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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag vote

There are 57 articles associated with the tag vote!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 401k Plans Are Retirement Programs - NOT So long as we are in an environment where retirement plan income (and principal in the case of all private plans) is subject to income taxation, 401(k) participants would be wise to establish an after tax income portfolio invested in tax exempt securities--- or to vote more selfishly.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Fully Auditable Voting System - The Number 1 Requirement Of Any REAL Democracy Imagine any organization or individual with a computer being able to download the entire database of all the votes so they can build a vote checking system. Imagine just 5% of the Universities in this country providing a vote check for any receipt holder.
3. Bookmarks: 222 Give Your Content a Viral Head Start! Are you looking to increase your search engine rankings and increase traffic to your website? Search engines are paying close attention to the social media buzz and new evolution of advertising is based on building the buzz through votes and comments within the social media sites. -- It gives your potentially viral content a head start!
4. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Politics 2012: What's (left) In Your Wallet? As Investors, we represent the single biggest voter block in the country. We must respond in one voice to the endless political drivel with a resounding Money Talks, BS Walks. We want decision makers who design laws that aid economic freedoms, not lawmakers who make decisions that restrict them. Here's the MT~BSW Financial Plan for the 2012 Election. Dot Connectors Wanted!
5. Bookmarks: 0 An Investor's View of The Fair Tax: A 2012 Resolution A Government that bemoans the population's low savings and investment rates has only itself to blame. The majority of Americans would agree that investing, retirement planning, and estate preservation would be easier to manage if the Internal Revenue Code was comprehensible. A landslide of American voters would elect any candidate championing IRC replacement surgery.
6. Bookmarks: 0 An Investor's Eye View of the Corporate Income Tax Politicians have neither been shy about dictating proper behavior to individuals nor hesitant in shamelessly picking the pockets of businesses. At the root of the problem is the tremendous investment the major parties have in nurturing divisiveness, jealousy, and misunderstanding in the electorate. The corporate income tax is a non-productive weight on business decision makers, causing expenditures that would not be considered were they not tax deductible.
7. Bookmarks: 877

IBC Module!
What is Social Media Advertising? Did you know that there are over a quarter of a Billion people using social media sites to share information today. This is the new word of mouth - Its revolutionary - It's friends, talking to friends. We use the power of these sites to drive traffic to your website. For less than the cost of a little print ad, which has no shelf life, we have a plan that gets votes for your website to drive traffic for years to come, guaranteed.
8. Bookmarks: 914

IBC Module!
How Does Social Media Advertising Work? Social media advertising is all about generating BUZZ for your business in the social media sites. This BUZZ is made up of Votes where real people find your website and mark it on their accounts so others can see that they like your content. Each social media vote is like a virtual billboard that advertises your business for years to come! We provide advertising campaigns that will get the votes you need to generate more traffic to your website, guaranteed!
9. Bookmarks: 835

IBC Module!
How Does Social Media Buzz Affect Search Engine Rankings? As people find and vote on your content in the social media sites, this creates Social Media Buzz. This Buzz Creates Traffic directly from the Social Media Sites and raises Search Engine rankings, which generates even more traffic from the Search Engines. These social media votes last for years and provide an ongoing increase in traffic from search engines and social media sites.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Travel Tips: Hitting The Links In St Kitts Much like other islands in the Caribbean, the tourism industry of St. Kitts has recently been courting the serious traveling golfer. With over 50 million devoted golfers worldwide and far more recreational players, Caribbean golf resorts are turning to golf as a focal point of their tourism efforts. According to published statistics, the traveling golfer, on business or vacation, both travels more often and spends approximately 35 percent more per trip than an average tourist...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Jeep Rental Versus Taxi In Aruba Aruba is an island of paradox. Despite the presence of numerous luxury resorts and gourmet restaurants, much of Aruba remains uninhabited. For the tourist, this simply means there is more to explore. For example, nearly 20% of the island is devoted to the sprawling Arikok National Park. Inside and outside the park, you will find gorgeous views, unique historical landmarks and ecological wonders. The roads winding through Aruba’s distinctive desert landscape offer visitors a c...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Fight Fees With Low Fee Credit Cards Do you have credit cards? Do you know exactly which fees you pay, and how much of your monthly payment is devoted to such fees? If not, you’re in good company; too many of us don’t know exactly what we’re paying for when we make our monthly payments. And card companies have been accused of making credit card terms and conditions too complicated for the average card holder to understand. What’s a consumer to do?First, know what’s out there. Fees come in the form of a...
