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GLI Speaking Engagements Information

Submitted by Grace Etsuko Lee | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

We have provided this information to help you get the most out of speaking engagements from Grace Lee.

You can then use the Pre-Program Questionnaire below to enable Grace to fine-tune her presentation to the exact needs of your group and increase the value of the program to your audience! Feel free to skip over any answers that would duplicate answers to previous questions or that might be irrelevant due to the nature of your program.

You may copy and paste this questionnaire into your word processing program and send it to your GLI contact.

Pre-Program Questionnaire

    Your Name:






    Best time for Grace Lee or Representative to reach you:


  1. What is the meeting theme?
  2. What is the specific purpose of this meeting?
  3. What type of meeting is it?
  4. Who (if anyone) is on the program just before Grace and what is their presentation topic?
  5. Who (if anyone) is on the program right after Grace and what is their presentation topic?
  6. Which company executives and/or industry experts will be speaking at this meeting?


  1. What is Grace's role in your program (opening or closing, keynote, breakout, etc.)?
  2. What are the exact times for Grace's presentation?

            Start Time:

            End Time:
  3. Please send us a copy of the meeting program and agenda so she can see how her program fits in. Thank You!
  4. How will most of the audience be dressed?
  5. How will the executives be dressed?
  6. Who will be introducing Grace to your group?
  7. What is most important to you concerning the content of Grace's program?
  8. What is most important to you in the working relationship with Grace?
  9. What themes/threads (other than the primary topic of Grace's program) would you like to see woven into the program?
  10. When your people leave the program, what three concepts/skills/ideas would you like them to have?





  1. Number in the audience:

        Are spouses invited?    
  2. Male/Female Percentage:


  3. Average age of attendees?



  1. What separates your high-achievers from the others?
  2. What are some of the challenges your organization and your people/members face on a day-to-day basis?
  3. What areas of challenge pose the greatest opportunity for improvement?
  4. What are the most significant events that have occurred, and that have affected, your industry, organization, or group during the past year? (i.e. mergers, downsizing, etc.)
  5. What is the primary product or service that you offer?
  6. What are the two most important benefits you offer to your customers?


  7. What are two or three achievements of which your organization is most proud?

Name five key people in your group who will be at the program. With your permission, Grace may want to contact them to discover more information about your group.

        Name / Telephone ##







How do you wish to handle these?

    * Purchase at quantity discount to distribute to participants at the event.

    * Offer learning materials to participants for purchase at the event.

    * Let participants order the materials after the presentation.


  1. Hotel Name & Address


  2. Hotel Confirmation Number:
  3. Name of meeting room:
  4. Into what airport should we schedule Grace's flight?
  5. How far is the hotel from the airport?
  6. How should Grace travel to the hotel? (take cab, rent car, driver will pick up, etc.)?
  7. Would you like Grace to notify someone after she arrives at the hotel?

        If so, whom shall she contact:

  8. Contact at meeting site:




        On-site arrival date:
  9. Are there any pre-meeting engagements (i.e. breakfast or lunch)?

        If so, where and when are they scheduled:



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