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How to Write that Press Release Masterpiece?

Submitted by Sofia Herring | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Unless you’re a seasoned writer, then writing your press release might be your hardest task. If your budget allows, you can always pay some expert to write it for you. Depending on your sites content, product or services, will determine how hard it will be to find something newsworthy to write about. The better the news value, the more chance your press release has of being published.

Unless you’re business is of great importance or you have a one of a kind website that everyone wants to know about, then a new website launch is not ground breaking news to the rest of the world. The mere fact that a website is open for business happens every minute as you read.
You need to tell the right story. A story with a great 'angle'. Your targeted publication must find it interesting and newsworthy.

Your press release must not become your sales literature. It is used to tell the whole world about your ground breaking news. To tell readers about an event that has or will happen. Having great news to tell is one part, writing it properly and in a certain way or format, is the other.

Press release tips:

Your press release should not sound like a sales pitch or ad. It must sound like news;
I should only be submitted to the media that is similar to the topic of your press release;
Try to wrap your press release around the current news events if possible;
Try to keep your press release to a maximum of one page in length;
Use short paragraphs and double space between them;
The headline, contact info and release date should be found at the top of the press release;
The headline and first paragraph should catch the reader’s attention. It should entice them to read more;
Check and triple check your press release for errors before submitting;
The press release should be presented from a third-person view, not a personal voice;
Provide references to any statistics and facts, not general opinion.

Newsworthy press release ideas:

Revolutionary new product launch on your website;
Online seminar or course you’re hosting;
A strange or funny story how your business started;
Announce your major sponsorship or contest giveaway;
Online survey results and statistics presented in the form of a press release;
Announce the recruitment of your new CIO;
A major joint venture with another company;
A new book being released on your website;
A fundraising event on your website.

Learn by reading other businesses press releases, especially from press releases that obtain huge exposure. See how they do it and what they do best.

Your headline and opening paragraph should contain some of your best work. It needs to grab the reader’s attention quickly. Usually this will determine the success of your press release as to whether it is discovered or not.

When writing your press release, make sure you begin with the date and city in the body then continue by reporting on the facts. It is always good to supply the answers to the common questions like the Who, Where, Why, What, When and How. If you don’t have the answers, you should make the effort to find them. These should be answered in the first paragraph.

It is good practice to include quotes in your press release. It increases the chance of your press release being used and picked up by a journalist. It adds credibility and human interest to a media release. The second paragraph is the best place for these.

Make things easy incase you need to be contacted for further information or clarification. Do not forget to include your contact information or your work of art might never see the media lights.

Your press release should end with a call to action. What is it exactly that you want your readers to do after reading your masterpiece?


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