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Court ordered to Apple for changing Samsung apology

Submitted by Tom william | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Earlier in the court judgment the judge ordered to Apple for apologizing Samsung publicly moreover should also state that the company has not copied the designs patents. Apple has apologized Samsung but not in aright manner so court has decided to revise. Earlier in the month of October the UK court ordered an iPad maker that the company has stated regarding Samsung innocence. Apple did what the court has ordered but was not exactly in a regretful state.

You can get this forceful acknowledgement by a tiny link at the homepage of Apple which was actually not regretful and you can make a conclusion that Samsung has deliberately copied Apple most famous gadget iPad. This type of apology statement was not present in the mind of the courts. However the judge has stated that Apple apologies note was incorrect and untrue. The judge Sir Robin Jacob has stated that I am really surprised that the company like Apple can do this.Apple was ordered to amend the statement within 48 hours which is published by the company on its website and has to publish the revised adaptation of the apology note on the home page of its website moreover its font size is 11.

Apple argued with the judge and has stated that fixing this statement would take at least a fortnight. Apple statement was not actually behaving like a apology but it has to be clear up for the customer satisfaction. Also the consumer can think that purchasing a Samsung Handset can create problems for them. It seems that Apple iPhone 4S Deals UK is playing gamble with court during its initial apology note. According to the earlier Samsung and Apple case that took place in the Germany court in which the judge found Samsung to be account worthy in copying the design of ipad.

However the judge of UK court has stated that Samsung gadgets were not as cool as the Apple moreover Samsung has not copied the design of its rival company. The court is still waiting for the arrival of the new apology note to appear on the website. Moreover until 14 December the revised adaptation has to hang around on the top of the Californian Company UK homepage. Let’s see that now what Apple is planning to do?

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