Purpose of The Dissertation Introduction
The purpose dissertation introduction is the key to writing a good dissertation. Students often tend to ignore this section, which can have a negative impact on their dissertation. The primary reason for this disregard is lack of requisite information available on dissertation introduction layout.The layout needs to be written in such a manner that it manifests the real purpose of introduction, which are as follows:
The primary aim of the introduction is to introduce the topic. Usually, the topics of dissertations are very complex in nature. The complexity of the topic needs to be simplified briefly so that the reader does not get jitters merely looking at the topic.
Gaining the interest of readers is another important purpose of the introduction. In order to acquire the reader’s attention, contemporary examples from some recent news or everyday life can also be used.
The study, which would be conducted by the scholars, even though relevant, also needs to be demonstrated. The scientific and practical relevance of the research also needs to be highlighted in a concise manner, without using much of a jargon.
If you are still unable to discern the motive of introduction, you can always go through dissertation introduction examples on our website My Assignment Services UK. Moreover, the structure explained below will also enlighten you in this regard.
What is the Dissertation Introduction Structure?
This is the most common question for a student in his/her university years. Every academic document has some prescribed structure, in case of dissertations even the components of the document has to follow set guidelines. Therefore, introduction, being a component of the dissertation, needs to adhere to a structure, failing which can cost you your academic document. The guidelines are not just mandatory for masters or Ph.D. but also, for undergraduate dissertation introductions. Let us have a look at the structure with the help of this image.
The length of the dissertation should not be more than 10% of the total length of the dissertation. This proves that extreme care and watchfulness must be maintained while writing an introduction. Therefore, having a clear outline of your dissertation is essential even before starting the introduction.
The dissertation introduction outlines the whole dissertation in a simple and uncomplicated way. Therefore, complex as well as compound sentences must be avoided. The background study takes the most part of the introductionand problem statement the minimum. The length of highlighting the approach to the research varies from question to question. In some cases, where the research is undertaken on multiple aspects, only the important ones are mentioned.
If we are still not able to answer your query of how long should a dissertation introduction be, then you can always consult our experts on a live session. In addition to this have a look at some of our tailor-made dissertation introduction samples easily available on our website.
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