Each one of us is prone to back pain since the lower portion of our back supports a large portion of our body weight. The stability and the fitness of the lower back is dependant on the strength and the position of our vertebral bodies and the inter-vertebral disks.
74. Bookmarks: 0 Are You Fit? Fitness refers to ability of the body to function with vigor and alertness. Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all the necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we conti
75. Bookmarks: 11 Why Does Tiger, Phil And Vijay Have Obscene Power? Who doesn’t want to pound the golf ball 300-plus yards? We see PGA Tour players all the time ripping it down the middle of the fairway, and we would all love to do it too. Take a look at the long drive champions pounding it well over 400 yards. Amazing if you ask me. How do they do it? Everyone’s got an opinion on that question, but lets take a look at one part of the equation. The shoulder turn is an integral part of what allows these guys to crank on their drivers. ...
76. Bookmarks: 0 What Does Annika Know About Exercise That You Don’t? Think of your golf game. Visualize connecting with your drive and sinking your putt. Now think of exercise and how it relates to your golf game. Do you do a total body workout several times per week? Do you have a tailored fitness regimen that pays special attention to certain muscle groups? Do you even exercise at all?
77. Bookmarks: 7 What Can Be S.A.I.D. About The Golf Swing? Probably the question that first comes to your mind when you read this title is: what is S.A.I.D. and how does it help my golf game? The reality is that S.A.I.D. is very connected to your golf swing and is a very important principle if you want to hit the ball farther and lower your scores.
78. Bookmarks: 0 Using A Golf Fitness Video Will Save Time And Improve Your Game Using a golf fitness video is a great alternative to going to a gym. Just think of the time you’re saving not worrying about what you where or how you look; or driving 20 to 30 minutes to your local gym; and then showering, changing and getting back home.
79. Bookmarks: 8 To Get Better Feel In Your Golf Swing, You Need A Golf Fitness Program Probably what separates the PGA Touring pro and the amateur golfer is “feel.” Every pro I know can “feel” where the club and clubhead are at any point during the swing. Not an easy task, especially for the weekend golfer. Many amateurs struggle with the idea, concept, or understanding of how to develop “feel” for the swing. It is a process that requires time, patience, and practice. Part of the process of developing “feel” for the golf club is through...
80. Bookmarks: 0 The Perfect Golf Swing Through Improved Posture And Balance Every golfer is continually in search of that elusive feel of the perfect swing. Books are written on the topic. Instructional videos promising the “secrets of the perfect swing” sell like hotcakes by mail order and on the internet. Everyone everywhere wants to know what they need to do to swing like the pros.
81. Bookmarks: 0 The inspirational Power Of A Golf Training Video Many golf training videos in the market today will show you in great detail, how some of the PGA professionals do it and the so-called secrets behind their success. From detailed specifics on why their playing techniques are so effective, to the preparation and exercise training they are usually involved in to keep themselves in tip-top condition and at a high level of golf-fitness.
82. Bookmarks: 3 The Best Way To Eliminate Lower Back Injuries In Golf One out of every two golfers will incur a lower back injury during their playing careers, are you one of them? Almost every golfer on the planet has at some time or another felt their lower back “tighten” up on the course, after a round, or even getting out of bed. Why is this so? The reason for the high number of lower back injuries in the sport of golf is a result of the golf swing itself!The golf swing is a rotational movement. It requires you to rotate around a fi...
83. Bookmarks: 10 The Best Golf Fitness Exercise To Improve The Power In Your Golf Swing The game of professional golf has transformed over the years. Many spectators, journalists, and pros themselves state that golf is now a game of power. Driving distance is integral to winning on Tour, club manufacturers gear much of their advertising around the “power game”, and it is a wish of most every amateur.Improved distance off the tee or with any club on the course requires increased clubhead speed. Clubhead speed is a product of power in your golf swing. Increasi...
84. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Golf Fitness Exercises For The Quickest Results Golf fitness exercises that are the most effective are rotational in nature, incorporating your core. This is the engine to your swing! If your core is weak or restricted, you will have a very difficult time generating clubhead speed and power at impact.
85. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Golf Exercises Are Very Simple The best golf exercises are not complicated; you don’t need to be a member of a gym; and you don’t need thousands of dollars in equipment. Yes…there are new golf fitness machines coming out in the market that look respectable, but they want an arm and a leg for them.
86. Bookmarks: 10 There’s A Better Way To Improve Your Golf Game! How many of you have gone to the local pro shop or golf store, bought the latest and greatest club, and found that it did not help your scores at all?I imagine all of us can say yes to this question at some point in our golfing careers. The reality of this situation is that new clubs will not necessarily improve your game. Don’t get me wrong! I enjoy getting new clubs just like you. I get all excited when I get a new driver, putter, or even golf balls and cannot wait to h...
87. Bookmarks: 0 Strengthen Your Core For Golf Using A Fitness Ball? Some call it a Swiss Ball, some call it a fitness ball, others use the more modern term ‘stability ball.’ Whatever you call it, the stability ball has been used in exercise and rehabilitation for years and has recently been adopted by personal trainers and fitness instructors for use in strength training and muscle development, especially when it comes to exercises designed to strengthen the core muscles.
