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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Focus

There are 100 articles associated with the tag Focus!

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Article Title/Link and Description
1. Bookmarks: 2 Retirement Ready Income Investing: What's In Your Wallet? What good is wealth without income? Your 401k program is NOT retirement ready... even the most popular 2017 Target Date Fund is heavy into the Stock Market. Steve Selengut has been a hands-on, income focused, portfolio manager since 1979. This is the information you need to get from your 401k balances to retirement income independence.
2. Bookmarks: 0 The Pure Logic of Income Investing Income Investing is sane, necessary, logical, intellectually pure, purposeful, manageable, predictable, and incredibly easy to understand. Yet, more investment mistakes are made in this area than in stock market investing --- particularly in the area of performance evaluation. As a result, income investors seem much more susceptible to Wall Street manipulation than their equity focused brethren.
3. Bookmarks: 0 The Economic Impact Of Politics On Investing Just six short months from now we will be asked to elect a leader for the still most powerful economic entity on the planet clearly, we need to focus on broad long term strategies that will create jobs and make it possible for both businesses and individuals to prosper.
4. Bookmarks: 6 Purpose Based Asset Allocation: The Working Capital Model Asset Allocation is an Investment Planning Tool, not an Investment Strategy. WCM facilitates long term, retirement income, investment planning by focusing on selection quality, issue diversification, and annual growth of both base income and invested capital. Neither market value nor the calendar year are perceived as relevant decision making criteria.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Interest Rates Are Rising - The Sky Is NOT Falling Income investing facts of life: When higher rates are expected, existing security prices fall. lower rate expectations produce higher income security prices. Both conditions can be good news for investors. It's all a matter of understanding... and focus. Wall Street snake oil sales organizations just don't get it. It being the (apparently) much too simple income investing truth that lower market values have pretty much of a zero impact on security disbursements.
6. Bookmarks: 0 What the top notch manner to search around writing papers shape on line? An advent to instructional writing for English Language inexperienced persons, focusing on essay improvement, grammatical correctness, and self-modifying. This examine manual addresses the topic of essay writing. The essay is used as a shape of evaluation in lots of instructional disciplines, and is utilized in both coursework and assessments. it's far the most not unusual recognition for take a look at consultations amongst students the usage of getting to know development.
7. Bookmarks: 6 Retirement Income Avenues to becoming Retirement Income Ready. After forty years of investing, a few things become crystal clear: you need to focus on quality, individual securities, diversify intelligently, and develop a lifetime supply of income. I call these principles The Big Three or the QDI. Just like the ice cream brick of my youth, it's just not right without all three flavors. The investment puzzle becomes easier to solve if you have a handle on all the pieces.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part II Retirement plan investment portfolios are managed to produce the promised income; 401k plans make no promises and do not seem to make much of an effort to offer income focused investment products. The income produced by the highest yielding (highest risk) mutual funds is generally lower than that which can be obtained from lower income tier Closed End Funds (CEFs).
9. Bookmarks: 0 Asset Allocation: Investing by the Numbers If you focus exclusively on market value, dwell upon comparisons of your unique portfolio with the market averages, expect performance of some kind during specific time intervals, and listen intently when someone speaks about what the future is all about, any asset allocation work you do will be ineffective.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Managed Asset Allocation: The Art of Staying Focused The key to successful Investment Management is Asset Allocation, the process of dividing the available investment dollars into two, and only two, purpose buckets: Growth and Income. All investment grade securities fit within one of these two classifications, based solely upon the primary purpose for their ownership. There are several key issues involved in successful Asset Allocation.
11. Bookmarks: 1 MCIM Strategies Produce Better Retirement Income The Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology for managed asset allocation was developed in the 1970s. The process combines risk minimization, base income generation, and disciplined trading strategies while focusing on the highest quality individual securities in the equity marketplace... plus a minimum 30% income purpose security bucket.
12. Bookmarks: 0 iShares and ETFs: Speculation To The 3rd Power So, in addition to the normal risks associated with investing in general, we add: speculating in narrowly focused sectors, guessing on the prospects of unproven small cap companies, experimenting with securities in single countries, rolling the dice on commodities, and hoping for the eventual success of new technologies.
