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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Government

There are 100 articles associated with the tag Government!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 The Economic Impact Of Politics On Investing Just six short months from now we will be asked to elect a leader for the still most powerful economic entity on the planet clearly, we need to focus on broad long term strategies that will create jobs and make it possible for both businesses and individuals to prosper.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Real Estate Agents, Property Dealers in Delhi, India- Real Estate is defined as land, including the air above it and the ground below it, and any buildings or structures on it. It is also referred to as realty. It covers residential housing, commercial offices, trading spaces such as theatres, hotels and restaurants, retail outlets, industrial buildings such as factories and Government buildings.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Experienced (old?) Investors Love Higher Interest Rates... Say What! Rising Interest Rate Expectations, regardless of their impact on Closed End Fund pricing, have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the income generated by the securities you now own. In fact, higher interest rates will eventually lead to higher payout levels because managers will have access to higher yielding instruments.
4. Bookmarks: 0 The Obama Tax Reform Plan For Long Term Economic Growth? (July 2008) Investors represent the biggest voting block in the country. We could elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy. If only we weren't the most apathetic group of people on the planet. As Investors, we want less government, lower taxes, and purposeful regulation. We want laws that aid economic freedoms, and lawmakers and judges who facilitate it.
5. Bookmarks: 0 The McCain Tax Reform Plan For Long Term Economic Growth? (July 2008) Investors represent the biggest voting block in the country. We could elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy. If only we weren't the most apathetic group of people on the planet. As Investors, we want less government, lower taxes, and purposeful regulation. We want laws that aid economic freedoms, and lawmakers and judges who facilitate it.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Corporate Income Tax Reform - Seriously The investor's eye view of politics is a simplistic, practical, dot-connecting approach to sorting things out so that win/win change can be considered. Real world politics is not concerned with such things, and that is one of the most serious problems facing investors today.
7. Bookmarks: 0 Income Investing: News, Information, Opportunity There are always reasonable explanations for price weakness --- there are always excellent reasons why investors should be viewing price weakness as a buying opportunity. Clearly, the financial press has not attended any of my income investing seminars. Lower prices and higher yields are always good news for income investors.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Your Income Portfolio There are several reasonable explanations for recent Municipal Bond price weakness: Higher interest rates expected; equity portfolio window dressing; weakness of state government treasuries; profit taking in municipal CEFs; speculation about proposed tax code changes; illiquidity of individual bonds; irrational investor fear. There are at least as many excellent reasons why investors should be viewing this weakness as a buying opportunity ---
9. Bookmarks: 0 The Commission Controversy --- Smoke and Mirrors Nowhere in the world of investing is Brainwashing more apparent than in investor (regulator) attitudes toward commissions. Since Charles Schwab first shocked Wall Street by offering discount commission rates, a new industry has developed with a huge, cult-like, following.
10. Bookmarks: 0 More Jobs, Fewer and Lower Taxes - The KISS Principle There are no purely economic problems with making the shift to a consumption tax --- just political ones. The legislation has been on the hill, and summarily ignored for decades. We need to apply cool economic sense to the elimination of the Internal Revenue Code and the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
11. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Politics 2012: What's (left) In Your Wallet? As Investors, we represent the single biggest voter block in the country. We must respond in one voice to the endless political drivel with a resounding Money Talks, BS Walks. We want decision makers who design laws that aid economic freedoms, not lawmakers who make decisions that restrict them. Here's the MT~BSW Financial Plan for the 2012 Election. Dot Connectors Wanted!
12. Bookmarks: 0 Global Investors' Bill Of Rights May Prevent Economic Déjà Vu (February 2009) The purpose of IBOR is to protect financial markets and to create self-sufficient investors who produce economic growth instead of government deficits. IBOR standards create transparent financial markets, regulate speculation, and protect retirement portfolios. Here's a Summary:
13. Bookmarks: 3 SIBORAP: The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights - Part Four We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
14. Bookmarks: 3 The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights (SIBORAP): Part Three We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
15. Bookmarks: 3 The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights (SIBORAP): Part Two We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
16. Bookmarks: 3 SIBORAP: The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights - Part One We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
17. Bookmarks: 0 A Conservative's Liberal Plan To Transform Social Security A Social Security Retirement Income Annuity, or SSRIA, invested 70% or more in government (all levels) guaranteed securities, could be phased in quickly as a mandatory replacement for the existing Social Security program. The personally owned SSRIA would also become a voluntary investment option for all self-directed programs and a guaranteed safe savings vehicle for after tax discretionary dollars.
