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1. Bookmarks: 0 Cloud CRM University - QuoteWerks QuoteWerks is specialized software used in every industry for creating sales quotes and proposals.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Spirit and Healing When it comes to spiritual healers, I have always liked Deepak Chopra. He has a great sense of humor, is very knowledgeable and I quote him frequently. In this video, he covers the spirit and healing, and specifically, how the spirit affects healing.
3. Bookmarks: 1 Teo's Rant To The Choir Boys About BEER! This RANT and threat of more beer quotes is dedicated to John Stanard and the Choir Boys!
4. Bookmarks: 4 Nurturing Creative Children: Dr. YKK Quotes Nurturing Creative Children is one of the little treasures Dr. YKK has put together in his quotes series. Dr. YKK has collected insights, observations and thoughts about creative children from respected educaters, leaders, politicians, teachers and parents around the globe that will unzip your mind. Sources include, for example, Thomas Edison, Anne Frank and Plato.
5. Bookmarks: 6 Entrepreneurial Failure - Get Used To It To be a successful entrepreneur you are going to have to learn to deal with failure. There is no way around it. Thomas Edison tried over ten thousand different experiments before he finally demonstrated the first incandescent light bulb on October 21, 1879. Bill Gates' first company, Traf-O-Data, was a failure. Michael Jordan was once quoted as saying: I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winn...
6. Bookmarks: 0 For Successful Business Loan Application, Get An Accurate Business Valuation You want to acquire a running business and you want a loan for it. You have a fair idea about what you plan to buy and just need the required funds to seal the deal. But have you ensured that the price being quoted by the seller is fair price or it still has some bargaining potential?Here comes the business valuation. This article is an attempt to get you acquainted of the basics and the process of valuation, before you actually go for commercial business loans.
7. Bookmarks: 0 The New York Stock Exchange The New York Stock Exchange is also known as the Big Board or the Wall Street because it is located at 11 Wall Street, New York. The New York Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in the United States by dollar volume and total market capitalization of companies listed. The biggest stock exchange by share volume is the NASDAQ, a fully electronic stock exchange.The New York Stock Exchange is operated by the NYSE Group. The NYSE Group also operates a second stock...
8. Bookmarks: 0 The Evaluation Of Stocks In order to effectively invest your money into stocks of any kind, you must know all of your stock options so that you can efficiently earn money. Because stocks are simply small shares of a company, the more stocks you purchase to more you own of a certain company. For example, if you purchase 100,000 stocks in AutoZone, an automotive store, you would have more say in what takes place in the company that someone who only purchases 1,000 shares of AutoZones stock. There are t...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Pink Sheets Stocks Penny stocks are very related to pink sheets, and you should have an understanding of both if you plan on investing in the stock market. It is an electronic quotation system for many OverTheCounter (OTC) securities. The name comes from the colour of the paper the quotes were originally printed on. Most pink sheets are associated with penny stocks nowadays.1. Penny Stocks - What Are They?The term penny stock simply refers to a stock that isn't worth very much - under $...
10. Bookmarks: 0 Buy To Let – Decision Time Maybe you’re planning ahead for your retirement? The popular choices for funding this important provision are mainly to be found in either the property market, via buy-to-let, or the stock market.Interestingly enough, if you’d invested £100,000 in residential property in 1983 it would have been worth around £555,000 by 2006, commercial property in that time would have risen from £100,000 to £997,000, whilst the same amount invested in a FTSE All Share tracker w...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Car Loan Calculators One limitation of a car loan calculator is that it is not a quote. This is because your actual repayments may change based on your individual circumstances.