13. Bookmarks: 0 Golf and Investing: Optimism, Focus, and Education Golfers will spend thousands on instruction, gadgets, machines, clinics, magazines, lessons, drivers, and putters. Investors love the gimmicks, shortcuts, and expert recommendations, but they seem allergic to anything really educational. They must see it as a sign of weakness. Golfers should be better investors. Investors need to introduce themselves to some basic education.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Money Magazine 401k Investment Article Directory Market Cycle Investment Management is a unique, long-term trading approach that focuses on Investment Grade Value Stocks, the very highest quality NYSE, dividend paying companies. A wide variety of Income Closed End Funds is used to populate the Income Bucket of all portfolios. MCIM, the IGVSI, and income purpose investing is now available in 401k plans.
15. Bookmarks: 0 New 401k Approach Focuses on Income Production and Correction Preparation 401(k) Savings Plans are great opportunities to build wealth, but they are not guaranteed pension programs and there are pitfalls. What if you are forced to retire at the bottom of a market cycle, or at a time of historically low interest rates? Qualified or not as an investor, you have to make your own 401(k) investment decisions.
16. Bookmarks: 0 The MCIM Trading Strategy For Volatile Markets Trading does not have to be done quickly to be productive, and it doesn't have to focus on higher risk securities to be profitable. And perhaps most importantly, it doesn't have to avoid the interest rate sensitive income securities that are so important to the long-term success of any true investment portfolio.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Cloud CRM University - Contatta Contatta completely transforms the ability to stay closely connected to customers and your team by focusing your time on high-value activities. Now you can manage contacts, email, to-do lists and social media from one simple interface. Contatta is unique in that it provides your team with a single platform for email, task management and team collaboration.
18. Bookmarks: 0 Cloud CRM University - About Us The Cloud CRM University is a full service marketing agency that is exclusively focused on Demand Generation Solutions. The firm provides email marketing campaigns, CRM Systems and WebCast Event Management Solutions to small and mid-sized companies.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Real Estate Investing: No Lawyers, Debt, or Plungers Without having mega millions to work with, or a line of credit that goes around the block, you can have positions in various forms of Real Estate (commercial, industrial, residential) at the same time, and focus either on growth opportunities, income production, or a combination of the two.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Exercise - Counting Sets Weekly Counts For circuit-styled strength training, it's good to focus on on the number of exercise sets done weekly, which allows you to rate your performance toward a path that gets you get to where you want to be.
21. Bookmarks: 0 Why Do I Feel Spacey, Unfocused, and Have Such Trouble Making Decisions? Stress, poor diet (especially with simple sugars & refined carbs), toxicity, alcohol, heavy metal toxicity, extended use of antibiotics, and birth control pills can cause Candida (yeast) overgrowth. Many people are unaware that over 80% of our population has some degree of Candida imbalance. Symptoms are different for everyone. Mycotoxins from the yeast cause problems in various parts of the body. Did you know that sugar addiction can be one of the main causes of Candida overgrowth?
22. Bookmarks: 9 Interlink Connector One of the key issues is that you must do this in such a way to create relevance, as opposed to just creating interlinked connections. Google preaches relevance and they give ranking preference to small sites (like our micro sites) that focus on just one idea, rather than a massive website that provides similar information hidden within it. We teach you how to capture specific keywords through use of micro sites and provide depth on just one idea per domain.
23. Bookmarks: 955

IBC Module!
Building a Web-Based Business Whether you are starting a new business, taking your business to the next level or into the global market, we provide services in the FOUR key areas of focus for any Internet-Based Business!
24. Bookmarks: 73 Article, Newsletter or Web Page Copy Review Writing quality copy is the most important thing you can do in developing your web presence. More than just spelling and grammar checks, focusing on your conversion* is the key to success in copy writing. When you are ready to make that next step to becoming a better writer, our expert writers can help.
25. Bookmarks: 5 Copywriting for Your Web Page or Article We focus on the benefits of the product or service you want to promote and can easily adapt it into an informational article that can be used with our article marketing product.
