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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Personality

There are 100 articles associated with the tag Personality!

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1. Bookmarks: 1 Discovering Your Personality Type with the DISC System When you understand someone's personality type, you can adjust your conversations appropriately to create more effective communication. There are certain traits associated with each personality type that allow you to build stronger relationships.
2. Bookmarks: 0 The Spiritual Feng Shui Good Feng Shui requires an open mind, heart and spirit. Feng Shui releases negativity from your house and life. It opens up a whole new space within you for positive thoughts, love, contentment and prosperity. Don’t let negativity enter when you practice Feng Shui. How? Read this article….
3. Bookmarks: 1042

IBC Module!
Sales Funnel The sales funnel process is a way to capture prospects and nurture them into customers. Further, it is a way to retain your customers and prompt additional purchases from them for other products and services that you offer.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Custom Made Logo Designing Services Online Working on well designed logos is really the toughest task because this one and only thing which makes your firm’s identity and personality. That is why this piece of writing will tell you that how you can make your logo elegant and well designed.
5. Bookmarks: 1 Preschool Is Important For Healthy Child Development Preschool Activities And Games Help Create The Personality Of A ChildPreschool children should have a variety of different activities and games to encourage physical and mental development. Young children by nature are easily distracted, having very little attention span and any attempt to introduce them straight to academics will be met with frustration and failure. On the other hand, they would embrace learning willingly and well if imparted through fun and games.Ho...
6. Bookmarks: 0 PAS is what it takes to be successful in a home business when many others fail! It takes more than capital to start a home business and make it thrive. It takes a certain kind of personality. Unfortunately, the vast majority that want to start their own home business fail. This is because they don't have what it takes to see it through.
7. Bookmarks: 2 The Entrepreneur's Checklist I was asked the other day what personality traits I thought were important to entrepreneurial success. I immediately gave my preprogrammed reply about passion and dedication and hard work. After taking some time later to ponder the question a little deeper (I normally operate in shallow waters), I came up with a more detailed checklist for entrepreneurial success. This is by no means a definitive list, but I'd be willing to bet that if you don't have at least a majority of th...
8. Bookmarks: 0 Practicing Technique With An Easy Guitar Song To Learn When it comes to learning an instrument, practice always makes perfect. It’s not enough to understand the technical skill required to play; you must also integrate that technique into your playing so that it becomes habit. Only then can you begin to infuse your own personal style and personality into your playing. When it comes to playing the guitar, especially, learning important finger positions can prove tricky; but when you find an easy guitar song to learn, you can not o...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Home Improvement 101: Selecting Furniture Selecting furnishings and home decor that reflect your taste and personality will make your abode a haven that you can call your own.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Elevator shoes Every man has a desire to look taller, which is surely a positive characteristic to highlight one's personality.
11. Bookmarks: 0 Elevator Shoes- How to increase height and grow taller with elevator shoes Every man has a desire to look taller, which is surely a positive characteristic to highlight one's personality. A man of short height has to meet so much of hardships, either they go to a gym or undergo medical treatments in order to increase few inches in their height. But the shoe industry has brought an end to such worries. They have produced height increasing footwear which will make any man look taller instantly. Also, this will add upto your confidence.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Dressing mirrors The practice of self examination is very important in life of every individual. This practice should be continued on regular basis. It leads a road to personality development. The two major aspects of personality development program are refinement of behavior and refinement in outward looks. One needs to improve one’s behavior and external personality for developing one’s personality in a positive manner
13. Bookmarks: 0 Desires in Healing the Hidden Self The perceptive and the aware or cognizant self are referred as the whole self. The self is our personality that acts as a representative of our actions, emotions and feelings. It is our nature that makes up our character and becomes our identity once developed. Many people commonly react differently in atypical circumstances. The outcomes of our decisions are based on the way we react to these situations.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Dental Veneers: transform your smile and enhance your personality! You have simply no reason to feel self conscious about your smile. With plenty of options available to you, you have it all in your fingertips. Dental veneers are ideal to provide you relief from different types of dental conditions. Dental veneers can be put in your teeth in just about two sittings with your dentist.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Personality Of Debt Have you had the opportunity to deal with a person in debt? Are they in denial about their financial situation? In my opinion, people in debt are in denial to everyone around them about their financial situation. In their denial, they actually develop a personality. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the word personality means quality or condition of a person. Debt means something owned. From my perspective, when someone is in debt, the quality or condition of that person cha...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Narcissism and Personality Disorders Are all personality disorders the outcomes of frustrated narcissism?