12. Bookmarks: 0 What the insurance companies aren't telling you about your premium Although insurance companies offer peace of mind to the policy holders, it is important for all customers to remember that they are for profit companies, and accordingly your own personal interest is not their number one priority
13. Bookmarks: 0 Online mortgage quote: Why You May Not Be Getting The Best Rate While shopping online for online mortgage quote can be great in terms of saving time and convenience, it won’t necessarily get you the best deals available. What you save depends to a great extent on the way you negotiate with lenders for the online mortgage quote.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance – When You Are Gone Immortality is no big deal. Just imagine getting up on a Monday morning 52 times a year for the rest of eternity. Really only two advantages of eternal life spring to mind – you could start reading ‘War & Peace’ and know that you would have time to finish it, and you wouldn’t need life insurance. However, as mere mortals, maybe we shouldn’t start on a very long book and we should take out life insurance, because we none of us know just how long we have got.Not parti...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Headline Rates Are Not Everything There are various ways of working out the interest rate on your mortgage and an unbelievably wide choice of mortgages out there. All may not be what it seems, however. Don’t make the mistake of thinking interest rates are the “be all and end all” of the mortgage search.If you’re paying interest only on your loan, with no capital repayment, the date that interest is calculated makes no difference, but otherwise it’s not quite so simple.Some building societies offer loa...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Endowment Policy – Careful Cancellation Essential Back in the 1980s word went around that there was a wonderful new way to pay your mortgage. In those days the process of getting and running a mortgage was almost sacrosanct, and little variation was available. A fairly common route to take was to open an account at the Building Society of your choice, and to put in as much money as you could, the intention being to prove to said Building Society that you were prudent and could be trusted with their money.When the time fo...
17. Bookmarks: 0 5 Tips For Cheaper Life Insurance Premiums 1. Consider an income policy instead of a lump sumMost people know that life cover pays out a lump sum if you die. But far less know that you can buy cover that pays a regular tax free income instead of a lump sum. It’s official name is Family Income Benefit and is often cheaper than the more common Level Term lump sum payout option. So why would an income be better than a lump sum?Many people who take out a life insurance policy simply want to provide an income for t...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance - One More Step On The Insurance Ladder The recently over 60’s are the post-war baby boomers. Their insurance needs are very different from that of a young family or someone just starting out in their first job.A typical 60 something couple will have raised their family, finished paying off their mortgage and are into or nearing retirement. More and more of this age group of people spend part of their year abroad or maybe are planning to move to the sunshine on a permanent basis.Maybe it would be a good ide...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Re-mortgages – Get Up To Date If you’re thinking of improving your home, investing in buy-to-let or holiday property or maybe consolidating your debts, you’re probably thinking of re-mortgaging. If your current mortgage is now some years old, you’re probably out of date on what’s available. Forget the old “one size fits all” mortgages. Mortgages today are varied and there’s probably one just waiting for you.In view of the fact that there are around 4,000 different loans available, obvi...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Finally the best solution for companies to fulfill their accounts receivable requirements. Factoringquotes offers the best solutions for all factoring services providing cash for invoices within 24 hours.You should definitely visit the site to learn more.
21. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance – When Only The Best Will Do! We’re all too used to hearing about rising prices. But there’s one thing that now costs less than ever – good life insurance! Intrigued? Read on …No-one likes to think about the worst that could happen. But proper life insurance cover could protect your family, providing them with the means to cope financially should you pass on. Life insurance cover is divided into three main types. Here is our jargon-busting guide to de-mystifying what they are, and what they mean:·...
22. Bookmarks: 31 Viral Marketing Alliance - If You Do Not Seek Out Alliances, Then You Will Be Isolated And Weak! The title of this article includes a quote from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War – it is very applicable to what is going on right now on the Internet. Big business is taking over and the little guys are being pushed out by big money. The solution is simple – join an alliance or get crushed.
23. Bookmarks: 2 Companies Stifle Intrapreneurs At Their Own Risk I've noticed an interesting trend lately. Usually the e-mail I receive in response to this column comes from rookie entrepreneurs or established business owners seeking my input on startup matters, financing, employee relations, general management and leadership issues, policy matters, etc. Lately, however, many of the messages are coming from employees of medium-size and large companies who are growing frustrated at working in an environment that they deem (to quote one ...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Bold Insights On The Euro's Performance In The Forex Markets A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner!- Quote by an Addicted forex TraderThe forex, also designated the foreign trade market is the largest and greatest liquid exchange market in the planet. Unlike the stock exchange, the forex does not suffer a specified trading location or termination period. Instead, over $2 trillion are traded and sold every day. The forex never closes and exchange takes place twenty-four hours a day along the business week.There are cur...
25. Bookmarks: 25 Building Your Alliance Wall With The Viral Marketing Alliance - Surrounding The Competition The title of this article includes a quote from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War – it is very applicable to what is going on right now on the Internet. Big business is taking over and the little guys are being pushed out by big money. The solution is simple – join an alliance or get crushed.