13. Bookmarks: 0 Mismanagement At The New York Times The New York Times Company (NYT) isn’t just reporting the news – it’s making the news. At yesterday’s annual meeting, shareholders withheld 28% of their votes for the four directors elected by holders of the company’s common stock. Nine other directors are elected by holders of the Class B shares, effectively granting control of the company to a group holding less than a 1% economic interest in the business.Most of the large newspaper companies have not done a great...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Making Your Money Grow In The Stock Market One way of making your money grow is investing in the stock market. Stocks are how companies grow without securing bank loans. The investor buys the company stock (shares) and receives interest in the form of stock dividends. Share holders can affect the operation of a company. Each year, there is a share holders meeting and different issues are presented for the share holders to vote on. The greater the number of shares that an investor has, the greater the number of votes t...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Scuba Diving In Boracay Islands Boracay is a beautiful tropical island located at 200 miles (315km) south of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. This island resort is one of Philippines' most popular tourist destinations because it is consistently voted by popular scuba diving and travel magazines as one of the best scuba diving destinations in the world.There are many dive centers and operators in Boracay offering diving trips to top rated but hard to reach dive sites such as those in the Sibuyan S...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Aruba: Paradise For Watersport Enthusiasts Unlike any other destination in the world, the island of Aruba offers nearly every watersport imaginable – with recreation options for every age and skill level. The crystal-clear waters surrounding this Caribbean paradise are full of shipwrecks waiting to be explored, exotic fish ready to be photographed and rolling waves ideal for windsurfing and a host of other activities. Whether you are a scuba devotee, a deep sea fisherman or just someone in search of the most unique fu...
17. Bookmarks: 0 North Korea – Yes, You Have Our Attention North Korea has tested a low yield nuclear device with 4% of the destructive power of the bomb that the United States dropped on Hiroshima, Japan at the end of World War II.Some believe that the device was much larger but may have failed for technical reasons.We don’t know the truth, because the United States has not devoted the resources to know what is really going on. If you are surprised, don’t be. Intelligence collection is a tricky business.When Richard Nixo...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Learning Foreign Language With Comfort! Being in safe comfortable surroundings allows the learner to relax concentrate and give 100% to their language lessons and thus learning foreign language becomes easy and fun. Being fluent in Chinese will definitely make your relocation less stressful. Your local library probably has language learning resources that you can borrow, if you don't want to start off the year with the expense of buying these materials. When studying on your own in this way, try to devote 10 minute...
19. Bookmarks: 0 The Seven Wonders Of Havana – Things To Do In Cuba’s Glorious Capital Recently, for the first time in over 2,200 years the seven wonders of the world were reassessed. Over 100 million people voted and decided that the Great Wall of China, Rome’s Colosseum, Chichen Itza in Mexico, Petra in Jordan, Machu Picchu in Peru, Rio’s Christ the Redeemer and the Taj Mahal would make the best new wonders.Certainly narrowing down the finalists from an initial list of hundreds can have been no easy task – most countries can probably compile a list of sev...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Rule 144 Holding Periods Shorten The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) voted unanimously on November 15, 2007 to cut the required holding period in half from twelve to six months for selling restricted and control securities.This exciting change will go into effect on February 15th, 2008. The change will bring a welcome relief to many smaller companies, because the shorter holding period is intended to lower the cost of capital and make it more accessible to those companies.While this is excitin...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Inequitable Funding For Some Within The New York Schools In an attempt to get more funding into the poorer school districts and reduce funding for the wealthier districts, Governor Eliot Spitzer replaced the very rigid, long-standing formula for funding of the New York schools. The old formula gave the same per student funding to all New York schools districts without regard to needs or demographic/economic differences. Spitzer convinced Senate Republicans in wealthier districts, such as Long Island, to vote for his final budget b...
22. Bookmarks: 3 Dating Guide For The Rich And Beautiful Singles Being rich and successful singles do not come with a lot of free time even with dating, unless of course you managed to win the lottery. Therefore, a large portion of your time is devoted to work and building a successful career. Luckily, there are guides for the rich and beautiful singles to match up at last. By the use of top rated online dating service you can speed up the process of having a high caliber dating you deserve.
