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Market Cycle Investment Management Thinking
Whatever happened to the Stock Market Cycle; the Interest Rate Cycle; Baby Jane? How did Wall Street get away with pushing these facts of financial life down the basement stairs? Most investors, and some financial advisers, media representatives, and market gurus have abandoned these fascinating curves for the comfort of a straight-edged twelve-month playing field... simple, yes; realistic, not.
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Modern Investment Thinking: A Plague O' Both Your Houses
MPT doesn't just ignore all fundamental analytics while playing Frankenstein with technical analysis, it also pays no attention to the reality of market, interest rate, and economic cycles. It goes beyond real numbers and rational thinking by creating new and refined numbers --- supercharged to impress the intellectual elite while doing nothing to create dependable income streams for retirees.-
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Calorie Counter - Determining Your Daily Calorie Needs
We burn calories every minute of every day, whether we are sleeping, laying on the couch, sitting in a chair or exercising. When it comes to weight loss or gain, there is no guess work - it is an exact science!
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Smart Phones used for Internet Purposes rather Than Making Calls
According to a survey many people purchase the smart phones just for listening music, social networking sites, playing games and messaging instead of making calls.
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Women at the Casino Online
As the casino online network grows, so too do the number of women playing their favorite casino games on the web.
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Surviving A Losing Streak
Surviving a losing streak is one of the most difficult situations any gambler can experience and hopefully overcome. The biggest problem with any losing streak is the gambler does not know when it will end, but knows that it will end. Losing streaks take a toll on the gamblers stake and also on their confidence. It is this double dose of negativity that makes a losing streak so hard to deal with.One way to survive is to just stop playing for a while. This will work, but ...
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Poker Online - Part II
Speaking of online casinos it is best to do a little checking to find the one that is right for you. Since gambling is all about money, it is important to know that in online poker playing, the rate of play is much faster than a table game. There are no distractions such as card shuffling to slow down the game.Alertness when playing is always important no matter where you are playing and it is vitally important online precisely because of the speed of play. The software...
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Online Slot Machines Get Ready For Real Fun And Excitement
Youve been visiting many of the gaming sites online, but you havent ventured into playing. Youre still a bit uncertain about the whole deal. Playing slot games at a brick and mortar casino is something you love, yet you are skeptical of online slot machines.Does anyone really win? Are online slot machines fixed? What type of slot games are available?Get ready to rev up for some fun. Were going to answer your questions about online slot machines and give you the in...
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Online Poker Rooms -- Rapidly Growing in Popularity
Playing online poker is fast becoming the most popular form of Internet gambling. You can play Texas holdem online, and match your gambling skills against players from all over the world, playing live poker games, with real people, right on your computer.
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Learning How to Play Poker Online
Poker is not entirely a game of luck, but rather a game of skill and how you can take the cards you are dealt and make them win. This requires knowledge of odds, bluffing, and the general rules of the game not to mention the other cards opponents have showing. So, if you are interested in playing poker online you can really learn how to play well and win money.
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Earn Money Playing Online Blackjack
Blackjack is by far the most played casino card game in world. It is a simple game, and a game that can be beaten with the correct strategy. The objective of blackjack is to beat the dealer by obtaining a hand valuing more than the hand of the dealer without exceeding 21. A hand valuing 21 is often called a 'Blackjack'.
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Classifications Of Poker Players
I've got a confession to make. I like playing poker. When you are playing online poker, you will generally notice several different types of poker players. Knowledge of different poker playing styles should lead you to an adjustment of your poker game. Generally, some players you may want to attack right off the bat, others you may want to leave alone. Here are some of the different players' styles:Loose The loose player is someone you need to watch out for. They are ch...
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A Horse Racing Certainty
I have been gambling since around the age of sixteen. I see it as a bit of a hobby and really enjoy playing poker and bragg. I go to the casino as often as I can and also love to go to the horse racing and to the greyhounds. This article is a story about when I lost a lot of money on a horse which was supposed to be a racing certainty.
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Slaying Your Time-Vampires
Managing your time is the key to a stress-free life.
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San Francisco Schools Fight Fat
Childhood obesity is at alarming levels in this county. Children in the San Francisco Schools are no exception. Too much television and video games, and too little time spent playing outside has led to an epidemic of juvenile health issues. It sure doesnt help that the San Francisco Schools have had to cut funding for physical education over the years. But the 2007-2008 school year does have something positive going for it. Several San Francisco Schools will provide fresh sa...
