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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag published

There are 100 articles associated with the tag published!

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1. Bookmarks: 174 Authors Wanted! - GLI Publishing is Seeking Authors for Distribution Being a published author with a book provides you with the ultimate credential that will propel your life and business to new heights. We discuss the processes of writing in general and getting published and now you can get started launching your writing career today!
2. Bookmarks: 0 Wikipedia Bio - Getting Yours Published There are strict limitations listed below on whom can have a bio listed in WikiPedia, but generally, authors of books qualify. We offer a free review of your current notoriety and can quickly determine if your biography information can be included on WikiPedia, and if so, we can place it on the WikiPedia site.
3. Bookmarks: 0 The History of Crossword Puzzles The first book of crosswords was published in 1924. It became a best-seller and crosswords replaced mahjongg as the most popular American game. Crossword puzzle design and solving is an excellent way to sharpen focus.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Travel Tips: Hitting The Links In St Kitts Much like other islands in the Caribbean, the tourism industry of St. Kitts has recently been courting the serious traveling golfer. With over 50 million devoted golfers worldwide and far more recreational players, Caribbean golf resorts are turning to golf as a focal point of their tourism efforts. According to published statistics, the traveling golfer, on business or vacation, both travels more often and spends approximately 35 percent more per trip than an average tourist...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Dollar Drink Night: Boozing With Coworkers Could Help You Financially There’s a group in every office. They hit the nearby watering hole for happy hour once or twice a week after work to vent shared frustrations, talk about the boss behind his back, maybe even plot future career moves. Thumbing your nose at this carousing crew? Think twice, turning down an invite to grab a post-shift drink might be hazardous to your financial future.A recent study published by The Journal of Labor Research shows that drinkers earn 10 to 14 percent more than...
6. Bookmarks: 0 Smoking Bans And Heart Attacks LAST YEAR RICHARD John Singer Sargent and Robert Alan Shepard, two physicians World Health Organization had campaigned for a smoke prohibition in Capital of Montana, Montana, announced that their efforts had paid off more dramatically than anyone could have imagined: The ordinance had led to an astonishing 60 percentage drop curtain in spirit attacks in the six months after it took effect. By the time their study, co-authored by anti- activist Stanton Glantz, was published in...
7. Bookmarks: 0 E=mc2 is Wrong - Einstein's Special Relativity Fundamentally Flawed In 1905, Albert Einstein published 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' now known as Special Relativity; this theory revolutionized geometry, math, physics, science and the classical perspective of the universe as understood since Newton's time. However, were there intrinsic errors in this theory?
8. Bookmarks: 0 The Effects of Steroid Use One of the more interesting findings of the highly publicized testosterone-builds-muscle study recently published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine is the lack of mental aggression seen among the participants of the study. This seemingly contradicts previous extensive medical documentation concerning the negative effects of anabolic steroids on psychological status, popularly known as ‘roid rage.........
9. Bookmarks: 0 Bipolar Disorder - What is it and what are the symptoms? This article summarises from a lay persons perspective what bipolar disorder actually is. The writer, Ric, is a sufferer of the disorder and was diagnosed 8 years ago. Ric is currently writing a book on his experiences which will soon be published on a new web site.
10. Bookmarks: 3 Gardening Resources: Lawn And Garden Magazines In The 21st Century If you are a person who enjoys spending time in and working on a lawn and garden around your home, you may be looking for resources through which you can learn more about gardening and lawn care practices. One resource that you will want to consider utilizing when it comes to learning more about lawn and garden care are lawn and garden magazines.In this day and age there are a wide array of different lawn and garden magazines that are being published around the world toda...
11. Bookmarks: 3 Your Eyes Needs Exercise Too! The study, published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, found that exercise, particularly strength training, affected mood in individuals over 62. According to Arent, one reason for that is what strength training does for seniors' self-esteem. Strength training prevents loss of muscle mass and bone density, conditions that can interfere with the independence and quality of life of an older person, he says. Mundane tasks that were once difficult, such as grocery...
12. Bookmarks: 0 How To Write Press Releases That Gets Published Every-Single-Time. The Secrets behind press releases finally revealed...If you want to know how they make it, you'll definitely need to know what they're doing.
13. Bookmarks: 0 How to get publishers to notice you. If your articles are not getting published very often, or you just want to increase the chances of them being published, then you will benefit from the tips in this article.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Get Published: New Guide Gives Advice From the Pros Have you ever wanted to write a book? Whether you have a great idea for a cookbook, a science-fiction novel or children's story, transforming it into reality requires a lot of discipline and some good insider advice.
15. Bookmarks: 2 Demand For Massage Therapists Increases As Interest In Benefits Of Massage Creates More Converts Projections by the U.S. Department of Labor forecast employment opportunities for massage therapists to grow by 18 to 26 percent from 2004-2014. According to the 2006-2007 Edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for employment for massage therapists will “increase faster than average” during the period from 2004-2014. The Bureau defines “faster than average” as “increase 18 to 26...
