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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag leadership

There are 100 articles associated with the tag leadership!

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Article Title/Link and Description
1. Bookmarks: 0 Defining Leadership And Its Styles
2. Bookmarks: 0 Executive/Leadership Coaching - the why and the reason behind the concept Leadership Coaching is the key, to having the kind of life that you visualize and have in your mind, for your future
3. Bookmarks: 0 Corporate Coaching For Executives From Extraordinary Lifestyles For some business leaders, having a coach may seem like sign of weakness. Men of power don’t want to be seen as anything less than perfect in their leadership. So, having to ask for help and support from someone else sounds alien to most because they are generally the ones who are giving support and advice. CEO coaching a sign of weakness, but strength.
4. Bookmarks: 1 Purchase Dissertation Help For Leadership Dissertation To purchase dissertation help for leadership assignment is really supportive and the online writing professionals are always available to give help for leadership dissertation assignment and you can purchase leadership dissertation writing help to carry on with all your other activities.
5. Bookmarks: 4 Are You A Suitable MBA Candidate? Sponsoring companies also find that supporting participation in the Global Executive MBA program also helps attract and retain talented employees, and prepare them for future leadership roles within the company.MBAs are often seeking a more general managerial role in their current industry. The MBA provides a portfolio of managerial tools and techniques as well as the 'softer' skills needed to succeed as a manager. Entrepreneurial spirit, dedication, commitment and profes...
6. Bookmarks: 6 What to Do When You Hit the Invisible Sales Revenue Ceiling Have you ever hit a level of revenue that you just couldn't seem to break through? If you have, then you know how frustrating it can feel. You may even spike above this ceiling periodically. But, like water seeking its own level, your revenue results seek a sub-par level. Sales leadership had failed to understand their meaningful business metrics. This was the primary reason, as it is in most cases. They hadn't isolated the essential competencies and components. Therefore, their people coul...
7. Bookmarks: 12 Unexpected Wisdom from a Teenager Leaders ask questions because they know that everyone can provide useful ideas. Here's an example.
8. Bookmarks: 6 Ethics & Leadership in Business Development In the 25 + years of working with some of the best people in Business Development within the power generation industry, we have found some unique characteristics that separate these individuals from the rest. It doesn’t seem to matter what organization they work for, or the services, the client base or the economic climate.
9. Bookmarks: 2 Companies Stifle Intrapreneurs At Their Own Risk I've noticed an interesting trend lately. Usually the e-mail I receive in response to this column comes from rookie entrepreneurs or established business owners seeking my input on startup matters, financing, employee relations, general management and leadership issues, policy matters, etc. Lately, however, many of the messages are coming from employees of medium-size and large companies who are growing frustrated at working in an environment that they deem (to quote one ...
10. Bookmarks: 6 Growing the Leader in Us Leadership is action, not a position. Leadership is defined by what we do, not the role we are in. Some people in leadership roles are excellent leaders. But too many are bosses, snoopervisors, technocrats, bureaucrats, managers, commanders, chiefs, and the like.
11. Bookmarks: 16 How To Transition Your Home Based Business From Good To Great! This week as I traveled from our offices in Wilmington, Delaware to my home and field office in Aurora, CO, I had a chance to pick up the #1 Bestseller, a great business book that has sold over 2 million copies, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins.The book is about how to turn a good company or business into one that produces sustained great results.Your home based business might be doing pretty good, but are you just satisfied with just being good, or do you have the desi...
12. Bookmarks: 11 Chamber Advocates - Helping Businesses Prosper in a Down Economy! We provide Chambers with the business intelligence needed to build membership by providing more value for their members. The net result is a higher retention rate and increased membership for the Chambers.
13. Bookmarks: 0 The Importance Of Being A Leader In Sports During my NFL career, I learned that leadership is a trait that all athletes have deep inside of them. Unfortunately, I found that most players do not know how to apply their leadership skills. It is the inability to apply leadership that sets the regular NFL players apart from the true greats such as LaDainian Tomlinson, Marvin Harrison, Peyton Manning, and Brett Favre. These fine players are all strong leaders. It is their powerful leadership skills that inspire their teamm...