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Yu-Gi-Oh! is a popular Japanese animated franchise created by Kazuki Takahashi. Originally a hit in Japan
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The Politics of Scrabble
In business, we sometimes find ourselves playing the game. We know what needs to be done and because of our upbringing and being taught an employee mentality since we were children, we go to work in our business as employees rather than entrepreneurs. We are in essence playing the game.
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Playing The Game: The Future Of Animation And Game Design
The popularity of video games is a staple of our culture and appears as though it's going to stay. From the different genres of video games to the complex stories and character developments, video games have become an entity that spans generations of gamers. For many, it is an escape into a new world of fantasy and adventure. As a result, it is no wonder why so many high school and college graduates are going into the field of animation and game design. Several colleges offer...
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Online Degree Program Scores With Video Game Enthusiasts
When high school students spend hours playing video games, parents ofen say its a waste of time. However, these video game players, or gamers, can now find professional opportunities to complement their interest.
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Learning To Play Guitar Cant Be More Fun As With Jamorama
Learning to play guitar is a tough job. To learn playing guitar properly, you need an efficient coach, someone who would teach you all the varied lessons and how to pick a note and play a tune. You might wanna play the tune of Hotel California by the Eagles. Well, wait no more the perfect guitar coach for you is right here. Its Jamorama with its 26 jam tracks to jam along and there are lots more. All the styles of music including rock, jazz, country, hip-hop, blues, and da...
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Jamorama-the Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit
Jamorama is the ultimate kit for guitar learning. This specially designed kit lets you learn all the things you need to learn about guitars. This kit teaches you to use your hearing to get you to the stage where you can play any song that you wish to play. It gives fluency to your guitar playing ability. Well-known songs are used to guide the learner from the start. The songs are broken down into small pieces, so each part is easy to be played individually. Then the parts are...
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Imagination Comes To Life With A Computer Animation Degree
Do you often find your imagination running wild? If you are visually and intellectually creative in ways that tend to set you apart from others, rest assured that you aren't alone. Thousands of wannabe game creators are honing their graphic skills and storyline writing abilities with a computer animation degree.The world of role playing and video games has grown at a rapid rate, leaving plenty of room for innovative minds to enter the field of creating characters, plotlin...
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Getting Lively With Animation And Game Design
If it weren't for the advances in technology so prevalent in animation and game design, who knows if video games would be as wildly popular as they are today. The outstanding, nearly life like visuals enhance the game playing experience like never before. The best part is there is no end in sight for the advances to animation and technology. Year after year, video games come out with stunning graphics that, when combined with a great storyline, pull players deeper into th...
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Create Video Games As Your Fun Career
Do you like video games? Do you beat video games after playing once? Do you feel like the games are too easy? Well, it sounds like you have a passion for these things then you should go where your heart leads you. If you at the point where you are thinking about your career, I suggest that you do what you love to do. You should consider a different course of action: majoring in something you TRULY enjoy... something you could do hours on end without feeling like you are w...
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Laying Rubber on the Georgia Asphalt, by Kelley Thompson
The state of Georgia cannot be defined by one of its cities or by a unifying history or even by a globalized present. Its regions are uniquely particular, separated by more than just miles.Atlanta is Georgia hub, and one of the few capitals which can boast that distinction. The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site is a beautiful educational facility dedicated to educating the youth of today about the reality of MLKs time as a civil rights activist.
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Introduction To Options Trading, Part 1
The study of options can expand your perceptions about the range of possibilities. Most people are familiar with two forms of investment: equity and debt. There is a third method, however, and that third method is far more interesting than the other two. Its attributes are unlike any that most people understandand these differences can be viewed as a troubling set of problems, or as a promising set of opportunities.Let's begin with a brief review, laying the groundwork a...
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Mortgage Calculator Reveals Big Savings With Small Payments
Having agreed on a monthly payment schedule with your mortgage lender doesn't necessarily set that amount in stone - that's just the minimum you can pay! By playing with a mortgage calculator, particularly a pre-payment loan calculator, you can see where extra payments can make long-term savings on your mortgage. The mortgage calculator will quickly show that you don't have to pay large sums of additional cash in order to make a difference. Even regular smaller sums can g...
