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The Investment Gods Are Still Furious
Today's obsession with short-term blinks of the investment eye is Wall Street's attempt to take the market cycle out of the performance picture. Similarly, total return hocus-pocus places artificial significance on bond market values while it obscures the importance of the income produced. MCIM users will have none of it; the investment gods are angry.
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The Investor's Creed --- What's That?
The Stock Market is a dynamic place where investors can consistently make reasonable returns on their capital if they comply with the basic principles of the endeavor AND if they don't measure their progress too frequently with irrelevant measuring devices. Five simple concepts of Asset Allocation, Investment Strategy, and human Psychology are summed up quite nicely in The Investor's Creed.
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Investment Performance: Part 1
Contrary to popular belief and media propaganda, investing is not a competitive event. Rather, it is a uniquely personal and goal directed activity that individuals must organize and control for themselves.It is best dealt with by using the fundamental principles of three disciplines: Investment, Management, and Psychology
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What Can Herpes Support Groups Do For You?
The purpose of herpes support groups is to help you deal with the psychological aspect of herpes and provide information about treatments and research. People often write to me for support. They either feel ashamed, helpless, and dirty or just want the pain to go away. I do everything I can in my book Herpes Wise and on my website to tell people how to alleviate the physical pain, but Im fully aware that I cannot provide psychological pain relief to all of my readers. Thats...
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Stock And Option Millionaire Psyche
If you are like most of us, we have all lost our fair share of money in the stock markets using strategies written by so-called gurus and experts costing thousands of dollars.Have you ever wondered, how does these stock and options trading experts develop these strategies, prove its worthiness all over the internet and in books, made money with them, but when you use these stock or option trading strategies, its magic fades away and you started losing money
Going deep...
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Hair Loss Help
Sometimes, hair loss and hair thinning leaves significant impact on confidence and psychology of a person. After reading this article, you will be able to manage your hair loss problem by establishing the cause of hair loss in you and taking care of your health and hair.
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Tennis Psychology The foundation of winning tennis
If you want to play mentally tough tennis game, then tennis psychology gives you the best foundation. Learn which areas of sports psychology are the most important for your tennis success.
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Confidence Through Neuro-linguistic Programming And Self-hypnosis
Self confidence is an emotional and mental state of mind which responds to our need for self-acceptance and recognition. It's among the oldest and most studied concepts in psychology. It is used to describe a good albeit adequate perception of oneself and one's abilities. Hence, self-confident persons generally have a better knowledge of what they are able to achieve and are more likely to be successful in what they attempt. They are also more likely to accept and learn from ...
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Acne Treatment- Do You Know What Is Acne?
Acne is one of the most common skin disorders that can cause damage to skin. Acne not only may disfigure skin, but it also affects the psychology of the sufferer.
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Skin Treatment - Methods To Remove Scars
Scars are a problem for all the people who wish to look young and smart. A scarred face always troubles us and affects our psychology.
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The Tell
A serious poker player learns pretty quickly that studying the strategies of the games and putting these strategies into practice is not all it takes to be a winner. A little bit of psychology and knowing how to read body language is a pretty good asset to have any time you play poker and knowing body language is what the tell is all about.A tell is any behavior, physical reaction or subconscious habit a player exhibits when contemplating an action: betting, calling, ra...
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Nation Branding and Place Marketing - VIII. The Psychology and Demographics of the Consumer
The country's customers are its investors, tourists, traders, market intermediaries, NGOs, and office-holders in other countries and in multilateral institutions. Understanding their psychology and demographics is crucial. Their interactions with one another take place in a complex environment, affected by governments, social forces, cultural factors, and markets.
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Color Meaning--Unlock the Symbolism and Color Psychology of Common Colors
Color is a magical element that gives feeling and emotion to art, design, and advertising. By understanding color meaning, (or the psychology of color) you can choose the right color to support and emphasize your design.
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Strategies To Conquer Your Fitness Anxiety
Paying for a gym pass you dont use? Running shoes gathering dust? Do you have a fear of fitness? Dont worry- you are not alone!Fear is one of the biggest reasons people give up on exercise, according to a growing number of sports-psychology and fitness authorities. Here are some simple strategies straight from the professionals aimed at helping you get over your fear and get on with your workout.