17. Bookmarks: 0 Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders Do narcissists also suffer from eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa?
18. Bookmarks: 0 Strength of Postcard’s Style and Personality Postcard is many things… It can serve as an inspiration to move people towards a goal. It can be funny and make people laugh around at their friend’s misadventures and transgressions. It can bring you to different places you have never seen before. Most of all, they can drag a multitude to one’s business.
19. Bookmarks: 0 How To Succeed Without A Degree While having a formal education is certainly a good way to break into some industries, don’t fret if you didn’t earn a college degree. There’s still hope! Let’s look at three qualities you must possess in order to get the job you want without a degree.Soft Skills: These are skills not obtained by getting a degree. Some of these skills deemed most important by employers include the following:EnthusiasmFriendly personalityPunctualityAbility to get along well with ...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Tips for Getting an Acne-Free Face Nobody dreams of having acne, that would be tantamount to wishing for bad teeth. One thing that makes people attractive is their flawless skin. Sometimes, it shows the entirety of their personality especially on the manner of how they take care of themselves. Having a blemish-free skin also builds up the confidence of a person.
21. Bookmarks: 0 Sports Gifts For Him “Purchasing the right sports collectibles: Know his personality”As far as gift ideas for the sports lover go, there are millions. Especially considering the fact that NFL merchandise sales alone have skyrocketed in recent years. In fact, Superbowl XXXV ranked as the second most-watched show ever! (Second only to the final episode of M.A.S.H.) It becomes especially hard to make a decision if you're not a sports fanatic yourself. Since sports collectibles are by and large f...
22. Bookmarks: 0 How your personality effects the way you deal with stress Did you know that your personality affects the way you cope with stressors in your life? Some people cope fine with levels of stress that others would find crippling. Our reactions to stress are partly inborn and partly learned throughout our lifetime. Everyone reacts to stress, it just depends on the level of stress you can handle before symptoms arise. Some people are really quite 'bomb proof' and seem to cope fine with a multitude of stressful situations, but even they will eventual...
23. Bookmarks: 0 Cosmetic Dentistry - A Perfect Smile Teeth are an important aspect of your personality. They play a major role in speech, digestion and enjoying food. It is essential to care for your teeth. Modern dentistry with high-class equipment has made a visit to the dentist a less daunting and painless experience. Plain dentistry has evolved into a new role - cosmetic dentistry. The teeth can be so re-modeled and repaired that they bring happiness into the lives of people who were discontented with their looks. One need ...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Men- Do You Attract Women? For many men, attracting women looks very difficult. For few men, it is very simple. The women get attracted to them automatically.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Or Good College Relationships: Control And Define Your Social Behavior Around The Campus College life could be one of the most challenging parts of everyone’s life where brand new interaction with totally different individuals may seem intimidating at first but will prove a significant step towards making your social and whole outlook in life as flexible and as exciting as possible. This is also the stage of our lives where the start of taking special note of serious matters over gradual transition of our personality development is taking into account. College, i...
26. Bookmarks: 18 The Benefits Of Branding Branding is the process of creating distinctive and durable perceptions in the minds of consumers. A brand is a persistent, unique business identity intertwined with associations of personality, quality, origin, liking and more. Here’s why the effort to brand your company or yourself pays off. 1. Memorability. A brand serves as a convenient container for a reputation and good will. It's hard for customers to go back to that whatsitsname store or to refer business to th...
27. Bookmarks: 15 Exploit Your Brand To The Fullest A brand goes beyond a company name and tagline. It is a complete personality or set of values, sometimes even a story line, along with repeated visual, auditory and behavioral elements. When you decide to invest in creating a brand, follow these guidelines to ensure that you get your money's worth:1. Be distinctive. You'll land your company in expensive legal hot water if you attempt to steal or encroach on another company's identity. Apart from legalities, you tend to ge...