18. Bookmarks: 0 An Investor's View of The Fair Tax: A 2012 Resolution A Government that bemoans the population's low savings and investment rates has only itself to blame. The majority of Americans would agree that investing, retirement planning, and estate preservation would be easier to manage if the Internal Revenue Code was comprehensible. A landslide of American voters would elect any candidate championing IRC replacement surgery.
19. Bookmarks: 0 The Congressional Reform Act of 2012 - A Proposal You may not agree with all of these ideas, but this is the kind of change in government that many of us are looking for. It may be difficult to find candidates with the guts to push this agenda, but its worth the effort.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Guaranteed Social Security Benefits: Finally, An Approptiate Use For (Fixed) Annuities What if, instead of donating 7.6% of your salary (15.3% if you are self employed) to support the war de jour: (a) you could choose to deposit from 3% to 5% of your salary in a guaranteed retirement program maturing anytime after age 60, (b) the lifetime benefit is totally income tax free, and (c) your employer uses his savings to either create jobs, raise non-executive salaries, reduce prices, or increase shareholder dividends. Interested?
21. Bookmarks: 1 Guaranteed Social Security Benefits - The Old Fashioned Way What if, instead of donating 7.6% of your salary (15.3% if you are self employed) to support the war de jour: (a) you could choose to deposit from 3% to 5% of your salary in a guaranteed retirement program maturing anytime after age 60, (b) the lifetime benefit is totally income tax free, and (c) your employer uses his savings to either create jobs, raise non-executive salaries, reduce prices, or increase shareholder dividends. Interested?
22. Bookmarks: 0 Panamanian Isthmus - A Tale of Treasure, Treasure Seekers, And Peoples Exploited Since 2004, significant concessions have been made by the Panamanian government to entice migration into Panama. Panama has since become one of the top retirement destinations for US and European citizens.
23. Bookmarks: 5 Retire Social Security Debt and Save The Economy --- What If? What if the US Government sold the Social Security system/employees/buildings/DEBT/etc. to Insurance/Annuity industry companies for the amount of the debt plus a few billion --- all in cash plus secured debt of the hundreds of companies involved in the purchase? Is this a guaranteed winner for a presidential candidate or what?
24. Bookmarks: 0 The Regulated States of America --- A True Story Franklie would be able to reduce citizen George's mortgage payment by nearly 26% which she knew he would put back into the economy to the benefit of all the more potential homebuyers. She, in turn could think of two or three purchases she would be making over the weekend in anticipation of a bigger payday.
25. Bookmarks: 0 SAVING HEALTH CARE: More about Free-Enterprise This article emphasized the importance of reducing the size of our government so that all “free-enterprise” programs including health care can be successful and part of the process that restores our freedoms.
26. Bookmarks: 0 SAVING HEALTH CARE: What should it look like? This article will help people understand exactly what a quality health care system would look like. If everyone of us work for the same goal we can accomplish just about anything, including a health care system free of government participation, free from ambulance chasing lawyers, free from the need for co-pay health insurance, and one that prospers because each individual assumes responsibility for their own health.
27. Bookmarks: 0 FIXING HEALTH CARE: A Letter to Politicians This article is an open letter to politicians about how intrusive they have become in our lives. More importantly we see how ineffective laws are and how inefficient government is when it comes to managing or running any kind of program. If anyone wants to duplicate the contents of this article and forward it to their elected officials, you have my permission to do so.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Washington DC: Museums, Monuments And Multiculturalism - Washington D.C. Travel Information As the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. is certainly not lacking of museums, monuments, exhibits, historic landmarks and a fantastic potpourri of cuisine and nightlife. The District of Columbia is vibrant and alive with thousands of college students, passionate non-profits and swarms of local and international government employees. Get a taste of this unique social climate when you book your airfare to Washington DC through one of the region’s major airports: Dulles Internat...
29. Bookmarks: 0 What Is The Fair Tax And Why Should You Care? The U.S. Federal Income Tax Code is a tax on the income of American companies and citizens enacted by the government. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to impose taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.The purpose of the Tax Code is to provide income for the operation of the government. The Tax Code is found in Title 26 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).Any U.S. citizen who has filled out a federal tax return knows how confusing the current U.S. T...
30. Bookmarks: 0 The Era Of Disaster Recovery And Prevention... And What It Means To Investors The recovery from Katrina and Rita ushers in a new era of Disaster Recovery and Prevention. Governments and people are rethinking their response to disasters and the steps they can take to prevent or minimize the worst consequences. The biggest catalyst for this new era is the political fall-out from Katrina. The slow response to Katrina was a black eye for the Bush administration. For Michael Brown, the ex-head of FEMA, it was a national humiliation. The fates of Louisia...
