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There are 56 articles associated with the tag habits!

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1. Bookmarks: 2 Effective Study Habits Effective study habits are essential for achieving and maintaining a high GPA. More importantly, effective study habits help you to store information in long-term memory, allowing you to use the learned information in a novel setting. Applying the following rules for studying will aid you in earning excellent marks in school.Do: 1. Keep the area around your desk neat and tidy. If possible, the area should also be quiet. If you are having trouble finding a quiet place to s...
2. Bookmarks: 0 Something About Habits Habits determine our future as well as the most important decisions. We should not forget to dedicate to habits the attention they deserve.
3. Bookmarks: 5 How Successful Entrepreneurs Handle Failure What separates the successful from the unsuccessful in business? Many characteristics and habits are common to those who excel in their entrepreneurial pursuits and how they manage failure is one area where perspective plays a powerful role.
4. Bookmarks: 4 Do You Have This Bad Habit? What is the worst bad habit you can have? Find out, and see what you can do to break it.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Breaking Free From Self-Limiting Habits 'We need to think differently to shift our paradigmsto a new, deeper, inside-out level'; Stephen R. CoveyIn the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey describes habits as consistent, often unconscious patterns which constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness, or ineffectiveness.Who we are and what we become is a direct result of our habits. It is in the realm of habits that our character is born, nurtured and outward...
6. Bookmarks: 0 Senior Companion Franchising Opportunities Go into a business that you can feel good about with your own adult care franchise. The senior and adult companion care industry is getting largers with better fitness and eating habits and the increased understanding of geriatrics, and now has never been a better time to look into the elderly care industry
7. Bookmarks: 0 Turmeric - Go for Gold Ayurveda the ancient medical science is based on the principle of preventing diseases. It directs us to resist the diseases through our food habits and life styles. Same principle was stressed by Hippocrates also “Let your food be your medicine” was his advice to man kind
8. Bookmarks: 3 The Importance Of Sharing Stories With Your Child All official research shows that the early years involve the highest rates of learning, and the habits formed at a young age will stay with them for a lifetime. It's therefore a perfect time to introduce children to books which educate and inform throughout life.Children of any age can benefit from experiencing books on a day to day basis, and it's always best to make time for children to be read or be read to each and every day. A good selection of quality children's boo...
9. Bookmarks: 0 3 Powerful Motivation Tips For Ripped Abs Make your new fitness habits much more productive with the best 3 motivational tips that will keep you going to the gym and dieting with a smile on your face every time.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Bolster Your Willpower With Stop Smoking Hypnosis Therapy What is Stop Smoking Hypnosis Therapy?If you're a smoker, you've no doubt been alerted— by family members, doctors and even perfect strangers—to the dangers of smoking. Cancer, emphysema and heart disease are only some of the health issues associated with long term smoking habits. If you're ready to quit, but just can't find the willpower, you should strongly consider a stop smoking hypnosis program. The process of stop smoking hypnosis therapy includes manipulating your ...
11. Bookmarks: 0 If You Had These 3 Habits, Your Weight Loss Would Be Effortless There are simple laws that govern the human body and once these 3 simple actions become a habit, weight loss becomes effortless and automatic.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Need Practical Weight Loss Tips? Everyone is looking for some practical weight loss tips.The fastest way to losing those few extra pounds is the most basic of all weight loss tips: cut down your consumption of food. I know. That is easier to say than to do. Most weight loss tips about food consumption focus on slightly changing your eating habits. If you need the snack break, do it. The other class of weight loss tips is exercise. Studies have shown that people who walk faster tend to maintain their weig...
13. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Habits: Breaking Them vs. “Braking” Them Sometimes there’s a habit that has been so damaging, so annoying, or frankly, so unsavory that we simply need to cut it out of our lives. Like mold on cheese.Other times we’re not ready, or able, to slice it off completely. Or maybe it has been with us so long, it’s just hard to imagine life without it.And there are certain habits that are useful once in a blue moon, for particular situations, and we need to have them available on an as-needed basis, though not all the ...
14. Bookmarks: 4 Getting Active Together Studies have shown that only one-fourth of us get the 30 minutes of exercise each day the Surgeon General recommends. Sedentary children are more likely to become sedentary adults, so it's important to encourage healthy habits early on.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Is Smoking a Socially Fashionable Habit? If smoking was really that hazardous and a killer habit, very few would smoke today. Nicotine – the active substance in cigarettes – is akin to similar chemicals found in tea and coffee, and other habit related drugs. Having a cigarette means very much the same to a smoker as having a cup of tea means to us. Yet one habit is vilified, and the other is even encouraged as being healthy.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Calories: The Good and Bad Making a commitment to have healthier eating habits is a tough one. Knowing how to implement that commitment may be even harder. Where do you start? What foods should you eat, and which ones should you stay away from?
