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Poplular GLI Workshops for Children, Teens and Adults

Submitted by Teo Graca | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

3 hr Universal Code of Conduct Workshop

This workshop will cover the basics of first impression; posture, formal and informal stance, sitting, and how to properly enter or exit a room, proper introductions, greetings, wardrobe for you, restaurant etiquette, basic table setting and manners. Everyone will be asked to participate and volunteers will demonstrate other lessons. Those that volunteer will be video taped to see what others see as their first impression and be able to correct themselves after seeing the video.

6 hr Universal Code of Conduct Workshop

This workshop will cover the same as the 3-hour workshop and much more such as how to enter and exit a car properly - men's and women's role, climbing stairs properly, etc. All students will be video taped so they can see themselves and be able to make adjustments.

 4 Day    Modeling and Social Graces Workshop “Grace’s Kids”

For children and teens (co-ed), there are no requirements such as dress size, height or how cute you are.

  • 3 days 2.5 hours a day the students learn runway and tearoom modeling, posture, stances, pivots, proper walking, proper sitting, climbing stairs,public speaking, introductions and greetings, public social graces, basic wardrobe, handling of wardrobe and much more.
  • 4rd day the students will model in front of their parents and guests upon graduation. This is when the students show what they have learned.



To speak with someone about bringing these workshops to your organization, Call Teo Craca, 615-266-6386

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