28. Bookmarks: 0 The Perfect Career for Your Personality Discover how your personality type determines your job success and satisfaction. Find out how understanding yourself and your personality can help you choose a career that's perfect for you.
29. Bookmarks: 3 Give Someone A Bird Bath Ever since I can remember I have loved buying special gifts and presents for the people in my life. I love nothing more than surprising someone I care about with something I know they will love. I try to match potential gifts to people that I know would really enjoy the gift, for there is nothing worse than giving or receiving a gift that just doesn't match a personality. I recently gave a bird bath to my father for his birthday and I quickly realized that it was the perfect ...
30. Bookmarks: 5 Gardening Your Personality: The Greens Of Growth Many gardeners are the nurturing type: just like Mother Nature. People say they have “green thumbs” because they can make anything grow. Is your personality the growth type? Are you the kind of person who wants to see others grow and develop? If so, you probably love to be around children and, though you are exhausted at the end of the day, you feel like it is all worth it if you have helped other people. So is there green in your garden?It seems to be a silly question: i...
31. Bookmarks: 1 Using Plants To Make Us Happier If we fill our time taking care of plants we can get rid of stress, it is a scientifically proved thing. Taking care of our green friends (the ones with leaves not Aliens!) we will discover new hidden sides of our personality and will get to know better how to love and care for others, firstly because a plant that we won’t care for will die for sure.
32. Bookmarks: 1 Landscaping Ideas By looking at these landscaping ideas first you have the ability at hand of seeing what items you might like to have in your garden. These ideas will also let you see how you can reasonably change your garden – no matter how big or small – into one which reflects your personality...
33. Bookmarks: 2 The Mystery Element In Sales The element of mystery can be effectively employed to involve your audience. We are all naturally curious about the unknown. When we feel we've been left hanging, it drives us crazy! We want to know the end of the story. We want our tasks to be completed so we can check them off our list. This is also known as the Zeigarnik Effect, named after Bluma Zeigarnik, a Russian psychologist. This effect is the tendency we have to remember uncompleted thoughts, ideas, or tasks more ...
34. Bookmarks: 0 4 Psychological Needs Help Deal With Conflict Have you ever been plagued by doubts and internal conflict? Do you wonder why people in your life react differently causing arguments and difficulties? Find out what causes these conflicts and what you can do about them.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Breast Enlargement – Converting Small to Big Breast enlargement is the procedure that can change the lifestyle of a woman that seeks desperately to enhance her personality. As well as it can fulfill the need of getting an alluring look for the woman. Breast enlargement can be done in several ways. But the fact is that you ought to choose the most affordable and safe way for your purpose.
36. Bookmarks: 0 5 Attributes Of Successful People Disciplined, Uncompromising, Tough, Courageous and Humorous (D.U.T.C.H). The 5 main attributes that are to be found in most successful people. This has resulted from a careful study of the main personality traits to be found in the worlds most successful people from politicians, sportsmen and women and business people. Disciplined and Successful people are well organized and self disciplined. Often they have been brought up in a structured disciplined environment.
37. Bookmarks: 0 How To Be More Attractive: Gotta Have Sense Of Humor! Men having great sense of humor ranked number three as being a personality trait that attracts women on survey results conducted by several magazines. Topping the survey is physical appearance and number two, financial stability.Laughing can be very beneficial to one’s health, according to researchers. And a great sense of humor, which creates laughter, can make a lot of difference specially when dating women.A lot of women see a guy with a great sense of humor very a...
38. Bookmarks: 0 The Simple Complex Of Astrology Signs Define Your Personality Traits Astrology is an age old science that is still flourishing, probably at it's best. Although many people question astrology's recognition as a science, though a greater chunk of folks consider it a science. Astrology gives incredible insight into one's personality. Predictions and suggestions accorded by astrologer often turn out relevant to your life. Crucial determinant of your astrological fate happens to be your astrology sign. Your astrology sign is the sign accorded to th...
