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Forex—how Can I Put The Odds In My Favor?

Submitted by Dillon Mosher | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

How does an investor set themselves up for success when thinking about a market as large and volatile as the Forex? Also known as the Foreign Exchange market, the Forex allows investors to speculate on the movement of currency exchange rates between different countries. It is impossible to accurately predict the movements of the market all the time but many of the top investors maintain that there are ways to increase your odds of anticipating market fluctuations and capitalizing from them. Here are just a few ways to enhance your chances for success with Forex technical trading:

1. Only trade at end of day
2. Avoid over-trading
3. Do not read FX reports
4. Backtest, backtest, backtest!

All investors are tempted to believe that they must constantly be “in the know” or risk getting caught out of position. Thus, these dedicated investors may sit in front of a computer screen all day and monitor their investments for fluctuations. For those living in North America, the end of the business day is 5 p.m. EST or 2 p.m. on the West coast and this really is the best time to consider trading—and note the word consider!

At the end of the business day, there are two factors in your favor: First, traffic tends to be down so there are fewer chances for price fluctuations. Second, if you wait until the end of the business day, then you can look at information flowing in from the East to help guide your decisions.

Over-trading is basically like going back and back to a casino thinking your odds are actually improving—because they are not! Over-trading increases your chances of jumping into a position too late and getting burned or out of position too early and missing out on profits. Put stops in place that can safeguard you from losing more than you can afford—and then let them alone and relax!

Reading what someone else says about the outlook on the market is going to do one thing: cause you to question your strategy. None of us are going to get it right every time and no one can predict the future so reading those reports can only harm, not help, once you have purchased a position. If you are going to read those reports, do so before buying in—after that, just leave them be.

Investors buy and sell positions based upon their theory of the market and where a particular currency pair is headed. While you should not change your stops while already having a position, you can certainly continue to test your theory by backtesting. People capitalize in the Forex market by identifying trends and buying a position on that trend and riding it for as long as possible. Continuous backtesting helps investors hone their theory and better identify trends quickly and take advantage of them for profit.

The Forex market may be the largest and most volatile—but it also holds the greatest potential for profit. The few tips listed above will help ensure your success in Forex trading and they will greatly enhance your odds of success. Be sure to review them carefully!


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