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Home Equity: Your Ace In The Hole
Almost 15 years ago, you bought your first home. Youve been diligent in working and paying on the mortgage, and finally have more equity than mortgage. Ah, the sweet smell of victory, and home ownership. But are you playing the financial investment game as well as you think? Are you missing out on tax savings, funding strategies, or just plain smart money options? How do you check your equity options versus your tax savings options, to comparative shop and make use of your s...
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Is Participating In A Lottery Syndicate Better Than Playing Alone?
When considering the prospects of joining a lottery syndicate a key question that props up unfailingly is that what makes playing in a syndicate better than going alone, that too when you have to share your winnings with others.Well, there are several reasons why it pays to play with a syndicate rather than play alone. Indeed, why would lottery syndicates be flourishing if they werent offering concrete gains to their patrons.Testimonials from people who have joined a...
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Texas Holdem Player Categories
A useful thought process or tool you should familiarize yourself with is placing opponents into categories, both for your current playing session as well as any future sessions against the same player. There are four broad categories of playing styles. By playing against an opponent and learning his or her tendencies, you can place them in a category and adjust your style when contesting a pot with them. I find that by putting names with categories it helps me remember how ea...
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Online Bingo Etiquette
Online chat is one of the best aspects of playing online bingo. Not only can players meet other players from other countries, they can win extra money by playing chat games.As with all other games, there are a few rules regarding online chat. These rules are called online bingo etiquette. When players enter the chat room, they are expected to know and follow the required etiquette.Bingo players are not to use CAPS when conversing in the online chat room. This is consi...
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Online Bingo Chat Leaders
One of the great features of online bingo is the ability for players to chat with each other while playing. The chat room is also the place to ask for help from the chat leader on duty. The community based atmosphere of online bingo is one of the great attractions to the game. In the chat room fun and exciting games are being run alongside the bingo being played, these games need to be administered and thats one of the functions of a chat leader.The chat leader is an extr...
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Playing Online Poker Vs. Offline Poker Games
Internet poker scare a lot of people. Real casino poker rooms really panicked when the internet gave birth to the first online poker rooms a few years ago. And they were right to be scared because playing online is much easier and people might prefer feeling more comfortable.The online providers felt at that time the good side of virtual poker. They didn't need actual live dealers, they could perform 24 hours a day and could choose customers from anywhere they liked. This...
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How to be a Poker Pro
Texas Hold'em has gone from friendly, accidental amateur in a friend's basement to a apple advanced phenomenon. You can't alike about-face on the television afterwards seeing it everywhere. From celebrity games, online games, to the Apple Series of Poker on ESPN, poker is here to stay. If you were like me you were aflame about playing, and admired to win. Maybe you've already developed a feel for how to bet and bluff, and apprehend your opponents. But for me it was consistently hit or miss,.
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Top Five Online Poker Advantages
This is an article relating to you the top five advantages to playing poker online and what advantages there are online for poker players.
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No Limit Texas Holdem Seat Selection
Most poker players who I know just grab the first seat available at the limit they want to play without any thought about their opponents or their playing styles. Though it may not be noticeable right away, this practice can be very costly over time. On the other hand, the best players I know take the time to scout a table for a while before taking a seat to see if there are any players they can take advantage of by choosing the right seat. By observing the table before playi...
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Be Thankful For Your Mittens
I have loved playing outside in the winter for as long as I can remember. I've always loved bundling up into as many layers of clothes as I can and then shoving my way into the warmest coat, mittens, hat, and scarf that I can find. As a child I spent as many hours as I could outside. I remember my parents having to call me to come in when dinner was ready or when it was about to get dark. I would reluctantly obey and enter our mudroom to take off my clothes and dry my soaking...
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The Exciting World Of Online Poker Rooms And Affiliate Programs
In the exciting world of online poker gaming, players are able to pit their wits against others from anywhere in the world at any time of the day. The game, which has traditionally been associated with skill, mind play and tactical integrity, has evolved to maintain the same skills but to incorporate quicker, faster flowing games. Players have adopted all of the trickery of the standard game and integrated into that of the online version. Bluffing, re-raising and slow playing...
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Imagine Spending An Hour Less Time Working Every Single Day?