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Investing Psychology - Know Thyself
America will continue to be the land of opportunity and regardless of what course our economy takes over the next few years, it's likely that investment opportunities will be numerous and attractive. Companies driven by the ever increasing advancements in technology will emerge, while older companies, out of necessity, will come forth with new products. One industry or another will enjoy a boom period relative to the rest.
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The Psychology of a Confident Golf Swing Part 2
Ever notice what happens when you are more confident with your Golf Swing? Want to have more confidence with your Golf Swing? Then read on and discover some amazing techniques in this second part on how to develop confidence in your golf swing today.
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The Psychology of a Confident Golf Swing Part 1
Ever notice what happens when you are more confident with your Golf Swing? Want to have more confidence with your Golf Swing? Then read on and discover some amazing techniques to develop confidence in your golf swing today.
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Golf And The Art Of Concentration
Concentration is the root of human performance. It is much more than the ability of not being distracted or even visualizing the shot.Granted, hardly any of the authors of ANY golf training book have comprehensive training in golf psychology, so let me give you some tips for peak concentration on the golf course. Im not talking about grinding out on the course...this will burn you out early in the round and mentally deplete you.First off, dance with which you broug...
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Why You Should Get Your Own Self Improvement Video? Read On...
It cannot be denied that what works for one does not work for another. If what your friends say and what you read does not seem to inspire you to improve yourself, then it is time to consider self improvement videos.It cannot be denied that some people can better comprehend something when they see it on screen. That is the psychology behind these videos. Getting the focus of the person watching them like no other ways can do.The need for self improvement is now an iss...
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Star Wars And Psychology: Embracing The Dark Side
A few evenings ago, some friends and I decided to watch the latest Star Wars film, Return of the Sith. This film got me thinking about a concept that is key to much of the hypnotherapy that I do, and is an excellent example of how not to lead ones life.Much of what makes the Star Wars story so alluring is the puzzling change that occurs in Anakin Skywalker. How is it that a man can turn from supremely good to the embodiment of evil? Were led to love Anakin the Jedi and ...
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What Is Emotional Intelligence ?
Emotional Intelligence or commonly known as EQ is a relatively new field of psychology. Emotional intelligence means the ability for a person to access, influence and conclude our emotions and also the emotions of other people around us.The term emotional intelligence was first made popular by Daniel Goldman with his book Emotional Intelligence and since then many researchers have began studies in this new field of psychology. Since then, we have understood a lot more abo...
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A guide to dream interpretation
Only a very small percentage of us understands that dreams hold much importance and opportunity for our self growth, improvement and self discovery. This article is a guide to dream interpretation.
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Emotional Dependency or Emotional Responsibility
Emotional dependency means getting ones good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from within. Who or what do you believe is responsible for your emotional wellbeing?
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Performance Anxiety
Beverly had suffered from anxiety most of her life. As a child, she slept poorly and often had nightmares. She bit her nails and would chew on the skin around her nails until they were raw and bleeding.
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Passion: Fire In Your Soul
Many people try to hold a raging fire within themselves, but it restlessly and relentlessly gnaws at their core. Some have tried to cover it up with alcohol, numb it with drugs, hide it with shopping, kids, work, or religion, or fuel it with sex. The Baby Boomers looked for eternal youth and to change the world. They thought they would never grow up, but they did. They thought they would change the world and they did. The previous generation looked for the American Dream....
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 74 )
The grandest idea in the religion of the Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalized into four, viz. those of work, love,psychology, and knowledge. But you must, at the same time, remember that these divisions are not very marked and quite exclusive of each other. Each blends into the other. But according to the type which prevails, we name the divisions. It is not that you can find men who have no other faculty than that ...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 62 )
The next question for consideration is what we mean by law being universal. Our universe is that portion of existence which is characterised by what the Sanskrit psychologists call Desha- kala- nimitta, or what is known to European psychology as space, time, and causation. This universe is only a part of infinite existence, thrown into a peculiar mould, composed of space, time, and causation. It necessarily follows that law is possible only within this conditioned universe; b...
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Why Pay for Counselling?
Our public health system has been failing to meet those needs and has been the subject of much debate and controversy over privatizing healthcare.
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5 Ways To Attract More Abundance By Being Grateful...
Being grateful on a daily basis for just one week is clinically proven to have had benefits lasting for six months or more by studies by clinical psychologists in the academic field of positive psychology. Spiritual masters have known and advocated gratitude for literally millenia. Personal development gurus also state that gratitude is a practice works for success, happiness and abundance.But how do you be grateful? The simple answer is do the opposite of being ungrate...
