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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Radio

There are 46 articles associated with the tag Radio!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Steve's Radio Appearances There are thousands of talk radio stations and programs throughout the country; hundreds of them specialize in Business and Finance topics. Talk radio is the main source of financial and business information for millions of Americans, second only to CNBC as the media of choice for investors who feel that they need to know what's going on in the financial markets throughout the day.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Internet Radio Broadcast Rates Anyone interested in creating a radio show that plays copyrighted music should factor in licensing costs.
3. Bookmarks: 1 Investment Guru Interview - Money Matters Radio - Part Two Even with the MCIM Mirror Portfolios that are based on six different model portfolios that I supervise, each participant account will contain securities purchased at different prices than in the model. These are designed for people who don't want to do it themselves, who like the Market Cycle Investment management approach, and who don't have regular disbursement needs.
4. Bookmarks: 1 Investment Guru Interview - Money Matters Radio Network My goal is to never leave a profit of 10% (net/net) on the table, and that's goes for income securities as well as for equities. I'm almost always buying and selling, every day --- there's no inconsistency in that. The Glossary in The Brainwashing of the American Investor defines terms like bargain and Investment Grade Value Stock.
5. Bookmarks: 1 Learning French Online Learning French in many differents ways : listening radio, watching DVD, readiung books. But there's one method that beats them all : learning French online.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Effective Employee Internet Monitoring Many business owners find themselves in the position to confront employees about their Internet use. Non-work related activities including online games, Internet shopping, stock trading, Internet radio, streaming media and MP3 downloads represent the new temptations in the workplace.
7. Bookmarks: 3 How To Choose A Profitable Share Or Forex Currency Buying securities or currencies is somewhat like buying an automobile.The decision to buy something is relatively easy.What, specifically, to buy is an altogether different problem. Before you drive your new car home, you have to choose a certain make, a certain model, certain upholstery, a certain color scheme.You decide between six cylinders and eight, between regular shift and automatic transmission, and say yes or no to white walls, radio, heater, and a dozen ...
8. Bookmarks: 3 New Technology Makes Schools A Safer Place With safety at schools and making sure teachers and pupils are safe and protected at all times this article looks at some of ways in which modern technology is being used to make our schools a safer place.What's the most important thing about schools and the education system? There's likely to be many different answers to this question depending on whether you're a parent, a teacher, a school governor or indeed a pupil.There's one thing that virtually everyone will ag...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Are Harmful Electromagnetic Frequencies Zapping Your Energy Many of us wake up in the morning being attacked by electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) from our clock radio which is usually a short distance from our head. If it’s a real cold night, some may even curl up with their electric blanket for another dose of EMF’s.
10. Bookmarks: 6 American Horticulural Society-Award Winner Past honorees have been pioneers in print, radio and television. Their names have graced campus buildings and public gardens. For a dairy farmer’s grandson from Maine, the news that he was to receive the Ameri-can Horticultural Society’s 2006 Horticultural Communication Award was the most humbling of his career.“To be included among the past recipients of AHS awards is the highest honor of my professional life, and nothing I could ever have dreamed of receiving,” said Pau...
11. Bookmarks: 56 Using Off-Line Marketing To Promote Your Website Most of the Internet Marketers seem to think of website promotion as just submitting to search engines, directories, link building and advertising in ezines or banner exchanges. It is a known fact that most people in the world use most of their time off-line. They read newspapers, magazines, listen to radio and watch TV, talk with their friends, neighbors and family. Not all the time is spent surfing on the internet. To ignore the value of off-line marketing is to lea...
12. Bookmarks: 0 The New Marketing Revolution Let’s take a quick stroll through the world of marketing to see what it was, what it became and what it now is… Era 1 – newspaper, magazines, radio broadcasts, direct mail, telemarketing, cold calling, television, infomercials… Era 2 – websites, banner ads, reciprocal links, ezine publishing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, opt-in email, blogs... Enter Era 3 – marketing via podcasts? Similar to the concept of opt-in email, podcasting takes full adva...