Just imagine what you could do with one extra hour a day, you could spend it playing with your son or doing research on your next projectWhat Ive compiled are my all time favorite websites that Im sure will save you lots of time, which you can spend doing more important things. Here we go in no apparent order. 1. Http://www.linkcounter.comLinkCounter is a free service that tracks clicks on any link you want to track, from inside, outside, or within your site...
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4 Rules For New Entrepreneurs - Practical Tips For Starting Right
Its a great time to be an entrepreneurin the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make more intelligent choices more quickly. You have an advantage over big businesses in that youre lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can target new markets more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.But being a successful entrepren...
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Pimped Out Poker: Bling out the High Rollers
With the current rise online poker playing and with in musicians and celebrities cashing in on the poker and gambling frenzy, just how much are we influenced by their endorsement.
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Pai Gow Poker
Pai Gow Poker is an American card-playing derivative of the centuries-old game of Chinese Dominoes. In the early nineteenth century, Chinese laborers introduced the game while working in California.The games popularity with Chinese gamblers eventually attracted the attention of entrepreneurial gamers who substituted the traditional tiles with cards and modeled the game into a new form of poker. Introduced into the poker rooms of California in 1986, the games immediate a...
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Competing With Color Levels The Playing Field
According to the United States Small Business Administration, small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all employers. There are an estimated 22 million small and midsize businesses (SMBs) in the U.S. today. Such companies are constantly challenged with the need to create a huge impact in a noisy marketplace with a limited budget.
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Teaching Children To Speed Read
How many of us wish we had known how to speed read back in grade school when the teacher assigned a book report over the winter holiday break? Although reading is fundamental in the learning process, for many children it is a tedious task. They become overwhelmed because they are looking at a book of well over two or three-hundred pages and they see that as hours that could be spent outside playing in the snow or doing an activity with their family.For children who have t...
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Practicing Technique With An Easy Guitar Song To Learn
When it comes to learning an instrument, practice always makes perfect. Its not enough to understand the technical skill required to play; you must also integrate that technique into your playing so that it becomes habit. Only then can you begin to infuse your own personal style and personality into your playing. When it comes to playing the guitar, especially, learning important finger positions can prove tricky; but when you find an easy guitar song to learn, you can not o...
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Learning How To Deal With A Bully
Most people at some stage of their lives will become the victim of bullying. People may think that this only occurs at school, however a lot of bullying also occurs in the workplace and even by your local neighbours. This article describes how I have learnt to deal with these nasty people, by playing what I call the nutter card.
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Lay2lose Review - Good Or Bad?
After having the unique opportunity to see the software in action, I decided to write this Lay2Lose review to share my experiences. We all know theres a ton of money to be made laying horses on betting exchanges, but can this product really get you a piece of the action? This is the main question I had in mind as I approached Lay2Lose, and in this short review I will answer it for you.There seem to be a lot of experts out there in the world of horse racing who ...
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Holdem Poker Basics - Playing Ace/King
There is one hand in Texas Hold Em that you will hear a lot about as you begin to play the game. It is commonly called Big Slick, and it is when you are dealt an Ace and a King. AK can be a powerful hand, but it can turn on you and become deadly in the blink of an eye.
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Easy Guitar Songs
Playing guitar is just about one of the most enjoyable things you can do. Ask any guitar player and they will tell you that.
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Different Types of Poker Players
Being able to read poker players is a talent that takes time to recognize, but the more experience you have playing poker, the more you will pick up on the character styles of players.
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Control Blushing Through Hypnosis
Being confident means not exhibiting that blushing redness when confronting people. It means that, when you are in front of a crowd all red and blushing, you do not wish that the floor would open and eat you up. You want to exude that confidence and bid goodbye to blushing. Make it a thing of the past and be more assertive when facing other people.Literally and traditionally, blushing means being modest or bashful. It also means displaying that marked redness on ones fac...
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Betting Exchange Place Markets - Wise Up And Win
How To Use The Betting Exchange Place Markets To Your advantage. Are you missing out on a punters goldmine?
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An Introduction To Laying Horses To Lose
Bookmakers have been laying bets on horses to lose ever since horse racing began. As punters having a bet on a horse, we are actually involved with laying horses every time we have a bet. We are simply on the other end of the transaction. To back a horse, there will always be somebody who must to lay the bet. Yet so many people think they are unfamiliar with laying horses, so they shy away from it entirely.This article will not show you how to make a profit by laying hors...
