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Dehydration: Do You Feel Sick, Spacey, Tired, Confused or In Pain?

Submitted by Melissa Hayes English | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Why Should I Drink More Water If I’m Not Thirsty & the Development of Chronic Dehydration

Your body has a self-regulating mechanism to keep you drinking water – When you ignore it
or drink sodas, juice or caffeinated beverages instead of water, you shut down the natural desire to hydrate your body. A brilliant MD has concluded that water is the most effective prescription for about everything that ails us. His name is Dr. F. Batmanghelidj (pronounced like Mung gun jo ledge). His most well known book, Your Body’s Many Cries For Water and his more recent one, Water Cures: Drugs Kill, describe how the majority of our illnesses can be rectified with more water consumption. He says when our body doesn't get enough water all cell metabolism gets disturbed inside the cell and outside with the fluid around the cell.

There is a great video interview on YouTube (done in 3 parts) with Dr. F. Batmanghelidj at a conference in California on Water As A Sacred Substance. Here he describes the prescription drug situation as drug industry terrorism and that water should be prescribed before any type of chemical substance remedy. The doctor’s first awakening to chronic dehydration as a disease and pain producer was when a young patient was suffering from severe pain, rolled up in a fetal position on the floor, semiconscious and suffering from what the man thought was a duodenal ulcer. This young man of about twenty had been given several types of strong prescription remedies and none of them worked. Dr. F.B. had to shake him to get his attention and over a period of about 20 minutes, gave him several glasses of water. After about 15 minutes when one glass had been consumed his pain had subsided and he stopped groaning. His pain disappeared completely when he had the 3rd glass of water. This pain relieving process took about 20 minutes. Dr. Batmanghelidj has successfully treated over 3000 people with water only when they had a similar type of dyspeptic pain.

How is chronic dehydration affecting our children? They can be cranky, irritable, and have dull minds. In my experience of working with children, many of them just don’t like the taste of water. And many of them have no instruction on how important water is for their well-being. Most of their parents aren't roll modeling the need for abundant water consumption, so the children don’t think to drink it or they flat out refuse to drink it. Frequently, children are only offered apple juice or some other sweet beverage like a soda. How can they learn to like water when sweet drinks are always available? And if the parents offer them poor tasting and very chlorinated tap water the natural instinct is to say no to that! If that was my only option, I’d go for juice, tea, soda or something else too!

It is recommended that we drink at least two and half quarts of water a day with a ¼ teaspoon of sea salt for each quart. I am learning to take the ¼ teaspoon of sea salt in the palm of my hand and drink it with a sip of water.

I’ve been filtering my tap water at home since about 1983. Recently, I moved and purchased a Nikken PiMag Waterfall.The older version is called an Aqua Pour. This water is created like water coming off a mountain stream; it’s alkaline, mineralized and magnetized. When I first tasted PiMag water, I was so surprised at how great it tasted. I don’t usually get really enthusiastic about the taste of water, but this water is different than reverse osmosis water or water filtered through a carbon block. It’s smooth and clean in a way I’ve never experienced the taste and texture of water. To see more about Nikken PiMag water go to www.nikken/onlineorder
See the area about water.
Here’s a brief video about it: http://video.nikken.com/watch/?v=pimag-waterfall#.UbSYjUnnbmI

 If you want to explore a water bottle that will filter and provide PiMag water anywhere see this short video too.





Click for Details --> more about Nikken PiMag water <--


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