13. Bookmarks: 1 Do's And Don'ts Of Emailing Press Releases From A Media Veteran I'm a big believer in EMAILING press releases. Not only is email dirt cheap, email can often get you in front of editors a lot faster than regular mail or fax.Here's why. Media outlets like radio stations, TV stations, and newspapers get a TON of press releases. During my 20 years working in radio and TV, we got bag loads of mailed press releases every day.Probably 90 percent of them came from politicians and local college athletic programs. Their publicity people are...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Turn Media Interviews Into Sales Many people don't understand what soundbites are. They don't know how to create soundbites that sell. They don't know that it's not enough to be clever, entertaining or quippy. That might make TV and radio hosts happy, but it often won't bring in the kind of results you're looking for: to grow your business, sell more product, get new clients, more customers, or increase your fees. You want to develop soundbites that speak to who you are, what you do and how well you do i...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Running a wedding planning business This is not an eight hours per day job. You have to be flexible and to meet and extend your clients' wishes. And being available for them when they need advice or just a reassurance (although is late in the evening or during the weekend) will do your business and your reputation a lot of good. And in this business a good reputation means more than expensive publicity in magazines or on the radio.
16. Bookmarks: 0 3 Ways To Become A Media Bimbo Bimboism is rampant in today's media climate where those who do get their fifteen minutes of fame squander it with empty words and idiotic antics. Think about how much of YOUR time is wasted when you watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers or magazines. How long do you stay with a story if it's not pertinent to your interests or if the interviewee is dull? With so much competition for your attention it's easy to move on to the next best thing. If you don't want t...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Tuning Out The Radio Voice It would be impossible to list all of the things people have considered crucial to success in life. Honesty, energy, bonding, modeling, control of fear…all are important. For my whole life, I’ve searched for the answers in this arena, and treasured the gems that have been revealed.In July of 2005, I went back to Longview, Washington, where I’d lived for nine years, raising my daughter. When we left, we packed much of our house into two storage units, planning to return on...
18. Bookmarks: 0 First Discredited by Science Then Banned By Governments - The Power Of Subliminal Messages They were scoffed at by mainstream scientists. We were told that they didn’t work! So why have millions been spent on research and development within the advertising industry? Why have Rock Stars been taken to court over their alleged use and why were they banned from television and radio by the UK, Australian & United States Governments?
19. Bookmarks: 0 We Are Not Meant To Live Alone John Robbins, the heir to the Baskin-Robbins ice cream fortune, stated on the Coast to Coast radio show that one of the surprises of his research into cultures known for their longevity, was the importance of love and healthy relationships. Loneliness and negative interactions can depress the functioning of the body's systems and lead to poor health, Robbins reported. I believe that ultimately it is the love in our lives that underlies and makes possible our greatest healing...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Connecting With Your Higher Self When you want to listen to a particular radio station, you tune your radio to that station, tuning in to a particular frequency. Same when you want to watch a particular show on TV. It is the frequency you tune into that determines what you hear and what you see.Our brains operate in very much the same way, except that we have only two stations we can tune into - the ego station and the higher-self station. The ego station is the station that originates in the program...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation with Free Government Grants? Just another scam. Various companies in the print media, radio and television are promising free grant money for debt consolidation purposes. Is this for real?
22. Bookmarks: 883

IBC Module!
The Evolution of Advertising - Social Media Has Taken Charge The traditional forms of advertising that existed before the Internet was released to the public in 1994 have lost their weight in today's virtually connected world. Broadcasting a message to everyone in the world was nearly impossible not too long ago. Global exposure was only available for things like the Olympics or some news item that caught on in the press.
23. Bookmarks: 17 Graceful Expectations Newsletter #4 - December 29, 2009 In this edition of our newsletter, we feature a video article of Grace Etsuko Lee's radio interview with Rhett Palmer, information on a new computer security issue, Corporate Income Tax Reform, Conversion Processes and Using the PS-FAB Style of Writing with a Long Tail Strategy, Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization.