14. Bookmarks: 0 A Short Comparison Of Public Speaking Schools Of Thought: Toastmasters & Carnegie As everybody will certainly agree that having the confidence to speak publicly is a valuable skill, there is much debate as to which technique of public speaking is the most effective. Currently, the most recognized public speaking associations are Toastmasters International and the Dale Carnegie Course. Toastmasters International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of the principles of communication, public speaking and leadership skills. It achiev...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Successful Organizational Leadership: Effective Execution through Strategic Alignment Strategic alignment is the linkage between the goals of the business and the goals of each of the key contributors. The tighter the linkage and the better the alignment, the likelihood of flawless corporate execution becomes stronger. Strategic alignment has several advantages once implemented properly and practiced.
16. Bookmarks: 17 Executive Resumes 101 What makes an executive resume “executive”? Is it the format? Is it the content? Or is it the personal marketing strategy? Executive resumes are different in all these areas. Executive resumes are targeted toward a hiring agent that is seeking more than the typical job seeker’s qualifications. The executive behind the resume must meet specific leadership and visionary qualifications that surpass the regular achievement-based resume. Executive resumes must demonstrate success ...
17. Bookmarks: 0 America's Happiness Index At New Low The other day it occurred to me that during Ronald Reagan’s run for the Presidency he created a “Misery Index”. This index represented a total of the rate of inflation, plus the prime rate, as an indicator of how the American people felt about how they were doing. No one has suggested resurrecting this index in recent years. My thought was to create a “Happiness Index”. How happy are you with the leadership of the country. The problem is that other than taking an ou...
18. Bookmarks: 7 Become The Go-To Expert In Your Industry One of the easiest ways to drive prospective clients and customers to your business is to become the expert in your field. The term Expert carries credibility and prestige that can open many doors for you, and, oddly enough, the term is relatively easy to acquire. This simple three step process can help you quickly and easily set yourself up as the expert in your field.
19. Bookmarks: 2 The Mystery Element In Sales The element of mystery can be effectively employed to involve your audience. We are all naturally curious about the unknown. When we feel we've been left hanging, it drives us crazy! We want to know the end of the story. We want our tasks to be completed so we can check them off our list. This is also known as the Zeigarnik Effect, named after Bluma Zeigarnik, a Russian psychologist. This effect is the tendency we have to remember uncompleted thoughts, ideas, or tasks more ...
20. Bookmarks: 7 What Kind of Leader are You? The style of leadership taken by any leader is usually predetermined by the personality and motivational values of that person. They are who they are, as a personality, and that has a strong influence on the way they lead and communicate with others.
21. Bookmarks: 12 A Good Leader Knows The Team’s Colours Leadership can be a very challenging task. As leaders we don’t always get to choose who is on our team. Leaders can greatly benefit by being able to identify the types of personality characteristics of team members. By facilitating each team member to function in their areas of natural strength and motivating them by communicating in a way that inspires harmony and team work, the leader is well on the way to achieving extraordinary results.
22. Bookmarks: 0 What Makes a Good Boss? According to Rob Sheehan, director of executive education at the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland, “Being a good boss is important in any organization, but it’s particularly important for small business.
23. Bookmarks: 6 8 Steps to Effective Christian Leadership As a Christian leader, you are held to high moral, ethical, and social standards. As a leader, you are held to high standards, but as a Christian leader, that bar is raised even higher. Why? Because both the Christian and non-Christian social environment has tended to expect that Christians measure up to their self-proclaimed moral and ethical standards, as they rightly should. What can you do to be sure you ‘stand up to the test’ in the area of Christian leadership?
24. Bookmarks: 6 7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons - biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s...
25. Bookmarks: 10 Leadership Skills: Managing Meetings In this article we look at how leaders should prepare for and manage meetings with the senior management team, in order to ensure that the meetings contribute positively to the organisation’s strategies.