17. Bookmarks: 0 Tips to Succeed With Your Healthy New Year's Resolution Exercising more. Eating nutritious foods. Stopping a smoking habit. With health-conscious actions topping our New Year's resolutions every year, why do we always seem to not meet our goals, going back to old habits?
18. Bookmarks: 19 The Quest For The Fountain Of Youth For both men and women, the aging process transforms the skin in relation with hormonal activity, environment as well as one's personal hygiene and skin care habits. And regardless of gender, there is so much more to skin care treatments than just a desire to look youthful.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Prevent Hair Loss With Good Grooming And Care Hair is fairly strong and can generally withstand normal grooming techniques. However, there can be thinning or breakage of hair due to poor grooming habits, and following several tips can prevent these bouts of thinning and breakage. Avoid combing hair with fine-toothed combs when wet, as this is a common cause of breakage. Although this is a tempting practice because hair straightens and detangles much better if combed when wet, the stress on the hair shaft is immense when ...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Massage Therapy For Back Pain People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem...
21. Bookmarks: 6 Exercising The Liver: An Excellent Guide To Health & Fitness It is a tough job for the liver to keep the cleaning function of the body always in smooth operation especially with the present-day unhealthy eating and drinking habits of people. And, like any other machines, it encounters malfunctioning that needs immediate troubleshooting. But unlike other machines that need only oiling to run again, the liver has to be looked upon very carefully or the entire system will suffer if it does not function very well.In youth, you might no...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Connect with Your Body When we're in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its vitality and strength, your creativity and productivity will be sapped as well.
23. Bookmarks: 0 12 Ways To Be Healthier Want to loose weight, sleep better and boost your immune system? 1 Have a lie down Back pain can be avoided and the damage repaired with one easy exercise, which is lie down on the floor with your knees bent, hip width apart, feet on the floor. Do this daily for about five to fifteen minutes to release and lengthen your spine. 2 Note your nibbles Crash diets don't work for long enough; instead maintain a food dairy to note your daily eating habits. With this you'l...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Three Steps To A Masters Golf Swing Practice makes a man perfect, but practice of improper form gets you into bad habits hard to break. Therefore, golf swing instruction is absolutely imperative. Even the pros have had professional golf swing instructors to be as good as they are today.If you want to start swinging like a pro, you have to put in dedicated practice with the proper form. Only then you will be able to increase your accuracy. Practice really means to do the same thing again and again. It can be...
25. Bookmarks: 0 The Fast Easy Way To A Perfect Golf Swing Tips For Your Golf SwingIf you want to better your golf swing, you need to practice, practice and practice. Many people get into bad form and swing habits that are causing them constant game problems. For this reason, they need a little golf swing instruction that can help them correct those habits and learn the right way to practice the game. Even golf pros have had professional swing instructors, that's how they perfected their swing.While many people want the quick...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Nutrition for Better Scores Many golfers don’t give much thought to the fact that nutrition can play a major role in their golf performance both on and off the course. Good nutritional habits can help you on the golf course both physically and mentally. Meal timing and proper balance of food groups can give you great performance results. Poor food choices can create fatigue, frustration, and depression with your game, and yourself. Recreational golfer or pro, positive changes in your diet will help give your body...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Finding The Right Golf Software There are many ways to improve your gold swing when you are a beginner golfer. If you do not have the time to take lessons, purchasing software that records and gives you feedback can help you see mistakes you are making and offers solutions on how to correct them before they become habits that are difficult to break. You can find this software in pro shops, sporting goods stores, and online. Before purchasing any type of software, find out if you need other equipment inc...
28. Bookmarks: 0 7 Tips To Improve Your Golf If you have bad golfing habits today, you probably learned them when you first took up golf. But the good news is that anyone can break bad habits and learn good ones. Here are a couple of tips to help you on your way to playing better golf.
29. Bookmarks: 0 How do you move from a rut to a groove? Where are you at the moment? Are you in a Rut?Do you want to get out of it?
30. Bookmarks: 0 Achieve Your Goals Through The Magic Of Consistency Consistency seems to be a boring idea at first sight. It lacks glamour and excitement. But, when you look more closely, consistency is anything but boring. It contains the secret of achievement and success. It is the key to an almost magical power than can transform lives.
31. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis-Imitation is a Powerful Force for Hypnosis We know that human social conduct is reinforced through emulation. Your senses feed your habits. The most encouraging characteristic of a habit pattern is that the repetitive activity can be interrupted when the min is turned to other interests. Learn more about human actions, reactions and emotions.