23. Bookmarks: 0 Success University- The Company And The Affiliate Programme Success University is an online institution for learning that is the first of its kind to be devoted entirely to both the personal development of its students as well as to helping students to develop their entrepreneurial skills. Success University makes education and learning as convenient as possible and help is always close at hand if a problem should arise at any time. Success University is taught strictly online so it is available to students all across the globe as lon...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Where Does Money Come From? Get ready for a shock if you don’t already know.Every day countless millions of transactions are facilitated with money. Why do we need money? How does it get into “circulation?” Who puts it there? Who creates money? And on what basis? Is it the government? If not, why not? Who is it? And how do they know how much to “print?” What if they add too much or too little to the economy?Three chapters of my book How to Profit from the Coming Great Depression are devoted to t...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Is the Bible Reliable The Bible is a Book that is loved around the world. Its followers live in every country and in every climate. Those who read it regularly love its pages and often do not get enough of it. Many even devote their life to the study of it, going after many degrees. But is it a love well-placed, or is it an obvious blind-sidedeness? Is there some real proof that the Bible is reliable? Is it for the people of today?
26. Bookmarks: 0 Which Mlb Tickets Provided A Chance To See The 2006 Al Award Winners? It’s been quite a season in the American League, and fans around the league agreed, as they set several records in terms of MLB tickets purchased. They got to see several unbelievable performances, and things are going to get quite interesting in the postseason, even though several spots have yet to be determined. We’d like to get a jump on the media and voters and make our predictions for the AL award winners for 2006.MVP: Derek JeterThis is a tough call, as there ar...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Waterski Primer Water skiing is great fun and a good exercise. It was long back in the year 1928 when an eighteen year old boy named Ralph Samuelson invented water skiing. Ralph Samuelson of Minnesota projected the thought that if you could ski on snow, then you can also ski on water. As for appropriate water skiing apparatus, for his first skis Ralph attempted barrel staves, then snow skis, and lastly Ralph shaped the first devoted water skis from lumber. Ralph made his bindings from leathe...
28. Bookmarks: 0 Miracle Of Shirdi Sai Baba Shirdi Sai Baba is known for his miracles ,many of his devotees are very strong believer of sai baba.In this article u can find out the people witnessing the real experience.
29. Bookmarks: 11 Communicating Democrats’ Agenda For The ‘common Good’ All the polls today point to a significant Democratic advantage, both on how the parties are handling the key issues as well as how people will vote on Election Day.Yet, as early November approaches, Democrats would be wise to understand that they are where they are, not because of their efforts, but frankly in spite of them.The only conclusion we will be able to draw from a big Democratic win is that Americans are not so much embracing Democrats as much as they are r...
30. Bookmarks: 0 25 Ways Get 10 Mins Of Fitness Exercise-PT#1 Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. The idea is to keep moving, says fitness expert Ann Grandjean, EdD. Get a cordless phone or put a long cord on your regular phone, and walk w...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Fixing Health Care: Government Health Care Works? Government run health care is not the panacea milions of people think it will be. This article talks about a real life example of the ineptness, graft, and corruption that will be government run health care if we allow it to happen. Soon we will be able to vote and we must vote correctly, not emotionally if we are going to stave off a world wide health care crisis. Nowhere in the history of the world has any government run health care plan worked.
32. Bookmarks: 0 Which Mlb Tickets Provided A Look At The Nl Award Winners In 2006? It’s been an interesting season in the National League, and MLB tickets in every city have offered fans a chance to see players having special seasons. It’s getting to the time when voters and fans alike start thinking about not only the postseason, but also the awards that will be handed out in the coming months. We’re going to predict who may win what with our own award projections, even if they are informal in nature.MVP: Ryan HowardAll Howard did this season was c...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Food or diet? You want to eat healthy, but diets just don’t work for you? After reading this article you will stop counting calories and devote your attention to something much more essential – food quality.