16. Bookmarks: 0 The Willingness To Heal I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted in the development of a profound healing process, called Inner Bonding, which anyone can learn and use throughout the day (free course available - see resource box at the end of the article). The first step of this process is willingness.We cannot begin a journey without our willingness to do so. Without our willi...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Healing The Abandonment Wounds I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. Every individual I’ve worked with has had some abandonment wound to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds.
18. Bookmarks: 156 Wall Street Exposed Long Before Everything Hit The Fan Most popular investment books are published for the already rich and famous, by an industry that has become just too good at the business of selling books. Rarely will a publisher take a chance with the work of an unknown author --- a uniquely new approach to solving the puzzles of Wall Street, presented by an unknown writer or commentator, requires some major financial risk.
19. Bookmarks: 0 How to Spot Market Turning Points Using Free Legal Insider Information How would you like to be able to take advantage of insider information and trade with the most successful traders in energies commodities, stocks and commodities?Well you can - with the commitment of traders report, published by the CFTC. This report shows insider commercial trading positions by professional hedgers!
20. Bookmarks: 0 Why Didn't You Publish My Article? Other Major Article Sites Did! QUESTION: Do you feel like giving me a reason for rejecting my article, considering all the other major article sites have published my article?
21. Bookmarks: 0 Solo Ezine Ads Stand Alone AdvertisingSo what are Solo Ezine Ads? Simply stated, these are advertisements published in ezines or newsletters where no other ad competes against your marketing message. Also know as Stand Alone Ads. This ad is then sent to subscribers of ezines who have already agreed to recieve these ezines and any accompaning ads.Often referred to as the KING of ezine advertising, the solo ad allows the advertiser to reach her audience of willing to buy opt-in subscrib...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Proven secrets of writing and publishing your own ebook... in less than a week! In one week you could have your own highly profitable ebook published and on the web!
23. Bookmarks: 9 How to Make Your eZine Work for You Long After It's Published If you publish an email newsletter, do you convert the issues to HTML and archive them on your website? If you haven't been doing so, you should start now, today.
24. Bookmarks: 0 Email Marketing is Still Hot for Small Business Internet use continues to rise and Americans are not overloaded with information according to recently published findings by the Pew Research Center. The proportion of Americans online on a typical day grew from 36% of the entire adult population in January 2002 to 44% in December 2005.Communicating with your customers via email is very effective and welcomed by most if your message is right and they've given you permission to email them.
25. Bookmarks: 9 It’s Good To Be A New Writer: Breaking The Myth That Experience Is Everything There’s a rumor out there in the publishing world that an editor won’t even look at the work of a new writer. It might be true for certain types of writing, but after interviewing hundreds of editors, I’ve found that most are more open to new writers than you might think. And there are a few major benefits to being a new writer too. So before you spend too much time trying to work out how you can appear to be a published professional writer when you’re not, consider takin...
26. Bookmarks: 12 The Expert Dilemma - When Everyone Wants Your Time Let's imagine that you have spent years building up your expertise in a certain niche - say, puppy training. You have written articles, created courses, published e-books (or real books), filmed training videos and hosted web seminars. Suddenly, your name is out there. Your promotional activities have born fruit, and you are now the 'go-to guy' on puppy training.
27. Bookmarks: 0 How To Set Yourself Apart In The Sea Of Online Marketers Do you feel odd when you write marketing material to publish online? Do you read over old marketing items and wonder why in the world it says what it does? Do you think, “I can’t believe I published that!”? Do you hire a copywriter and just accept whatever they come up with? After all, they are professionals! If your online marketing material stimulates an image in your mind that is just not you, likely you’ve been trying to model your approach after someone else or you&...
28. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Forget About Your Old Ezine Articles It's over. You've written your ezine article, sent it out to some ezine publishers, posted it to some article banks and announcement groups, and have even had it published in a few ezines. Pretty good, huh! Now it's time to forget about that article and move on to the next one. Or is it?
29. Bookmarks: 2 6 Internet Marketing Myths TITLE: 6 Internet Marketing MythsDESCRIPTION: Most marketers fail online because they truly believe the 6 internet marketing mythsAUTHOR: Paul PenafielAUTHOR EMAIL: paul@paulpenafiel.comWORD COUNT: 738PERMISSIONS: May be freely published as is with byline and resource box included. Please email author to let me know where article appears.
30. Bookmarks: 0 Increasing Traffic With Article Marketing Through Article Directories And Ezines Writing hundreds of articles in your related niche and making them available for distribution through article directories and ezines is one of the best strategies for increasing targeted traffic to your website. Considering getting your articles published online is free, article marketing is also most cost-effective strategy for increasing targeted traffic to your website.