31. Bookmarks: 0 How To Find Safe Offshore Banking You'll Be Happy With. You might want an offshore Swiss account in order to:- Expand your business; - Minimise your taxation; - Simplify business administration; - Asset protection; - Estate planning; - Financial anonymity; - Tax-free investing. Those who engage in international or online business and who generate a large tax exposure can legally ease their burden through an offshore account. Bear in mind that the Swiss government charges a 35% withholding tax on interest earned...
32. Bookmarks: 0 Morocco Property Buyers Guide Morocco sits just 14 kilometers from the shores of Southern Spain and is very easily accessible. Its progressive government is making Morocco a truly viable place in which to own property.
33. Bookmarks: 0 Death By Government In California Wastes Money Aside from the obvious costs to society and its collective morality, there are major financial considerations associated with bringing the death penalty to those convicted of capital crimes. According to a recent Los Angeles Times study, based on eleven executions spread over 27 years in California, state and federal taxpayers pay $250 million per execution.Further cost breakdowns have taxpayers paying more than $114 million a year beyond the cost of simply imprisoning th...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Social Security system is inefficient See how the government cheats the average American out of $2 million dollars when compared to the S&P average yearly return. Also learn how the system is immoral, as it forces you to invest your money with the government bureaucrats.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Business Loans: Finding The Right One Business loans are not very difficult to come by these days as might be thinking. What with so many governmental and private financial lenders vying with each other for a share of the business loan market, there are brighter chances for businessmen and women to get one provided they have their credit ratings and documents right in place.Small Business LoansSmall business persons feel the need for loans when they are short of investment at the time of start-up or when ...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Visiting The US Capital Washington, D.C. is one of the most interesting cities one could visit. The capital city of the United States of America was named after George Washington, military leader of the American Revolution and the first US President. District of Columbia, which is the name of the federal district containing Washington, is governed by a single municipal government and for practical purposes it is administrated by a mayor. But although Washington, D.C. does not have a representative i...
37. Bookmarks: 0 A Country Within A Country: Travel To Barcelona The distinctive regional culture of Barcelona is largely due to geography and a plentitude of national pride and elitism. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one of Spain's 17 semi-autonomous states. The regional language is Catalan, along with the national language of Castilian Spanish. There has long been pressure from the Catalonian government and nationalists to earn complete autonomy from Spain. Consequently, the exclusive culture can be difficult to adjust to and the...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Forex — There Is No Sure Fire System Anyone claiming to have a sure fire trading strategy for the Forex is either lying or truly a genius because none exists—period. The Foreign Exchange market, or Forex, is the single largest market in the world. Actually, the Forex has no centralized market location but instead exists as an informal trading network where banks, governments, and retail investors can all come together and exchange currencies. Retail investors trade on the Forex via a software platform typically ...
39. Bookmarks: 0 A Brief History Of Buy-To-Let Mortgages Evolution of the Buy-to-Let MarketInvesting in property is a relatively new phenomenon in the UK. Prior to 1990 rental properties were dominated by the Government. The private rented sector only began to emerge once the Government changed its housing policy in the 1980s and mortgage lenders began to introduce specialist buy-to-let mortgages.During the post-war period of 1945 to 1980, the UK Government did not favor the private rented sector. A number of housing polici...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Where Can I Buy Homes For As Little As $10,000? Since the volume of seized properties has risen, the banks or the government feel the burden of maintenance and resources needed to keep them secure, not to mention the enormous amount of capital involved, they try to recover some of the money by conducting government real estate auctions.
41. Bookmarks: 0 Prospect of China’s future economy growth China will become the world’s safest and largest investment economy in times to come given the following factors: huge market potential, rich labour resources, comparative advantage in labour cost, sound corporate governance and stable government and society. All these factors will further attract the inflow of foreign capital into China. In short, China’s economy will grow even faster in the future.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Mutual Fund Investing Simplified What is a mutual fund anyways an average person may well ask?A mutual fund is simply a co-operative means by which means many people can pool their savings together and have it professionally managed and as well take advantage of institutional volume discount pricing of purchase and sales commissions.The concepts of pooling allow investors with relative small amounts of money to access investments that may require larger sums to achieve affordability.Government an...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Connecticut Casinos Connecticut is the state that is well-known for its rolling hills, miles and miles of green grass and its sleepy, family communities. You would not think that Connecticut casinos even have a place in this state of 3,405,565 people. The capital, Hartford, is known for its bustling, state government lifestyle. Throughout the state, however, a busy Connecticut casino industry thrives.Two of the world’s largest casinos make their home in Connecticut: Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun....
