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Apple iphone 4S camera took amazing pictures in Olympics and has failed other handsets

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There is no doubt that every company is making their efforts in creating a good gadget along with a fascinating camera moreover the technology adopted in the cameras of various smart phones is getting enhanced and superior day by day. But after looking the incredible snaps of the Olympic Games taken by the journalists have proved that how far the smart phone snappers have come. One of the journalists during the Olympic Games collecting pictures for documenting the London 2012 games and was making an attempt for testing a mobile that how well they can perform. However the results came out to be very impressive that is from athletics to diving to fencing and these superb photographs revealed the camera of iphone 4S which he was using.

But these sporty snaps cannot be achieved very easily without seeking the help of other gadgets such as Schneider lens; Canon binoculars have been deployed and remote triggering tech in several cases. Also the journalist have taken the help of outstanding Snap seed iOS image-editing app. These apps offers gravely dominant tools and cost £3 moreover if you really want to play with your photographs. On the other hand an iphone has no optical zoom there you would only find a digital alternative that crops your image which results in loss of quality that is why the journalist have chosen binoculars for clicking the pictures. But the iphone 4S possess a tremendously remarkable smart phone snapper.

If comparing the camera of other prevailing gadgets such as HTC one X and Samsung Galaxy S3 you can say that iphone 4S is the best with a compressed digital camera moreover if you are thinking of more extra equipments of catching more good pictures then for that you don’t have to get all such equipments as Apple is making an effort of bringing a camcorder. So when you are on a holiday you can carry that with yourself. Also for getting a great HD quality pictures with your iphone you may go through the company site and get more information about that. The camera of the iphone 4S has beaten the camera of all the previous iphone.
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