39. Bookmarks: 73 Personality Types and Video Production Length You can have long detailed versions and shorter versions of subject matter, but I still think a single subject per video is appropriate. I was reminded today that I am a pragmatist, and we like things to-the-point, but there are also the amiables and analysts that really like longer versions (for different reasons - amiables like to get to know you and analysts like the exacting details).
40. Bookmarks: 6 The Secret - To Spiritual Success It is over the course of hundreds of lives that you choose to master higher qualities of love, forgiveness, unconditional love, tolerance, acceptance, compassion, empathy, wisdom, and many, many more.
41. Bookmarks: 5 The Magic of Dreaming Big - How to Find Your Vision in Life If you don’t dream big enough, you major in minor things. A sad fact of life is that people don’t live to achieve their fullest potential. Most of the time, the act of surviving consumes them. Earning enough to live a comfortable lifestyle takes up all their time. And in the end, they have yet to find meaning and fulfillment in their lives.
42. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret Of Success – Desire, Duty, Or Dereliction? People go through this thing that we call life and while some are incredibly successful, there are others who just “get by” until the final curtain is drawn. Determining your level of actual involvement in your life – and thus, your level of success – can be broken down into 3 categories: Desire, Duty, or Dereliction.
43. Bookmarks: 7 What Kind of Leader are You? The style of leadership taken by any leader is usually predetermined by the personality and motivational values of that person. They are who they are, as a personality, and that has a strong influence on the way they lead and communicate with others.
44. Bookmarks: 12 A Good Leader Knows The Team’s Colours Leadership can be a very challenging task. As leaders we don’t always get to choose who is on our team. Leaders can greatly benefit by being able to identify the types of personality characteristics of team members. By facilitating each team member to function in their areas of natural strength and motivating them by communicating in a way that inspires harmony and team work, the leader is well on the way to achieving extraordinary results.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Investing Psychology - Know Thyself America will continue to be the land of opportunity and regardless of what course our economy takes over the next few years, it's likely that investment opportunities will be numerous and attractive. Companies driven by the ever increasing advancements in technology will emerge, while older companies, out of necessity, will come forth with new products. One industry or another will enjoy a boom period relative to the rest.
46. Bookmarks: 0 Motivational Speakers - Creating a Vehicle for Dreams Motivation is the fuel that feeds our dreams and drives us to succeed, and the right motivational speaker can change your next training event from an arbitrary collection of dos and don'ts to a pit stop that will breathe new life into your business.
47. Bookmarks: 0 Your Thinking Style - Test It Thinking it is said is one of the toughest things to do. Many of us say that they will think about something and then revert. You must have heard this many times.
48. Bookmarks: 4 Does Your Copywriting Trigger What Makes Your Visitors Buy? Want to know what makes your visitors want to buy? Find out the two basic - yet contradictory - needs that drive people and the ways to satisfy those needs in different ways for the four basic personality types.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Men’s Saddle Shoes Shoes have always been the part and parcel of fashion since ages and always enhanced the personality of any individual. One such shoe is saddle shoe; this shoe got its name due to the vamp and instep of the shoe which take the shape of the saddle in the center. The shoes are formal leather footwear normally with two tones of black and white. Combinations of other colors are also available. The shoe with black and white coloration mostly has black leather on the middle part va...
50. Bookmarks: 0 History of Astrology Astrology is a type of divination based upon the idea that information about the future or about a person’s personality can be discovered through the examination of heavenly bodies such as stars, planets, the moon, comets etc.
51. Bookmarks: 0 The Origin And History Of Hypnosis Hypnosis or hypnotism is a psychological phenomenon of exceeding interest to both layman and scientist. Its history is as old as that of the human race, and it has been utilized by the most primitive of peoples, ancient and modern, in the practice of religious and medical rites to intensify belief in mysticism and magic. The striking character of this psychological manifestation, its inexplicable and bewildering phenomenology, and the seemingly miraculous results it produces....
52. Bookmarks: 0 Is it difficult to criticize? This article is about the influence of criticism on a personality and ways to express your thoughts mildly and in an easy to catch way. This gives you a general idea of how to profit from criticism from your side and in your address. If you want to be a successful critic, see this article.