44. Bookmarks: 0 Canadian Casinos – North Of The Border For Fun & Games Gambling in Canada expanded in leaps and bounds during the 1990’s.Canada now boasts 59 casinos and 70 racetrack/slots venues in 7 provinces and NWT.Provincial governments oversee gaming in each of the participating provinces.The legal gambling age is 19 years of age. I suggest you call ahead for casino hours and location.All information is correct at time of writing, but may change.Nova ScotiaCasino Nova Scotia operates two locations in Halifax, 1983 U...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Botswana Casinos Botswana is one of Africa's success stories; a country of diverse natural habitats, generous resources, and a fast-growing tourist sector, attracted by its proximity to South Africa and also by its superb game reserves and national parks. Botswana casinos are a growing sector of the economy, and casinos have sprung up in several cities in the country, including the capital, Gaborone, and the northern capital, Francistown. Consequently, the Botswana government has taken great ...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Nunavut Canadas Diamond The province known as NUNAVUT has supported a continuous population for more then 4000 years. The province was founded by Martin Frobisher back in 1576 while leading an expedition to find the Northwest Passage. In 1976, talks for a land claim agreement and the new territory between the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada and the federal government began. Then in April 1, 1999 Nunavut Act were passed by the Canadian Parliament.
47. Bookmarks: 3 The Amazing British Museum Among the countless tourist attractions in contemporary London, such as the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace, the one that can easily be considered the unforgettable Queen amongst them all, is the British Museum. Britain's national museum of archaeology and antiquities was established by an act of Parliament in 1753, when the government purchased three large private collections consisting of books, manuscripts, prints, drawings, paintings, medals, co...
48. Bookmarks: 0 What Is Invoice Factoring And Invoice Discounting? The Romans were the first civilization to sell promissory notes at a discount, beginning the industry of factoring. America was built largely on the possibilities of factoring, when colonial businesses were factored by Europeans willing to invest cash in exchange for the promise of large returns, and government bonds also use the same principles applied by businesses when they engage in invoice factoring.Invoice factoring is, at its simplest, the sale of the right to coll...
49. Bookmarks: 0 How To Finance Your Government Contracts Are you selling products or services to the federal government? Every year, city, county, state and the federal government buy billions of dollars in goods and services from business of all types.
50. Bookmarks: 0 Financing Your Government Contracts with Factoring Financing Are you doing business with the city, county, state or federal government? Can't wait up to 45 days to get paid? Consider financing your government receivables.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Accounts Receivable Financing, Tax Write Off And What Does It Cost? Banks won't lend money to a business seeking to acquire larger contracts because its not viewed as an asset. So if you are a small start up company, funding for expansion may be hard to obtain. Accounts Receivable Financing could be the key to funding for a start up with desires to bid on large Government (or Corporate) contracts.So what is Accounts Receivable Financing? It is the selling of your accounts receivable invoices for cash versus waiting 30-60 or 90 days to be ...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Credit Cards Shamed Into Cutting Charges The Competition Commission one of the governments watchdogs, has at last moved to shame credit cards in to cutting their charges. The long overdue move comes after the Commission concluded that the credit card industry was overcharging customers between £55 and £100 million each year through excessive interest rates and other charges. And this has been going on for a least 3 years!The main culprits by far are store cards where interest rates are as high as 30.9% - even th...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Tock Research – As Hedge Fund Industry & Private Equity Gets Hotter – Heat Is Building On Them Too!!! Both the hedge fund and private equity industry had free rides during George Bush’s Administration when the Congress was safely in Republican hands. All that changed in November 06 when the Democrats swept the Congress, and with the change in control came new Democratic responsibilities to address the fiscal deficits generated during the time, the Republicans controlled both the executive and legislative branches of government. It is strange to ponder, but the Republican ...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Pensions Pensions are definitely a political “hot potato” in most countries around the world as population demography changes with an increase in the numbers of retired citizens. Canada is no exception as private pension schemes are being promoted to take the heat off the Governments Canada Pension Plan that many analysts believe will not be able to cope in the future. Please note that any pension payments are classed as income and will be subject to standard taxation rules. Using the...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Long Term Saving Versus The Forex Long term savings plans will often be a very sound investment as we will see in this article.Although Forex can make you much more in a smaller amount of time – but there is more risk attached.Our American economy is a free economy, and it operates on the principle that if we leave the factors of production alone, without government interference (and by factors of production we mean land, labor and capital) so long as the game is played fairly and honestly, those fact...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Royals Help Forgotten Island For a Mediterranean island with good year round weather, a friendly local English speaking population and facilities to rival that of any of her competitors, Malta is a suprisingly often forgotten island for many people planning a holiday in the Mediterranean.Malta missed some of her own government’s tourist targets in 2005, but a recent visit by Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh resulted in four days of positive media coverage in the island’s most important ma...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Millions Forced To Opt For Private Dental Treatment This April the Government is forcing a new service contract on dentists that includes a new pay scale, changes to their working hours and surgery arrangements. Now dentists are not a cantankerous profession, but there's widespread irritation and disillusionment amongst them at the Governments seemingly heavy-handed action. And they're determined not to be pushed around. As a result thousands of dentists are registering their refusal to accept the new contract and have giv...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Avoiding Forex Market Risks The Foreign Exchange or Forex market as it is more commonly known is purely to allow people to trade one currency for another. In fact this is by far the largest trading market in the world for the value of the cash that passes from buyers and sellers of currencies. Many of the trades which take place on the Forex market occur between large banks, central banks, multinational corporations, Governments, currency speculators as well as all other types of financial institutions ...