26. Bookmarks: 18 Writing A Winning Business Plan First - stop thinking like a business owner. I know, you might think this is odd. However, the reason most business owners don't write a business plan is because they are too close to their challenges and can't decide what they need to do. Stepping out of character will help you see the big picture and the little details so you can focus on what to do.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Using FaceBook to Build a Half Million Followers Quickly! - Case Study After focusing on the Internet Business Certification program for 4 months and providing free webcasts to build that platform, I have moved on to building a new FaceBook application. Although webcasts are a great way to build your list and support your programs and projects, nothing can currently compete with creating a custom FaceBook application for your business.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Developing Customer Focus Teams Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems If you are not using a single online CRM to manage and evaluate all your advertising, marketing, sales, prospecting, and customer service, you may be having significant issues adjusting to the ever-changing environment of online business. Consider what a CRM is and how it can help you adapt, create a more attractive brand and build more effective teams!
29. Bookmarks: 2 Investment Performance Expectations: MCIM Portfolio Fine Tuning How can I get you to stop fixating on monthly market values and to focus on the purpose of the securities within the portfolio? Most of us are trained to deal with seasons, fashion trends, biological changes, waning sports dynasties, sunspots, etc. Instinctively, we expect, and prepare for change effectively--- except when it comes to investing, where planning and preparation is only talked about.
30. Bookmarks: 0 Stock and Bond Trading Powers Modern Asset Allocation Trading does not have to be done quickly to be productive, and it doesn't have to focus on higher risk securities to be profitable. And perhaps most importantly, it doesn't have to avoid the interest-rate-sensitive income securities that are so important to the long-term success of any true investment portfolio.
31. Bookmarks: 0 The Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) Program Investing with a calendar year focus has no basis in the realities of finance, business, or economics... isn't it obvious that the Stock and Bond Markets are far more closely related to the Business Cycle than to the Earth's around the Sun? The Market Cycle Investment Management Account Program provides better guidance--- and results.
32. Bookmarks: 213 4 Basic Requirements for a Successful Web-Based Business These 4 basic requirements for a successful web-based business apply to any business, but without these leasing and an extensive staff, web-based businesses have a significant advantage and can spend a much larger percentage of their budgets on advertising and customers service, which are the two primary focuses that will help you establish a successful business of any kind!
33. Bookmarks: 0 Important Guideline for Selecting PhD Dissertation Topics PhD Dissertation writing guideline that will help you to selecting PhD Dissertation Proposal topics. These tips on selecting the best topic will help grad students avoid possible pitfalls and choose a good focus that will lead to the timely completion of a doctorate.
34. Bookmarks: 5 Wakan Cangleska: (Sacred Hoop) Sweat Lodge & The Ghost Dance Part 2 A continuation of my previous article on the role the circle plays in Native American society, only this time focusing more specifically on it's role in the sweat lodge and the now illegal Ghost Dance.
35. Bookmarks: 1 The Classical Home Schooling Option Home schooling is an attractive option to consider for many parents. The program offers many advantages over learning in traditional schools. Home schooling also provides more one on one teaching time where the teacher can focus on the student as opposed to handling numerous students at the same time. This will allow children to obtain quality instruction.Students of home schooling also benefit from having a very comfortable and familiar environment for a classroom. Home-...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Reading-Comprehension Skills - Part II This article focuses on the reading-comprehension skills of context clues, cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and sequencing.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Typing Tutor - Better Jobs Just Ahead! Besides finding a better job, a typing tutor gives you a sense of accomplishment. This improves your writing skills by focusing on your thoughts - not on the keyboard.
38. Bookmarks: 0 The History of Crossword Puzzles The first book of crosswords was published in 1924. It became a best-seller and crosswords replaced mahjongg as the most popular American game. Crossword puzzle design and solving is an excellent way to sharpen focus.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Texas Schools Offer Diverse Magnet School Options Students attending Texas Public Schools have many choices. They literally have a plethora of magnet programs to choose from. Depending on their grade level, they can choose to attend a school that focuses on providing the 3 Rs with a slant; the Arts, Science, Technology and Foreign Language are all examples of the different types of Texas Schools kids and their parents can choose from. But what is a magnet school, anyway? A magnet school is a one that, while meeting t...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Awareness And Mastery – Two Essential Keys To A Successful Small Business At the heart of it, mastery is practice. Mastery is staying on the path.~ George LeonardUS pioneer in human potentialWe often hear managers complaining that their employees aren’t productive, don’t listen and just can’t consistently get the job done. As a youth sports coach, I hear coaches with similar complaints—the kids don’t listen, don’t know where to go and don’t try very hard. I can’t relate. The boys on my team are usually focused, do what I a...