53. Bookmarks: 0 An Effective Trick To Help You Not Take Things Personally! [Reflections Of A Middle-Aged Man] I think it would be fair to say that we all have a tendency to take things personally. It's just that some of us have a greater tendency than others to do so. And, when it happens, some of us are better able to deal with it within ourselves than others.Taking things personally is never healthy in any relationship: employer-employee, friend-friend, husband-wife, partner-partner, parent-child, . . . for a number of reasons. One main such reason is that, if you do take thing...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Why You Should Get Your Own Self Improvement Video? Read On... It cannot be denied that what works for one does not work for another. If what your friends say and what you read does not seem to inspire you to improve yourself, then it is time to consider self improvement videos.It cannot be denied that some people can better comprehend something when they see it on screen. That is the psychology behind these videos. Getting the focus of the person watching them like no other ways can do.The need for self improvement is now an iss...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Why Is Spiritual Truth So Elusive? Why is spiritual truth so elusive? I have been pondering hard on this subject for quite sometime. And the article is my thought on this subject.
56. Bookmarks: 0 Why Haven’t I Created The Life I Want? One of the most amazing things about being human is that every dream or creation leads us to want to dream bigger, or to create a bigger dream than the ones we had before. One of the main reasons why your life looks the way it does right now is YOU WEREN'T SPECIFIC ENOUGH. Thought you'd never have to hear that again, right? And so we got a version of what we wanted, but it wasn’t the complete version. See, we spend a lot of time looking at what we don’t want, but very lit...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Where to Find Anger Management Courses The truth about anger management courses. Simple steps to a calmer less stressful life This article will help your conquer your anger and improve your self esteem; your family and friends will thanks you for it. Whether you have problems controlling anger or know someone close to you that does then this article is sure to be of interest to you.
58. Bookmarks: 0 When You Cannot Attend a Memorial Service, Writing a Condolence Letter Can Help When a friend or family member has lost someone dear to them, it is always a good idea to send a condolence letter to encourage them.This article provides some guidelines on how to write a proper, thoughtful condolence letter to someone grieving over their loss.
59. Bookmarks: 0 What is the Higher Self? Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been typically called the Higher Self.
60. Bookmarks: 0 What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? One thing that is coming up more than ever is the condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Some were aware of it before this became the common name and remember it as shell shock. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder suffered by rising numbers of people today.It starts with events that are so traumatic for those suffering, that they can’t deal with it all at once, and shouldn’t be expected too. In wars, many soldiers experience horrors that were ext...
61. Bookmarks: 0 What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder And How To Deal With It Now Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder that is shown by having a grandiose state of mind in young adults. The number of people with this disorder is highly disputed with some theories stating that it can be as high as one percent of the population.
62. Bookmarks: 0 What Causes Problem Blushing? Why do some people blush more easily than others? Blushing is a physical response that is triggered by an emotional response to one or more self conscious thoughts. Everyone has self conscious thoughts from time to time, but such thoughts do not trigger blushing in everyone. Most people blush at one time or other. People generally have a tendency to blush in response to shameful thoughts or actions. Blushing is a normal physical response to an embarrassing behaviour ...
63. Bookmarks: 0 Ways To Stop Blushing Using My Unique Approach Often, the problem with your blushing is not actually the blushing itself, but the cause of the blushing.You may have noticed that your pre-occupation with blushing causes you to blush more and more, yet if you had a more positive and birds-eye view of your life and the world that you live in, you may find that you not only forget to blush, but that instead of looking for ways to stop blushing, you will actually be too busy looking for ways to live your life the way you...
64. Bookmarks: 0 Ways To Stop Blushing If you're looking for ways top stop blushing, you could spend a lifetime trying the next temporary solution, the latest green tinted make-up or some kind of foul home remedy that ends up gathering dust in the cupboard.In reality, there is but a few genuine ways to stop blushing for good. In fact. the only way to stop blushing or at best to calm in down to a comfortable level of control is to reprogram our minds and subconscious thoughts.Before we reach that stage, we ...