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The High Cost of Doing Nothing
Delaying important decisions or simply not making a decision at all, are actions that often impact us with the highest opportunity costs. The lack of a decision, is actually a decision made, although one seldom made in our best interests. Decision making is actually a skill set that can be learned and refined. Do not allow yourself to fall victim to the high cost of doing nothing.
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Introduction To Basic Volleyball
The worst situation that a volleyball team could be in is to show up at a game without knowing what skills they needed to win the game. Hitting the ball, being in the right place, and playing competitively can help to win the game as well as gain confidence in the sport. Focusing on the basics for volleyball can help you to gain the skills you need for every game.
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The Decision To Home School
The quality of education in this country continues to be the focus of a society committed to leveling the playing field for children. While some areas provide adequate and even superlative public schooling, other areas come up significantly short when it comes to providing high quality education. Private schooling can often be an alternative but many are also cost-prohibitive. When faced with this quandary, or when addressing the special educational needs of particular st...
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Laying Out The Path Of Success Through Disciplines In Forex Trading
Forex trading can take a person from rags to riches. However, though this field offers opportunity to maximize ones wealth, one needs to follow proper strategies to turn opportunity into return. Not many people believe in having sound understanding of the forex logic and as a result they step down in the market with no confidence and discipline.Why talk about Forex Discipline?We all know that without following a proper discipline and a laid out method in any monetary...
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Training the New Network Marketing Distributor: Laying Down a Track To Run On Step 1 of 3
To be successful in network marketing, new distributors need to learn from someone who is already successful. When new distributors know how to proceed, they can build their downline with confidence. Only one person in a hundred is a self-starter. The other 99 will require that you invest time into their success, and show them how to begin.
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Building Confidence in Your Retirement Future
In the next 10 years, the first wave of America's 76 million baby boomers will be retiring. Since today's retirees are generally healthier and more active than their parents, they are looking forward to living longer and spending more time playing with grandchildren, pursuing hobbies or even trying new careers.
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How To Front Your Own Band As A Lead Singer
Fronting their own band is a dream of every beginner singer. So how can you front a band and develop your own band's own distinctive style of music and performance? How to at the same time developing your own individually unique singing style? How are you going to be distinguished and get noticed from those thousands of bands playing only cover versions of popular music and imitating their favourite bands and lead singers?First thing to do is to view as many DVD performan...
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Dude Ranch Vacations For The Cowboy And Cowgirl!
There is a cowboy or cowgirl in everyone and playing the role of one on a ranch can prove to be one of the most rewarding vacations you could take. You can step out of the city life and general demands of reality and begin fulfilling that childhood dream. So, go ahead and dust off you cowboy hat, put on some boots and get ready to ride. Here are a few ranches available for those seeking the ultimate outdoor adventure and an authentic taste of the West. The family owned Ha...
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Custom Poker Chips
Casinos have long been using custom poker chips for their clients playing pleasure. Custom chips are not only for gazing upon, the customization serves a purpose. When a casino opts for customized chips, they are not only branding the chip to their establishment, they are also protecting themselves from thieves. The type of chips used, which are usually clay composite chips are nearly impossible to duplicate in themselves. Adding customization to the poker chips makes the...
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Steeplejacks - Good Pay For Builders Who Climb
A steeplejack is a specialist builder who is prepared to work at heights on factory chimneys, church steeples and other similarly high buildings. Fred Dibner is a famous steeplejack in England, who has his own television show, about blowing up old factory chimneys.The main skill perceived to be necessary is the ability to work at great heights. This is not really a skill at all. The steeplejack must be competent in the main building areas like carpentry, brick laying and ...
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Different Types Of Shorts And Their Uses
The great thing about shorts is the comfort they provide. Made from a variety of materials and styled in a number of lengths, they are appropriate gear for a variety of uses, including sports, walking, climbing, swimming and all around casual wear.Athletic shorts are used when playing racquetball, working out at the gym, and playing sports. They are generally loose fitting and made of nylon for shape or cotton jersey for breathability. Bun huggers are short, tight, and ...
