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3 Social Graces Tips by Grace E Lee

Submitted by Grace Etsuko Lee | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

1.   At restaurants and public places the head man (usually the host or one that pays) should sit in a seat that over looks the room so he can see the entrance area, the staff and the most of the restaurant so that he can protect the guests at his table from any harm that he might see coming and catch the eye of the waiter easier. (This tip is part of the Restaurant Etiquette workshop.)

2.   When exiting a door from a public place always turn back and make sure there is no one following you. If there is some one behind you make sure you hold the door open for them. If some one is holding the door open for you, make sure you say thank you with sincerity. Just a smile and a “thank you” can brighten up both people involved.  Social Graces is about being kind to others.

3.   When exiting a car, females should always lift both legs out at the same time. Yes there are proper ways to enter and exit a car for ladies and men. (This lesson is taught in the Restaurant Etiquette workshops and our 3 day workshops.)

If you, or any group you know of would be interested in hosting one of my workshops, please contact me at grace@graceleeinternational.com. I would be happy to send them some material or have my marketing department contact them.

For more information regarding my workshops and books, see link below.


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