65. Bookmarks: 1 Timeless Marketing Truth: The Unchanging Truth About Selling Fickle People. What we want changes overnight; what makes us want it hasn’t changed in thousands of years, nor will it change in thousands more. The serious student of marketing can learn much from early analysts of motivation. Here is a bit of George French’s The Art and Science of Advertising” from the turn of the 20th century…“We know how to appeal to Smith because we know Smith.  We know what will please Brown because we know Brown.  We know how to ge...
66. Bookmarks: 0 Three Truly Liberating Procrastination Tips Are you immobilized by procrastination and indecision? We all know that it is impossible to steer a car that’s not moving and the same is true with your life. You simply cannot direct and steer your life if you are immobilized by procrastination and indecision. It is what prevents you from doing the very things you need to do to make progress.This debilitating behavior, or shall I say lack of behavior, is responsible for destroying so many dreams and aspirations. Action i...
67. Bookmarks: 0 The Meaning Of Dreams There is a guiding principle to dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best when he called for us to “interpret the dreamer” and not just the dream.Dreams are a tool, like the proverbial “finger pointing to the moon.” Don’t focus on the finger or you will miss out on all the heavenly glory. Dreams are the finger and they are pointing to the dreamer. Interpreting your dreams is an exercise in self-discovery and self-growth. They are almost always referring bac...
68. Bookmarks: 0 The Gift Only You Can Give It can be hard to decide what gift to give that special someone. Of all the gifts that I have given over the years, two have stood out for people. These gifts are not found in a store, and only can come from within you. Yet, they are remember, long after the rest have faded.
69. Bookmarks: 0 The Basics Of Feminization Hypnosis There are a lot of things that can be achieved through the power of hypnosis. Over the years, hypnosis helped a number of people to stop smoking, lose weight and even fight off certain kinds of health conditions. Today, the technique of hypnosis is helping transgender, transvestite and transsexuals in tapping their feminine side. Feminization hypnosis is a voluntary process where an individual goes through a relaxed trance stage through hypnosis. For transvestite, transge...
70. Bookmarks: 2 Therapy For Therapists Have you ever had a problem that seemed so stuck and so complicated that you just couldn’t get it straight in your mind? And the more you tried to make sense of it, the more complicated it seemed to get. We’ve all had a problem like that before, and it’s good to know that there are people in the world who make it their business to help others solve problems.But what happens when the person who is supposed to solve the problems is also confused by the problem? Who helps th...
71. Bookmarks: 0 Test Your Self Esteem Do you have trouble landing a dream job, maintaining healthy relationships or simply feeling good about your day-to-day decisions? You may suffer from low self-esteem. Testing your self-esteem is an easy and valuable way to discover underlying problems and begin to work on areas that need improvement. Self-esteem tests are available in many magazines, books and online. Taking these tests can be fun because there really are no right or wrong answers.Be truthful in your an...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Test Your Personality - Are You Obsessed With Your Body? The age of meterosexual men is here. Gone are the days with men used to enjoy feel like a cowboy. The cosmetic companies have a bigger market in men than women.
73. Bookmarks: 0 Test Your Anxiety Response Worries and anxieties are part of our life. The difference between us is our response to any event. The cause may be common, but the response may vary widely.
74. Bookmarks: 0 Stop Tinnitus Symptoms & Reclaim Silence! Tinnitus may affect more than half of the American population. A curable ailment within the inner ear canal, tinnitus is noticed by continual ringing, hissing & swishing noises in ears that will not subside. When you suffer from tinnitus, you will feel like you're insane and no one else can hear the noises.But you don't have to suffer – tinnitis symptoms are curable.5 Small Steps To Silence Tinnitus Symptoms:Tinnitus symptoms may be common amongst more than twenty f...