32. Bookmarks: 0 Your Worst Habits Just Need To Be Reprogrammed! You have the power to train your mind to choose what you think, instead of allowing random thoughts to hold you hostage. Your goal is to become inner-directed and focused, so that you decide what you want to think, rather than have your thoughts and emotions determined by the world around you. The untrained mind has more emotional ups and downs because it is reacting to random thoughts. Focus on what you want with joy and enthusiasm.Remember, just like the Earth, your bra...
33. Bookmarks: 0 The Perrfectionist Demon! One of the worst habits you can have is to be a perfectionist. Most people do not even realize that being a perfectionist leads to the horrible habit of procrastination - putting off the things that you know need to be done.The basis for procrastination is the fear that we will not do something properly so we decide not to start. If we don't start then we cannot fail. We think in our heads that we must complete a project but are afraid it will not be done correctly leadin...
34. Bookmarks: 0 The Fear Of Criticism So many times in life we would like to try something new. Like a new sport, different style haircut, changing clothing or loosing weight. But are afraid to try because of the criticism we might receive from others because of our change. Over time we have been brainwashed into believing other people's opinions and think they hold more weight then our own feelings. We don not want to be judged. If you want to break old habits you must not be controlled by outside people. You mu...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Like Your Garden Your Mind Can Grow Weeds Too! How many of you have a garden in your backyard where you grow your favorite vegetables. You plant them from seeds or seedlings and give them everything they need in order to grow and thrive. You water, fertilize and provide adequate sun. After several months they grow to be big and strong. You run out to pick them daily as they ripen and think to your self. “ I grew these and they taste so good.” What happens though if you plant your vegetables and forget about them? WEED...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Breaking Bad Habits Of Failure Why is it that so many people fail to achieve success, when there is so much information showing them how to be successful? Find out how your habits influence the success or failure you achieve.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Become The Star, Director, And Writer Of Your Future. One of the secrets of success is to not work so hard with your physical body; instead, use your mind to work out the details of how to be the person you want to be. Are you motivated to spend 10 minutes a day envisioning the future you want to create for yourself?By deliberately mentally rehearsing the experience of success in your mind, you can turn aspirations into realities. See yourself free from the old negative habits that have wasted your time, energy, and money. F...
38. Bookmarks: 1 Alcohol Addiction — What Were You Up To Last Night? Do you remember what you did last night? And the night before, and the night before that?If you have mornings where you forget what you did the night before, it is time to take a serious look at your drinking habits.Alcohol addiction could mean that you drink every day; or that you drink to excess every week; or that you feel you can't cope without alcohol. You don't have to be permanently drunk to be addicted.Consider the effects that your drinking has at the mom...
39. Bookmarks: 0 5 Surprising Happiness Habits That Could Change Your Life When was the last time you did something scary on purpose? I’m talking about driving somewhere unfamiliar at night when you were sure you would get lost kind of scary. Or taking your virgin trip down a ski slope at thirty or getting up the nerve to talk to a total stranger in an elevator.Most of us avoid doing anything that remotely scares us. That’s a shame because doing something scary every day is one of five surprising happiness habits that could change your life....
40. Bookmarks: 2 Nothing ever stays the same. Identify and overcome your habits that stop you reaching your potential
41. Bookmarks: 4 Becoming A Student Of Life One of the habits that has served me well throughout my life is keeping the mind-set of a student. I've always had an insatiable curiosity about a wide variety of topics, and I'm usually reading several books during the same time period. I've read about some really fascinating things, like quantum physics, and some really cheesy things, like romance novels. Truth be told, I've enjoyed them all!It occurred to me the other day that it doesn't matter what I'm learning about,...
42. Bookmarks: 0 How to change just about anything in your life the easy way what goes into your mind on a regular basis has the most profound effect on how your life turns out. In the next next 12 months things that will effect your bank account, your health, your career, your relationships and YOU, will be what you put into or allow into your mind. We have far more control over our emotions, habits, reactions amd responses than most people believe is possible, we just need to stand guard at the entrance to our mind and amazing things can happen and incredible chan...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Weaknesses Explored in the Hidden Self When we become weak, it propitiates organisms that pander redundant habits that we possess, which reduces the growth and enhancement procedures. In order to reconcile with good habits we must develop willpower and self-discipline, since the two tools work in harmony to assist us with healing the hidden self. Self-discipline and willpower can assist us with determining the process of development and enrichment of self. Developing self-discipline with willpower endows one’s strength...