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Create Win/win Outcomes And Relationships
Q. What happens when we go through life looking only at whats in it for us? We get selfish, we get greedy, and we get dependent on getting more of the same. The result? Our lives become attached to this way of being, often to the degree that we manifest a blatant disregard for others and our relationships. In turn, we become blinkered to the destructive nature of our actions and give rise to provocation and resentment. The solution? To create an outcome that ensures a wi...
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Self Help Group
If you are serious about spiritual growth and self help, then a group is practically indispensable in getting you where you need to go. It is a fundamental truth in psychology and self help that you simply cannot overcome your problems alone. You need people who have been where you are and who have gone through the struggles you likely will go through as well. Even if your problem is the inability to be alone, it is likely that you can get some help from other people who use ...
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Self Help And Psychology
The self help movement really began with the advent of psychiatry and the first revolutionary ideas of Dr. Sigmund Freud. Although Freuds ideas have been largely supplemented and many of them have been outright replaced, his work concerning the subconscious mind have revolutionized the way we view ourselves and our future. Psychology really began with Dr. Sigmund Freud and his inner circle of students who later went on to establish the science of psychoanalysis and ...
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Motivation's Effect On Mental And Physical Health
Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivation and mental health. As the implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention. Psychology Online reports on a study investigating the differences between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MOTIVATION. The report states that Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such...
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Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative Thinking
Many people believe that the goal of any society is progress, however for most of us it is not easy to get used to something new. It takes more or less time for every person to adapt to new environment, even if it is only using a new tool, cooking a new dish or finding a new bus stop. That is the reason why many people cling to the way things are and it is much easier for them to do habitual things. Any person's every day of life consists of many repeated activities, such...
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Seek Opportunities In Everything That Comes Your Way
Q. What happens when we focus on the negative side of life instead of the positive? We miss out on seeing the breadth of opportunities that would otherwise enable us to develop and strengthen our lives. The result? We end up journeying on a downward spiral, feeling that no matter what we do, we simply wont win. The solution? To start seeing everything in our life as an opportunity for growth; every encounter, every incident, and even every challenge.Q. Are You?- ...
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Ask For What You Want - A Positive Mind Set For Positive Results
Its surprising how much people ask for what they dont want rather than what they do want. Its seems counterintuitive, but its the way we are. Most of us dont even realize that were doing it.To explain what I mean, consider the way your mind works. When you see or hear something, your mind deals with images, pictures in your mind. You are able to think about something even if you dont know the word for it (You know, the little round things on t...
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Psychology Of The Sales Professional
Ones attitude has a lot more to do with the level of her/his success than ones aptitude, ability, IQ, education or other factors do. Id like to get into the details of a salespersons psychology so that, when it comes to building your team and individual team members, you are equipped with the knowledge of whats really going on in there. As a holder of a management or other sort of leadership position, you may have already experienced being a salesperson yoursel...
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Psychology Of The Hero Soul
There is the known, and there is the unknown, and in between is the doors. Jim MorrisonBreak on through to the other side...Where the day destroys the night and night divides the day...Break on through to the other side. These were the famous haunting words sung by the American poet, rock artist, Jim Morrison of The Doors. With these words, he electrified an entire generation. And with these words, he began his own destruction. Morrison was talking about the g...
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To-Do list for success. Time management: theory & practice.
Time Management article. Take a new look at Time Management. Get away from old stereotypes. Improve the quality of your life. Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Positive Psychology. These techniques will broaden the vision of your life needs and show you the ways to achieve your personal unique Success.
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Psychology Of Success
Do you believe that if you do what other successful people do you will also become successful? You should, because your beliefs become your reality!There is a song with a line in it that goes: Free your mind, the rest will follow
That is absolutely correct. Our thinking is the critical factor in how our daily lives turn out. Because you BECOME what you THINK ABOUT most of the time. So think about your goals and how to get them most of the time.GOALS: It is essenti...
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Real Forex Traders Learn to Like Losses
As a forex trader you have to learn how to take losses. Period. Don't be a crybaby. Learn how to take losses.
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Psychology Of The Winning Trader
A look into the mind of the trader. What causes most people to loose money trading? How can we transform a loosing trader into a consistently profitable trader?