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Sports Maintained By Lawn Mowers
Have you ever thought about which sports are maintained by lawn mowers? We can start with the steady growth in popularity of lawn tennis as well as the splendid exercise that results from playing this game has given it a sure place in the field of athletic sports. It is a game that requires a great deal of skill, and as no one realizes this fact more than those who are experts, a beginner should not be deterred from playing tennis simply because he may fear the criticism of t...
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Tennis And The Ugly Parent Syndrome
Article discussing ugly behaviour of parent(s) towards their tennis playing children.
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No Limit Texas Hold Em Poker: Strategy And Tips For Winning Hands
One of the most popular forms of the game of poker is no limit hold em poker. It has gained immense popularity in the recent times because of all the T.V. coverage as well as from other forms of media publicity. To be successful at playing no limit hold em poker you have to follow a certain strategy. There is a large selection of books available, which teach you how to play this version of poker. These books are based basically on the principle that you are going to play the ...
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The Art of Flirting
Like all natural talents, some are born with it, some fake it, and some consider themselves hopeless. However, we all know that if practice doesn't make you perfect, it at least makes you a hell of a lot better than when you first started out.
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How To Kiss
It was a tough task, but someone had to do it! With romance lingering in the air in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day Kissing How-To’s came up in many conversation.
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Zen And The Art Of Playing Golf
Good golfers are always 'in' the game, especially before each and every shot. While to the onlookers, this may seem effortless, but there is so much going on in the mind of a golfer. This reminds of a scene in The Legend of Baggera Vance, where Bobby Jones steps up to the ball, to tee off. Will Smith tells Matt Demon to look at Jone's eyes, and tells him to observe how he looks at the field. He concentrates, takes his position, takes his practice swings, his mind and...
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You've Gotta Make Time For Golf
All men who enjoy golf need to take time to play golf each week throughout the summer. I'm convinced of it. As the wife of a very busy husband and as a family therapist, I am convinced that all men need the break and the relaxation that comes from playing a round of nine or eighteen holes of golf.When I was first married I would get frustrated about my husband's sheer excitement about golf as each spring turned to summer. I would give him a hard time about buying a member...
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Your First Set Of Golf Clubs Need To Fit Your Game
A basic set of golf clubs is all any golfer needs to start playing the game. A set of three woods, a collection of 3-9-irons, pitching wedge, sand wedge and a putter, are all that is required. As your game develops and you improve, more specific clubs can be added to suit your abilities. To start there is only one rule to remember: You can't carry more than 14 clubs in your bag at any one time.Before buying a set of clubs, first determine your ability level. A low-han...
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Worlds Top Five Golf Courses
Wonder where the worlds richest, famous, and avid golfers tee off? In a sport where the playing field is not as rigid or as restricted as other forms of sport, the outdoor can make the difference. Where nature is not only the backdrop but the playing field itself, how this sport is played is what
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Win a luxury Car playing Spot the Ball
Spot.Click.Win competitions use photographs of real games of sport to offer players a 1 in 3000 chance of winning one of our luxury prizes. From football fans to avid golfers, these competitions offer all sports enthusiasts the chance to win an out of this world prize and to choose from a variety of exciting prize level games.
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Winning At Miniature Golf
Playing mini golf is not just for children. It is a game that can also be played by grownups which may be smaller than the ones in the real course. All the person needs to play is a golf club and a ball. People who have never played the real game will easily get the hang of it by just watching how others swing and putt the ball into the hole.Here are some tips when playing:1. One should read the rules and regulations posted outside before playing the game. There a...
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Wii Weight Loss: Is It Possible To Drop Pounds With Wii Sports?
Wii weight loss is the concept of having fun while playing video games while losing weight. Usually this Wii weight loss is accompanied by calorie restriction in addition to the moderate exercise that Wii gaming offers. Several bloggers across the web have created very popular sites detailing their Wii weight loss. Most of them have done this using the Wii Sports video game that comes free with the purchase of the Nintendo Wii system.Wii Weight Loss with Wii SportsWii...
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Why Golfers Need To Warm Up
Warming up before a game of golf is important especially if you are new to a course and want to play your best. Most people warm up at the driving range or warm-up area provided by the golf course. If you are tempted to skip the warm-up session and begin playing, you not do as well as you want to because muscles need time to stretch irregular use. Since you probably don't golf everyday, you will be using muscles that are seldom used otherwise, so warming up is important for y...