75. Bookmarks: 0 Star Wars And Psychology: Embracing The Dark Side A few evenings ago, some friends and I decided to watch the latest Star Wars film, Return of the Sith. This film got me thinking about a concept that is key to much of the hypnotherapy that I do, and is an excellent example of how not to lead one’s life.Much of what makes the Star Wars story so alluring is the puzzling change that occurs in Anakin Skywalker. How is it that a man can turn from supremely good to the embodiment of evil? We’re led to love Anakin the Jedi and ...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Sniffing Out Your Signature Scent We all like to smell good. Bad body odor can be a huge turn off at all times. If you are out on a hot date on a sweltering day without spraying yourself with a suitable deodorant you can assure yourself that your date is never going to call you back. A good perfume can score you a lot of points in a romantic setting. If you are going for a job interview you really should take care of a possible body odor problem. You do not want to antagonize your interviewers by hitting them...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Shadows... Shadows lurk in the deep recesses of the psyche.It is buried in the heart, in the mind; it is part of us.It follows us, it frightens us. Is it possible to ignore or avoid the shadow? Some call it demons that stick around every dark corner, every perilous turn, ....
78. Bookmarks: 0 Self Improvement- Role Of Quizzes Self improvement is everyone's goal. All of us want to know about weaknesses and strengths.
79. Bookmarks: 5 Self Hypnosis – Power of the Subconscious Mind Self Hypnosis is a subject which evokes a million responses from a million different people. Some feel overawed by it, yet others are plain scared of it; some others seem skeptical about it, and yet others are what we know as believers?
80. Bookmarks: 8 Self Defence 4 – Which Martial Art? You are elderly and unfit. And very concerned at the risk you face when walking our streets and parks.Worried about mugging. Frightened about rape. Scared of yobs. You want to learn how to give yourself a better than even chance of survival.You have decided to join a self defence class. But which one?Karate? Aikido? Judo? Ju-jutsu? Kung-fu? Hapkido? The list is truly endless.My advice? Don’t join any! If you do, you will have NO chance of surviving a mugging o...
81. Bookmarks: 0 Renovating? Learn How To Do It Yourself! Those who think that the internet is just a venue for high-speed socialization, e-businesses, and virtual recreation better think twice.
82. Bookmarks: 0 Quiz Your Anger Anger is one of the most common emotions. Most of us get angry . some of us get angry at the smallest provocation, while for some others it takes more.
83. Bookmarks: 0 Quiz- Do You Pamper Yourself Or Beat Yourself If You Make A Mistake? What do you do with yourself if you make a mistake? Quiz yourself and find out. You may be even knowing the answer if you are on either extreme.
84. Bookmarks: 0 Public Speaking Tips: How To Captivate Your Audience! Public speaking is all about performance, whether this is on an auditorium stage, in a small room or a huge arena. Holding the attention of your audience throughout your presentation or speech is an area well documented in any public speaking course. Once you’ve learned how to prepare your notes, conquered your fear of public speaking and brushed up your presentation skills, tips on great ways to captivate your audience is the all-important next step!Public speaking tips...
85. Bookmarks: 1 Personality Test - Are You A Sports Car? All of you have watched sport cars. They go on a predetermined course at a great speed, taking sweeping turns and demolishing anything that comes on the way.
86. Bookmarks: 0 Personality - Easy Ways To Improve It Personality cannot be quantified. Personality can be perceived. Why we are delighted to hear somebody is beyond any scientific explanation.
87. Bookmarks: 0 Personality - Do You Test Your Limits? Are you a normal person or you normally test your limits? Let me explain what I am saying. Many of us love extreme actions and test ourselves to the extreme whenever the opportunity arises.
88. Bookmarks: 0 Overcoming Addictions There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the reasons why addictions occur. Some believe that substances in themselves are not addictive, that it is the bodies chemical reaction to the substance to which the individual is addicted. This claim could certainly seem plausible when considering gambling or shopping addictions. There is no foreign chemical entering the body, rather that the body is creating its own chemical reaction (excitement/ adrenalin) in response to ...
89. Bookmarks: 0 Online Dating: Meeting with several people at one time Many guys, who are seaching for their beloved one over the Internet, correspond with several women at the same time. Why gentlemen with serious intentions behave like this?