44. Bookmarks: 0 7 Different Stress Management Techniques Stress, burnout and physical exhaustion have become a way of life for many people. You need to feel that you can get a handle on what stresses you, and diffuse this stress in different ways so as to maintain both your physical and emotional health.The ways we and others cause stress can come from habits or our own thoughts and feelings about how things are going. Or perhaps your own actions can be adjusted to cause less stress.If you want to be calm and relaxed, with ...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Give Me A Punctuation Change And I’ll Give You Personal Development Success Could the long-lost answers to achieving maximum personal development success be as simple as an exchange of grammatical habits?In a word – Yes!The reasoning behind this simple but effective trick lies in the way that the human brain solves problems. Unlike your conscious mind, your brain does not “think” in the manner that you are accustomed to, and you can capitalize on that fact.Whenever you try to resolve a problem, you call upon your own knowledge, experience...
46. Bookmarks: 5 Are You Able To Control Your Circumstances? Well….Are you?Do you feel completely in control of your life, totally happy and fulfilled?Or, like the majority of people are you unhappy about significant parts of your life?The truth is you can control your circumstances and how you feel and act in response to your surroundings.One of the key messages from Stephen R Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is that you are “response-able”. You are not like a moth flying into a candle flame b...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Habits What I Want For You Think for a moment about your Self. Is there something that you would like to have, somewhere you would like to go, or something you would like to do? What is holding you back?
48. Bookmarks: 4 Time Management is the Key to Success Time management is basically about being focused. The Pareto Principle also known as the '80:20 Rule' states that 80% of efforts that are not time managed or unfocused generates only 20% of the desired output. However, 80% of the desired output can be generated using only 20% of a well time managed effort. Although the ratio '80:20' is only arbitrary, it is used to put emphasis on how much is lost or how much can be gained with time management.
49. Bookmarks: 4 4 Keys To Creating Successful Habits What makes successful people successful?We would all love to be able to walk down to the local supermarket and pick up a bottle of success. But let’s look past that fantasy and find out one of the most basic reasons why people become successful.Right now, think of someone that you know personally who is successful. Can you see their face in your mind?Good.Now ask yourself this question, “Does this person have a successful routine or set of habits that makes th...
50. Bookmarks: 1 The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Can Be Yours The power of the subconscious mind is undebatable. You may live as if you’re in control of your life. But you’re not. Your life is run by the power of the subconscious mind.The power of your subconscious mind can be helpful. Or it can be harmful.Unfortunately, for most people, the subconscious is more harmful than helpful. The subconscious mind is responsible for most of the habits and behaviors you wish you didn’t have. It’s the reason for addictions and de...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Five Bad Habits That Can Lead To Bad Credit There’s lots of good ideas out there on what you can do to correct a bad credit or a bad debt situation. But have you ever taken a few minutes to think, “How in the heck did my credit get so bad?”.Bad credit does not come about because it’s something that you thought about and planned for. It’s more like the opposite. It comes about because you’re enjoying your life, spending on what you want, not always just what you need.Let’s face it. Credit is a great ...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Try To Consolidate Debt What do you do when you are down and out and have no more resources left to tap. You might have tried going to your family and friends for a loan, only to be turned away from them. They don’t want to lend money to you because of your poor financial habits. You’ve considered consolidating debt, but your not sure if it is the right move for you to consider. You want to consolidate debt, but you are still hoping all your problems will disappear. You may think that you can r...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Secured debt consolidation loans: bringing down your debt count to zero Secured debt consolidation loans can help in consolidation of high interest rate bills into single consolidated loan at lower interest rates. The success of secured debt consolidation loans depends on from where you take them and how you use it. Secured debt consolidation loans are an opportunity to be debt free and checking your spending habits for future.
54. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation Loans Help - Credit As A Viable Solution Debt consolidation loans and credit counseling are tools that can help provide financial freedom from debt issues. Debt is a common issue in our society, and many people struggle to make ends meet. Bad spending habits create bad credit ratings, but most often, individuals continue the cycle of increasing their debt and sullying their credit rating by mismanaging debt and finances. Credit debt consolidation can be the key to breaking the cycle of financial issues, rescuing peo...
55. Bookmarks: 8 Refreshing Your Relationship: Change Your Appearance An occasional change of our looks and our demeanor develops a new awareness in each partner and shakes out the cobwebs from the habits and routine of long time marriages.
56. Bookmarks: 3 Where Are A Novelist's Characters Born? Have you ever been haunted by a character, one who inhabits your imagination for days, months or years? Acquiring a life of his own, he leaps from the page and burrows inside us.Think of Dickens’ Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge or Shakespeare’s King Lear or Macbeth? And then, of course, more recently, Hannibal Lector bursts from the mind of the novelist Thomas Harris and frightens us from the screen in the movie The Silence of the LambsWhere did these characters come from? And w...

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