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The Exterior Design of the Apple iPhone 4S

Submitted by johnjhenry | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

iPhone 4S is the successor of the iphone 4 and when you will go for purchasing this handset you won’t able to distinguish that whether it is 4S or iphone 4 because exterior outlook of the smart phones is very much similar. But lacking a new look is not at all an issue as this classy gadget is amongst the best looking gadget in the mobile business. The reverse side of the 4S is decorated with a slab of glass whereas along the edges there is a round metal band which gives the handset a modern as well as industrial looks.

The gadget has a selection of thin buttons that is in the middle there is a big home button, then there is a circular volume buttons, a lock key at the top and a switch to twist the phone to silent. The last year the manufacturers created a modest handset but this time iphone 4S quite different from the previous one. Switches such as volume buttons and mute buttons are slightly altered from the iphone 4 moreover the buttons have been shifted few millimeters downwards on the handset.

So looking into all these keys it is very clear that the case of iphone 4 won’t at all fit the iPhone 4s Contract as keys are no comfortable in it. There are many cases that are accessible that provides a gap for all the buttons so it is fine. But this fully feature handset is very delicate which is the most grievance part of the gadget as during the time of iphone 4 it was observed that there was a fair cracked in the cases and crushed screens of the gadget.

In addition to this iphone 4S is also very much similar to its ancestor gadget so it would also suffer from such incident moreover the gadget can be crushed knocked it with the table and leaving the handset in the hands of a small kid. Overall it’s a trendy and classy gadget that you would be proud of handling this handset in your pocket. Its attractive features which you won’t find in any other handset makes you also quite popular along with the gadget so enjoy it.

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