41. Bookmarks: 2 Animation And Game Design Going To The Movies Animation and game design have, for the most part, fallen into two categories in the past. You either worked on animation for children’s movies or you focused on animation for video games. Today, however, many young animators are realizing that their opportunities are becoming much more diverse as the movie graphic novel and video gaming industries have begun to overlap.Merging of MediaToday more and more video games are becoming movies. Successes in the last decade ...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Cheap Flight To Spain Cheap Flight To Spain: The Must-See Places in SpainVisiting Spain provides many opportunities for visitors and tourists. Since the country is blessed with so many landmarks, travelers could not just leave without taking a leg to the must see places there are in Spain. Madrid is a paradise for art lovers. Explore the city’s three superb art museums. The Prado has one of the most remarkable art collections in the world. The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia focuses ...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Arkansas: History And A Unique Experience In One When it comes to natural preserves no state is more focused than Arkansas with fifty-one state parks and numerous outdoor activities for travelers to choose from. Arkansas features a wide variety of lowlands and highlands along with two major mountain ranges, the Ozarks and the Quachitas. There are several good museums and cultural experiences in Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas.The central point of Little Rock is the Central High Museum and Visitors Center which show...
44. Bookmarks: 10 Real Estate Investing: Wholesaling Homes Is The Foundation This article focuses on how to use wholesale homes as a foundation for real estate investing.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Real Estate Investing Requires You To Learn How To Expand Your Business Network This article will focus on the importance of building your business network for real estate investing
46. Bookmarks: 0 Apply “the Secret” To Forex Trading Success The Forex market is the largest trading network in the world with $1.8 trillion dollars being exchanged every day. There are dozens of different currencies traded but the big players to focus on are all traded with the US dollar and include: EUR (Euro), GBP (British pound), JPY (Japanese yen), CHF (Swiss franc), AUD (Australian dollar), NZD (New Zealand dollar), and the CAN (Canadian dollar). Each of these currencies is exchanged with the currency of other nations at diffe...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Know How Income Taxes Are Calculated? This is the first of a series of 2007 Tax reference sheets that I'll be sharing with you over the next month or so. This one focuses on some of the major federal income tax key numbers. I'll do future ones for estate planning, retirement planning and business planning in the not too distant future so stay tuned.Since federal income taxes are such a large part of most peoples life or expenditures, I thought that you might like a summary or reference sheet for some of the i...
48. Bookmarks: 0 Solo-professionals! Where's your road map to success? As an accounting manager struggling to build my coaching business online and after many years of struggle, I now focus on 9 FABULOUS concepts that have multiplied my business exponentially:Figure out what you want.Activate your creative juices Brand yourself. Understand basic net and web strategies (HTML) Lead a Championship Support TeamOver deliver, over respond, WOW your clientsUse the Universal Laws Spring into actionSpend wisely: invest in your business and yourself
49. Bookmarks: 1 Spain's capital Madrid Madrid is the capital of Spain and of Madrid province. It lies in central Spain on the Manzanares River and is almost in the exact geographic centre of the country. It is the focus of its own autonomous region.