26. Bookmarks: 5 Transform Your Organization With Facilitative Leadership Effective leadership is a critical factor in the success of every organization. Learn the skills necessary for facilitative leadership to transform your organization and the bottom line.
27. Bookmarks: 8 I Believe in You! “All it DOES take is one person to tell you that he or she believes in you.”
28. Bookmarks: 7 The Personal Life Coach as Modern-Day Ally Joseph Campbell's hero's journey spoke of allies and mentors the hero meets on the way to the golden elixir -- in other words, helping characters who assist the hero in his goal. In this article, a personal life coach explains what a coach does and who he is.
29. Bookmarks: 9 Writing Your Personal Vision/Mission Statement I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my pers...
30. Bookmarks: 2 What’s Slipping Under Your Radar? Ben, a high-level leader in a multi-national firm, recently confessed that he felt like a bad father. That weekend he had messed up his Saturday daddy duties. When he took his son to soccer practice, Ben stayed for a while to support him. In the process, though, he forgot to take his daughter to her piano lesson. By the time they got to the piano teacher’s house, the next student was already playing. This extremely successful businessman felt like a failure.
31. Bookmarks: 11 Top 10 Traits of Highly Successful People We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie…and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives.
32. Bookmarks: 13 The Best Managers Are Leaders Too I was flying home several months ago from a management-leadership program I was teaching for a company in Phoenix, and I struck up a conversation with the gentleman next to me on the plane. During the conversation, I asked him if he considered his boss to be a good manager, and he said, “Yes, he is.” I then asked him if he thought his boss was a good leader, and after thinking a moment, he said, “No, he isn’t.”This man was not alone in the way he thought. According ...
33. Bookmarks: 2 Success Is An Open Book Test Secrets, Strategies And Shortcuts To Reaching Exponential Success We know many of the things we should be doing to be happier, to be more physically fit and to be more financially secure. We know we should set our goals, manage our time, and spend more time with our families, exercise, eat right, work hard, sleep more and have a positive mental attitude. We want to accomplish great feats and to be the best at what we do. And we want it all now.Why are some people super-successful, while others dwell in mediocrity? Ask almost anyone out...
34. Bookmarks: 5 Success After Failure - Even Genghis Khan Lost Some Early Battles Both the worst and the best of the great achievers had the belief in themselves and the resilience to overcome early failures. One of these was none other than Genghis Khan. There are powerful lessons we can learn from him.
35. Bookmarks: 8 Social Validation Sells For the most part, we are all conformists. We will do what the crowd does. We might not like to admit that, but it is true. Only 5 to 10 percent of the population engages in behavior contrary to the social norm.We see this law operating in groups, in organizations, in meetings, and in day-to-day public life. In all of these circumstances, there is a certain standard or norm. In churches, the moral code determines the standard behavior acceptable for the group. In organizati...
36. Bookmarks: 10 Psychology Of The Sales Professional One’s attitude has a lot more to do with the level of her/his success than one’s aptitude, ability, IQ, education or other factors do. I’d like to get into the details of a salesperson’s psychology so that, when it comes to building your team and individual team members, you are equipped with the knowledge of what’s really going on in there. As a holder of a management or other sort of leadership position, you may have already experienced being a salesperson yoursel...
37. Bookmarks: 8 Problem Solving With Reality Therapy Reality Therapy is a counseling method that was developed by Dr. William Glasser in 1965. However, it is so much more than a counseling technique. Reality Therapy is a problem solving method that works well with people who are experiencing problems they want help solving, as well as those who are having problems and appear to not want any assistance. Reality Therapy also provides an excellent model for helping individuals solve their own problems objectively and serves as the...
38. Bookmarks: 9 Neuro-linguistic Programming Strategies One’s thought patterns, beliefs and attitudes can be used to “preprogram” actual experiences that are yet to happen. NLP is very focused on how we think, what influences the way we think, and how we structure what we think. Subscribers to the science are encouraged to closely study and then model those individuals who do things well. When studying them, you don’t ask them how they did it—just what they were thinking when they did it. For example, if you asked Michae...