31. Bookmarks: 0 Top Ten Reasons Your Articles Are Declined Article marketing is one of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field and also a great way to get links to your web site. To increase your chances of having your article published, here is my personal list of reasons your articles are not published.
32. Bookmarks: 14 Ten Benefits For Having Your Articles Published Through E-zines There are really 10 benefits of submitting your articles and to have them being published to e-zines.
33. Bookmarks: 0 Drive Free Traffic To Your Website By Writing Articles One of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is by writing articles. Getting your own articles written, distributed and published on the Internet is one of the very best Internet marketing techniques in existence. Once you have become an author of an article, you become an instant authority. When visitors locate and read your article they could obtain some useful information from it. They would most probably appreciate you. When appreciation turns into trust, it ...
34. Bookmarks: 5 Article Marketing To Boost Site Traffic You've been writing great articles for your website or blog, keyword rich, insightful pieces that should be studied in marketing classes. You've probably seen an increase in site traffic since you started writing using SEO. But there's another way to use the articles that you're already writing to boost traffic even more.Publish them on other sites.It's simple math. Your site receives 200 hits a day. Site B receives 500. If you get an article published on Site B, your...
35. Bookmarks: 0 E-zine Advertising Tips For Affiliates In affiliate marketing, the affiliates are looking into ways in which their chosen products can be promoted more effectively. One creative and effective way is the use of e-zine advertising. To use this tool for promotion, the affiliate must first know what e-zine advertising is all about.An e-zine is a newsletter sent to subscribers. It is a coined term for magazine which is published in the Internet. The core subject or theme of the newsletters can be anything. And when...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Got A Second? – Barely! Grabbing A Website Visitor’s Attention The blink of an eye! That’s how long it takes a visitor to assess the overall look of your website. Research has recently shown that a site visitor will decide whether or not they like your website in 1/20th of a second. That’s less than the time it takes to blink! And in less than 10 seconds they decide to stay at your website or leave!The report, published in the latest issue of Behaviour and Information Technology journal, claims that “if the first impression is negati...
37. Bookmarks: 1 Pay Per Click Advertising And Marketing When I think of Pay Per Click, I think of a marketing strategy that has two different sides - one where you pay for published ads and one where you get paid for publishing ads. Somebody is always paying for the click, whether it is you clicking on someone's ad or another person clicking on your ad. Pay Per Click depends on how you look at who is paying.If you use Google to search the internet then you may find that your search results include "Sponsored Links" (on the rig...
38. Bookmarks: 4 Online Home Businesses: Another Scam Reminder I was recently reminded again of how far scam artists will go to separate people from their money by making use of the internet.The scam I read about took advantage of people who were looking for new jobs (offline) and did this by posting their resume’s on the internet. There were two parts to the scams: One was to scan these resumes for any kind of personal information. In some cases they were able to find social security numbers published which then allowed them apply f...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Get away from it all Haven't you ever had time you wanted to get away from it all? In March/April 1978, published a story about a couple who bought McLeod's Island — a 90-acre island off the coast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Plays, Plays And More Plays Few people know that many of William Shakespeare’s plays were published posthumously. Virginia Fellows’ Shakespeare Code includes an intriguing discussion of works attributed to Shakespeare that appeared after his passing in 1616. Shakespeare had been dead for seven years when the First Folio of his collected works was published. This celebrated Folio edition contained 36 plays, half of which had never been seen before. According to Fellows, many of the previously unpublished...
41. Bookmarks: 1 How To Get A New York Publisher When you look at the numbers, it’s clear that the New York publishing scene is a tough nut to crack. The reality is that with 83% of Americans wanting to write a book, the competition for a publisher’s attention is steep. So what’s an author to do? Well, if your attempts for finding a traditional publisher aren’t bringing any results, maybe it’s time to think like a publisher, instead of an author.Writing a book is the easy part, and while publishers look at writing...
42. Bookmarks: 1 Do I Have Writing Talent? It’s A Mistaken Question Over the years, many people have asked me to look at their writing. "I need to know, do I have talent or not," they say. "Then I’ll know if I should pursue writing or stick to accounting."Their request is seriously flawed, I'd reply. Anyone can become a better writer. When I taught English Composition at various colleges, I saw irrefutable proof of this. Students who submitted hackneyed, half-dead writing to start with turned in lively, well-written essays by the end of t...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Polish The Turd, And Other Oddball Writing Advice That Works Even with a dozen published books to my name, I sometimes need a dose of inspiration when I sit down to write. Above my desk, I've posted a paper with various pieces of fiction-writing wisdom I've collected over the years. Some of the advice may sound odd, but I've found it all helpful. Here it is:1. Write as if no one's reading. If you always imagine a reader perched on your shoulder, you'll be afraid to take chances. At least for the first draft, ignore that imaginary r...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Style: Are You A Real Writer? I hear it all the time from my students and at the seminars and workshops I lead. The writers that I work with are excited to work with a "real" writer. Most people define a "real" writer as one who is published. Therefore I, with three published novels and innumerable newspaper and magazine articles under my belt, certainly qualify.However, the longer I am involved in the business of professional writing and the teaching of writing the more I question that definition. Fo...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Writing For Greeting Cards Greeting cards are a wonderful way to express your feelings. They offer a way for us to say what we mean even if we cannot find the words ourselves, which is where greeting card writers come in. They do not receive a byline and never see their work published in national magazines, but they do produce some of the most widely read projects. Writing for greeting cards is especially nice because the word count is low and the pay can be as much, or more, than some publications....
46. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Articles-how To Attract The Audience To Visit Your Website. Writing Articles and submitting them to article directories have become extremely popular in recent times. The question that is uppermost in the mind of an author is "Will my article be picked up by other webmasters and published in their website?" "Will the readers click the link in the resource box and visit my website?" If this does not materialize then the time and energy spent on writing articles will be in vain.On the other hand if your article had the right recip...
47. Bookmarks: 2 Writing Advice From The Experts Part #3 You must be prepared to work always without applause. - Ernest HemingwayMuch of the wisdom available from established authors may be surprising in it’s honesty and straightforward nature. The reason this is likely true is the authors in question have had enough success that there is no need to candy coat the truths they have discovered in their experience. This is the final article in this series.On Learning the Art of WritingI learned to write by listening to peo...
48. Bookmarks: 1 Writing Advice From The Experts Part #2 The most valuable of talents is never using two words when one will do. - Thomas JeffersonThere are many books that provide tips and guidance for publishing success. This series of articles takes you directly to a trusted source of wisdom – established authors. The hope is the experiences they have encountered will assist you in your writing objectives.On EditingThere is but one art, to omit! - Robert Louis StevensonA sentence should contain no unnecessary wor...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Write Queen Writes From Her Little Piece Of Heaven Freda Brooks Phillips Douglas had an autobiographical-history book “Cherish the Past” published in 2002, has her second book of fiction “Winds of Change” ready for the printer and has her third book on the front burner. She also wrote a weekly personal essay column for 17 years.. Freda lives alone with her cat Jewely and loves to hear from her readers.Well, I am in my fourth month as a resident of Alabama, settled here like I was born here. Maybe that is because the terra...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Working With Major Publishing Houses Publishing a book is one of the best ways to build credibility and gain exposure. Not only can it position you as an expert in your field but it could also open the door to entirely new opportunities just because you are now an author. Indeed, almost any author will tell you the best thing they ever did was publish their first book.There are three primary options for getting your book published. The easiest way is to self-publish the book yourself, meaning you complete th...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Why Don’t Magazine Editors Like My Article Ideas? Whether you’re a professional magazine writer with decades of experience or a not-yet-published freelancer, you are bound to get rejection notes. Editors don’t always explain clearly why they’re saying no. Some reasons have nothing to do with you and others have everything to do with you, while many other reasons rank between those two extremes.To succeed as a freelance magazine writer, you must do your best to optimize the factors within your control. Then accept the rej...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Who's Speaking: Choosing A Narrator's Voice Have you given much thought to the voice of your narrator? Perhaps you assumed the narrator in your novel should remain neutral. Many writers believe that the narrator should have little in the way of identity and the use of a narrator is essentially a necessary means of moving the story from one scene to the next.It may come as a surprise to learn that your narrator can, and SHOULD, have a distinctive voice. The narrator should be used to do more than simply take the rea...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Where Do You Find The Time? I am often asked, “How do you it? Where do you find the time to work a full time job and also write books?” The answer is simple. I make the time. However simple the answer might be, actually doing it can be quite difficult.I get up at 5:15 every morning. The first thing I do is turn on my computer, and log into my office. I am the network administrator for an international shipping company. That means I have to make sure everything is working properly before anyone else ...
54. Bookmarks: 0 What Not To Do When Submitting Your Manuscript To A Publisher Once your manuscript is complete you are ready to begin your search for the publisher that will best meet your needs. Research your genre to find publishers who accept what you have written. Look at books that they have already published and determine where your story will fit in. Once you have found a publisher who catches your eye, make sure that you take the time to carefully read their submission guidelines. You may have written the most wonderful story in the world,...
55. Bookmarks: 5 What Do Bestselling Authors Have In Common? Nine Characteristics That May Surprise You.In writing "The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories From Authors and the Editors, Agents and Behind Them," (Dearborn Trade, 2005), we wanted to find out what separates the publishing industry elite, the bestselling authors, from all the thousands and thousands of writers who aspire to someday make the bestseller lists. We interviewed 24 of today's most popular authors, some of whom have endured on the bestseller lists for dec...