50. Bookmarks: 0 Strategy For Success In the quest towards achieving success and accomplishment in our lives, a systematic plan of action is needed. Without a plan even the greatest of efforts will be ineffective, eventually degenerating into frustration and wasted time. A guided plan allows one to utilize his/her talents and competencies to the fullest, by focusing them in a coordinated and strategic manner upon a specific outcome.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Tour Operators Choose Topax In the modern age of tour operator and wholesale management, customer service and streamlined operations become increasingly critical as a business grows. In order to reach full potential in sales, comprehensive integration and simplicity in ease of system use, along with full expertise in industry support, is a must. Reduction of manual tasks allows more time to focus on customer relations and service. An exciting step into the future of integrated software and systems desig...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Real Weight Loss Solutions Much of the weight loss industry likes to focus on overweight Americans. That's where the money is for them. But the truth is, much of the world is overweight, too.Studies showed that in 2000, 45% of adults all over the world were overweight. Overweight people are more likely to have chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and knee arthritis. Overweight people also die at younger ages than persons of normal weight.Many overweight people want to ...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Flag Football Strategies-Defense Using flag football strategies to run your defense is a lot easier then using flag football strategies to run an offense. when creating your defense a couple of things to focus on are 1. not giving up the big play and 2. pulling the flag. When running a defense a simple formation is to have 2 Defensive Ends, 2 Defensive Backs, 2 Linebackers, and 2 safeties.We will start with your defensive ends first. Your defensive ends should be your top 2 athletes. Why? Because in flag...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Find A Money Making Forex Trading System That Works And Suits You In Forex Trading, there are two main approaches – Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. Fundamental analysts will concentrate on the underlying causes of price movements, whereas as technical chartist studies the actual price movement.Fundamental analyst focus on various macroeconomic indicators - Interest Rate, Trade Balances, Growth Rates, and Unemployment rates, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation and etc. For beginners, do take note that there is no single ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Everyone Has A Plan, Until They Get Punched In The Mouth. I heard Mike Tyson say this years ago, and it immediately stuck with me because of so many ties it has to trading your trading plan with focus, discipline, and repetition.Our main focus in training new and veteran traders is to build a belief in the system through repetition. After seeing the performance of a trade over 150 times within a 2 month period, it becomes evident that you begin to move away from a fear-based internal dialogue regarding your trade. You already kn...
56. Bookmarks: 21 What are your goals for the next 30 days? Many entrepreneurs try to chase too many targets at once and end up overwhelmed rather than focusing on their business. They spend all their energy carrying out daily tasks leaving little time for the most important part of their business - their own business!
57. Bookmarks: 2 Conducting A Market Analysis On Your Business The term market analysis is often confusing to entrepreneurs, especially for people who focus on a specific niche or market segment.In fact, many small business owners don't understand the process or complain that conducting a market analysis is too complicated or too expensive and wonder why or if it is necessary.What is market analysis?In the most basic terms, a market analysis is an assessment of:- A particular problem or opportunity in a market.- The n...
58. Bookmarks: 2 Choosing Your Niche Market - Developing Laser Focus As the old joke goes, the best thing about the Web is that you can do virtually anything, the worst thing about the Web is that you can do virtually anything.
59. Bookmarks: 3 Attorney Marketing – Boosting Revenues With No Added Costs Attorney marketing can encompass a number of areas. You might have a media campaign; direct mail, educational marketing, PR, Internet or you might focus your legal marketing on building a referral network. Whatever your attorney marketing approaches, you can focus, assure and enhance your positive results with an effective weekly planning meeting and appropriate delegation.If you start out attorney marketing without any sort of direction or plan, it is also likely you wil...
60. Bookmarks: 2 Attorney Marketing – Boosting Revenues With No Added Cost Attorney marketing can encompass a number of areas. You might have a media campaign; direct mail, educational marketing, PR, Internet or you might focus your legal marketing on building a referral network. Whatever your attorney marketing approaches, you can focus, assure and enhance your positive results with an effective weekly planning meeting and appropriate delegation.
61. Bookmarks: 3 Business Startups Starting a new business can be a very exciting time, you are going to be your own boss, decide what and when you do things, manage the purse strings, and in fact you are in control of everything. Are you really in control of the situation though, you have to deal with everything yourself so you have to stay focused on what you want to do and why. All business startups need advice; sometimes they need advice on where to get advice, so the budding entrepreneur has to be able to...
62. Bookmarks: 12 Three Steps To Budgeting Summer time is the best time to get your finanical house in order. After all, we're past the tax season scramble and can focus on our financial goals before we get hit with holiday spending.It's never to late to get started on your financial goals. Perhaps you want to make this year the year you become debt free or you're saving for a major purchase like a home or planning a wedding. While many online entrepreneurs understand the importance of getting professional help wh...
63. Bookmarks: 12 Tips For Successfully Outsourcing Services To Freelancers Or Outsourcing Service Providers Small businesses and entrepreneurs always benefit by outsourcing their services to professional service providers or freelancers as this saves them time and money. The money saved due to outsourcing can be effectively and successfully utilized to focus more on strategic and core business functions.This article will help small businesses and entrepreneurs in making the right decision in choosing the correct service provider for them and managing their projects.Tips for...