26. Bookmarks: 0 God Authored All Scripture For Our Benefit As you delve more and more into the Book of Hebrews, you will become aware of something you have never seen before: namely, the author of Hebrews is more emphatic than any other Bible writer about one major theme; God wrote all the Old Testament Scriptures.This author quoted at least thirty one Old Testament Scriptures in the book of Hebrews. Even when he knew the name of the human instrument that God used to write Scripture, this author spoke as though the Scripture was ...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Bull Markets And Bear Markets The difference between a bull and bear market is something that every sucessful investor knows. When the market moves downwards for a period of time the market is referred to as a bear market. Upward moving markets are bull markets. If a particular stock is doing well, it is said to be bullish. If it is losing value it is bearish. Of course, there are more to bull and bear markets than that, as you will soon discover.1. Bull Also, Bear MarketsThese terms refer only to...
28. Bookmarks: 0 Put Laugh In Your Love Life: Make Women Laugh And Attract Them Would you like to attract women in your life? Then make them laugh. This is part of a Chinese quote and it is true. Women love to laugh and will do anything to have some fun one or the other way. Women will kill for someone who makes them laugh. Laughter is the key to attract them. But how do you do that?
29. Bookmarks: 0 What Are Stock Market Crashes The phrase stock market crash brings to mind images of speeding ticker tape machines and panic on the trading floor. The common perception is that stock market crashes are random and unpredictable phenomenon. There is, however, a pattern to the markets larger fluctuations. The market crash is a familiar term but an unfamiliar concept.To understand what happens in the market when a crash occurs, we first need to look to the period that precedes a crash. The cycle begins at...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Things You Should Know Before Opening A Forex Account Forex or Foreign exchange has been more visible in many business portfolios ever since small investors were given a chance to join in the currency exchange realm. Even with the presence of pressure and the rigors of a day job, numerous traders still aspire to enter and profit from the Forex markets.There are available Forex accounts that lets you practice your trading skills for 1 month without risk. There are quotes, currency pairs, technical charts and analysis and 24 h...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Low Cost Term Life Insurance – We All Want It, This Is How You Get It Life insurance is probably the most misunderstood of all insurance purchases. It is by far the most selfless insurance purchase that you will ever make. Life insurance was designed to take care of the people that we love the most. The equity based plans have sometimes unintentionally misguided us away from the original concept of life insurance. Term life insurance is the purest form of that original concept. Term policies are also the most affordable forms of all life insura...
32. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance Quotes For The Consumer To gain your business many independent life insurance brokers and many insurance companies now offer free life insurance quotes on the web. Many allow you to compare their rates with those of their competitors. But comparing rates is not always the answer. It's important to research the companies premiums as well as their ratings.An insurance company's financial strength is important in that you will have comfort and confidence knowing that they will be able to pay your c...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance Mortgage Online Quote – How To Shop For Mortgage Protection Online The purchase of a new home is one of largest investment that we make. The homeowner policy is almost always purchased when anyone purchases a home. The bank lending the mortgage money will require a homeowner policy and become the lien-holder on the policy to protect the loan. The mortgage loan is a major debt and should be covered by life insurance. Mortgage life insurance can be purchased from just about any life insurance company. Shopping for mortgage life insurance onlin...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Insurance Is Investment For The Future Of all the reasons why people invest in life and health insurance, the most important one is that they are worried for the future. An older man who married late would need to be sure that his young children will have something to live off when he dies. A man who works overseas all the time, under extreme danger from natural predators or security risks, wants to make sure that his wife will have something to live off when he passes. It could become essential to have health...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Getting the best mortgage loan with a bad credit For most people, applying for a mortgage loan to buy a house is one of the biggest and the toughest lifetime financial exercise. It gets even more difficult for those who have had a bad credit history.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Sum of Its Parts I just spent a week at the beach with my family and, as much as I vowed not to think about work, stumbled onto a highly relevant lesson for marketing professional services.It was actually my mother who inspired this lesson, thanks to the following beachy quote she had on the refrigerator:
37. Bookmarks: 0 Loan Applications – What Rate? The introduction of “personal pricing” into the loan market has caused confusion for the consumer regarding exactly what rate they’re likely to be quoted when it comes to a loan. Add to this the fact that if they fish around for quotations for alternative rates they’ll be penalised for making too many loan applications and the state of affairs is far less then satisfactory.HSBC, Barclays and the Halifax have adopted this personal pricing policy, It used to be the norm for...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Tips – Tips To Improve Your Putting If you are seriously considering lowering your scores, then you must take your putting seriously, as roughly half the strokes you play in a round of golf are likely to be on the putting green. However good you are at driving, pitching and chipping, if your putting is not up to standard, you will never make the next level. My Dad told me the famous quote when I was probably about 12 or 13, ‘Drive for show putt for dough’, this says it all! That is why it is quite incredible th...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Wedding Speeches: A Quick Outline Wedding speeches are reserved for the most important members of the wedding party and closest family and friends.If you are one of the ones expected or asked to do a wedding speech, then preparing is a must. Winging it just won’t cut it especially when your wedding speech will be on video from now until eternity.Wedding speeches should not last more than three or four minutes. It reminds me of that famous quote by John F. Kennedy,“Public speaking is the art of dil...