24. Bookmarks: 0 Gold Topping $500 Really is a Big Deal As gold topped $500, the news became front-page across the country, and radio and TV financial programs led off talking about the price of gold. Invariably, all noted that gold had reached nearly a two-decade high. Yet it is doubtful any of the reporters assigned to the story really grasped the importance of gold topping $500.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Angel Investors Bring Big Ideas To Reality/Radio A study by the University of New Hampshire's Center for Venture Research showed that "angel investors" - high-net-worth individuals willing to invest in entrepreneurial companies at an early stage - shelled out more than $18 billion into early-stage companies last year alone, compared to $304 million by venture capitalists.
26. Bookmarks: 33 Grace Live at Rhett Palmer Radio Show Car Etiquette Rhett wanted to talk about male female social graces to help him make points with his girlfriend. I put together a short video of the radio interview and added the video lesson I taught Rhett and his audience.
27. Bookmarks: 3 Safe Trading On Ebay: Avoiding Fraud For Buyers & Sellers Turn on CNN or Fox News, read a column on the Internet or play your favorite all news radio station an you’ll become acutely aware of the “so-called” fraud online – specifically related to eBay.Definition of Fraud: “In a broad strokes definition, fraud is a deliberate misrepresentation which causes another person to suffer damages, usually monetary losses.”Like many, I have had negative experiences one eBay. However, I’ve also had negative experiences with...
28. Bookmarks: 13 What Are Podcasts And How Can They Help Your Business? The word Podcast gets thrown around a lot these days but what exactly is a Podcast? Think of a podcast as a radio show that you can subscribe to or download at any time. It may help to think of it kind of like TIVO for audio programs. In fact, a podcast is a web feed of audio or video files placed on the Internet for anyone to subscribe to, or download. Search online and you'll find a range of Podcasts available on nearly every topic imaginable. They range from entertainment focused to educ...
29. Bookmarks: 9 Today's Entertainment Encompasses Digital Videos, E-Books, and Audio Today, we can get virtually of the information and entertainment we need with a few clicks of our mouse.
30. Bookmarks: 0 Podcasting – TheEasy Way To Get Started The concept of podcasting explained in detail.
31. Bookmarks: 0 Get A Web Hosting Merchant Account When you started your business, perhaps you thought it was enough to make your goods available to a few neighbors in the community, with no thought of ever applying for a Web hosting merchant account. Then you might have expanded the company’s range by advertising in the newspaper or on the radio to get the word out to those who did not drive by your company in a typical day’s time. But now you’re poised to enter the electronic age as your company moves into the e-commerce er...
32. Bookmarks: 0 Business Idea: Podcasts Podcasts have been popping up all over the Internet in the past year or so. I have come across podcasts on anything from the latest tech gadgets to gardening tips. With millions of listeners out there and plenty of new people listening to podcasts every single day, now is a great time to start your own podcast and make some money along the way.So far podcasts sound pretty similar to an Internet Talk Radio Show, doesn’t it? Even though the two have many similarities, there...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Making Sense of Internet Marketing Like many small businesses you have a new product or service to sell and you’re working to create an effective and affordable marketing program. Traditional media such as print, television and radio may still have a place in your overall marketing plan, but today you have to consider the Internet as part of almost any plan.
34. Bookmarks: 14 Corporate Internet Branding The Internet, whether through public Web sites, search engines, Internet radio broadcasts, and e-mail are very targeted. It is shown to reach the right target at the right time with the right message.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Bringing Your Business Online Fast With Article Marketing Planning to start up a business? You have to physically set up your business. Then you have to start advertising for your products or services - but this will only reach the people in the local vicinity, unless word of mouth of your business reaches other places or if you advertise nationwide through television or radio commercials advertising.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Online Poker Rooms Using Affiliate Program To Boost Business Affiliate marketing is just one of a host of advertising opportunities for online industries. Whilst traditional off-line advertising such as sponsorship of events and individuals, magazines, newspapers, billboards and television or radio, produce results they are often very expensive. Whilst some industries or companies may choose to utilise some of these off-line options, most back this up with extensive online advertising, most notably that of affiliate marketing.The a...
