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Edgar Cayce - Blood Building Diets - Part 1

Submitted by Teo Graca | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

For persons suffering from debilitation and anemia, Edgar Cayce often recommended specific diets and he typically referred to such diets as Blood Building diets. Here are some examples of the blood building diets recommended in the readings (readings noted).

(Reading Request) Please give in full a blood building diet for my body.

This is part one of two. (Cayce Readings)

Those as indicated that have a quantity or an excess of the calcium, and those that will make for a balance in the iodines with the potassiums of the system itself.

Or in the use of Atomidine, or - more preferably - occasionally Calcidin added as the medicant or medicinal properties that make for addition of elements to the system. Not taken haphazardly, yet not in such a manner that they become routine. But those manners in which they are adding to the system the necessary elements and influences for corrective measures throughout the body itself.

Quantities, then, of the orange, the lime, the lemon, the grapefruit. These should form a portion of the diet at most ALL times. DO NOT combine cereals or starches of a great nature with the citrus fruit juices.

Liver, tripe, pig knuckle. Such are those that will be body and blood building.

Salsify, turnips, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and such natures are those that carry the vitamins necessary for body-building with THIS body.

Sea foods in moderation, but sufficient to keep a balance. Beef juices. Wine taken as a FOOD, not as a drink. An ounce and a half to two ounces of red wine in the afternoon, after the body has WORN itself out; that is, two, three, four o'clock in the afternoon - or cocktail time. Take it as a food, with brown bread. Not beer or ale, nor any of the hard drinks - but RED WINE!

These, as we find, taken in combination with the regular foods - and have three leafy vegetables to two of the pod nature, or that ratio. (578-5)

  • Mornings - either cocoa as a drink, or a MALTED drink; followed with - a little bit later, half to three-quarters of an hour - citrus fruits, with rice cakes, whole wheat muffins, or a little honey (in the honeycomb) with same at times.
  • Noon meals - preferably meat JUICES (this doesn't mean broths, altogether), the JUICES of meats, occasionally mixed with the juices of FRESH green vegetables.
  • Evenings - a well BALANCED diet, occasionally using the diet that is more blood building in its nature. Plenty of oysters that carry the greater part of iron, and as little of copper or manganese as possible. Also all those foods carrying the BLOOD building properties, as of calves' liver - especially; pig knuckle and tripe. These should be a portion of the diet at most periods, though altered occasionally. Beware of too much sweets. (4164-1)

Then bind about the body that of a band, or support, that will hold (for three to six weeks) the stomach and the diaphragm in its proper position, using throughout this time those properties as the diet that will give the more vitality to blood building, red blood building in the system - taking then those in the diet, using little meat but at specified times, but much meat juices, see? and a vegetable diet that rebuilds blood, such as green vegetable forces: Carrots, beets, lettuce, celery, peas, beans, and those of that nature, see? (4325-1)

Occasionally we would add those of the blood building, once or twice a week. The pig knuckles, tripe and calves' liver, or those of BRAINS and the like. See? Ready for questions. (275-24)

When the bowels have been flushed, then begin with a well-balanced diet that will make for nerve and blood building forces for the body. This would be as an outline, through it may be altered somewhat to suit the tastes; but be mindful that - for at least three to four weeks - no candies, cakes or pies are taken:

  • Mornings - either cocoa as a drink, or a MALTED drink; followed with - a little bit later, half to three-quarters of an hour - citrus fruits, with rice cakes, whole wheat muffins, or a little honey (in the honeycomb) with same at times.
  • Noon meals - preferably meat JUICES (this doesn't mean broths, altogether), the JUICES of meats, occasionally mixed with the juices of FRESH green vegetables.
  • Evenings - a well BALANCED diet, occasionally using the diet that is more blood building in its nature. Plenty of oysters that carry the greater part of iron, and as little of copper or manganese as possible. Also all those foods carrying the BLOOD building properties, as of calves' liver - especially; pig knuckle and tripe. These should be a portion of the diet at most periods, though altered occasionally. Beware of too much sweets. (4164-1)

Click for Details --> Blood Building Diets - Part 2 <--


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