64. Bookmarks: 0 Adult ADD: Battle Of The Bucks Do you have the frantic mindset that people get around money when they don’t have enough? Many times you will hear, “Listen, before you focus on making more money, you need to focus on really organizing your money properly.”People just can't adopt that mindset when they were really, really, really hurting for cash. Maybe there are some ADD people out there who’ve done it, and if you can do it, more power to you, that’s awesome! But most of the time when ADD people, ...
65. Bookmarks: 0 Your Home Business Can Succeed By Avoiding The “Later Syndrome? Did you know that your home business can grow by several fold without the later syndome? Many home business people are discouraged from trying to learn new knowledge or skills that will take their businesses to a new level. They already feel that their lives are too busy and they don't see how it is possible to fit more commitments into their already jammed schedules.This article shows you how to avoid this and focus on growing your home business
66. Bookmarks: 2 What's a Niche and How Do You Find One? Your goal in discovering a niche is to concentrate all your ideas and thoughts into the most precise, concise, and focused concept possible.
67. Bookmarks: 3 Is Life Getting In the Way of Your Home-Based Business? 5 Steps to Take Today to Keep You on Track It sure can be hard running a serious business from home with the constant distractions and interruptions. Here are 5 easy steps to help you maintain your focus and regain control.
68. Bookmarks: 1 Focus On A Well-Defined Niche Market For Greater Success Let me ask you this... What do most people go online for?If you said INFORMATION - then you are absolutely right.And besides, that IS and always will be the Internet's primary purpose and will always be one of the main reasons why people come online to search for. So, with that said, you should now have a good idea as to why Niche Content Sites are the way to go if you are looking to build a network of sites that will produce a nice residual income for years t...
69. Bookmarks: 12 College Planning Whether you are a parent focused on the education of your children, a grandparent interested in helping your grandchildren, a student taking accountability for your life, or an adult desiring to pursue an education, nothing you do will ever be as valuable as acquiring and implementing knowledge through education. It positions you to take action with what you learn. Knowledge may not be power, but the implementation of knowledge is.As a society we are being thrust headfirs...
70. Bookmarks: 24 About GoogleJets is a professional website, traffic, and advertising development company located in Sandy Springs (Atlanta) GA, 404-454-9500. We specialize in projects that combine beautiful designs with intelligent technology. We understand that having a great website is just not enough. You need results. You need results to get on the top page of the search engines. We are a results-focused and driven shop.
71. Bookmarks: 0 Who Will Win The English Premiership In 2007? Now the Fifa World Cup is out of the way, after yet another disappointing performance from the English team, focus is once again turning to the start of the Premiership. In this article, I write about the contenders for the trophy and give my opinion on who I think will end up as the champions in May 2007.
72. Bookmarks: 0 Focus On Your Mental And Emotional Side To Gain Self Improvement Starting Today. Not everyone believes this but the emotional and mental aspects of a person, when combined, leads to better self improvement.Emotions love to dominate our actions and reactions, even though we do not want it to happen sometimes. The society often see emotions as a sign of weakness, so people are used to putting them aside and focusing on the rational aspects more and more.No matter how strict and logical you may be, you will always feel. One way or another, someone or...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Focus on Others to Feel Better Yourself - 5 Kindness Motivation Tips Many times we can be guilty of focusing mostly on our troubles and worries. It can become an effort to do the everyday things like washing dishes, mowing the lawn, feeding the kids a decent meal. Discover 5 tips to get back on track emotionally.
74. Bookmarks: 0 How to Win your Job Interview? You have finally received a job invitation from a company you have always wanted to work for. This is quite time to get focused on success. This article may be helpful to you if you want your interview to be successful.
75. Bookmarks: 0 Insecurity Destroyed Thousands. Are You A Victim? Fact: Thousands wallow in depression because of insecurity.When you ignore the positive feelings tied with accomplishment, it's easy to slide back into negative self-talk and sabotage your success. In this insecured state, you may find it tough to focus on or permit yourself to enjoy feelings of accomplishment as feelings of self-judgment then emerge. Talking to yourself in a dark way reinforces habitual, unhealthy behavior. A sentiment such as, “Why forge ahead if I neve...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Why Exercises To Flatten Stomach Muscles Are Popular There are many times in a person's life when they really want to look their best. Perhaps it is for a high school reunion or for a wedding, and probably the most popular time for wanting to look good is during swimsuit season. For all of these times, and many more times, most people's focus turns to their stomach and they start thinking about excursuses to flatten stomachs.