39. Bookmarks: 7 Mentoring Future Leaders: Setting The Framework For Success Within An Organization! Leadership advice!
40. Bookmarks: 8 Male Role Models: Who You Need And Why You Need Them Whenever youre searching for advice and wisdom and your dad just wont do, you have to look for role models elsewhere. You need to define yourself as a man, and you need examples to lead the way. Being a real man means that there are certain traits you have to adopt and most of these are already latent in your personality. All you have to do is find the perfect role models to mold yourself after. Here are the best men, fictional and real, to help you take the steps you need in...
41. Bookmarks: 10 Life Coaching - An Introduction To The Revolution In Personal Improvement Life coaching arrived in the UK around 10 years ago, having started in the United States some 10 years earlier. The idea of life coaching is to define goals and work out how you can achieve them. Whereas therapy analyses the past, with life coaching the emphasis is on the future and how the client can fulfil their potential.A life coach will not judge their clients but work with them on issues causing difficulties in their life. They will help the client understand proble...
42. Bookmarks: 2 Leadership & Teamwork Strong, positive teamwork is defined by a leader who has a vision and the ability to inspire his or her team to work toward the realization of that vision. The leader is not threatened in the least by the expertise and diversity of his or her team. Rather, a good team leader engages his or her teammates in a discussion about what quality looks like, what is needed to perform and complete the job, and empowers the team members to always strive for quality improvement.L...
43. Bookmarks: 8 Leadership Skills: Developing Positive Relationships This article is designed to provide guidance for executives, managers, and specialists, who are involved in leading the strategic direction of their organisations. We look at the approach that successful leaders must take in order to create, maintain, and nurture positive relationships with colleagues, suppliers, customers, partner organisations, and other stakeholders.
44. Bookmarks: 8 Leadership Development This article focuses on leadership in the workplace, for both aspiring leaders and those managers who are taking on leadership roles.
45. Bookmarks: 3 Leadership And Team Management This article is designed to provide guidance for managers who are involved in leading the strategic direction of their organisations.Here we look at the actions that successful leaders must take in order to create and establish a management teams network to successfully support the organisation’s strategies.
46. Bookmarks: 6 Leadership - How Can Leadership Programs Be Measured? Organizations depend on leadership for direction, momentum and a plan for sustainable success. How do we recognize leadership exists? How do we develop leadership? How can leadership be measured? These are questions this article seeks to explore.
47. Bookmarks: 8 Journey to the top If you are leading a team of knowledge worker and would like to make a win win situation in your team then, this article will give you insight on how to get the productivity in team workers.
48. Bookmarks: 9 How To Identify Poor Leadership Programs There seems to be a real deficit in good leadership and a large surplus of poor and pathetic leadership in many businesses today. Learn more in this article
49. Bookmarks: 6 How Public Speaking Improves Your Social Life Learning public speaking will help you in every day life to make friends and meet new people.
50. Bookmarks: 10 How I Conquered Fear And You Can Too! We’ve all heard it, felt it, sensed it, experienced it and dealt with it in some way or another, it’s FEAR! You know … False Evidence Appearing Real!! The question is, how are you going to handle it now and forever?
51. Bookmarks: 2 Developing the “Both and” Mindset Typically people have an “either or” mindset which inevitably leads to suboptimal solutions, and under satisfying compromises. By switching to the “both and” mindset you can become more successful and paradoxically create greater clarity and balance in your life.
52. Bookmarks: 6 Developing Leadership Skills This article is designed to provide guidance for executives, managers, and specialists, who are involved in leading the strategic direction of their organisations. The articles will cover all the main areas of expertise, knowledge, and understanding, that are need to successfully lead an organisation in today’s complex and fast-changing world.