56. Bookmarks: 2 The Write And Wrong Way To Promote Your Book Did you know that if you're marketing your book to sell books, you may be marketing for all the wrong reasons? Why? Well frankly, marketing a book to make sales will rarely ring the cash register; in fact, most of the time it amounts to what I call the "anti-sale," the sale that always seems to elude you.If you're looking at your last 12 months of marketing and wondering what went wrong, ask yourself one question: "What was the driving force behind my book marketing choic...
57. Bookmarks: 4 The Sweet Taste Of Success Writers are an interesting breed of humanity – they can make us feel joy, sadness, anger and empathy. Sometimes they can cause us to feel all these emotions simultaneously.There are certainly more lucrative methods of gaining an income, yet everyday thousands of individuals will sit down at their keyboard pounding out a story that may never actually be published.There is a creative energy required to create a meaningful story. It is hard to invest that energy into a s...
58. Bookmarks: 0 The Secrets To Marketing Fiction When my first book (The Cliffhanger) was published nearly seven years ago, I had high hopes of its success. I mean I am, after all, a PR person – so how hard could it be to market fiction? Granted, up till that point I hadn't taken on a lot of fiction — well, to be honest I hadn't taken any fiction. Fiction is tough and everyone knows it. But now I was going to get my chance, and what better way to start than on my own book? When The Cliffhanger hit the #1 spot on Amazon it w...
59. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get A Book Published - The Competition Is Tough In The Book Publishing Industry How to get a book published is a question every author asks themselves. How difficult is it to get a book published by a commercial book publisher? Well the odds are better gambling in Las Vegas. It has been estimated that 25 million people in the United States consider themselves writers and only 5% have been published anywhere. At any one time 5 to 6 million manuscripts are looking for a publishing home. Most major book publishing houses, and many small presses, w...
60. Bookmarks: 0 The Brass Ring - Or The Bottom Rung? 24 million adults in the United States consider themselves creative writers but less than 5% have ever been published anywhere. 172,000 titles were released in 2005. It has been estimated that at any one time there are between 5 to 6 million manuscripts looking for a publishing home. Many writers are turning toward publish-on-demand (POD) houses like iUniverse, AuthorHouse and Publish America to get their books into readers’ hands. About 25,000 titles will be released by POD ...
61. Bookmarks: 4 The Book Writer's Guide To Self-Publishing Self-publishing has become common practice for many writers who want accolades of having a book published, no matter who publishes it. Writers choose self-publishing for various reasons. Many writers desire the freedom and business aspects of publishing work independently. A self-published writer is one who is in control of every aspect of their published work. The publishing industry defines self-publishing as authors publishing their own books or other media, instead of wit...
62. Bookmarks: 1 The Appeal Of Older Men While mulling over what to talk about in my last blog, my husband had a suggestion I found irresistible! More joking than serious, he said, “Why don’t you talk about the sex appeal of older men, and call it ‘Who’s Your Daddy’?”He never thought I would take him seriously. Well, as you can see, I did. By older, I am specifically talking about men past fifty. Yes, I have an eye for young stud puppets, cut and lean sex machines! But many of those to die for men loo...
63. Bookmarks: 3 Thesaurus: Word Roulette There is some beautiful literary styles that thrive on the repeated use of words and phrases. The language is poetic and beautiful. This, however, is not an article that encourages the use of repeated words.Unless you are writing in a style that demands the use of repetition it may be in your best interest to read through your text and determine if a word or phrase is overused.Example:BadThe purpose of this exercise is to find the purpose of the repeated use o...
64. Bookmarks: 5 Ten Ways To Use Video To Sell More Books When it comes to convincing a reader to buy, sometimes there's nothing more compelling than a good sales pitch. Yes, you can have excellent back copy, a stunning cover, but nothing makes a reader morph into a buyer quicker than a hefty pitch that pushes every single hot button (and even a few they didn't know they had). Video as a means to promote a book is a great sales pitch, but only if it's done right. What do I mean by "done right"? With all the talk today about usin...
65. Bookmarks: 5 Sylvia Browne: Short Bio And Audio Books Sylvian Browne's BioSylvia Browne is a self-proclaimed medium and psychic from Kansas City, Missouri. She was born in 1936, started her career as a psychic in 1973, and founded the Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research. Browne has now authored several books on spirituality (published in paperback and audio), and has been regularly featured on The Montel Williams Show.She has also made her appearances on TV shows such as Larry King Live, Montel, Unsolved Mysteries, a...
66. Bookmarks: 7 Stop Wasting Time And Money Getting a manuscript published has never been easier; marketing and selling books has never been harder. Authors who pursue the smallest place for their Independent book on the shelf of a traditional bookseller is wasting valuable time and resources.The six largest publishers in the world, all based in New York (five owned by foreign corporations), tightly controls the traditional world of retail bookselling. They pay an enormous price for prime retail space for all their...
