For persons suffering from debilitation and anemia, Edgar Cayce often recommended specific diets and he typically referred to such diets as Blood Building diets. Here are some examples of the blood building diets recommended in the readings (readings noted).
Here are some more examples of the blood building diets recommended in the readings of Edgar Cayce. For persons suffering from debilitation and anemia, he often recommended specific diets and he typically referred to such diets as blood building diets.
(Reading Request) Please give in full a blood building diet for my body.
This is part two of two. (Cayce Readings)
Then bind about the body that of a band, or support, that will hold (for three to six weeks) the stomach and the diaphragm in its proper position, using throughout this time those properties as the diet that will give the more vitality to blood building, red blood building in the system - taking then those in the diet, using little meat but at specified times, but much meat juices, see? and a vegetable diet that rebuilds blood, such as green vegetable forces: Carrots, beets, lettuce, celery, peas, beans, and those of that nature, see? (4325-1)
Occasionally we would add those of the blood building, once or twice a week. The pig knuckles, tripe and calves' liver, or those of BRAINS and the like. See? Ready for questions. (275-24)
When the bowels have been flushed, than begin with a well-balanced diet that will make for nerve and blood building forces for the body. This would be as an outline, through it may be altered somewhat to suit the tastes; but be mindful that - for at least three to four weeks - no candies, cakes or pies are taken:
Mornings - citrus fruit juices; corn cakes or buckwheat cakes that are well buttered, and if a syrup is to be used on same use honey - but at least half of those eaten at a meal should be without it. Or, this may be altered to stewed fruits, mixed fruits, figs, prunes, or rhubarb may be made as one meal - that is, the morning meal, see?
Noons - a sandwich of chicken or mutton, or lamb, or veal; or there may be included in this the whole wheat toast with milk that has been brought not to a boil but ALMOST, or make into milk toast. Or, there may be taken at this meal the juices of meats or the juices of vegetables; but, preferably WITHOUT the meats or the vegetables, see?
Evenings - at least three of the evening meals each week should be of calves' liver with eggs (and only the egg yolks used); with grits and gravy, or rice and gravy - or other cereals of the same nature. And cooked vegetables, as any of the LEAFY vegetables that are palatable for the body, or cooked in such a manner as to BE palatable; that carry iron, and silicon, and sulphur, and the like, for the developing body. Fish and sea foods, or the shell foods may be used at the same meal.
At all times the body should drink PLENTY of MILK! For this particular body, the dried milk or malted milks will be better than cows' milk; for they will balance better with a developing system and supply more of the vitamins necessary for the replenishing of those forces within the system, through the glandular activities of the body that have been depleted by the activity of this parasite - or this FORM of parasite in the system. (308-1)
As to the diet: Take plenty of those things that are body and blood building. Plenty of citrus fruit juices, especially orange juice. If a pint is taken EVERY day it will be MOST beneficial for the body; though the same amount might be taken morning and evening and still not be too much. However, do not take cereals within several hours of any citrus fruit juices. Leave off white breads and white potatoes, unless just the skins of the potatoes are eaten.
Have plenty of vegetables cooked in their OWN salts, preferably; rather than with meats or fats - and not in open water but in their own juices (as in Patapar Paper). (459-9)
In the matter of the diet, keep those things that are BLOOD building, as in this: Tripe, liver, cod liver oil, olive oil - these should be taken with most of the foods. Not sweets, nor vinegars or of the acids that make for same. Let the SYSTEM create that as for the body. Beware of too much meats of any kind, save as those given. Pig knuckle, or those that carry that that makes FOR the characterization of that glucose in the blood, that may aid in aiding and abetting, with that solvent force created by the use of the salts, rubs, and massage, and that will work WITH the GLANDS of the system, as will aid - or be aided by the Soda and Gold in its assimilation in system. (484-1)
The foods, then, would be rather of the alkalin reacting nature; but with the fats that would make for the body and blood building. Hence a portion of the diet, as well as the enzymes found in the Ventriculin, at least two or three meals each week, should consist of broiled liver or pigs' feet [fresh, not pickled] or pig knuckle, or those forces that carry that which is building for the body, with the elements in same that will assist in bringing a normal equilibrium - or build the resistances to meet those inroads that have been made by the non-activity of the gland secretions in the body. (726-1)
In the diet, keep those things that are body and blood building as much as possible. Liver, tripe, and things of such nature should be a portion of the diet at least two or three times each week. Cereals, citrus fruit and such; though do not eat cereals and citrus fruits at the same meal. Meats of every nature may be taken except HOG meat. No fried meats or fried foods of any kind. Two of the bulbular vegetables should be eaten to one of the leafy vegetables. This is the character of the diet, as we find. (1087-1)
Greater precautions needs to be taken in the diet that there are blood building foods; as the whole wheat, beef juices, boiled liver, pigs' feet and the like. These carry the hormones and the gluten that supplies in the assimilating system the better body-building. (1519-4)
In the matter of the diet:
Keep to those things that are more blood building, that supply especially the vitamins for blood coagulation, and blood and body building. Include oft in the diet such as broiled liver, fish, lamb - these all broiled or stewed. No fried foods.
Take plenty of carrots, yellow peaches, yellow corn. All of these, and foods that are yellow in color, should be a part of the diet - especially for the next three months. (1796-1)
Let the diet be that as is nerve and blood building. Let it be composed of - at least once each week - tripe, liver, cod liver, fish liver, hog liver, pig liver, calf liver - any of those - at least once or twice each week, see? and vegetables and fruits, as plenty of celery and the leafy vegetables. If cabbage is taken let it be raw, rather than cooked. Lentils, beans, peas, spinach, celery, lettuce, and the like. Fruits - pears; no apples; cherries, BERRIES - provided they grow off of ground, not ON the ground - these would be the better. Ready for questions. (3842-1)
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