53. Bookmarks: 10 Create The Think And Grow Rich Manifestation Riches are our target. When studying the ways to improve your earning and personal financial potential, the focus has to been confined, exclusively, to the instruction of how to transmute the definite purpose of desire for money into its monetary equivalent.This treatise is a Manifestation Manual for money, and while it is true, there is more to manifest than money, we unashamedly adopt as our study, our pursuit, and the education we give to worthy students coming up the ...
54. Bookmarks: 6 Considering Becoming A Life Coach? As life coaching is gaining popularity, so is interest in becoming a life coach. Many people love the idea of working for themselves and being in a profession that helps others. If you are thinking about becoming a life coach, there are several factors you need to consider.First, decide what type of life coach you want to become. The word life covers a lot of territory so life coaches tend to specialize in specific areas. These areas include career and finance, goal set...
55. Bookmarks: 9 Ask Don't Tell Leadership: When To Start Your Own Business? When to start your own business?Q: After working at one company for 10 years, I would like to begin my own business. What issues do I need to consider, and how do I know when it is the right time to take the “big step?”A: Almost 20 years ago, my roommate asked me to spend a day of my vacation in New York spying on his competition at a tradeshow. I made up a story to tell the vendors at the show -- I was planning to start a fundraising call center for politicians and w...
56. Bookmarks: 1 You Are The Supreme Authority Two days ago I stewed in my Doctor's lounge for my Annual Executive.I finished just about 6 of his magazines. He was late again.Fresh out of magazines (two read thrice already), I began reading all his plaques, diplomas, trophiesand certificates. He owned many- in fact, he ran out of wall real estate for all that parchment.Then it hit me.Folks these days heap a great deal of importance on certificates, accolades and testimonials. They seek validationand th...
57. Bookmarks: 3 You Are A Shining Star! You can ask some people the direct question, “What makes someone credible?” With others, you may have to be somewhat indirect. Ask, “Who do you think is really reliable and can be believed? Why?” You may have to be even more indirect with some people. Ask, “Who do think is a great leader? Why?” The responses you get to these questions indicate each person’s key credibility markers. Once you know the important markers, assess yourself. How well do you measu...
58. Bookmarks: 3 Why The Laws Of Persuasion Work As the species whose thinking ability supposedly separates us from the animals, we really don't spend much of our life reasoning. Most of the time our minds get stuck on cruise control. Thinking takes up too much time and requires too much energy. Imagine having to think about every decision we make. It wouldn't leave us much time to accomplish anything else, would it? Most of us have a systematic way of looking at the world. When this mode is operating, our minds are perfect...
59. Bookmarks: 2 Why Most Leadership Development Efforts Fail Organizations invest large amounts of time – and even more money trying to develop their leaders. Unfortunately much of that investment doesn’t get the return it should. This article tells you why.
60. Bookmarks: 2 Why Leadership Is So Important To Your Business Success Success in this business world today is competitive. To be successful in your own business it is crucial to have the necessary skills, including personal leadership, to distinguish you from every other business. It is possible in any economy to have customers and make money as long as you have leadership skills.
61. Bookmarks: 1 What Is Personal Development? What Is Personal Development?Personal development used to be a course taught at business and vocational schools around the United States.It was long since held that self-improvement was an essential aspect of succeeding in a more and more competitive marketplace that left little room for those who would not be able to pull their own weight – usually because of self image problems.Personal growth was considered to be the antidote to the possibility of failure very ...
62. Bookmarks: 4 Unreasonable Requests The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for RevolutionistsIt is probably the number two task of leadership -- asking. You ask people to do things, and when they do -- well, stuff happens. But what really extends your ability to make big things happen is asking for things that are unreasonable.Wha...
63. Bookmarks: 3 Universal Law Series - The Law Of Expectation This is the fifth of seven articles in our continuing series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the fifth Law – the Law of Expectations.Law of ExpectationsSimply stated, the Law of Expectations tells us that whatever one expects, with confidence, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When one expects with confidence that good things will happen, they usually will. If, on the other hand, one expects a negative outcome to a situation, the...