37. Bookmarks: 0 Low Cost Internet Advertising Solution Versus Conventional Advertising Since the early 90’s, the internet has become known as a medium for advertising. It has also been preferred by consumers and businessmen in public shopping and business dealings. Unlike any other media, like television, radio and print, internet advertising solutions with its low cost has become widely used.
38. Bookmarks: 9 Google’s Next Move – Video Game Ads? Since AdWords was launched in 2001, Google has expanded to image ads, video ads, and print ads, and has frequently been rumored to be entering radio and television. While many think that television ads (ala Spot Runner) could be Google’s next major move, they may be neglecting a potentially larger opportunity: in-game video game advertising.Earlier this year Massive Incorporated, a video game advertising network, announced a landmark deal with Major League Baseball and 2K...
39. Bookmarks: 3 A Brief Synopsis of the Internet Like an opening act for a play, the telegraph, telephone, and radio all took a part in introducing the World Wide Internet. The Internet had no problem taking over and crashing many predictions about whether or not it would be successful.
40. Bookmarks: 0 How To Freelance As A Work-at-home Copywriter Freelance copywriting already covers a wide range of media, such as television, radio, magazines, brochures, direct mail, and SEO copy. In fact, every word in every brochure, advert, website and leaflet you see is written by the copywriter. Before, copywriters were restricted to being in-house or by marketing / PR firms; but now, many freelance copywriters offer their services globally. Working on a freelance copywriting job can be stressful. Just like all freelance jobs,...
41. Bookmarks: 5 How Audio Books Can Help You Get The Best From Your Workout There's no doubt about it. Audio books have made life a whole lot easier.For those of us who like to workout to stay in great shape, audio books can help us achieve this with less stress.No longer should you engage in workouts just listening to music or to the radio. Now, with audio books, you can kill 2 birds with one stone.Below are exact ways in which you can use the power of audio books to maximize your workout.One - there are educative audio books that wi...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Your Need Publicity For Your Book… Where Do You Start And What Do You Look For? It’s an absolute must. If you want to sell your book to the masses, you have to get out there and publicize it. You need to be on the radio, in magazines and newspapers and on TV. The more the public hears about you and your book, the more likely your book will stand out from the hundreds of thousands published every year.
43. Bookmarks: 1 Tips To Successfully Promote Your Book On Talk Radio For nearly two decades, we’ve been telling you about the value of talk radio as a means for promoting your book to the masses. Because we want you to succeed with talk radio, here are some “inside” tips to help you become the kind of guest every host wants to have on his or her show.
44. Bookmarks: 4 How To Sell Your Books On Radio I am shortly to repeat the broadcast exercise for my newly published tome "How to Earn Money in Retirement" (How To Books ISBN 1845281128) but before doing so I am already off to a head start…
45. Bookmarks: 4 10 New Tips For Successfully Promoting Your Book On Talk Radio For nearly two decades, we’ve been telling you about the value of talk radio as a means for promoting your book to the masses. As one of the country’s top providers of radio shows around the country, we schedule anywhere from 50 to 100 interviews week in and week out. As a result of our close working relationship with the media, we know what works and what doesn’t. Because we want you to succeed with talk radio, here are ten new “inside” tips to help you become the ...
46. Bookmarks: 4 Article Writing: Can It Help My Online Radio Show? Question: I started an online talk radio show. I have the equipment set up and my guests lined up. But, how do I get listeners? I feel like I’m talking to myself.Signed, Talking to MyselfDear Talking to Myself,First of all, Congratulations! What a big step you took to start a show. You’ve got the equipment ready, the interviews lined up and are ready to roll. I’m assuming you’ve already spent money on equipment so you don’t want to spend more on advertising. What&#x...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Junko Dohn - Search Engine Optimizer at Carry's Candles - I was impressed by the features of Teo's blogging system and hired him to create one for us. It's easy to work with and allows commenting, single sign on, and has so many options I hadn't considered. I am very happy where this is going and will have a much better service than I planned. I recommend Teo for designing any type of web system that involves complex processes - March 19, 2012, Junko was Teo's client


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