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Where To Find Used Golf Equipment
Just because you are on a budget doesn't mean you can't take up the game of golf. While there are many types of expensive golf equipment and accessories out there, you can find used equipment online, in used sporting goods stores, through classifieds, and from friends and family. If the majority of your money will be spent on instructors and playing at different golf courses, saving money on equipment can help you stay within your budget.Common items you can find used inc...
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When football hurts
Football is popular and for everyone; basic introduction on football; possible injuries while playing; description of several possible injuries while playing football; avoiding such injuries in playing the sport.
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Watch Sports On Your Computer
People living in American society have taken sports to greater popularity it's becoming the way of life for Americans. All you have to do is look at the newspapers which devote a whole section of daily sport coverage to such sports as baseball, basketball, golf, football, soccer and much more. If you are involved as a spectator or participant the thrill you get watching your team or playing for your team is like a emotional roller coaster and you would not have it any other w...
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Watching Sports Live On Your Pc Including English Premier League
The world game football known, as soccer in America and football in England is a game that has so many emotions involved be it as a spectator or a player. It is comparable to baseball in the US, or hockey in Canada when it comes to the following of the game in Europe and South America. The popularity of the sport is growing in America. With the arrival of David Beckham playing for LA GALAXY the exposure of soccer in America can only be good for the country and the sport itsel...
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Vital Golf Swing Movement Brings Success
I think it is what you say about how to swing the arms correctly that has caused a real improvement in my golf swing. I've been playing golf for 18 years and I have never before managed to quite master this movement. But now the club seems to come squarly onto the ball every time I swing.Yours is the first book I've read about the golf swing which has a really clear description of how to use one's arms properly, and what a difference it makes once one manages to master...
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Using A Golf Swing Trainer May Surprise You
Many amateur golfers start out playing golf for fun. Most would like to keep it that way and that is precisely the reason why the mention of a golf swing trainer, however much that would help them improve their game will not only draw loud groans but for most they will already start feeling tired at the mere thought.
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Use Golf Swing Teaching Aids To Improve Your Game
Golf Swing Teaching Aids are great tool for improving your golf swing. However there are many different types of teaching aids on the market today and this makes it difficult to find one that will work for you. If you have played golf on a regular basis or even if you are just starting in your golf endeavor you will need to know what the strengths and weaknesses of your golf swing are. This best can be done by spending time with a teaching pro or with a good playing partner t...
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Tips On Buying Your First Set Of Golf Clubs
Before buying your very first set of golf clubs, keep these important ideas and tips in mind.First, try to understand how often you will be playing the game. If your only intention is to play a couple of times a year in the company scramble or better ball, then it is probably best to stick with a cheaper set of golf clubs, rather than spending a ton of cash on a brand new set of clubs. But if you've tried the game and enjoy it and feel that you want to take it up more oft...
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The Secret To A Better Golf Game
A better golf game is achievable by any golfer. It doesnt matter what your age is, how good a player you are or how long youve been playing. But the key to a better golf game may not be what you think.
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The Rich Dont Need Golf Discounts - Do They?
Do rich people need golf discounts? I suppose they dont even think about anything with the word discount attached to it? Maybe the rich people who golf have so much money that the thought of golf discounts never enters their mind? With all the expenses that go into playing a round of golf like green fees, cart fees, golf balls, new golf clubs if necessary, do they even care what all that cost. Conventional wisdom says that only the rich play golf. While it might...
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The Perfect Golf Swing
Trying to achieve the perfect golf swing, believe it or not it is well within your ability, even if you are a just started playing golf. Executing the perfect golf swing is a difficult feat and doing it consistently is even harder to accomplish. How you start out learning the mechanics of the perfect golf swing is crucial. The perfect golf swing is the one that is effortless through good technique. If you break down the golf swing both mechanically and physically you will see...
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The Next Time...Buy A Golf Cart
You probably just take them for granted when you play golf, and never think about their origin. I'm talking about golf carts, those miniature vehicles dotting every golf course. However, golf cart production is a multi-million dollar industry and different models abound. They are treated as small cars, and golf-cart companies provide leasing and financing options just as the big car companies do.Golf originates from a medieval game played on the coast of Scotland during the 15th century.