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Trading Systems for Metastock
Technical analysis has been developing dynamically for the last years. It has evolved to a large extent from a kind of art and psychology knowledge to the pure science. The trading systems for Metastock and other programs, which enable testing your own trading strategies, have started to be of great importance.
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Investment Strategy: The Investor's Creed
The Stock Market is a dynamic place where investors can consistently make reasonable returns on their capital if they comply with the basic principles of the endeavor AND if they don't measure their progress too frequently with irrelevant measuring devices. Five simple concepts of Asset Allocation, Investment Strategy, and Psychology are summed up quite nicely in the "The Investor's Creed".
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Stock Trading Psychology
Many of todays highly successful traders will tell you that the general key to success in trading is to be able to comfortably take a loss. It is general knowledge among experts in the trading psychology field and among traders that the market is not predictable and it is safe to say that it never will be. In the world of trading, it is expected to take a loss; even those who are highly skilled traders know that it is inevitable. With that said, let us have a look at things ...
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Trading Psychology -vs- Trading Method
It is said that trading is 90% psychological and 10% methodological. Does this then imply that regardless of trading method, a trader that has control over their emotional issues will thus be a profitable trader, or will it be impossible to ever control emotions without the proficient implementation of method?
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Diamonds in the Spam
There are those who turn apoplectic at the receipt of unsolicited commercial email, commonly dubbed spam. These are the same people who receive hundreds of bulk letters addressed to "Occupant" without batting an eye.
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Internet Marketing and the Psychology of Color
How Website Color Choice affects effective Internet Marketing. A guide to choosing colors that enhance the image and impression you wish to portray.
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How Gambling Horoscopes Help you Win
In this article we cover the different theories behind how horoscopes predict the future.
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What does this inexplicable tutor want?
The article provides useful tips on how to complete several types of term papers, explaining what requirements the tutor sets. Article provides a reader with indispensable techniques on successful completion of their writing assignments.
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Words Matter
While tone of voice and body language matter very much, don't underestimate the power of words. This article debunks a famous allegation about UCLA Psychology research in 1967. The research team leader is quoted saying that his work had been grossly misunderstood. The allegation: that words only count for 7% of the meaning in communication.
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Why we Need to Take Risks
If you want to get ahead in life you have to take risks. Being the best always comes with the willingness to take chances and in one way or another, this is the same in every aspect of life.
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Who Is The Hero In The Hero's Journey?
During the past thirty years, much has been (rightfully) made of Joseph Campbells breakthrough research in cultural anthropology, most famously published in The Hero With A Thousand Faces. In this book, Campbell examines the many cultural expressions of the heroic role model, and in doing so helped to establish the universality of human hopes, dreams, and lives. Hollywood, in particular, has embraced this vision, which powers dozens of films a year, and has become clic...
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Turn Writer's Blocks Into Stepping Stones!
Years ago at a presentation at the UCLA Extension Writers Program, I promised an audience to teach them to conquer this beast once and for all. Later, another instructor approached me and said why did you say that to those people? Its not possible.
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How Gambling Horoscopes Help you Win
In this article we cover the different theories behind how horoscopes predict the future.
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Handwriting Analysis
Graphology is the name given to the general subject of personality analysis based on handwriting analysis. Just as in Psychology there are various schools of Psychology Behaviorist, Psychoanalytical, and so on - so too in Graphology.Graphoanalysis is one such school and, from my experience, the most scientifically oriented reliable field of Graphology. Graphoanalysis is personality analysis based on handwriting analysis of the slant, size, measurement, pressure, spacing...
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Website Copywriter Tips: Homepage Copy The Transition Zone
Have you read Paco Underhills fascinating book, "Why We Buy," about the psychology of retail store shopping? One of his major tenets about brick and mortar shopping holds the key to effective homepage copy something he calls the transition zone. If your homepage copy creates a sales zone not a transition zone, you could be losing sales.
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You Can Write a Good Paper!
Are there any universal requirements, some common rules that will facilitate the writing process? I believe that they exist. Otherwise I would not be writing this article
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Make your Speech a Success
In some colleges and universities after submitting your term papers you have to present them orally. You are expected to make public speeches and to capture the attention of your exacting professors. How to avoid such comment from their side? And instead impress them with your speaking and be proud of yourself? Why cant we learn from the most prominent orators and their secrets of success? Lets do it right now.
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How To Prevent Your Partner From Cheating
Many relationships at some point are confronted with the issues of infidelity. Don't let it go that far. Do something before it happens.