59. Bookmarks: 0 Low Rate Business Loan – an inexpensive source of finance Entrepreneurs may use a low rate business loan for raising cash for business purposes. In the following article, the author has tried to list how a low rate business loan is superior to government grants and other sources of finance in spite of these coming at little or no cost.
60. Bookmarks: 9 Internet Marketing: Government Holds Open The Door For Women Women in the U.S. with fledgling Internet marketing businesses can obtain government assistance online to help their business grow. Sometimes it seems that the world of Internet business is an entirely separate world from that of brick-and-mortar business. However, to the government all legitimate small businesses are equal. There are a wealth of publicly funded resources available to the female online entrepreneur. The question is, how to find them?A good place to st...
61. Bookmarks: 4 The Accounting Equation As an entrepreneur, who are thinking of going into business, or who is already conducting business, you have to start learning about the basic concepts of Accounting because they are the concepts that are used in reporting your business activities to the government come tax time. It is time you must know about one of the most fundamental concepts in accounting.
62. Bookmarks: 6 Business Loans For Minorities: Get A Good Rate Business loans are not always easy loans to get, and minorities may find this even more difficult. Many communities and government agencies have created programs to help minorities obtain a small business loan when they need it, but there is still a lengthy process to go through before the small business loan for the minority can be approved. Minority business entrepreneurs must submit a series of loan application materials, get a background check, credit check, and also subm...
63. Bookmarks: 3 Assets Haven Protects Financial Privacy In Post 911 Era Ordinary Americans are discovering the vast asset protection, offshore and privacy opportunities previously only available to the extremely wealthy. With growing government surveillance in the post 9/11 era everyone should be concerned about financial privacy. Many financial websites now offer ground breaking information on offshore financial contacts, bankers' secrets and tricks , and banking tools and tips revealed for the first time to the public. The information is easy t...
64. Bookmarks: 7 All You Need To Know About Swiss Banking There is a common misconception that people who cannot store their unaccounted wealth in their own country open accounts in Swiss banks. Even though this may be true to an extent, Swiss banks are well known for their sophisticated and discreet banking services.Many of the rich and famous like film stars, business entrepreneurs, top government officials, presidents, etc, are reputed to have Swiss bank accounts. Then again, it is also said one need not be a multi-millionair...
65. Bookmarks: 3 Taxes, Income And Other Ones The story of American income taxes begins 1812.The 1st attempt to inflict an income tax on Americana occurred as a result of the War of 1812. At the end of two years of war, the federal government owed an unbelievable $100 million of debt (in inflationary terms, it probably had the same impact on the treasury as $100 billion debt would today). To pay for this, the government doubled the rates of its major source of revenue, customs duties on imports. This measure obstruct...
66. Bookmarks: 3 Should You Pay Taxes Or Not? The first attempt to impose an income tax on America occurred during the War of 1812. After more than two years of war, the federal government owed an unbelievable $100 million of debt. To pay for this, the government doubled the rates of its major source of revenue, customs duties on imports, which obstructed trade and ended up yielding less revenue than the previous lower rates.And to think that the Revolution was started because of Tea Taxes in Boston?