40. Bookmarks: 4 Coaching – A Quote A Day “Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.” – Author UnknownBelieve it or not, the use of motivational quotes can have a positive impact on your resolve to move forward in business. We all suffer through moment of self-doubt and find ourselves somewhat incapacitated in our entrepreneurial endeavors.This article draws from a select group of quotes and ideas that may help you jumpstart your willingness to move forward.In th...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Being Tough Means Choosing The Right Motivational materials usually have to be read with some degree of circumspect. Even as a coach and motivational trainer, I have caught myself saying things in my exuberance that later needed to be modified. Take our quote today which comes to us from the Reverend Robert Schuler. I am always built up listening to what he has to say. In today’s quote he says “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” My knee jerk reaction was “Wow! Isn’t that the truth?” But...
42. Bookmarks: 4 Which One Will Save Us? I'm fond of the Lao Tzu quote:'An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.'Lao Tzu knew that small things could make big differences and that big things could be a bit - well shall we say - prone to sitting comfortably.According to his text in the, Tao Te Ching, humans have no special place within the Dao. They are just part of the many things in existence.But the problem with us humans is the fact we have desire, free-will and the capability to alter our n...
43. Bookmarks: 3 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes All wisdom is plagiarism; only stupidity is original.-- Hugh KerrIf the mind is happy, not only the body but the whole world will be happy. So one must find out how to become happy oneself. Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the whole world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.-- Ramana MaharshiIn this age of defending and demanding rights, we are o...
44. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 9 ) Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.-- Robert FrostWhen it is dark enough, men see the stars.-- Ralph Waldo EmersonIn the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope.-- Bernie SiegelIn the friendship of an ass expect nothing but kicks.-- Indian ProverbOnly very slowly and late have men come to realize that unless freedom is universal it is only extended privilege....
45. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 8 ) We come closest to God at our lowest moments.It's easiest to hear God when you are stripped of pride and arrogance, when you have nothing to rely on except God.It's pretty painful to get to that point, but when you do, God's there.-- Terry AndersonIf there were wisdom in beards, all goats would be prophets.-- Armenian ProverbReligion is for people who are afraid of going to hell; spirituality is for those who have been there.-- Member of Alcoholics Anonymo...
46. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 7 ) People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.-- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M. D.Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not?-- Robert F. KennedyThings do not change, we do.-- Henry David ThoreauThe fact that our task is exactly as large as our life makes it appear infinite....
47. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 6 ) A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.-- MohammedThe universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.-- Eden PhillpottsI think that wherever your journey takes you, there are new gods waiting there, with divine patience -- and laughter.-- Susan M. WatkinsBlessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night.-- Leo AikmanThe most beautiful and most profoun...
48. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 13 ) Justice is not postponed. A perfect equity adjusts its balance in all parts of life. The dice of God are always loaded. The world looks like a multiplication table, or a mathematical equation, which, turn it how you will, balances itself. Take what figure you will, its exact value, nor more nor less, still returns to you. Every secret is told, every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, every wrong redressed, in silence and certainty. What we call retribution is the unive...
49. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 12 ) To see a World in a Grain of SandAnd a Heaven in a Wild Flower,Hold Infinity in the palm of your handAnd Eternity in an hour.-- William BlakeGo confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined.As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler;solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.-- Henry David ThoreauYes, love is the magic key of life--not to get what we want but...
50. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 11 ) The truth is that life is hard and dangerous; that he who seeks his own happiness does not find it; that he who is weak must suffer; that he who demands love, will be disappointed; that he who is greedy, will not be fed; that he who seeks peace, will find strife; that truth is only for the brave; that joy is only for him who does not fear to be alone; that life is only for the one who is not afraid to die.-- Joyce CareyIf there be righteousness in the heart, there wil...
51. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 10 ) It is not he who has lived the longest, but he who has traveled the farthest, who knows the most.-- Armenian ProverbTo understand things we must have been once in them and then have come out of them; so that first there must be captivity and then deliverance, illusion followed by disillusion, enthusiasm by disappointment. He who is still under the spell, and he who has never felt the spell, are equally incompetent. We only know well what we have first believed, then j...
52. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 5 ) If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?-- DogenNever mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.-- Sandra CareyIt is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.-- Agnes RepplierYour attitude toward life in general is reflected in your response to the dawn of a new day.-- J. N. GehmanLife is the ultimate I.Q. t...
53. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 4 ) The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.-- Henry MillerOn the back of an envelope found among his effects after his death in a plane crash, former Atomic Energy Commission Chairman, Gordon Dean had scrawled:1. Never lose your capacity for enthusiasm.2. Never lose your capacity for indignation.3. Never judge people, don't type them too quickly; but in a pinch always assume that a man is good a...
54. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 3 ) The first rule of holes:when you're in one, stop digging.-- Molly IvinsArrange whatever pieces come your way.-- Virginia Woolf. . . you don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when.You can only decide how you're going to livenow.-- Joan BaezI choose not to be a common man. Me, it's my right to be uncommon if I can. I'll seek opportunity, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen--humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 37 ) Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprint of your ultimate achievements.-- AnonymousPursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life, as a dog does his master's chaise. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still.-- Henry David ThoreauThose who realize that God cannot be known, truly know; those who claim that they know, know nothing.The ignorant think that G...
56. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 35 ) Faith makes all things possible . . .love makes all things easy.-- D. L. MoodyDesperation is the mistress of the impossible.-- Spanish ProverbListen carefully to what country people call mother wit.In those homely sayings are couched the collective wisdom of generations.-- Maya AngelouIf you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.-- Margaret Fuller. . . all men make mistakes. But a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong...
57. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 34 ) Heed the still, small voice that so seldom leads us wrong, and never into folly.-- Madame du DeffandAll that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.-- Edmund BurkeMen argue; nature acts.-- VoltaireWhen you call upon a thoroughbred, he gives you all the speed, strength of heart and sinew in him. When you call on a jackass, he kicks.-- Patricia Nealregarding a motto above her father's desk....
58. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 33 ) That which makes the tongue speak but which cannot be spoken by the tongue--that alone is God, not what people worship.That which makes the mind think but which cannot be thought by the mind--that alone is God, not what people worship.That which makes the eye see but which cannot be seen by the eye--that alone is God, not what people worship.That which makes the ear hear but which cannot be heard by the ear--that alone is God, not what people worship.If you th...
59. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 32 ) [My mother] said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.-- Maya AngelouI know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence.It required infinite intelligence to create it, and it requires infinite intelligence to keep it on its course.Everything that surrounds us--everything that exists--proves that there are infinite laws be...
60. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 30 ) Truth hurts--not the searching after; the running from.-- John EybergProsperity is the result of complying with definite laws that are revealed by the Spirit of truth within. Those who are prosperous and successful are the people who have a rich consciousness . . . the ones who have developed their innate abilities and used the success-producing ideas that have come to them.-- Myrtle FillmoreLet a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at ...
61. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 2) There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.You seek problems because you need their gifts.-- Richard BachThis above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.-- William ShakespeareI have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion.These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. ...
62. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 29 ) Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting.-- Aldous HuxleyIt is proper to doubt.Do not be led by holy scriptures, or by mere logic or inference,or by appearances, or by the authority of religious teachers. But when you realize that something is unwholesome and bad for you, give it up. And when you realize that something is wholesome and good for yo...
63. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 28 ) There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.-- Christopher MorleyOdeWe are the music-makers,And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers,And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-foresakers, On whom the pale moon gleams:Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.With wonderful deathless ditties We build up the world's cities, And out of a fabulous storyWe fashion an ...
64. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 22 ) The nature of God is a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.-- EmpedoclesI remember a day in my childhood I floated a paper boat in the ditch.It was a wet day of July; I was alone and happy over my play. I floated my paper boat in the ditch.Suddenly the storm-clouds thickened, winds came in gusts, and rain poured in torrents.Rills of muddy water rushed and swelled the stream and sunk my boat.Bitterly I thought in my min...
65. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 21 ) Life is difficult.This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-- once we truly understand and accept it--then life is no longer difficult.Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.-- M. Scott PeckReality is something you rise above.-- Liza MinelliAll this task and turmoil and noise and movement ...
66. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 1) To live content with small means, to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common--this is to be my symphony.-- Willia...
67. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 18 ) The story of a love is not important --what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity.-- Helen HayesYou shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief.But rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound.-- Kahlil GibranGod doesn't always pay you on Friday.-- Sicilian ProverbStrength is born in...
68. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 17 ) If we make our goal to live a life of compassion and unconditional love, then the world will indeed become a garden where all kinds of flowers can grow.-- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M. D.If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.-- Dan Rather with Peter WydenThere is a crack in everything God has made.-- Ralph Waldo EmersonExperience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what ...
69. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 16 ) Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit.If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser ...
70. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 15 ) There are two ways of spreading light--to be the candle or the mirror that reflects.-- Edith WhartonThe secret of life is balance, and the absence of balance is life's destruction.-- Hazrat Inayat KhanI learned this, that if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. You will put some things behind, you will pass an invisible boundary, ...
71. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 14 ) He who lives with the wolf learns to howl.-- Italian ProverbYou teach best what you most need to learn.-- Richard BachHabit is a shirt that we wear till death.-- Russian ProverbWe don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.-- Anaïs NinI have lived in this world just long enough to look carefully the second time into things that I am the most certain of the first time.-- Josh BillingsProsperity is a great teacher; adversity is a...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 69 ) For those who believe in God there is another way, which is much less difficult. They give up the fruits of work unto the Lord; they work and are never attached to the results. Whatever they see, feel, hear, or do, is for Him. For whatever good work we may do, let us not claim any praise or benefit. It is the Lord's; give up the fruits unto Him. Let us stand aside and think that we are only servants obeying the Lord, our Master, and that every impulse for action comes from Hi...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 68 ) So Karma-Yoga says, first destroy the tendency to project this tentacle of selfishness, and when you have the power of checking it, hold it in and do not allow the mind to get into the ways of selfishness. Then you may go out into the world and work as much as you can. Mix everywhere, go where you please; you will never be contaminated with evil. There is the lotus leaf in the water; the water cannot touch and adhere to it; so will you be in the world. This is called Vairagy...
74. Bookmarks: 0 Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 88 ) Similarly, we find in regard to ourselves that our tendencies are the result of past conscious actions. A child is born with certain tendencies. Whence do they come? No child is born with a tabula rasa -- with a clean,blank page -- of a mind. The page has been written on previously. The old Greek and Egyptian philosophers taught that no child came with a vacant mind. Each child comes with a hundred tendencies generated by past conscious actions. It did not acquire these in th...
75. Bookmarks: 0 Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 61 ) In addition to meaning work,we have stated that psychologically the word Karma also implies causation. Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called a Karma. Thus the law of Karma means the law of causation,of inevitable cause and sequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced; this necessity cannot be resisted,and this law of Karma, according to our philosophy,is true throughout the whole universe. Whatever we see,or feel, or d...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Think Motivational Thoughts? Motivational thoughts should go beyond quotes or positive thinking cliches. Your thoughts should be specifically designed to motivate you. Here are some examples.
77. Bookmarks: 0 3 Steps to Daily Success: Using Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Achieve Your Goals Changing our day-to-day behaviors may be easier than previously imagined. By meditating on and repeating motivational and inspirational quotes, we are better prepared to change our thought patterns, behaviors and in turn, change our lives. Here's how it's done. A three-step method is offered, demonstrating how to use motivational and inspirational quotes to achieve their goals. The author uses his personal experience showing how he lost 20 lbs in 12 weeks by using this method.
78. Bookmarks: 0 Success Quotes Will Not Motivate You Yes. You read it right. Despite the fact that there are tons of books collecting success quotes from successful people, success quotes are nothing more than inspiring things that you will forget right after you read them.Success is a reward of actions. Some says massive actions. However, unless you are motivated, you can not make massive actions. But how you can get motivated? Success quotes will not help you. You need tools to drive you toward your success.If it is n...
