Our mission is to help you create strategiesand get you evidence for financial recoveryto restore yourself and your investments.
You can build on financial quicksand or you can build on financial bedrock.
Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), Commercial Real Estate (CRE), Real Estate(RE) investors have much in common with Main St. residential and commercial property owners who lost their properties to the banks.
Bankers and Wall St. torched everyone in the Real Estate Bubble (REB).
Whether you represented County and State employee pensions, or, private retirement funds with savvy money seats at Wall St.'s table.
They spoon fed you junk bonds labeled AAA, and, left you holding the REB bag on Wall St. as they made off with the insurance payouts on defaulting debt.
Now, they are inflating a new Real Estate Bubble, and, hyping "the best time to buy American real estate". Foreign and newbie Commercial Real Estate and Real Estate investors are being tee'd up for a new bubble.
But, what if your common bond with Main St. property owners are in the fundamental title issues that plague their bank Real Estate Owned portfolios?
And, as MBS, CRE and RE investors burned by by the last Real Estate Bubble, or, you are buying REO portfolios in this new bubble; you now paths to recoup your losses and your investments?
Change the conversation : For your financial future.
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