77. Bookmarks: 0 Shaolin Philosophy Takes Its Guiding Principle Of Enlightenment Through Meditation. Shaolin kung fu is not just about defending yourself against an attacker or inflicting bodily harm. Shaolin martial arts also stress discipline, respect for yourself and others, patience, and being humble even in victory. The mental training of Shaolin martial arts helps prepare the student for any events that may come. Being physically prepared for an altercation is good, but if you are not mentally prepared you will not be focused enough to use the tools that your body has....
78. Bookmarks: 0 Mental Training in Basketball: The Driving Force in every Game Most people would tend to perceive basketball as a purely physical game. You can see that evidence everywhere: endless physical trainings to bout any bodily weaknesses; energy drinks and foods that focus on combating fatigue; clothes and shoes that give comfort during the game; etcetera, etcetera.
79. Bookmarks: 0 Introduction To Basic Volleyball The worst situation that a volleyball team could be in is to show up at a game without knowing what skills they needed to win the game. Hitting the ball, being in the right place, and playing competitively can help to win the game as well as gain confidence in the sport. Focusing on the basics for volleyball can help you to gain the skills you need for every game.
80. Bookmarks: 0 How to Use the Power of Visualization to Control and Conquer Anger Visualization trains your mind to focus on what you truly want, and helps in marshalling all your available resources, which may be used for the accomplishment of your objective.This article explores and explains the Power of Visualization and suggests a practical technique to overcome anger and reinforces the belief and confidence in us that any problem of any size or magnitude can be conquered.
81. Bookmarks: 5 The Extra in Extracurricular Activities for College-bound Hopefuls The importance of maintaining a great GPA is not the only focus college-bound hopefuls need. Colleges desire to have students who succeed academically but also want creativity as well.
82. Bookmarks: 4 The Decision To Home School The quality of education in this country continues to be the focus of a society committed to leveling the playing field for children. While some areas provide adequate – and even superlative – public schooling, other areas come up significantly short when it comes to providing high quality education. Private schooling can often be an alternative but many are also cost-prohibitive. When faced with this quandary, or when addressing the special educational needs of particular st...
83. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Defense - Difficult Interview Questions In an interview, worrying about your perceived inadequacies, or what can be viewed as negative items on your history of employment, will get you nowhere. In fact, having a negative focus on things often comes through in the way you answer.interview questions, and even in your body language. An applicant who shifts, plays with things like their shirt cuffs, or who loses track of the subject under discussion, is sabotaging their own chance at success.Okay, so you have s...
84. Bookmarks: 0 How to Build a Customer Focused Business You can have the best products but unless you are a ‘customer focused’ business this counts for nothing. So what can you do to build a business which focuses outwardly on the customer, and not inwardly on the business?
85. Bookmarks: 0 Effective Web Page Design for E-Commerce In focusing so much attention on marketing, many business owners neglect a fundamental aspect of successful e-commerce: web page design.
86. Bookmarks: 0 Coin Collecting: When Hobby Turns Business Many people are driven by the desire to do something, anything, when presented with a block of time that has no activity to fill it. For all of written history men and women have used hobbies as a way to fill up these empty blocks with something both rewarding and satisfying to the drive to not stand stagnant.One of the most popular hobby types is collecting. Focusing upon the acquisition of a particular type of item, often those that appreciate with age, this hobby is e...
87. Bookmarks: 4 What Makes A Successful Home Business Entrepreneur? Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs and home business owners possess the following characteristics. Do you? 1. Do you have Self-confidence? This is the magical power of having confidence in yourself and in your strengths and abilities. This isn't bravado or braggadocio but an unshakeable belief in yourself. 2. Are you Achievement Oriented? Results are gained by focused and sustained effort. You concentrate on achieving a specific goal, not just accomp...
88. Bookmarks: 0 The Nasty Ten: 10 Ways To Disrupt Your Success For some people who are failing to become successful, they are their own enemies.If you commit the following blunders, you will be undermining your own success.1. Forget your goals and visions, or not having them at all.2. Lose confidence in yourself.3. Lack of knowledge or stop learning.4. Think that you can become successful without any investment.5. Fear of failure.6. Procrastination.7. Lack of focus.8. Be easily discouraged.9. Dislike constant change.10. Lack of dedication.