67. Bookmarks: 0 Stepping Stones, Ladders And Bridges. Start small work your way up. Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves. Climb the ladder one rung at a time. Get your foot in the door and the rest will follow. Well worn platitudes all. But what does it have to do with writing?Many writers think that the secret to getting published by a major house is working their way up. Write a book, get it published by a vanity/utility publisher and that’s the first rung on the ladder to success....
68. Bookmarks: 3 Start Writing A Novel Today! What's Stopping You? When you start writing a novel you may find doing so somewhat more difficult than you expected. You are not alone when you make this discovery, as many novice writers and even published authors find themselves in the very same predicament. Perhaps one of the most difficult things may be trying to discover who, what, where, when, why and how you are going to develop the next "Pulitzer Prize Winning" fiction book. This article will provide you with a number of thoughts and idea...
69. Bookmarks: 8 Should I Self-publish Or Pitch My Book To A Publisher? You've spent many nights working on your book. You've rewritten it, edited it, and you used a professional proofreader to proof it. Your book is done – finally -- and you're ready to send your precious manuscript off to a publisher, thinking that writing it was the hardest part.In reality, getting your blood, sweat and tears published may be the hardest part of the whole process. You'll need to decide if your book requires a publisher, or if you'd rather self-publish your...
70. Bookmarks: 4 Seven Levels Of Rejection: And How To Make Them Work For You Most people in the writing world talk about the three levels of rejection--form, personal, rewrite--but I've discovered seven types (after over 200 rejections before being published and about hundred after, I should know). Learning how to analyze rejection is a helpful skill for any writer because you'll learn what to ignore, what to consider, and what will put you on the right track or, as the case may be, off of it.Here are the seven types of rejections that may find t...
71. Bookmarks: 0 Scholarly Articles There are more articles than you can count on the internet that all you need to know these days is a mode to search for the right kind of information. That being said, there is a scramble among the different website owners to check for the data being searched by the users so that they can direct these gullible users into visiting their websites and thereby generating revenue for them. The scholarly articles are the ones published by academic publishers or professional organiz...
72. Bookmarks: 15 Scams, Schemes, And Shams: Who Can An Author Trust? Authors in their quest to get published can fall victim to scams. Here's a few tips to help you avoid the traps. Online Matching Services and Email Blast ProgramsThese services, for a fee, put your query letter, synopsis and first chapter online. Acquisition editors and literary agents then have the opportunity to peruse the offerings. You have to ask yourself if you truly believe that the average literary agent, who receives 1100 unsolicited queries a year, has th...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Realities Of Publishing Your Own Book Publishing a book is one of the best ways to position yourself as an expert in your field. Not only that but the book demonstrates your expertise in its best and most organized format. And perhaps the biggest advantage of all is that your book allows people to be introduced to your expertise without you doing a thing. Yes, you have to write it and get it published. And you also have to market it. But after that, you can sit back and let people read it on their own time.So...
74. Bookmarks: 8 Querying: One Author’s Feedback On Tactical Issues When I was functioning as that lowest of all life forms, the unpublished author, I benefited from established novelists willing to share their experiences. This article is intended to give something back, especially since my experience had some unexpected turns.I quickly learned to prefer sending queries by snail mail. Yes, it is slower, expensive, and more work, but my perception is that paper queries are taken more seriously and less likely to be ignored. They are also...
75. Bookmarks: 0 Publish Your Book With An Independent Publisher There are basically three options for getting your book published. You can try to get your book proposal accepted by one of the industry giants like Penguin or Random House but that’s a tough road. Those companies only work with proven authors or those who already have huge platforms and salivating audiences. Having said that, if you manage to get accepted, you’ll end up with a huge implied endorsement and a ton of indisputable credibility.On the other end of the spect...
76. Bookmarks: 7 Practically Perfect Proofreading And Other Editing Myths One of the difficulties a writer faces is reviewing their work in an attempt to locate all errors. There are generally two forces that work against a writer who attempts to ensure their work is error-free.1. Being too close to the work you have difficulty concentrating on the writing.2. You know what you want to say so it is possible you read over mistakes simply because your mind only sees your impression of the article.In order to be effective in proofreading yo...
77. Bookmarks: 27 Personal Websites For Journalists Traditionally, journalists have more or less worked alone. Journalists in both the news business and feature writers for magazines typically will develop their stories, dig up their leads, conduct their interviews and draft the final product themselves. In the newspaper business, major stories will sometimes become collaborative efforts where several reporters are working on aspects of a story and their work is edited into a single piece, published under multiple bylines....
