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New Evolution Advertising - Social Media is the New Kid on the Block!

Submitted by Chet Storm | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Advertising is the most important tool in the marketing of products and services, but advertising has changed. There was a time when you could touch most of your market through television, radio and newspaper advertising. Then the Google AdWords program with it’s PPC (Pay Per Click) model became the new standard (copied recently by FaceBook), but now it’s all about social media.

The problem is that very few ad agencies have found a way to provide a successful investment opportunity for their advertisers.

Advertising can be a long and short term profitable investment if strategically placed. We have been selling the Buzz Standard program since May this year, which has over delivered for my customers. We have have partnered with the Viral Marketing Alliance (VMA) to create a more powerful social media advertising program.

Let me give you a quick outline of the program and then cover what's in it for my customers.

  • VMA Website: As a Viral Marketing Alliance (VMA) member, I get my own social bookmarking website - a VMA website.
  • Build-In Content: Although I can create my own content on the system, I don't have to. Visitors to my website can find over 15,000 articles on my VMA website.
  • Exposure: The Ads I Sell Show Up On Other VMA Websites.
  • No Repeat Displays: The Ads don't show up for the same person twice. Studies have shown that if a website visitor doesn't respond to an ad the first time it appears, continually displaying it doesn't help.
  • Targeted Leads: The Ads show up only on pages that are targeted to the ad. The system spreads each ad throughout the VMA to find the most likely candidate like a heat seeking missile seeking a target - it is incredibly accurate!

If you would like more information on this program as it develops, I recommend that you sign up for the newsletter on my site NewEvolutionAdvertising.com. In the mean time, I will explain some of the benefits of advertising in general, social media advertising and advertising through the VMA.

The Benefits of Advertising

  1. Brand Awareness: Advertising exposes your brand and the products and services associated with your brand to a large number of people that see the advertisements.
  2. Customer Confidence: For existing customers, it reassures them that they made the right decision and builds confidence that they can count on you for a long time to come.
  3. Targeted Leads: Advertising provides targeted leads, which can be qualified and converted into customers.
  4. Qualified Leads: People that find your advertisement may actually take action and contact you, which makes them qualified leads for your business. Also, if you have an automated way for them to "buy now", they may skip this step and move right into "customer" status!
  5. New Customers: All of the above helps generate new customers and more sales for your business .

For details on the difference of a targeted lead versus a qualified lead and the history of what a targeted lead is, check out the article "What is a Targeted Lead? - Significant Paradigm Shift in Today's Sales Processes Documented Here!"

Social Media Advertising

  1. Social Media Advertising: Buzz Standard has pioneered the process of presenting new content (web pages) to social media users in a highly targeted way using RSS feeds. This generates targeted leads for the web pages (visits) and shares in the social media sites.
  2. Social Media Shares: The sharing process is fairly simple - visitors find your content and share it on one or more social media sites with their friends. Every share creates a permanent back link on the social media site where it was shared creating valuable search engine optimization (SEO) for your web page.
  3. The New Word Of Mouth: As people share your content on these social media sites, their friends and followers see this and can also visit the content. It's friends telling friends and it creates the viral spread of your content over the web.
  4. Social Buzz: This new word of mouth sharing of your content is called "Social Buzz" and this is the New Evolution of Advertising. It represents permanent back links to your content and allows people to find it in so many ways.

Viral Marketing Alliance (VMA) Advertising

The VMA is a community of social bookmarking sites that have come together to offer advertising through their websites using a keyword matching strategy that targets any ad in the system to the content that a website visitor is looking at. This is a very powerful targeting process that provides the biggest bang for the buck, especially compared to Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.

You can pay up to $10 to $80 per click for Google's PPC advertising. This provides exactly one visit to one web page (one click) on your website. A good deal on FaceBook's PPC is $0.20 per click, but this is expensive too compared to the VMA model.

These programs are now only available to Internet Business Certification graduates. Ask someone at Net-Teams about our IBC program.

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