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Pathfinders Wanted!

Submitted by The Emerge Team | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

We provide the backbone to spread the word about financial recovery for every one caught in the largest financial fraud in history.

  • had a home repo'd; a mother, father, sister, brother, neice, nephew, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, friend, co-worker, client has (or, was denied modification or short sale); had a neighbor burn the house down; or, you heard that another "father and mother" murdered their children and killed themselves.
  • been laid off, or, your business hasn't slowed down to a trickle; REB's cut your home value in half, your city & county's property tax base and services.

As an American taxpayer, your

  • real costs for REB's Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), are now over $14 Trillion.
  • true inflation from The Fed's QE1 and QE2 increased money supply is cutting your buying power.
  • children are stuck with the bill for REB. QE3 / QE4-Infinity will print $85 Billion a month to buy mortgage backed securities.

As long as the bankers, politicians and Wall St. know they can violate your property rights, and, stick you, your children, and, American taxpayers for it; robbing Main St. with boom and bust bubbles will go on for another 100 years. Will you survive another 5 years of REB "deleveraging"?

But, the war on middle class America has turned.

The evidence shows banks took your homes and properties illegally. Everywhere USA.

The Emerge Project is a Main St. American property rights advocacy path with workable, win-win solutions to resolve wrongful repossession. It is:

With our American bent for financial compensation for Main St. instead.

Our goal is to arm you with bargaining chips you never had before as :
  • property owners who were denied modification, or, who received modification or short sale on Main St.
  • mortgage backed securities investors left holding the bag on Wall St.
  • real estate investors snapping up bank Real Estate Owned (REO) portfolios.

The Emerge Project creates new fields of occupation.

It's a calling.

With 86 million unemployed, we are calling forth property rights activists to making a living, while making a difference as Pathfinders: Inform, coordinate evidence and coach REB Americans through financial recovery.

Contact us about organizing your independent EMERGE chapter and teams today.

Change the conversation :
For your financial future.

Get The Facts  |  Schedule A Consultation  |  Order A Preliminary Discovery

More Info :    Attorneys • Get Leverage.    Main St. Property Owners.    What We Do.
   MBS CRE RE Investors.    Community.    The Emerge Project.    Who We Are.

TheEmergeTeam.Org | Unwind. Restore. Thrive. | Guiding You Through Financial Recovery.

This Article Copyright © 2013 The Emerge Team. All rights reserved.



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