67. Bookmarks: 3 What Exactly Is Free Grant Money? You can apply for free grant money from various government agencies. But where exactly does this money come from? It all begins with what Congress allocates every year for funding of various programs. This runs into billions of dollars and they are for projects that will benefit the community. In fact, education itself sees over $67 billion being allocated to it every year.How free is free would be the question. This free money does necessitate spending time, effort and m...
68. Bookmarks: 3 The History Of Online Gambling Online gambling is a fairly recent practice, yet a very controversial one. Its history began in the 90’s, as the internet began increasing in popularity. One of the first events to take place was when the government of an island in the Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda, passed a law in 1994 which allowed online casinos to base there. This was called the Free Trade and Processing Act. Realizing the almost endless possibilities of making money through online gambling, several entr...
69. Bookmarks: 2 How to Find Free Government Grant Money Finding free government grant money can be time and labor intensive. Identifying the specific agencies and their purposes and specific subject areas can involve a lot of research work. Ads that claim the process is easy usually involve some sort of fraud and are untruthful. Government grant money will need to be answered for very specifically in today's world.
70. Bookmarks: 0 Jets Buzz Holiday Island With visitor numbers static in recent years and facing new competiton from former Eastern Bloc countries offering cheap holidays, the recent announcement by the Maltese government that negotiations were at an advanced stage with two low cost airlines has sparked hopes that the island will see a rise in visitor numbers - much to the relief of some in the travel industry worried about the future of Malta as a holiday destination.Even before the new carriers to the island la...
71. Bookmarks: 0 Money Worries Have You Down? After reading this short article, you will realize that the time for you has finally come.Some examples of what you'll learn:Over 28 Million People Will Get Free Government Grant Moneyin 20084,000,000 people will get money to invest in real estate6,000,000 people will get money to go to college10,000,000 people will get free help and training for abetter job1,000,000 entrepreneurs will get money to start or expanda businessIf you're interested in cre...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Cyber Security Degrees Online Respond To Increasing Demands And Needs A few years ago, movies and the media enthralled people with the high-tech, fast-paced drama of a world threatened by cyber security terrorists and hackers. Film after film played upon the notion of governmental databases and computer systems being breached by small groups of savvy individuals seeking to bring down countries and nations. At the time, people thought this world of intrigue was amazingly thrilling and entertaining. Now, protecting sensitive information and th...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Where Does Money Come From? Get ready for a shock if you don’t already know.Every day countless millions of transactions are facilitated with money. Why do we need money? How does it get into “circulation?” Who puts it there? Who creates money? And on what basis? Is it the government? If not, why not? Who is it? And how do they know how much to “print?” What if they add too much or too little to the economy?Three chapters of my book How to Profit from the Coming Great Depression are devoted to t...
74. Bookmarks: 0 More than Just Money: Barter By definition, barter is the when parties swap services or resources. But in business terms, it’s an exchange that ends usually with everyone a winner. All parties involved in bartering hold onto their cold hard cash and don’t lose a cent. There’s no worries about getting ripped off as a buyer or seller, so it’s an exchange that’s high on trust, low on tension. And finally, the government doesn’t get its hands on any of the proceeds. Bartering is such a great s...
75. Bookmarks: 0 Weird Science – The Inner Workings Of The National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation is an independent government agency in the United States. The National Science Foundation is responsible for providing support to basic science research, which is primarily accomplished through research funding. The National Science Foundation mostly provides research funding in the form of grants. These grants are most often given in the form of individual grants to graduate students and professors. In fact, with an annual budget of approx...
76. Bookmarks: 0 How To Finance Your Small Business If you have a great business idea or plan, or you would like to expand your existing business, don’t let a lack of funds stop you in your tracks. There is a wide variety of financing available for small businesses. Let’s take a look at the financing opportunities that small business entrepreneurs can take advantage of.While the financing sources comprise diverse institutions, such as banks, government sources, venture capitalist and “angel” investors, it is useful to look...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Health Insurance Coverage Health insurance is something that everyone needs today. The rising cost of visiting a health care provider or a hospital stay makes it imperative that everyone have some type of health care coverage. Government statistics estimate that over 40 million people in America are not covered by any type of health insurance on any given day. That's an enormous number of people who really are taking a financial risk.
78. Bookmarks: 0 Good Stock Buys are the ones that make you more money than leaving it in the savings account! You don't have to be a financial wizard to know that your money isn't going to earn a very high return sitting nice and safely in your local bank or credit union. Of course, there's a lot to be said for not having to worry about if your money will be waiting for you as banks are notoriously risk adverse. There is also the issue of the federal governments guarantee that you money will be waiting. This is also known as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC.