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The Junior Set Of Golf Clubs
Many manufacturers make golf clubs for juniors. Nike, Ping, Taylor Made and Accu-Length. If a child wants to learn the game of golf, it is best to start with the proper set of golf clubs. The proper golf clubs will make it easier to develop a stance, posture and swing to enjoy the game. Practicing with the clubs on a driving range with some type of instruction is going to be the best way to become accustom to the golf clubs before actually playing a round of nine holes. It is...
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The inspirational Power Of A Golf Training Video
Many golf training videos in the market today will show you in great detail, how some of the PGA professionals do it and the so-called secrets behind their success. From detailed specifics on why their playing techniques are so effective, to the preparation and exercise training they are usually involved in to keep themselves in tip-top condition and at a high level of golf-fitness.
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The Importance Of Playing Games
You are probably familiar with the exceptional benefits of playing a game. Regardless of one's age and physical ability, games such as golf , billiards, board games, etc. are considered to be those types of recreational activities that people select to try in order to increase their mental and/or physical skills while enjoying the excitement. But since games are played primarily for the mere enjoyment they offer, some people tend to consider them unnecessary and a waste of ti...
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The Heel/Toe Weighting Concept For Golf Putters Is Here To Stay
The TOWD (True Orbit Weighting Dynamics) design family of putting instruments are for those players seeking an advanced skill level. By inducing a precise and repeatable putting stroke, through a near perfect arced pendulum effect, with a consistent, passive face rotation, The TOWD putters generate optimal passive feel, making TOWD putters the most advanced and easiest to use putting instruments in the game. Playing on undulating greens, of variable speed, the feel from TOWD ...
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The Golf Tourney : The Company Team Social
You may have wondered if your golfing predecessor existed. Was there such a person who also thought up the concept of a golf tournament for an easy day off and a chance to beat the pants off your superior?How did golf tournaments come about / what is their history? In 1860 eight professionals competed in a golf tournament at Prestwick in Scotland playing three 12-hole rounds of golf for the prize of a red leather belt. The idea for the prize was derived from medieval knig...
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The Evloution Of Golf Clubs
People have been playing golf for centuries and will continue to play for many to come. If you are just starting out or if you have been playing the game for a long time, you are a part of history. Golf began in Scotland with sheep herders who pitched rocks into holes dug by rabbits and other animals with their staffs. The game become competitive after awhile and evolved into the game it is today. After starting in Scotland, golf quickly spread to England, Canada, and eventua...
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The Best Way To Eliminate Lower Back Injuries In Golf
One out of every two golfers will incur a lower back injury during their playing careers, are you one of them? Almost every golfer on the planet has at some time or another felt their lower back tighten up on the course, after a round, or even getting out of bed. Why is this so? The reason for the high number of lower back injuries in the sport of golf is a result of the golf swing itself!The golf swing is a rotational movement. It requires you to rotate around a fi...
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The 3 Things You Need To Know About Golf Swing Instruction
Like most weekend golfers I'd love to be able and play every day. Of course it doesn't happen with everything else in life needing attention, I settle for playing on weekends and sneaking out of the office early for the odd weekday 18 holes. If you're reading this then I can only assume that also like me you've struggled to shoot the score you really strive to, and are ready to take action and learn the skills needed to do so. Personally I fought with trying to break nineties...
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Synchronizing Your Arms And Body
Whatever your golf handicap is, youve probably experienced days when everything on the course seemed to fall into place. Youre golfing with a fun-loving foursome. Youre playing a great course on a great day. And youre driving, chipping, and putting well. In fact, youre doing everything well. It all seems so easy.And, then, for no apparent reason, you lose it. You cant do anything right. Your drives miss the fairways. Your approach shots fall way short. An...
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Successfully Organizing Charity Golf Tournaments
Did you know that a golfing event is a great way to earn money for charitable organizations? Charity golf tournaments are highly successful for many reasons. First, people enjoy playing the game, so the fact that it is a golfing event will draw many people. Another reason for the popularity of these events is that people always jump at the chance to give to worthwhile causes, while at the same time getting something rewarding in return. But while these events are highly succe...
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Spend Wisely When Buying Golf Equipment
How do you know how much golf equipment you are intent to spend your money on? What kind and type should you purchase? To make it easier for you to know which is which, the following are some questions and tips you should ask yourself and could keep in mind as well when you are shopping for your first set of golf clubs, golf balls, etc.Why are you playing golf? Look deep inside you and find out. Is it because you want to play at least twice a year with your busine...