34. Bookmarks: 0 Basics of a Farm A farm: Land that is being operated by one producer with equipment, labor, accounting system, and management substantially separate from that of any other unit. Land on which tenants provide their own labor and equipment shall not be considered a separate farm.A farm is a section of land devoted to the production and management of food, either produce or livestock. The land and buildings that are associated with a farm are called the farmstead. This is the basic unit of agriculture.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Seaside Paradise The folks at the Sanibel Harbour Spa are serious about relaxation. Their 40,000-square-foot spa is devoted entirely to revitalizing frazzled nerves in a calming seaside setting. They carry the tranquil theme throughout, with soothing water sculptures, botanical accents and sea-based treatments. Walking through airports can leave your tootsies in need of attention. As soon as the bellman takes your luggage, head immediately to the spa for a mandatory Pedisage (don't worry, our...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Watch Sports On Your Computer People living in American society have taken sports to greater popularity it's becoming the way of life for Americans. All you have to do is look at the newspapers which devote a whole section of daily sport coverage to such sports as baseball, basketball, golf, football, soccer and much more. If you are involved as a spectator or participant the thrill you get watching your team or playing for your team is like a emotional roller coaster and you would not have it any other w...
37. Bookmarks: 0 Cobra Fairway Woods Cobra has a rich history of developing high performance golf clubs and is devoted to honouring and respecting the traditions of the game, and to providing golfers with top of the range equipment.
38. Bookmarks: 1 Aggression And Violence In Sports For anyone living in the American society, it does not take a sociologist or a political scientist to call attention to which extend sports has permeated the American way of life. Newspapers devote an entire section of their daily editions to the coverage of sports such as golf , football, soccer, and more. Newsprint about sport surpasses even that given to economy, politics, or any other single topic of interest. Television brings into contemporary households over 1,200 hour...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Finding The Time To Meditate Regularly We always seem to be in a rush nowadays. So how can you find the time to spare to meditate? There are so many other things competing for our time that we always seem to be in a rush. Food and coffee on the go, speaking on the cell phone while doing other things, typing away at the computer whilst on the phone to a work colleague.So how on earth can we devote even 15 or 20 minutes a day to simply meditating?Initially it may seem an uphill struggle. But you find a few m...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Check Out The New Positive Thinking Magazine With all the new interest in changing people’s thinking toward the more positive, a new magazine has even cropped up which is entirely devoted to the art and science of positive thinking. Positive Thinking Magazine is a great new publication that will really give you some new ideas and keep you on task about your new commitment to become more positive. This is a magazine made up of people who are a lot like you. They prescribe to the belief that your life tends to turn out ve...
41. Bookmarks: 5 Coaching May Be For You Are you looking for someone who will hold you accountable to achieving your goals? Career coaching and mentoring may be what you need to accomplish what you really want in your career. Your friends and family certainly love you and want the best for you, but they can’t always make the time to devote the necessary hours you may need to achieve your objectives and goals. Your friends and family have objectives and goals that they are looking to achieve as well.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Student Loan Consolidation Rates Set to Increase on July 1 Congress voted on and passed Feb. 1 the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that included massive cuts to federal student loan programs. The $11.9 billion in student loan cuts, including changes in laws regarding student loan consolidation, will negatively impact those students seeking a college education and others seeking to consolidate their higher interest loans. The industry expects a rush of students seeking to consolidate at the current low rates that are set to increase on July 1.
43. Bookmarks: 0 Students Should Ask Senators to Eliminate Single Lender Rule Students throughout the country are urged to contact their senators to ask them to eliminate the single holder rule before the Senate votes on the College Access and Opportunity Act, or H.R. 609. The Senate now is in recess and will be back in session April 24, so a vote can occur any time after that date.
44. Bookmarks: 0 Political Fundraising Online Tips for effective political fundraising online from a candidate's website. Twelve low-cost methods including building a mailing list, collecting donations, and increasing media coverage.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Pei Golf Resorts Rank Among The World’s Best It has been said that from the air, Prince Edward Island might appear to be one giant golf course. It is truly a golfer’s paradise, really. Our intimate Island may well be small, in fact the smallest province in Canada, but it is nothing if not big on hospitality and Prince Edward Island is often said to offer the best golf experiences in the country. In fact, it’s been voted the best golf experience not once, but two years in a row.It could well be the rolling greens, o...
46. Bookmarks: 0 A Golf Vacation To Rival Hilton Head Imagine an island golf destination that has been voted number one in its nation - not once, but twice in a row. Imagine more than 26 golf courses on that island. Imagine vistas of white, champagne, pink and red beaches; or ocean waters extending far, far beyond the horizon. Imagine a day of golf that leads gracefully into a night of fine seafood dining at a five-star golf resort.The island isn’t Hilton Head, its Prince Edward Island…and the country is, of course, Canada....