64. Bookmarks: 4 Universal Law Series - Law Of Correspondence If your life is not the way you want it, don't blame the people around you or your circumstances. Look inside and know that you and you alone have created your reality!This is the last of seven articles in the series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the seventh Law – the Law of Correspondence.Law of CorrespondenceThe Law of Correspondence tells us that our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world – as wit...
65. Bookmarks: 6 Train Your Leadership - Realise Your Full Potential Leadership training is a great way to develop your potential and really make the most of your talents. Effective leadership is essential in any organisation and is highly sought after by employers. With open learning you can gain these valuable skills without having to disrupt your current lifestyle.
66. Bookmarks: 1 Three Key Elements To Improving Leadership Great leadership is the key to success. Great communication is the key to great leadership. Think of any great leader in modern time: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, and John F. Kennedy come to mind immediately. They were powerful leaders because they could inspire people to follow them. It was their ability to articulate their vision that made them successful in achieving their goals. In your organization you must be the leader who inspires the team to great heights. To ...
67. Bookmarks: 1 The Synergy of Vision An organisation that has not established its core values and vision will unlikely keep visionaries within it.Visionaries will likely take less pay, work longer hours and suffer extreme circumstances that none-visionaries would quit over.Why is that? Because the “buy in” factor, goes way beyond natural circumstances and into the realms of values. Value in a natural sense is something we put a price on, whereas vision is priceless.
68. Bookmarks: 3 The Pygmalion Effect There is a tale from Ancient Greece of how a prince turned a statue from ivory to life and married her. It is the story of Pygmalion. Remarkably, the principles of this story are relevant to modern techniques of leadership. Read this article to find out how.
69. Bookmarks: 2 The Power Behind Understanding Resistance Do you want to know why your prospects aren’t buying from you? There are three R’s or three things you need to understand if people walk out that door and don’t purchase from you. Most people are wearing a badge that says convince me, help me make a good decision. They need and want help. They want to be confident in making the right choice. That is what a great persuader does.The first R is reason. You didn’t give them a reason to buy. Maybe you didn’t generate eno...
70. Bookmarks: 4 The Difference Between Boss and Leader Every leader is a boss. But every boss is not the leader. This defines the difference between a boss and a leader.
71. Bookmarks: 3 The Desperation Cycle And Failing Motivation Many think motivation is useless because it doesn’t ensure long-lasting results. This thought tendency can be seen in what I call the Desperation Cycle. The Desperation Cycle shows how human nature influences us to take the easiest path instead of the best one. In persuasion, we need to pull people out of the Desperation Cycle and into permanent, long-term motivation. We all know we are creatures of habit. We are like water following the path of least resistance. As creat...
72. Bookmarks: 3 The ABC of Superlative Leadership Learn your alphabet of leadership and take your team to new heights.
73. Bookmarks: 4 Ten Strategies To Help You Be Assertive How confident do you feel about asserting yourself at home, at work or when you are out and about. Do you lack confidence and find it hard to be heard?Here are 10 proven strategies to help you to be assertive and take control of your life without being aggressive.
74. Bookmarks: 6 Ten Relationship Traits And Skills For Good Leadership An important aspect of good leadership is the ability to work and relate with others. There are ten qualities that characterize successful leadership in the area of relating and communicating with other people.
75. Bookmarks: 3 Success on Purpose! We are always living – seems obvious but many people seem to go through most of their life on autopilot. Sure they have hopes and dreams, they have ideas and plans, yet few actually achieve them.
76. Bookmarks: 5 Strategic Leadership - How Leadership Can Grow Your Business Succession planning is very important to the long-term success of any company. Leadership transitions in business affect the entire organization’s continuity, employee retention, client retention and returns on investment.
77. Bookmarks: 3 Some Great Positive Attitude Quotes Abraham Lincoln once met a man who he really didn’t like. The man kept annoying him and Abe couldn’t understand what it was that made him have to act like that all the time. In a famous quote, he said “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” This quote embodies one of the great sentiments about people that we sometimes forget to incorporate into our lives.There are many people in the world who don’t make sense to us and who we wish were different...