79. Bookmarks: 0 Impact of Foreign Business Act on Thailand's Property Market Following the Thai government’s proposals to amend the Foreign Business Act which restricts the rights of foreigners to own or operate certain businesses in Thailand, CB Richard Ellis Thailand has been carefully monitoring the Thai residential, resort and office markets to judge the market's actual response from news of the proposals to amend the law on foreign businesses and other recent events.
80. Bookmarks: 0 Economic Data And Its Influence On The Financial Markets The things which contribute to price levels and action in the financial markets are numerous and diverse, and their influences can vary through time, and across different markets. This article identifies the different types of Economic Data influences and the role they play.There are two ways economic information can influence prices. The first is in the macro sense. Macroeconomic inputs include:Interest RatesEconomic Growth (GDP)Government Budget Surpluses/Defici...
81. Bookmarks: 12 Nation Branding and Place Marketing - VIII. The Psychology and Demographics of the Consumer The country's customers are its investors, tourists, traders, market intermediaries, NGOs, and office-holders in other countries and in multilateral institutions. Understanding their psychology and demographics is crucial. Their interactions with one another take place in a complex environment, affected by governments, social forces, cultural factors, and markets.
82. Bookmarks: 0 Fixing Health Care: Government Health Care Works? Government run health care is not the panacea milions of people think it will be. This article talks about a real life example of the ineptness, graft, and corruption that will be government run health care if we allow it to happen. Soon we will be able to vote and we must vote correctly, not emotionally if we are going to stave off a world wide health care crisis. Nowhere in the history of the world has any government run health care plan worked.
83. Bookmarks: 176 Common Sense and Health Care This article is an introductory article to a series of informative and common sense articles designed to help people understand what health care really is. As an advocate of zero government involvement in anything related to health care, the articles will identify the reasons for opposing government programs and how to effect the changes we need to make.
84. Bookmarks: 0 Can Illegal Immigration Lead To Terrorism? As I watched the evening news, I wondered why no one else seemed to understand that our porous southern borders were open doors for Middle Eastern terrorists. Perhaps it was fresh on my own mind because I’d had a recent conversation with a Virginia Police Chief, who told me his department had been notified by Homeland Security of the potential risk. Our government had received information that Middle Eastern terrorists loyal to al-Qaeda had arrived at the conclusion that the ...
85. Bookmarks: 1 Tricks For Removing Snow Easily Using Snow Throwers Snow throwers will allow you to cozy up inside your house When it snows, it is the worst time for men folk of the house. (I know, I know, it is not politically correct to say this, but give that guy some credit) while the government and municipal corporations try to keep the highways and streets clear of snow. The snow removal from the front of the house to the gate is the family responsibility. To ease this work we have snow throwers that can do your job in a jiffy, allo...
86. Bookmarks: 0 Health Care Eligibility For Unauthorized Migrants - Moral & Practical Implications Various organizations and government officials have cited estimates for the number of illegal immigrants at between eight and twenty million. With rising health care costs as a major issue for most Americans, this article considers the moral and practical issues of providing medical care for uninsured immigrants.
87. Bookmarks: 0 Milton Sprouse Says The Roswell Object Came From Out Of This World Like most UFO incidents denied by the U.S. Government, the 1947 Roswell crash refuses to go away quietly. Each time a government spokesperson invents a new explanation to contradict the theory that an alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, one or more new witnesses come forward to support the original Air Force statement. That statement called the object a ’flying disc’ and left us with the impression that the occupants weren’t quite human.Milton Sprouse, age eighty-five,...
88. Bookmarks: 0 Promotional Products Industry Goes 'above And Beyond' Lead Ink Regulations The promotional products industry topped $18 billion in sales in 2006. As one of the larger promotional products distributors in the country, Absorbent, Ink. takes the welfare of our customers very seriously. We strive to work with environmentally conscious suppliers who manufacture and produce the safest products in the industry, and have been very pleased to see our industry take our environmental concerns seriously. A recent article titled “Recalls have Parents on Aler...
89. Bookmarks: 0 Document Shredding: ‘Destroying’ The Things That You ‘Value’ What do the following industries have in common? Law enforcement Legal industries Government Banking Health care Financial service (brokerage) Entertainment Technology Manufacturing industries The answer: The above-mentioned industries regard information as a very important aspect of their operations. They are information-sensitive – they have a need to ensure that important and confidential data are secured and protected at all times. What data ar...