78. Bookmarks: 3 Pahl Receives Bronte Prize Nomination Writing on a small press, Nelson Pahl joined some of mainstream literature’s most famous names to become one of the five finalists for romantic fiction’s biggest award, the 2007 Bronte Prize. The accolade recognizes the best love story published in the U.S. and Canada annually.Pahl’s Bee Balms & Burgundy, published on independent imprint Café Reverie Press, goes head to head for the coveted accolade against Nora Roberts’ Angels Fall (Putnam), Richard Paul Evans’...
79. Bookmarks: 50 Pahl Overcomes Heartbreaking Winter To Capture Bronte Prize After a three-month span that included the sudden and early deaths of both the canine companion he called “daughter” and his beloved father, indie lit penmaster Nelson Pahl deserved a break.He finally got one—even if it pales in comparison to his heartbreaking winter.Pahl’s Bee Balms & Burgundy, published on independent imprint Café Reverie Press, won romantic fiction’s biggest award, the Bronte Prize. The accolade recognizes the best love story published in th...
80. Bookmarks: 5 Letters to the Editor: Having Your Say Writing a letter to your newspaper's editor is a privilege that Americans have exercised since the early days of journalism. You need not be an expert about the topic at hand, but by adding your voice to the discussion you can help shape people's opinions positively and constructively. Here are some tips to help you get your letter published.
81. Bookmarks: 3 Join The Fight To Give Self-publishers An Even Playing Field Are you a self-published author who is tired of getting the door slammed in your face by reviewers, contests, conferences and more just because your books aren't published by a traditional publisher? Join the club! And I do mean join. If we as self-publishers don't begin to work together to combat the bias against our work, we are going to continue to be treated as and feel like second-class citizens of the writing community.Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that poorly ...
82. Bookmarks: 8 I Quit And Other Sensible Ideas - Or, Five Reasons To Stay A Writer It comes along more frequently than not: The thought that you’re insane and should pursue a career that doesn’t stomp on your pride or demolish your ego. You have the hopes of fame and fortune to comfort you at times, but not often enough to keep doubt from gnawing at your mind. Discouragement is a constant companion. You face rejections. You spend time, money and energy with no guarantee of financial gain (and if you’re published, you face rejections; spend time, money a...
83. Bookmarks: 8 I'm Published, Now What? So you’re published! Congratulations! Now if you’re like most authors you may be asking yourself, now what? There are so many ways to market yourself, so many in fact it’s sometimes tough to know which one you should chose. Now without getting into all your choices, let’s look at some basic things you can do to surround yourself with enough education and experts so you never have to wonder: I’m published, now what? 1) Find some good books to bury yourself in. 2) Ther...
84. Bookmarks: 0 I’m Giving Away My Proven Formula on How to Get a Book Published If you are going to follow any formula on how to get a book published you’d better make sure it comes from an established bestselling author. My proven formula does…
85. Bookmarks: 10 It's Time For Independent Authors To Join Forces Imagine the power of a website dedicated to Independent authors and their books. A place where readers could find over a million Independently published books at one online location. The time has come for Independent authors around the world to join together on the Internet at one location to sell our books. There is tremendous strength in numbers and with an estimated five million Independent authors worldwide the power of that one destination would change the face of publis...
86. Bookmarks: 11 It's A Great Time To Be An Independent Writer The world of publishing is about to change. It's an exciting time to be an Independent author. This long ignored group is beginning to organize and establish an entirely new marketplace for selling books. A community introducing voices never heard and stories never told to the world.What they need is an on-line destination created for Independently published writers to promote and sell their books.It is difficult to be an Independent author. The term "self published" ...
87. Bookmarks: 0 Interview With Howard Shapiro, A Children Book Author I nterviewed Howard Shapiro on October 24 2006Q: What are you working on now?At the moment I am marketing my Hanukkah book for the 2nd yearand trying to get my anti-bullying book into schools, foundations etc.After the first of the year, I am planning to start work on my thirdbook "Hockey Day's" which I hope to have out in October, 2007.Q: Tell us about your two books?My first book was published in October, 2005. It is called "HanukkahCounts Too!" and the ...
88. Bookmarks: 0 How You Can Become A Better Writer The truth is that you cannot control when you become a published, professional writer, but you can control your progress toward improving your writing. Believe me, the stronger your writing becomes then the easier it will be to achieve that other goal. When you reach the point that you regularly deliver quality writing then you will find a market. If you write it the rest will come.
89. Bookmarks: 3 How To Write, Promote And Publish A Childrens Book Writing and Publishing a Children's Book is a dream for many people. Unfortunately, it is often a difficult dream to realize since most talented writers do not know or understand which steps to take first to begin the process of becoming known and getting published.Do you need an agent, illustrator, assistant, consultant or book marketer? Do you know which Children's Publishing Houses should be the first ones to submit your work to for maximum profit & the highest probabi...
