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Are You A Filer or Fighter?

Submitted by The Emerge Team | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Our mission is to help you improve your chances to garner financial compensation for your clients.

gar • ner |'gärnr | verb [ trans. ] gather or collect

What can you do with hard evidence of Wrongful Repossession, that connects the dots for a judge clearly from basic theories, that banks illegally took homes and commercial properties?

We only know of a few attorneys that have made a living from negotiating modifications. That's expected when a client's ability to pay for your services are an issue. Especially for time consuming, mundane work.

While filing bankruptcy for clients is a proven strategy to stall banks, with some benefit of jettisoning debt in Chapter 7, it has only littered America with bankrupted people.

Bank repossessions in the Real Estate Bubble (REB) has been a dark topic, defined by banks; by their rules, on their fields.

Most of the attorneys we have spoke with were unaware of the implications of the US & 49 State Attorneys General $25 Billion settlement to resolve ""violations of civil law based on mortgage loan servicing activities" and "deceptive practices in the offering of loan modifications". Less were aware of any gold in it.

But, the existing evidence changed the game. Everywhere, USA.

This fray has been carved by activists, (many from Legal Aid), tirelessly defining the leading edge. In light of the existing evidence, if you have used the following arguments, we contend that they have been out of sequence:

  • "Predatory Lending."
  • "Show me the note."
  • "Quiet Title."
  • "Standing of Mortgage Electronic Registration (MERS).

The existing evidence may present you opportunities to garner financial recovery for your clients, from a fresh perspective, in reopening their cases. Or, to lead in Wrongful Repossession; and, inter-related fields.

The Emerge Project is designed to connect you to the standard in discovery research work products; and, to a like minded, co-operative, community of attorneys committed to unwind the largest financial fraud in history.

It is our aim to :

  • save you & your clients’ time.
  • free you to focus on your write & fight.
  • deliver evidence for your one-two punch to the banks.

Bring your love to win.

Change the conversation :
For your clients.

Get The Facts  |  Schedule A Consultation  |  Order A Preliminary Discovery

More Info :    Main St. Property Owners.    MBS CRE RE Investors.
   Community.    The Emerge Project.    What We Do.    Who We Are.

TheEmergeTeam.Org | Unwind. Restore. Thrive. | Guiding You Through Financial Recovery.

This Article Copyright © 2013 The Emerge Team. All rights reserved.



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