90. Bookmarks: 2 UK Shortage Of Occupational Therapists Nationwide shortage of Occupational Therapists prompts the rise of specialist recruitment agencies.The recruitment of specialist healthcare professionals has been a problem for the UK government for a number of years now. Despite efforts to attract staff to a range of professional streams through advertising and publicity campaigns, there remains an evident shortfall of qualified professionals entering the health sector to fill the apparent v...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Hong Kong Casinos The Chinese love of gambling is well known; yet what is less well-known is that there are few casinos operating anywhere in China, including Hong Kong. The government of China has a somewhat negative attitude towards casinos, and gambling more generally, and discourages it wherever possible. Therefore, Hong Kong casinos get around this official prohibition in a number of ingenious ways.Although there are no officially sanctioned Hong Kong casinos, gambling in Hong Kong is...
92. Bookmarks: 0 Fraudulent Tax Shelters – KMPG Goes Down Hard In the largest criminal tax case ever filed, KMPG has copped a plea to using fraudulent tax shelters to bilk the government out of 2.5 billion dollars. KMPG has agreed to pay a fine of $456 million dollars, but nine of its executives still are under indictment.
93. Bookmarks: 0 Healthcare In Canada Healthcare in Canada is a vital subject for anyone moving to or residing in Canada. The Federal Government does provide some funding from the taxpayer for the health system, however, each Province is individually responsible for its own Healthcare system.There is a basic free system (Alberta, BC and Ontario charge the residents a healthcare tax or premium to pay for this!) that every legal resident and citizen of Canada is entitled to which includes access to a family doc...
94. Bookmarks: 0 Uganda Casinos Uganda is a country in East Africa. It has one city called Kampala which is situated on Nakasero Hill. Kampala is a newly developed city with a friendly community. Once it was known as a looted ghost town with decaying buildings and now it is a colorful, modern city center. The top half of Nakasero Hill houses Kampala's exquisite parks, quiet avenues of large houses, international aid organizations, upscale hotels, and government offices. These all benefit from the stunning v...
95. Bookmarks: 0 Benin Casinos The search for Benin casinos starts and ends in Cotonou, the vibrant coastal city on the Gulf of Benin, which, although it is not the official capital, is the seat of government. Benin shares a coastline with its two major neighbors, Nigeria and Togo. Like many of the countries of West Africa, it has a relatively small coast and a vast hinterland, which supplies the raw materials that are presently the major part of its economy. However, the government of Benin has stated tha...
96. Bookmarks: 0 Alpha Golf Clubs Debuted By Accident It was an unintended move from aerospace and computer design that took Dr. Jim Yeh into the golf club design business but after five years of designing Alpha golf clubs, the fledgling company is making long-drive inroads. Following his work in the aerospace industry with products made for the government, Yeh took over Kent Sports and has launched Alpha golf clubs into the next orbit.Some of the better designs in golf have come from small, young companies too isolated to h...
97. Bookmarks: 0 First Discredited by Science Then Banned By Governments - The Power Of Subliminal Messages They were scoffed at by mainstream scientists. We were told that they didn’t work! So why have millions been spent on research and development within the advertising industry? Why have Rock Stars been taken to court over their alleged use and why were they banned from television and radio by the UK, Australian & United States Governments?
98. Bookmarks: 1 Crush This Economy - Spirituality Information Economy I understand not,Nor the GDP all short,Figures they are for the intellect,What use it that for the poor to recollect.......Economy stinks... Economy has failed miserably...History stands witness... There are very few people who have bid goodbye to this world with a smiling face... The wrinkles and scars of the stupid economy are visible in every face. Economy gives a job to someone,makes a company rich and fills the coffers of the Government but it lea...
99. Bookmarks: 0 5 Ways To Maximise Your Personal Energy Supply Different governments, officials, environmental agencies exhort us to conserve the energy we use in order to save the environment and sustain our continued existence on the planet.On a personal level I think that we also need to know how to conserve, focus and maximise our own personal supply of energy. We unconsciously dissipate and waste our energy on people, situations, thoughts, attitudes and events which do not serve us well. This leaves less space and energy for cre...
100. Bookmarks: 0 Anxiety - Americanization ( Part 1 ) Along an island in the North Sea,five miles from the Dutch Coast,stretches a dangerous ledge of rocks that has proved the graveyard of many a vessel sailing that turbulent sea. On this island once lived a group of men who, as each vessel was wrecked, looted the vessel and murdered those of the crew who reached shore. The government of the Netherlands decided to exterminate the island pira tes,and for the job King William selected a young lawyer at The Hague.I want you to...

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