89. Bookmarks: 2 Enhance Performnace Through Hypnosis When an individual enhances their performance, whether in business, in relationships or generally in life, they are taking control in a new more positive way. We all have aspirations and goals, but at times we feel as if they are unattainable, almost as though its like reaching for the stars. If you want a promotion at work or to have more energy or to be better at a sport you may want to consider focusing on enhancing your performance. Hypnosis is a natural and effective...
90. Bookmarks: 0 Practice Self Talk and Postive Affirmation Statements in Your Life The importance of Positive Sel-Talk as well as focusing with Positive Affirmation Statements cannot be overstated as tools to help you achieve your chosen goals. Most people do not understand the importance of the role that Positive rather than negative self-talk play in accomplishing the goals of their lives. Learn the simple basic rules of Positive Self Talk and well as focus on Positive Affirmation Statements and they most certainly will bode you very well along the path of life.
91. Bookmarks: 11 Homeschooling With A Packaged Curriculum Once the decision is made to homeschool, the next major issue is which curriculum or methodology to use. While there are pros and cons for every option, this article will focus on homeschooling with a packaged curriculum.A packaged curriculum will usually include all the books, lesson plans, and scope and sequence planning needed for an entire school year. Some providers also include additional services for enrolled families. These services can include counseling, grading...
92. Bookmarks: 0 Self-esteem Builds Female Athletes Beads of sweat roll down her forehead as she rubs a very prominent muscle in her calve. Her breathing is deep and hard but steady as regains her focus to another place in order to numb the pain. She reaches into a place in her mind where she has stored an energy that only a dedicated athlete has come to know. An energy that will take her that extra distance to her finish mark.
93. Bookmarks: 0 Work At Home Business Tips There are so many people who dream about working from home and being their own boss these days. Just step out of bed and drink their morning coffee while pondering through their e-mails. There would be no commuting, no one to distract you, and your focus would be total.It's not quite as simple and straight forward as that. Being solely in charge of yourself and your time is not as easy as you might think. The over confidence and surprise of unexpected issues can cause eno...
94. Bookmarks: 18 Face Your Skin Care Dilemmas This article focuses on a common skin problem among many of us, acne.Thought we sometimes think only the common individuals suffer acne, a lot of celebrities have also endured the misery of having acne. This article also provides solutions to prevent acne.
95. Bookmarks: 0 No More Excuses for Being Overweight Before you begin to successfully lose weight you need to make the necessary changes, and seek out the ways and means to reach your desired goal. You have to adopt a “no excuse” attitude and stay focused on your goals.
96. Bookmarks: 0 Importance of Losing Weight: More than Just Looking Fat This article focuses on the concept of being overweight and obese. It talks about the main causes and probable risks to one's health that is brought about by obesity. Anti obesity drugs can be of help but these drugs should be closely regulated. This article provides simple solutions in order to help one lose weight gradually, in a safe manner.
97. Bookmarks: 0 Hollywood Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is probably more common in today's 'media' focused era more than it ever has been before. Anorexia Nervosa is a very complex eating disorder/disease that involves both psychological and sociological components which result in the voluntary starvation and exercise stress by an individual.
98. Bookmarks: 0 Improve Retail Sales Performance With These Sales Coaching Tips Your POS system generates key statistics that tell you about your Retail sales performance.These key statistics are: Average sale, Transactions per hour, Items per sale, Conversion rate, Sales per hour.But did you know that tracking these statistics on an individual Salesperson basis can lead you to focused clues about improving individual performance. Most POS systems don’t enable you to track individual sales performance or generate individual KPIs (key performance in...
99. Bookmarks: 0 Five Ways To Keep Participants Focused What do you dread most about conducting training classes? Is it the preparation? Is it scheduling a time that’s convenient? Is it wondering whether or not you look foolish or sound ignorant or both? For many people whose job duties include conducting effective training sessions, their biggest fear is wondering whether participants are more focused on the syllabus or on what they plan to do once the class is over! If participants are attentive and interested, you’ve go...
100. Bookmarks: 0 3 Cold Calling Mistakes that Trigger Rejection In the old cold calling mindset, you’re taught to focus on the sale and be completely confident that what you’re offering is something the other person should buy.

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