79. Bookmarks: 0 Hustle While You Wait All things come to those who hustle while they wait. Edison's quote gives us some insight into how this amazing man transformed the world, one idea at a time. Here are some ideas about how you too can change the world, even if you are not yet ready to make your big move.
80. Bookmarks: 0 Empower Your Trainees One of the most memorable quotes that I heard from a trainer came from a man I knew named Rizal:“As trainees, you are supposed to interrupt me if you don’t understand something. You are supposed to ask questions. But you are not to go ahead of where we are in the class. All of the sections will be covered in due time.”As a trainee, I could not have agreed more with Rizal. He made an impact on me. He was one of the best trainers I have ever known. What made him a great trainer...
81. Bookmarks: 3 Some Great Positive Attitude Quotes Abraham Lincoln once met a man who he really didn’t like. The man kept annoying him and Abe couldn’t understand what it was that made him have to act like that all the time. In a famous quote, he said “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” This quote embodies one of the great sentiments about people that we sometimes forget to incorporate into our lives.There are many people in the world who don’t make sense to us and who we wish were different...
82. Bookmarks: 2 Leadership Quotes To Motivate You And To Maintain Your Focus As A Leader Would it not be great to have some leadership quotes that you can use when speaking with others or just to cheer yourself onward and upward? Possibly, these great quotes on leadership may help you.
83. Bookmarks: 8 How To Optimise The Tiny Little Fragments Of Free Time That We Have You have most probably heard of this quotation that goes something like, If you want to know the value of one second, ask the athlete who came in second place; If you want to know the value of one minute, ask the worker who missed his train to work.I have not the memory nor the space nor the time to quote it here fully, but I wish to acknowledge the fact that we do get that occasional amount of precious free time, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes (depending u...
84. Bookmarks: 1 Law Of Attraction And Running Your Own Race! I usually get my inspiration as I'm driving when I cannot write it down, and as I drove this morning this thought came to me: RUN YOUR OWN RACE!I remember reading a long time ago about how horses when they are racing don’t care about the other horses; they don’t look over to see what the next horse is doing. They are focused and they run their own race.I found this quote while looking up ‘run your own race’:“I raised you to be a thoroughbred. When thoroughbreds ru...
85. Bookmarks: 0 Get the mortgage quote your bank doesn't want you tosee Deciding to consider refinancing of mortgage for home loan is a major determination. Next key issue involved is to find ways to get profitable quotes for mortgage from banks. A thorough research of prevailing market rates is essential to obtain competitive quote from mortgage firms.
86. Bookmarks: 0 To Get The Best Rate Be Sure To Check Out Free Debt Consolidation Loan Quotes Getting into debt is fun isn’t it? You get to buy all those cool clothes, take your friends out to dinner, do anything you want, after all you’re just going to “put it on your card” -- Spending money is fun and paying with a credit card to just too easy, so easy that before you know it, you’ve buried yourself under a mountain of debt.Once you’ve fallen into the trap of credit card debt, it’s very difficult to get out. Taking out a debt consolidation loan i...
87. Bookmarks: 0 Remortgage For Debt Consolidation One of the main reasons many people decide to turn to remortgage plans is for debt consolidation. And it is not difficult to figure out exactly why… in fact, you could probably guess. After all, a remortgage allows you to get a new mortgage at a new lender with a new, much lower interest rate. So why would not someone want to take advantage of such a prospect?For an example of an individual who could make great use of a remortgage, see Angies story below. Though the exact...
88. Bookmarks: 5 Guide to online debt consolidation Online debt consolidation programs help individuals to research, apply and take part in debt reduction programs. The consumer can manage the financing of debts at the click of a mouse. With the problem of excessive debt growing on today, online debt consolidation programs are becoming easy and beneficial.
89. Bookmarks: 0 Guide to free debt consolidation There are innumerable people under debt who are plagued by the pressure of paying back their dues to collection agencies. This calls for consolidating their debts. Debt consolidation is a process that saves an individual from handling large debts of multiple creditors thru debt management program
90. Bookmarks: 0 Getting A Debt Consolidation Quote These days it's easy to get into debt up to your eyeballs. And once you're in too deep it's hard to get out. Some people need help when it comes to getting rid of their high-interest debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan is the easiest way to lighten the load. There are lots of places that offer this sort of loan. Some places have higher interest rates than others. The way to find the loan that is right for you is to get debt consolidation quotes from several different comp...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Free Debt Consolidation Quote - How To Find A Good Debt Consolidator Online If you need to bundle your bills and creditors into one monthly payment, you may need a debt consolidation company. Unsure how to find one? Try looking for one online! By searching the Internet for a debt consolidator, you have access to hundreds of companies that can help you manage your finances and control your debt. To find one, try these simple tips:Do a simple search.Use your favorite search engine, like Google, Yahoo or Excite, to search for basic terms like d...