90. Bookmarks: 0 Need A Lift? Try A Success Program… If you are like most people at some time in their life you have or you will enter a rut in life. Sometimes this rut is referred to as the mid-life crisis, some times it is called the prodigal period, but whatever it is called the same basic ingredients exist. They are questioning the meaning and direction of your life and evaluating whether or not you should make changes (often major) and how you should go about doing them. Often it is brought on by a feeling of discontentmen...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Motivation Letter For Work Abroad If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter.
92. Bookmarks: 5 Meet My Bodyguard - Mr. Taser Not so very long ago, those concerned about crime or fearing for their safety had limited options. Many such people chose to purchase a handgun, unfortunately resulting in occasional accidental deaths when children got hold of it or someone was mistakenly identified as an intruder (resulting in yet another occupational liability for pizza delivery drivers!)After that came a plethora of non-lethal weapons including stun guns, pepper spray, and Tasers. Among the foregoing, ...
93. Bookmarks: 0 Loving Those Who Are Behave Egotistically Or Are Cold And Unfeeling Why do we lose our love when others are behaving egotistically? What is the danger for us? We might answer that it is natural not to love an egotistical person. But what is our danger here? Are we losing self-worth, security, freedom, control or pleasure? Perhaps we are offended by our own egotism that reflects in the others' behavior?If the others were five years old, would we be offended and outraged by their egotistical behavior? Or would we continue to love them, whil...
94. Bookmarks: 1 List of The Most Important Personality Characteristics Ever wonder what makes up a personality? This article talks about the key personality characteristics and how they relate to the success or failure you achieve.
95. Bookmarks: 0 Links To Try Out And Be On Your Way To Self-Improvement... A Great Helping Resource! The popularity of self-improvement books, tapes and seminars is a reflection of the universal interest we all have in overcoming our limitations, or being the best we can be or achieving our full potential.Popular applications of self-improvement programs include motivation and confidence, personal relationships, sales and job performance, enhancement of sports performance, public speaking, weight control and smoking cessation.Here are some basic principles to hel...
96. Bookmarks: 0 Learn how to motivate yourself Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you -- you are the only one with the power to motivate you. Motivation cannot be an external force, it must come from within as the natural product of your desire to achieve something and your belief that you are capable to succeed at your goal
97. Bookmarks: 0 Karmic Pattern Clearing What is karmic pattern clearing? Karmic pattern clearing is the cleansing of ingrained habitual responses that dictate the way we react to certain situations.This article is about my understanding of karmic pattern clearing.
98. Bookmarks: 0 Journey To The Center of The Self...Guide To Inner Wisdom This deep, expansive communion with the Self is one of the most powerful and direct ways to access the Soul’s ability to help you with all of your choices. The experience is also exquisitely beautiful and profoundly intimate.
99. Bookmarks: 0 Journaling For Happiness And Spiritual Well-Being Could a journal actually lead one to health and well-being? As both a writer and health enthusiast, this is a question I've given lots of thought to. As it turns out, I'm not the only one. Upon further research, there's been a considerable amount of press given to the idea that your journal could be a path to health and wellness. In fact, Southern Methodist University and Ohio State University College of Medicine studied the effects of creative journaling and found it conclus...
100. Bookmarks: 0 I am Charmed, and You? Make you life brighter, healthier and more prosperious through authenticity and charm. Possessing charm will greatly augment your overall effectiveness and you will feel grand as those worry lines give way to your infectious smile. By projecting charm you say to others that you are both likeable and approachable.

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Kay Nikookary - Marketing and Brand Specialist - Information Architect! What a perfect title for the man that knows so much about technology, execution, business strategy and how to put it all together to make huge strides for your organization. I have seen Teo at work and would recommend him to anyone seeking a dynamic speaker on the diverse and complex topic of technology, I would recommend Teo to anyone starting or restructuring their company to take advantage of technology and tap into the global marketplace. He is the ideal consultant, speaker, project leader! Teo is one of those rare gems that knows IT and can truly be the architect of your system; and yet explain it you, and others like me, that don't always understand or want to know the technology side of the picture. He is a very personable gentleman who knows his stuff and if you are considering a technology question, then you need to at least have a conversation with him - because he WILL add value for you! - August 17, 2008, Kay was Teo's client


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