88. Bookmarks: 0 Squaring The Golf Club At Impact, The Rotator Cuff, And Golf Fitness We all know the clubface must be square at impact and the club releases thereafter. Generally speaking a large amount of golf swing mechanics center upon returning the clubface to square at impact. Additionally, the golf swing is a “total body” movement incorporating every joint in the body. In order for the clubface to be square at impact all of these joints must work in coordination to allow this to occur.In relation to the body, specific muscles are very active in retu...
89. Bookmarks: 0 Senior Golfers Increase Swing Speed It is widely known that with increased age comes a decrease in flexibility. This is why so many golf fitness programs emphasize stretching and increasing range of motion for senior golfers. It has also been well documented that senior golfers between the ages of 55 and 79 can increase their drive distance and enhance their overall golf performance by engaging in a safe and effective golf conditioning program.
90. Bookmarks: 8 Save The Body Sway For The Dance Floor, Not In Your Golf Swing Body motion in the swing is necessary, but too much of a good thing can wreak all kinds of havoc with your golf swing.I received a question over the weekend from a BioForce Golf subscriber about “body motion” in the swing.The question from our subscriber asked how not to fall into the trap of too much movement backwards during the golf swing.What we are really talking about is weight transfer during the golf swing.Too much weight transfer onto the back foot du...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Rotator Cuff Exercises - Prevent Injuries Before They Happen Many people who engage in various sports activities do not do any rotator cuff exercises or any other warm up exercises. Of course, the warm up has to be done before you start your main workout or any kind of sports games (golf, football, tennis etc.).The reasons for not doing any warn up are usually laziness or ignorance, but the out can very well be severe.Take Golfers for example. Many people believe that Golf is a game for people who are too lazy to do any other, ...
92. Bookmarks: 11 Resort Golf Can Vastly Improve Your Game There is more to a golf vacation than spending your day on the golf course and driving range. The golf course may be the main attraction for various golf resorts around the country, however many also offer fitness centers, spas, and healthy cuisine. The availability of onsite fitness resources, such as workout equipment and aerobics classes, has become common. Pleasurable amenities including spas and healthy menu options have brought depth to the golf vacation experience.
93. Bookmarks: 0 Quick Golf Tips for Restoring Muscle Imbalances As a golf biomechanic, my focus is on looking for areas of poor flexibility and muscle imbalances which effect the mechanics of the golf swing and create opportunities for the body to break down in injury. Each of these situations presents possibilities for improvement in your swing as well as keeping the body in an injury free state.
94. Bookmarks: 0 Preparing Your Body For Golf While You Travel We all know the temptations of traveling… grabbing a slice of pizza while running to your gate at the airport, an elaborate steak dinner with a client, and being so tired at day’s end that all you want to do is fall into bed. Traveling can often create havoc on regular exercise and golf conditioning. Fitness and good nutrition while on the road can help keep you on top of your game. With a bit of planning and creative strategy you can help keep your body ready to hit the golf course.
95. Bookmarks: 0 Perform Better Golf With These Fitness Tips Everyone wants to be able to perform better golf, and with these three tips you’ll be on your road to becoming a better golfer.
96. Bookmarks: 0 Making Your Program Golf Specific Golf-Specific means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone's performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of the golf swing itself, a golfer needs adequate spinal rotation, hip rotation, shoulder rotation, core engagement, some deg...
97. Bookmarks: 0 It's Not About The Bicep Curl When It Comes To Golf Fitness Training How many of you have read, It's Not About The Bike by Lance Armstrong? What we learned about Lance's life is that his mission is all about survival, digging deep from within, honoring your goals and commitments, and following your dreams in spite of the often difficult road to the top.
98. Bookmarks: 10 Is Golf Practice All You Need for Lower Scores? Golf is a very demanding sport, both physically and mentally. Most recreational golfers would love to have a more powerful swing and lower their handicaps. Good instruction from a teaching pro and practice of what you’ve learned can help lower your scores. There is however, more to achieving consistent improvement. It’s great to go to the driving range and practice. Unfortunately, sometimes you’re further embedding the wrong movement patterns into your swing.
99. Bookmarks: 0 In Home Golf Fitness Is Easy and Convenient In home golf fitness can be more effective than belonging to a gym, paying monthly dues, and dealing with all the “muscle-heads”. Many golfers think they need fancy golf fitness equipment or a gym membership to be successful with their golf improvement program.
100. Bookmarks: 7 Increase Your Golf Swing Clubhead Speed With A Golf Fitness Program! Imagine hitting your driver farther in your 40’s than when you were in your 20’s!I imagine a few of you are saying, “No way!”Read this article to be convinced otherwise. I received an e-mail from one of our BioForce Golf subscribers about the amazing change in his clubhead speed.He wrote in about how excited he was that his clubhead speed had improved to a speed higher than when he was in his early twenties! He stated that currently his clubhead speed is between 1...

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