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Working Capital Model ~ Market Cycle Investment Management Performance

Submitted by Steve Selengut | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

In the longer term scheme of things, a well defined, well organized, and quality based investment model will just naturally out-perform those that are not similarly constructed --- it's getting to that level of management expertise that is the issue.

We feel that the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology is just such a program, and that its users have been able to benefit from the natural undulations of the markets since the Model and the Methodology were developed and implemented by Steve Selengut in the 1970s.

There is enough conceptual information in our websites to let you conjure up the numbers you may well have experienced had you been disciplined enough to stick with this program throughout your investing experience. If you don't take the time to educate yourself about the program either you or your advisor intend to employ to meet your financial objectives --- well, its a good bet that your performance will be a disappointment anyway.

Performance numbers are meaningless without realistic expectations formulated through an understanding of the methodology you are using. After you have absorbed the information here, and at marketcycleinvestmentmanagement.com, give us a call and we'll determine if your goals and objectives are achievable using our investment disciplines.


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