92. Bookmarks: 0 Free Debt Consolidation Loan Quotes Are your monthly bills piling up so high that you need an oxygen canister to climb to the top? If you’re anticipating being unable to make payments as they come due, take heart – there’s a way out. In case you haven’t yet heard of debt consolidation, is a single loan that is used to pay off all or most of your existing creditors. Debt consolidation can help your financial position in these ways:1. Payments on your debt consolidation loan total should be lower than your c...
93. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidator - How To Compare Debt Consolidators Online Debt consolidation companies negotiate lower interest rates for your unsecured bills, such as credit cards. By reducing your interest rates, you can pay off your debts sooner. These debt consolidation programs don’t use a consolidation loan, so you can avoid additional credit issues. The following guidelines will help you find a reputable company that will not take advantage of your financial situation.Request QuotesWhether a debt consolidation company is non profit o...
94. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation Loans Are Available For Business Debt Also So many debt consolidation companies are available today and with that come numerous choices on which company’s services you will commit to. It can be a hard decision and one of the best factors to include in the decision-making process is the quotes the companies provide. You have quite a few options in obtaining debt consolidation quotes. Online services are widely available. Once you locate an online company offering quotes, simply enter the requested information to re...
95. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation 101 Debt consolidation occurs where one takes out a loan in order to pay off two or more existing debts. Consolidating existing unstructured debt into one personal loan may save on your monthly outgoings while, at the same time
96. Bookmarks: 0 Consolidating Debt? 5 Warning Signs Of A Shady Debt Consolidation Or Debt Management Company Unfortunately, not all debt consolidation companies are legitimate. To avoid the shady companies, educate yourself on the debt consolidation process and watch out for these warning signs.Quote Unusually Low Monthly PaymentsA debt consolidation company works with creditors to lower your interest rates. Creditors have predetermined rates that they will lower to, so every debt consolidation program will get you the same rates. But since 2004, creditors no longer accept r...
97. Bookmarks: 0 Consolidating Debt - Investing In Debt Management John Dewey had quoted that a person’s money had more value than their credit. However, today’s creditors, like banks, do not share the same view. A good credit file report history is essential for obtaining personal loans. However, the inability to repay personal loans causes people to avoid calls from debt collectors and to miraculously pretend to forget any debts owed to their creditors.The resulting fact is that all your banking, financial, purchasing, credit and store...
98. Bookmarks: 0 Teo's Favorite Bible Quotes
99. Bookmarks: 3 Teo's Favorite Quotes from Plato and Others I loved Plato's writings in my youth and have collected a few of my favorite quotes from these here, along with some ideas on how to apply them. I have also included a few other favorite quotes from Einstein, Mark Twain, and just one from George Bernard Shaw.
100. Bookmarks: 0 “How To” Start Trading The Forex Market? (Part 5) What are *PIPS* ?Currencies are traded on a price/ point (pip) system. Each currency pair has its own pip value.When you see a FOREX price quote, you'll see something listed like this:EUR/USD 1.2210/13Explanation:a) If you want to BUY the EUR/USD ( meaning you BUY EUROS and SELL US$ ) you buy 100,000 EUROS and you SELL 122,130 US$, or in other words you receive 122,130 US$ for 100,000 EUROS.B) If you want to SELL the EUR/USD ( meaning you SELL EUROS ...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Demetrius Reardon - Search Engine Optimization Manager at Blue Galaxy Marketing - I just attended Teo's LinkedIn workshop and am getting more information on how to use it. Great stuff. He told us everything there was to know about LinkedIn in one sentence. Then went into details, then added some optional ways to use it, just so much information so quickly... I had a little trouble keeping up, but he kept coming back to that one sentence to show how it all fits. It really is easy! Love Teo's style! He's got a lot of energy and would love to meet him in person someday! - March 17, 2012, Demetrius was Teo's client


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