78. Bookmarks: 4 Six Important Managerial Skills for Leadership A mark of a good leader is to provide constant motivation to his team to maintain an excellence and quality in results. A good leader is always looking for ways to improve production and standards. Here are six skills you can develop in working to attain quality in the team.
79. Bookmarks: 6 Simple Leadership Basics A great cloud of jargon, debate, and junk theory surrounds the idea of leadership, what it is, who does it, and how to do it well. But if you have just been promoted, and you're responsible for a group for the first time, there are only a few things you really need to know about leadership.When you get promoted and become responsible for the performance of a group you become a leader. But you don't undergo some magical change. In fact, it will probably take you over a yea...
80. Bookmarks: 3 Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader What makes a good leader? What personal qualities are needed for leadership? What characterizes good leadership? Here are seven important qualities a good leader must have.
81. Bookmarks: 1 Self-Improvement Seminar For Good Leaders Of Today What are you? A leader or a follower?We can all become leaders and also followers. Both are important but the leader sets the good example for his/her followers. A good leader has a good follower.If you think you are not a good leader, maybe you should have a self-improvement seminar.Self-improvement seminar for leaders is training them to be good to the followers.There are a variety of self-improvement seminar for you. But leadership training seminar is the b...
82. Bookmarks: 5 Self-improvement at Success University Almost everyone is striving to improve some facet of our lives, whether it is our image, spirituality, financial status ...
83. Bookmarks: 4 Self-Esteem: Being Your Own Cheerleader Many of us believe that the only way to feel good about ourselves is to have someone else constantly reaffirm to us that we are good people. The truth is, however, that the act of simply believing in ourselves can be enough to give us the necessary confidence to accomplish the impossible, achieve greatness, and pick ourselves up when we fall. Far too often we rely on others in our lives to provide us with a best friend’s kindness, a child’s love, or a spouse’s support. If we ...
84. Bookmarks: 5 Secret Success Strategy Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.-Mark TwainFOCUS + FEELING + ACTION = ATTRACTIONWhile I don’t believe in pat formulas for success, I’d like to share some ingredients for attracting more of what we want in life. It goes like this: whatever we FOCUS on, FEEL, and ACT...
85. Bookmarks: 3 Secrets To Motivating Others Arounds You. When one thinks of ways of motivating others the first image that comes to mind is that of a coach gathering his team members together before a big game and giving them a pep talk and getting them all revved up to go out on the field to play their very best. While this initial form of encouragement may work at the onset, usually halfway through the game it has worn off.It is therefore more important to find more permanent ways of motivating others. While it is str...
86. Bookmarks: 2 Psychology Of The Hero Soul “There is the known, and there is the unknown, and in between is the doors.” – Jim Morrison“Break on through to the other side...Where the day destroys the night and night divides the day...Break on through to the other side.” These were the famous haunting words sung by the American poet, rock artist, Jim Morrison of The Doors. With these words, he electrified an entire generation. And with these words, he began his own destruction. Morrison was talking about the g...
87. Bookmarks: 2 Presentation Skills That Persuade And Motivate Almost everyone feels a bit nervous about delivering a presentation before a group. Some people would rather undergo a root canal than experience the anxiety of giving a speech.Follow some basic guidelines for preparation and delivery, and you can transform your nervousness into positive energy that achieves the results you desire.The secrets to successful presentations are simple, based on common sense. Many people, however, fail to employ them.Step One: Purpose...
88. Bookmarks: 4 Premature Articulation Premature Articulation is a common problem. Putting your mouth into action before putting your brain into gear is the cause. The effect of such an problem can have far reaching consequences particularly in the work place.What can you do to ensure that you don't suffer from this affliction?Read on.... practical advice which has been proven to work.
89. Bookmarks: 5 Power Pointers For Story Selling Nothing disarms and invites an audience in more than humor. We are instantly drawn to people we think are funny. We enjoy listening to humorous individuals and hearing what they have to say. Humor grabs attention, creates rapport and makes a message more memorable. It can also relieve tension, enhance relationships and motivate people.If you’ve got an important message to share, humor can give you a huge advantage. The actor John Cleese once said, “If I can get you to lau...