47. Bookmarks: 0 Elliott Wave Theory – The Myth and Reality Elliot wave theory enjoys massive popularity - being described as advanced technical analysis, by many brokers and publishers.Elliot wave theory has a huge and devoted following - shame the theory has no basis of sound logic that can help you make money!
48. Bookmarks: 0 Fair Value of A Common Stock A lot of discussions have been devoted towards finding fair value of an investment. The goal of every investors is to find undervalued investment and sell it when it reaches fair value. Admittedly, this is the hardest part of investing. So, what is fair value? Fair value is a point where the price of an investment reflect its earning power.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Automating with Autoresponders Automation is an important part to any business. The less time you devote to doing small redundant tasks the more time you will have to devote to primary business activities, such as: product development, advertising, customer service, and list building. Or, you may want to have more time for enjoying other things in life other than working, so the more you automate your business the more time you will have available to spend on whatever you desire.
50. Bookmarks: 4 - Online Auctions - Join The Fastest Growing Money Making Opportunity When QxBid - Online Auctions first started nobody thought it would become the internet powerhouse that it has become today. What started out as something most people were wary of is now so popular that there are even brick and mortar stores devoted to listing your products for you.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Employing A Writer To Produce Your Articles If you are a webmaster who is interested in using articles to promote your website, then you will either have the option of writing the articles yourself or employing a writer to produce your articles in exchange for a fee. The latter works very well if you are not a natural-born writer yourself or simply don’t have the time to devote to writing and research. The majority of webmasters are very busy just trying to keep their website updated, operating correctly, answering e-m...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Coupon Codes: Saving Without The Clipping If you do a lot of shopping online, there are a lot of savings to be had using coupon or discount codes. These are codes that you enter during the checkout process that may give you a percentage off your total purchase, discount a particular item, or reduce or eliminate your shipping costs. If you are registered with certain stores, they may send you periodic notices about discount codes, but there are websites that are devoted just to coupon codes. A search of one of these s...
53. Bookmarks: 3 Top Magazines For Dollhouse Enthusiasts Dollhouses, which were once solely a children’s toy, have become a popular collectible and pass-time for many. As with any potential collection, there are magazines that support the hobby. And due to the worldwide enjoyment of this hobby, there are several magazines devoted to the crafting and collecting of miniatures. These three magazines are the best of the best in the field of dollhouses.1) Dollhouse Miniatures is one of the best magazines to discover the wonderful m...
54. Bookmarks: 1 Rocking The Vote In 2008 The story arc of Shades of Darkness, Shades of Grace covers five years and three elections. Set in Minnesota, home to the nation's highest voter turn-out, the Pierson family understands that voting is not a right but a privilege, and one they exercise regularly. With 2008 a presidential election year, readers of the novel might view Minnesota as an example for the rest of the country to follow.Nationally between 1960 and 2004, voter participation in presidential election ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 What Can The Mystery Writers Of America Learn About Discrimination From The Sneetches? The Mystery Writers of America (MWA), an organization that defines itself as " the premier organization for mystery writers, professionals allied to the crime writing field, aspiring crime writers, and those who are devoted to the genre," has developed a list of "approved publishers," and a set of criteria authors must meet to join as active members or enter the prestigious Edgar Award contest. The MWA criteria blatantly discriminate against authors whose books are published ...
56. Bookmarks: 5 10 things to do in Liverpool Top Ten Things To Do In LiverpoolLiverpool is a city in celebration. Wining the 2008 Capital City of Culture award has brought fresh investment intended to match the amenities of the old city to the passion of its devoted citizens. With money poured into renovating the city centre, improving shopping facilities and areas for nightlife along with the rapid growth of Liverpool as a city of art and culture Liverpool is the booming city of the North, genuinely a city that has something for ever...
57. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get Your Book Reviewed In Magazines In one of my past magazine jobs my office was next to that of the book editor. He would get boxes and boxes of books daily. There was a separate room devoted to storing these books, but that still didn't keep them from piling up in his office. Whenever he returned from vacation he practically had to use a bulldozer to get his door open!You see the problem, right? How do you get your book noticed, let alone reviewed, when it is just one among stacks of books in an editor's...

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