90. Bookmarks: 4 How To Write Your First Novel I began my writing career as a poet, and I’m still a poet. So my journey into fiction was never a planned career move. In fact, my first short story arrived as a complete shock. No kidding.Because I have written and published poetry in books and magazines for years, I’ve developed a writing schedule that provides time to write every day, always a half hour after breakfast each morning and again after dinner every evening. I also keep a notepad and pen next to the bed to c...
91. Bookmarks: 0 How To Write Well Raising your level of writing needs you to focus on bigger things, like having your work published for example. This is a surefire way to encourage yourself to go beyond your current limitations and weaknesses as a writer. Taking the step from writing as a hobby towards writing professionally and having an article or a piece published is indeed a big leap for anyone. It needs a long-term commitment, discipline and an almost endless source of inspiration to be able to write...
92. Bookmarks: 5 How To Write A Better Book Before you begin writing your book, you must research your idea and see if it is in-demand with readers. Who is going to read it? To whom are you trying to appeal with your words? You must have a general idea of who your intended audience will be. Check out other books. Is there a book already published that resembles your book? What will make your book unique from theirs? If there are similar books already out there, what is going to make your book different and make people ...
93. Bookmarks: 0 How To Promote Your Books In Online World Now I assume that you had published you first book, and you want to promote it. These are many way you can use to promote books online.1. Make use of your signature online. Make sure you put your link to where your book can be found or purchased in your signature. In your email, you can link to websites, blogs, or whatever you want. Don't make it too long, it'll annoy the readers. And another important point is to make a post to relevant groups or forums.2. Google and...
94. Bookmarks: 2 How To Promote Your Book One of the biggest misconceptions about getting a book published is that the publishing company will take care of the marketing. Generally speaking, that’s not true. There are basically three different ways to get your book published. You can self-publish your own book. You can use a small independent publisher or if you’re an established author, you can use one of the big publishing houses like Penguin or Random House. Regardless which of these options you use, you will stil...
95. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get Published: Eight Surefire Steps For Writing Success How to get published? That’s the big money question for writers. Writing is fulfilling in and of itself, but every writer ultimately wants to learn how to get published.A lot of writers think getting published is a matter of luck. Or it’s a matter of knowing the right person. Or it’s a matter of simply being born a brilliant writer.Although all of the above will help you get published, you don’t have to have any of these things. You can LEARN how to get published...
96. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get People To Know That Your Book Is Out There Ok so you have been through the writing process, where you have wrote that perfect novel, and rewrote it again and again until it's perfect. Then you found either a Publisher or Agent to represent you. Your book has been through the editing stage, cover art finalized, and a Published Date assigned, now what? Is the job done? Have you did all you needed to do to make this book a success? Nope, you have only begun. Now you have to market that book, get it into book store...
97. Bookmarks: 1 How To Get A Book Deal - Without Being Scammed. How to get a book deal without being scammed is a hurdle for any writers. Publishers Are Not Exempt From Questionable Practices.Keep These Warning Signs in MindCharges a fee to read your manuscript.You are providing the product for them to sell. Why should you have to pay to see if they are interested in your work?Offers subsidy contracts(you pay them to have your book published) when they promote themselves as commercial publishers. Are POD (publish-on-demand...
98. Bookmarks: 8 How To Generate Repeat Sales With Your Self-Published Book The most valuable thing you can collect if you are selling your book from a website when a visitor comes to your book's sales site is not their money... it's their email address and/or other contact information.If you have no clue how to create a website, do not worry about feeling intimidated. It is actually a lot easier than you think. There is a simple site that teaches people all about creating websites for free at www.LissaExplains.comYou can also learn a lot by ...
99. Bookmarks: 0 How To Find A Literary Agent -- Or How They Find You How to find a literary agent is the first lesson new authors must learn. Is is hopeless? Do you have to be published to find a literary agent? Fortunately the answer is no.We asked over 60 successful literary agents:Where Do Agents Find Clients?Referral from one of their other clients 39%Direct contact by the writer 33%Referral from editors and publishers 9%Referral from other authors not their clients 8%Referrals from other agents 5%Attendance at write...
100. Bookmarks: 0 How Long Is Too Long To Market A Book? So how long is too long to market a book? According to some studies (both formal and informal) marketing (and seeing the results in the form of book sales) can take anywhere from six months to two years, it all depends on what you want to get out of it. Ideally though, you should plan to market your book ongoing -- if, that is, being an author is a career choice and not a hobby. If it's a hobby then don't put any more time into it than you have to, or you might not choose...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Wade Davis - Search Engine Optimizer at Blammo - I had Teo do some research for me a few weeks ago and hired him again. If he doesn't know something, he tells me right up front and somehow finds it in a few seconds while we are on the phone, "oh, wait a minute.. I know now! Just found it. Now we both know" - The guys is just funny! It's great working with Teo! Highly recommended! - March 17, 2012, Wade was Teo's client


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