90. Bookmarks: 3 Power of a Dream As an overall population, over 95% of adults have no mastermind team but they have group of so-called friends, who will tell every reason why they should never try to win and to just accept their life.
91. Bookmarks: 2 Personal and Professional Development – What’s the Difference? The bottom line is that we are complete humans, and as such we take our entire work knowledge home, and bring all of our personal knowledge and experience to work. So any form of growth or development will benefit you both personally and professionally.
92. Bookmarks: 2 Peers and Power Are a Potent Mix Have you ever walked into a high school locker room or a martial arts class? The smell that hits you is that of competition and sweat. In meeting rooms in organizations around the world, the dynamics, if not the aroma, are similar, as peers jockey for power in an adult version of sports competition.
93. Bookmarks: 6 Paddles, Portages And Pings On Leadership After 3 long days of a very intensive workshop in Toronto, a group of us decided to go canoeing for a day, up in Barre, Ontario (an hour north of Toronto) on the Nottawasaga River. It was a warm day, the water was warm, and no one else was on this pristine flat-water river winding through a protected swamp. We had idyllic moments out of time, we had mishaps and laughs, and we had the slogs of carrying canoes and gear (called a portage) around logjams in the river more tha...
94. Bookmarks: 2 Pacing And Leading Pacing involves establishing rapport and making persuasive communication easier; leading involves steering your prospect toward your point of view. Pacing and leading will enable you to direct a person's thoughts so they tend to move in your direction.When you pace, you validate your prospects either verbally or nonverbally; that is, you are in agreement or rapport with your prospects. As a result, they feel comfortable and congruent with you. Pacing entails using stateme...
95. Bookmarks: 5 Ontario Sports and Olympic Youth Academy (OOYA) shape our leaders beyond the 2010 Winter Olympics The Ontario Olympic Youth Academy provides a perfect environment for your high school leaders to experience and consider sports management, education or coaching as a career. Witness to this 4-day workshop-format conference in Ottawa Canada proved these teenagers have the leadership and will to make a difference in their schools and their communities, all through the creation of sports and physical activity programs. All provinces should now be actively supporting this youth leadership forum.
96. Bookmarks: 2 Negotiation Hazards What might work wonderfully in one negotiation situation will not always be appropriate in another. The instant someone feels cheated, misled or taken advantage of, your opportunity to negotiate with her/him is over. Negotiation hazards tend to occur when you are taking a particular strategy too far.Many rookie negotiators have a tendency to push the envelope a little too far. Their ambition as beginners is understandable, but it will rarely result in a win–win situation....
97. Bookmarks: 4 Major Obstacles To Selling One of the largest obstacles to selling is that the sales person is not living congruently with their cognitions. I have noticed many attributes that contribute to a successful sales person. I will outline good attributes to have and common areas that will cause you to lose the deal.Powerful closers do all of the following:-Accepts 100% responsibility for their results. They realize the importance of ownership.-High levels of empathy and they really care about their...
98. Bookmarks: 3 Long Term Motivation Can Be Difficult But Why? Motivation is defined as, why people do what they do. Long-term motivation can be difficult when you do not make yourself stick to your goals. Most people make goals, but those who are successful have the discipline and drive to achieve their goals and dreams.Different things motivate people. Some are driven by internal or intrinsic motivation. Others need extrinsic motivation, or outside forces, to help them stay on track. One easy way to help you achieve your goals is t...
99. Bookmarks: 5 Living Profoundly You want to have an impact in this world. You're consumed by thoughts of achievement, goals, worries, success. So how is your impact? Here's a simple look at the simple truth of what is truly important.
100. Bookmarks: 2 Life - a Quest! The article is about thinking of applying what you have learned. We learn a lot in our life but we fail to apply it. This article will give you an aspiration on why applying is equally important

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